OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::ParticleSystemManager Class Reference

Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories. More...

#include <OgreParticleSystemManager.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::ParticleSystemManager:

Public Types

typedef MapIterator< ParticleAffectorFactoryMapParticleAffectorFactoryIterator
typedef map< String, ParticleAffectorFactory * >::type ParticleAffectorFactoryMap
typedef MapIterator< ParticleEmitterFactoryMapParticleEmitterFactoryIterator
typedef map< String, ParticleEmitterFactory * >::type ParticleEmitterFactoryMap
typedef MapIterator< ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMapParticleRendererFactoryIterator
typedef map< String, ParticleSystemRendererFactory * >::type ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMap
typedef MapIterator< ParticleTemplateMapParticleSystemTemplateIterator
typedef map< String, ParticleSystem * >::type ParticleTemplateMap

Public Member Functions

 ParticleSystemManager ()
 ~ParticleSystemManager () override
ParticleAffector_createAffector (const String &affectorType, ParticleSystem *psys)
 Internal method for creating a new affector from a factory. More...
ParticleEmitter_createEmitter (const String &emitterType, ParticleSystem *psys)
 Internal method for creating a new emitter from a factory. More...
ParticleSystemRenderer_createRenderer (const String &rendererType, SceneManager *sceneManager)
 Internal method for creating a new renderer from a factory. More...
void _destroyAffector (ParticleAffector *affector)
 Internal method for destroying an affector. More...
void _destroyEmitter (ParticleEmitter *emitter)
 Internal method for destroying an emitter. More...
void _destroyRenderer (ParticleSystemRenderer *renderer)
 Internal method for destroying a renderer. More...
ParticleSystemFactory_getFactory ()
 Get an instance of ParticleSystemFactory (internal use). More...
void _initialise ()
 Init method to be called by OGRE system. More...
void addAffectorFactory (ParticleAffectorFactory *factory)
 Adds a new 'factory' object for affectors to the list of available affector types. More...
void addEmitterFactory (ParticleEmitterFactory *factory)
 Adds a new 'factory' object for emitters to the list of available emitter types. More...
void addRendererFactory (ParticleSystemRendererFactory *factory)
 Registers a factory class for creating ParticleSystemRenderer instances. More...
void addTemplate (const String &name, ParticleSystem *sysTemplate)
 Adds a new particle system template to the list of available templates. More...
ParticleSystemcreateTemplate (const String &name, const String &resourceGroup)
 Create a new particle system template. More...
ParticleAffectorFactoryIterator getAffectorFactoryIterator ()
 Return an iterator over the affector factories currently registered. More...
ParticleEmitterFactoryIterator getEmitterFactoryIterator ()
 Return an iterator over the emitter factories currently registered. More...
Real getLoadingOrder () const override
 Gets the relative loading order of scripts of this type. More...
ParticleRendererFactoryIterator getRendererFactoryIterator ()
 Return an iterator over the renderer factories currently registered. More...
const StringVectorgetScriptPatterns () const override
 Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this class. More...
Real getSimulationTickRate () const
 See setSimulationTickRate() More...
ParticleSystemgetTemplate (const String &name)
 Retrieves a particle system template for possible modification. More...
ParticleSystemTemplateIterator getTemplateIterator ()
 Gets an iterator over the list of particle system templates. More...
void parseScript (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName) override
 Parse a script file. More...
void removeAllTemplates (bool deleteTemplate=true)
 Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager. More...
void removeTemplate (const String &name, bool deleteTemplate=true)
 Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager. More...
void removeTemplatesByResourceGroup (const String &resourceGroup)
 Removes all templates that belong to a secific Resource Group from the ParticleSystemManager. More...
void setSimulationTickRate (Real tickRate)
 Sets the simulation tick rate. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< ParticleSystemManager >
 Singleton ()
 ~Singleton ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::ScriptLoader
virtual ~ScriptLoader ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ParticleSystemManagergetSingleton ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
static ParticleSystemManagergetSingletonPtr ()
 Override standard Singleton retrieval. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< ParticleSystemManager >
static ParticleSystemManagergetSingleton ()
static ParticleSystemManagergetSingletonPtr ()

Detailed Description

Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories.

This singleton class is responsible for creating and managing particle systems. All particle systems must be created and destroyed using this object, although the user interface to creating them is via SceneManager. Remember that like all other MovableObject subclasses, ParticleSystems do not get rendered until they are attached to a SceneNode object.
This class also manages factories for ParticleEmitter and ParticleAffector classes. To enable easy extensions to the types of emitters (particle sources) and affectors (particle modifiers), the ParticleSystemManager lets plugins or applications register factory classes which submit new subclasses to ParticleEmitter and ParticleAffector. Ogre comes with a number of them already provided, such as cone, sphere and box-shaped emitters, and simple affectors such as constant directional force and colour faders. However using this registration process, a plugin can create any behaviour required.
This class also manages the loading and parsing of particle system scripts, which are text files describing named particle system templates. Instances of particle systems using these templates can then be created easily through the createParticleSystem method.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ParticleAffectorFactoryIterator

◆ ParticleAffectorFactoryMap

◆ ParticleEmitterFactoryIterator

◆ ParticleEmitterFactoryMap

◆ ParticleRendererFactoryIterator

◆ ParticleSystemRendererFactoryMap

◆ ParticleSystemTemplateIterator

◆ ParticleTemplateMap

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ParticleSystemManager()

Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::ParticleSystemManager ( )

◆ ~ParticleSystemManager()

Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::~ParticleSystemManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _createAffector()

ParticleAffector* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_createAffector ( const String affectorType,
ParticleSystem psys 

Internal method for creating a new affector from a factory.

Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleAffector instances from named factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::addAffector method instead, which calls this method to create an instance.
affectorTypeString name of the affector type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.
psysThe particle system it is being created for

◆ _createEmitter()

ParticleEmitter* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_createEmitter ( const String emitterType,
ParticleSystem psys 

Internal method for creating a new emitter from a factory.

Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleEmitter instances from named factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::addEmitter method instead, which calls this method to create an instance.
emitterTypeString name of the emitter type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.
psysThe particle system this is being created for

◆ _createRenderer()

ParticleSystemRenderer* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_createRenderer ( const String rendererType,
SceneManager sceneManager 

Internal method for creating a new renderer from a factory.

Used internally by the engine to create new ParticleSystemRenderer instances from named factories. Applications should use the ParticleSystem::setRenderer method instead, which calls this method to create an instance.
rendererTypeString name of the renderer type to be created. A factory of this type must have been registered.

◆ _destroyAffector()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_destroyAffector ( ParticleAffector affector)

Internal method for destroying an affector.

Because affectors are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps, the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
affectorPointer to affector to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.

◆ _destroyEmitter()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_destroyEmitter ( ParticleEmitter emitter)

Internal method for destroying an emitter.

Because emitters are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps, the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
emitterPointer to emitter to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.

◆ _destroyRenderer()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_destroyRenderer ( ParticleSystemRenderer renderer)

Internal method for destroying a renderer.

Because renderer are created by factories which may allocate memory from separate heaps, the memory allocated must be freed from the same place. This method is used to ask the factory to destroy the instance passed in as a pointer.
rendererPointer to renderer to be destroyed. On return this pointer will point to invalid (freed) memory.

◆ _getFactory()

ParticleSystemFactory* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_getFactory ( )

Get an instance of ParticleSystemFactory (internal use).

◆ _initialise()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::_initialise ( )

Init method to be called by OGRE system.

Due to dependencies between various objects certain initialisation tasks cannot be done on construction. OGRE will call this method when the rendering subsystem is initialised.

◆ addAffectorFactory()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::addAffectorFactory ( ParticleAffectorFactory factory)

Adds a new 'factory' object for affectors to the list of available affector types.

This method allows plugins etc to add new particle affector types to Ogre. Particle affectors modify the particles in a system a certain way such as affecting their direction or changing their colour, lifespan etc. Plugins would create new subclasses of ParticleAffector which affect particles a certain way, and register a subclass of ParticleAffectorFactory to create them.
All particle affector factories have an assigned name which is used to identify the affector type. This must be unique.
Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager, since it may have been allocated on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
factoryPointer to a ParticleAffectorFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.

◆ addEmitterFactory()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::addEmitterFactory ( ParticleEmitterFactory factory)

Adds a new 'factory' object for emitters to the list of available emitter types.

This method allows plugins etc to add new particle emitter types to Ogre. Particle emitters are sources of particles, and generate new particles with their start positions, colours and momentums appropriately. Plugins would create new subclasses of ParticleEmitter which emit particles a certain way, and register a subclass of ParticleEmitterFactory to create them (since multiple emitters can be created for different particle systems).
All particle emitter factories have an assigned name which is used to identify the emitter type. This must be unique.
Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager, since it may have been allocated on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
factoryPointer to a ParticleEmitterFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.

◆ addRendererFactory()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::addRendererFactory ( ParticleSystemRendererFactory factory)

Registers a factory class for creating ParticleSystemRenderer instances.

Note that the object passed to this function will not be destroyed by the ParticleSystemManager, since it may have been allocated on a different heap in the case of plugins. The caller must destroy the object later on, probably on plugin shutdown.
factoryPointer to a ParticleSystemRendererFactory subclass created by the plugin or application code.

◆ addTemplate()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::addTemplate ( const String name,
ParticleSystem sysTemplate 

Adds a new particle system template to the list of available templates.

Instances of particle systems in a scene are not normally unique - often you want to place the same effect in many places. This method allows you to register a ParticleSystem as a named template, which can subsequently be used to create instances using the createSystem method.
Note that particle system templates can either be created programmatically by an application and registered using this method, or they can be defined in a script file (*.particle) which is loaded by the engine at startup, very much like Material scripts.
nameThe name of the template. Must be unique across all templates.
sysTemplateA pointer to a particle system to be used as a template. The manager will take over ownership of this pointer.

◆ createTemplate()

ParticleSystem* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::createTemplate ( const String name,
const String resourceGroup 

Create a new particle system template.

This method is similar to the addTemplate method, except this just creates a new template and returns a pointer to it to be populated. Use this when you don't already have a system to add as a template and just want to create a new template which you will build up in-place.
nameThe name of the template. Must be unique across all templates.
resourceGroupThe name of the resource group which will be used to load any dependent resources.

◆ getAffectorFactoryIterator()

ParticleAffectorFactoryIterator Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getAffectorFactoryIterator ( )

Return an iterator over the affector factories currently registered.

◆ getEmitterFactoryIterator()

ParticleEmitterFactoryIterator Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getEmitterFactoryIterator ( )

Return an iterator over the emitter factories currently registered.

◆ getLoadingOrder()

Real Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getLoadingOrder ( ) const

Gets the relative loading order of scripts of this type.

There are dependencies between some kinds of scripts, and to enforce this all implementors of this interface must define a loading order.
A value representing the relative loading order of these scripts compared to other script users, where higher values load later.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

◆ getRendererFactoryIterator()

ParticleRendererFactoryIterator Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getRendererFactoryIterator ( )

Return an iterator over the renderer factories currently registered.

◆ getScriptPatterns()

const StringVector& Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getScriptPatterns ( ) const

Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this class.

This method is called when a resource group is loaded if you use ResourceGroupManager::_registerScriptLoader.
A list of file patterns, in the order they should be searched in.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

◆ getSimulationTickRate()

Real Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getSimulationTickRate ( ) const

◆ getSingleton()

static ParticleSystemManager& Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getSingleton ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

◆ getSingletonPtr()

static ParticleSystemManager* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getSingletonPtr ( )

Override standard Singleton retrieval.

Why do we do this? Well, it's because the Singleton implementation is in a .h file, which means it gets compiled into anybody who includes it. This is needed for the Singleton template to work, but we actually only want it compiled into the implementation of the class based on the Singleton, not all of them. If we don't change this, we get link errors when trying to use the Singleton-based class from an outside dll.
This method just delegates to the template version anyway, but the implementation stays in this single compilation unit, preventing link errors.

◆ getTemplate()

ParticleSystem* Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getTemplate ( const String name)

Retrieves a particle system template for possible modification.

Modifying a template does not affect the settings on any ParticleSystems already created from this template.

◆ getTemplateIterator()

ParticleSystemTemplateIterator Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::getTemplateIterator ( )

Gets an iterator over the list of particle system templates.

◆ parseScript()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::parseScript ( DataStreamPtr stream,
const String groupName 

Parse a script file.

streamWeak reference to a data stream which is the source of the script
groupNameThe name of a resource group which should be used if any resources are created during the parse of this script.

Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader.

◆ removeAllTemplates()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::removeAllTemplates ( bool  deleteTemplate = true)

Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager.

This method removes all templates from the ParticleSystemManager.
deleteTemplateWhether or not to delete the templates before removing them.

◆ removeTemplate()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::removeTemplate ( const String name,
bool  deleteTemplate = true 

Removes a specified template from the ParticleSystemManager.

This method removes a given template from the particle system manager, optionally deleting the template if the deleteTemplate method is called. Throws an exception if the template could not be found.
nameThe name of the template to remove.
deleteTemplateWhether or not to delete the template before removing it.

◆ removeTemplatesByResourceGroup()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::removeTemplatesByResourceGroup ( const String resourceGroup)

Removes all templates that belong to a secific Resource Group from the ParticleSystemManager.

This method removes all templates that belong in a particular resource group from the ParticleSystemManager.
resourceGroupResource group to delete templates for

◆ setSimulationTickRate()

void Ogre::ParticleSystemManager::setSimulationTickRate ( Real  tickRate)

Sets the simulation tick rate.

Toggling tickRate from variable to fixed will not affect existing particles, only new ones.

However for particle FXs which were created as fixed tick rate, changes take effect immediately.

tickRateA value <= 0 means we will use variable rate. That means that if a second has elapsed between two frames, then we will issue a single update() call with 1 second to the particle FXs.

A value > 0 means we will use fixed tick rate / time step. That means that if a second has elapsed between two frames and the value is 0.1f, then we will issue 10 updates of 10ms each to simulate the particle FXs.

Fixed tick rate is much more stable but may consume more resources. It also allows for deterministic simulations, which is impossible with variable rate.

The default value is 0 A sensible value is 1.0 / 60.0 (for 60hz updates)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: