OGRE  13.6
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
OgreBullet.h File Reference
#include "OgreBulletExports.h"
#include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h"
#include "Ogre.h"


struct  Ogre::Bullet::CollisionListener
class  Ogre::Bullet::DebugDrawer
class  Ogre::Bullet::DynamicsWorld
 simplified wrapper with automatic memory management More...
struct  Ogre::Bullet::RayResultCallback
class  Ogre::Bullet::RigidBodyState
 A MotionState is Bullet's way of informing you about updates to an object. More...




enum  Ogre::Bullet::ColliderType {
  Ogre::Bullet::CT_BOX , Ogre::Bullet::CT_SPHERE , Ogre::Bullet::CT_CYLINDER , Ogre::Bullet::CT_CAPSULE ,
  Ogre::Bullet::CT_TRIMESH , Ogre::Bullet::CT_HULL


Quaternion Ogre::Bullet::convert (const btQuaternion &q)
Vector3 Ogre::Bullet::convert (const btVector3 &v)
btQuaternion Ogre::Bullet::convert (const Quaternion &q)
btVector3 Ogre::Bullet::convert (const Vector3 &v)
_OgreBulletExport btBoxShape * Ogre::Bullet::createBoxCollider (const MovableObject *mo)
 create box collider using ogre provided data More...
_OgreBulletExport btCapsuleShape * Ogre::Bullet::createCapsuleCollider (const MovableObject *mo)
 create capsule collider using ogre provided data More...
_OgreBulletExport btCylinderShape * Ogre::Bullet::createCylinderCollider (const MovableObject *mo)
 create capsule collider using ogre provided data More...
_OgreBulletExport btSphereShape * Ogre::Bullet::createSphereCollider (const MovableObject *mo)
 create sphere collider using ogre provided data More...