OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::BillboardChain Class Reference

Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards. More...

#include <OgreBillboardChain.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::BillboardChain:


class  Element
 Contains the data of an element of the BillboardChain. More...

Public Types

typedef vector< Element >::type ElementList
enum  TexCoordDirection { TCD_U , TCD_V }
 The direction in which texture coordinates from elements of the chain are used. More...
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
typedef FastArray< MovableObject * > MovableObjectArray
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Renderable
typedef map< size_t, Vector4 >::type CustomParameterMap

Public Member Functions

 BillboardChain (IdType id, ObjectMemoryManager *objectMemoryManager, SceneManager *manager, size_t maxElements=20, size_t numberOfChains=1, bool useTextureCoords=true, bool useColours=true, bool dynamic=true)
 Constructor (don't use directly, use factory) More...
 ~BillboardChain () override
 Destructor. More...
void _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *, Camera *camera, const Camera *lodCamera) override
 Internal method by which the movable object must add Renderable subclass instances to the rendering queue. More...
virtual void addChainElement (size_t chainIndex, const Element &billboardChainElement)
 Add an element to the 'head' of a chain. More...
virtual void clearAllChains ()
 Remove all elements from all chains (but leave the chains themselves intact). More...
virtual void clearChain (size_t chainIndex)
 Remove all elements of a given chain (but leave the chain intact). More...
const AxisAlignedBoxgetBoundingBox () const
virtual const ElementgetChainElement (size_t chainIndex, size_t elementIndex) const
 Get the detail of a chain element. More...
virtual bool getDynamic () const
 Gets whether or not the buffers created for this object are suitable for dynamic alteration. More...
const LightListgetLights () const override
 Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable. More...
virtual size_t getMaxChainElements () const
 Get the maximum number of chain elements per chain. More...
const StringgetMovableType () const override
 Returns the type name of this object. More...
virtual size_t getNumberOfChains () const
 Get the number of chain segments (this class can render multiple chains at once using the same material). More...
virtual size_t getNumChainElements (size_t chainIndex) const
 Returns the number of chain elements. More...
virtual const RealgetOtherTextureCoordRange () const
 Get the range of the texture coordinates generated across the width of the chain elements. More...
void getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &, bool casterPass) override
 Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer. More...
Real getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
virtual TexCoordDirection getTextureCoordDirection ()
 Gets the direction in which texture coords specified on each element are deemed to run. More...
virtual bool getUseTextureCoords () const
 Gets whether texture coordinate information should be included in the final buffers generated. More...
virtual bool getUseVertexColours () const
 Gets whether vertex colour information should be included in the final buffers generated. More...
void getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *) const override
 Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
virtual bool preRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys) override
 Called just prior to the Renderable being rendered. More...
virtual void removeChainElement (size_t chainIndex)
 Remove an element from the 'tail' of a chain. More...
virtual void setDynamic (bool dyn)
 Sets whether or not the buffers created for this object are suitable for dynamic alteration. More...
void setFaceCamera (bool faceCamera, const Vector3 &normalVector=Vector3::UNIT_X)
 Sets whether the billboard should always be facing the camera or a custom direction set by each point element. More...
virtual void setMaxChainElements (size_t maxElements)
 Set the maximum number of chain elements per chain. More...
virtual void setNumberOfChains (size_t numChains)
 Set the number of chain segments (this class can render multiple chains at once using the same material). More...
virtual void setOtherTextureCoordRange (Real start, Real end)
 Set the range of the texture coordinates generated across the width of the chain elements. More...
virtual void setTextureCoordDirection (TexCoordDirection dir)
 Sets the direction in which texture coords specified on each element are deemed to run along the length of the chain. More...
virtual void setUseTextureCoords (bool use)
 Sets whether texture coordinate information should be included in the final buffers generated. More...
virtual void setUseVertexColours (bool use)
 Sets whether vertex colour information should be included in the final buffers generated. More...
virtual void updateChainElement (size_t chainIndex, size_t elementIndex, const Element &billboardChainElement)
 Update the details of an existing chain element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
 MovableObject (IdType id, ObjectMemoryManager *objectMemoryManager, SceneManager *manager, uint8 renderQueueId)
 Constructor. More...
 MovableObject (ObjectData *objectDataPtrs)
 Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing. More...
virtual ~MovableObject ()
 Virtual destructor - read Scott Meyers if you don't know why this is needed. More...
LightList_getLightList ()
 Returns a pointer to the current list of lights for this object. More...
SceneManager_getManager () const
 Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only) More...
ObjectData_getObjectData ()
 Returns a direct access to the ObjectData state. More...
const Matrix4_getParentNodeFullTransform () const
 Returns the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node. More...
virtual void _notifyAttached (Node *parent)
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node. More...
void _notifyManager (SceneManager *man)
 Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only) More...
virtual void _notifyParentNodeMemoryChanged ()
virtual void _notifyStaticDirty () const
 Called by SceneManager when it is telling we're a static MovableObject being dirty Don't call this directly. More...
virtual void _releaseManualHardwareResources ()
 Notifies the movable object that hardware resources were lost. More...
virtual void _restoreManualHardwareResources ()
 Notifies the movable object that hardware resources should be restored. More...
void addQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
void addVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
void detachFromParent ()
 Detaches an object from a parent SceneNode if attached. More...
RealAsUint getCachedDistanceToCamera () const
 Returns the distance to camera as calculated in cullFrustum() More...
Real getCachedDistanceToCameraAsReal () const
 Returns the distance to camera as calculated in cullFrustum() More...
bool getCastShadows () const
 Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object. More...
unsigned char getCurrentMeshLod () const
uint32 getLightMask () const
 Get a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
ListenergetListener () const
 Gets the current listener for this object. More...
Aabb getLocalAabb () const
 Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
float getLocalRadius () const
 See getLocalAabb and getWorldRadius. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Returns the name of this object. More...
NodegetParentNode () const
 Returns the node to which this object is attached. More...
SceneNodegetParentSceneNode () const
uint32 getQueryFlags () const
 Returns the query flags relevant for this object. More...
Real getRenderingDistance () const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered. More...
Real getRenderingMinPixelSize () const
 Returns the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
uint8 getRenderQueueGroup () const
 Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details. More...
Real getShadowRenderingDistance () const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer casting shadows. More...
SkeletonInstancegetSkeletonInstance () const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
uint32 getVisibilityFlags () const
 Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object. More...
bool getVisible () const
 Gets this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
Aabb getWorldAabb () const
 Gets the axis aligned box in world space. More...
Aabb getWorldAabbUpdated ()
 Gets the axis aligned box in world space. More...
float getWorldRadius () const
 Gets the bounding Radius scaled by max( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z ). More...
float getWorldRadiusUpdated ()
 Gets the bounding Radius scaled by max( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z ). More...
virtual void instanceBatchCullFrustumThreaded (const Frustum *frustum, const Camera *lodCamera, uint32 combinedVisibilityFlags)
bool isAttached () const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a Node. More...
bool isStatic () const
 Checks whether this MovableObject is static. More...
bool isVisible () const
 Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not. More...
const LightListqueryLights () const
 Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this movable object. More...
void removeQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
void removeVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
void setCastShadows (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows. More...
void setLightMask (uint32 lightMask)
 Set a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
void setListener (Listener *listener)
 Sets a listener for this object. More...
void setLocalAabb (const Aabb box)
 Sets the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 Sets a custom name for this node. More...
void setQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the query flags for this object. More...
void setRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered. More...
void setRenderingMinPixelSize (Real pixelSize)
 Sets the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
virtual void setRenderQueueGroup (uint8 queueID)
 Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through. More...
void setShadowRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer casting shadows. More...
bool setStatic (bool bStatic)
 Turns this Node into static or dynamic. More...
void setVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the visibility flags for this object. More...
void setVisible (bool visible)
 Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::AnimableObject
 AnimableObject ()
virtual ~AnimableObject ()
virtual AnimableValuePtr createAnimableValue (const String &valueName)
 Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value. More...
const StringVectorgetAnimableValueNames () const
 Gets a list of animable value names for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::IdObject
 IdObject (IdType id)
 We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e. More...
IdType getId () const
 Get the unique id of this object. More...
bool operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right)
bool operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Renderable
 Renderable ()
virtual ~Renderable ()
 Virtual destructor needed as class has virtual methods. More...
virtual void _setHlmsHashes (uint32 hash, uint32 casterHash)
 Manually sets the hlms hashes. Don't call this directly. More...
virtual void _setNullDatablock ()
 Sets the datablock to a null pointer. More...
virtual void _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters_AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const
 Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows. More...
void addPoseWeight (size_t index, float w)
virtual bool getCastsShadows () const
 Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow. More...
uint8 getCurrentMaterialLod () const
const Vector4getCustomParameter (size_t index) const
 Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
const CustomParameterMapgetCustomParameters () const
HlmsDatablockgetDatablock () const
const StringgetDatablockOrMaterialName () const
uint32 getHlmsCasterHash () const
uint32 getHlmsHash () const
MaterialPtr getMaterial () const
 Retrieves the material this renderable object uses. More...
unsigned short getNumPoses () const
virtual unsigned short getNumWorldTransforms () const
 Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires. More...
virtual bool getPolygonModeOverrideable () const
 Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
bool getPoseHalfPrecision () const
bool getPoseNormals () const
TexBufferPackedgetPoseTexBuffer () const
float getPoseWeight (size_t index) const
float * getPoseWeights () const
uint8 getRenderQueueSubGroup () const
bool getUseIdentityProjection () const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
bool getUseIdentityView () const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
virtual bool getUseIdentityViewProjMatrixIsDynamic () const
 Returns whether the Hlms implementation should evaluate getUseIdentityProjection per object at runtime, or if it can assume the Renderable will remain with the same setting until the datablock is flushed (performance optimization) More...
virtual bool getUseIdentityWorldMatrix () const
 Returns whether the world matrix is an identity matrix. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED const AnygetUserAny () const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const VertexArrayObjectArraygetVaos (VertexPass vertexPass) const
bool hasCustomParameter (size_t index) const
 Checks whether a custom value is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
bool hasSkeletonAnimation () const
virtual void postRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys)
 Called immediately after the Renderable has been rendered. More...
void removeCustomParameter (size_t index)
 Removes a custom value which is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
void setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4 &value)
 Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters. More...
virtual void setDatablock (HlmsDatablock *datablock)
 Assigns a datablock (i.e. HLMS Material) to this renderable. More...
void setDatablock (IdString datablockName)
 Assigns a datablock (i.e. More...
void setDatablockOrMaterialName (String materialName, String groupName)
 First tries to see if an HLMS datablock exist with the given name, if not, tries to search among low level materials. More...
virtual void setMaterial (const MaterialPtr &material)
 Sets the given material. Overrides HLMS materials. More...
void setMaterialName (const String &name, const String &groupName)
 Sets the name of the Material to be used. Prefer using HLMS. More...
virtual void setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override)
 Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
void setPoseWeight (size_t index, float w)
void setRenderQueueSubGroup (uint8 subGroup)
 Sets the render queue sub group. More...
void setUseIdentityProjection (bool useIdentityProjection)
 Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
void setUseIdentityView (bool useIdentityView)
 Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED void setUserAny (const Any &anything)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
static void buildLightList (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, const LightListInfo &globalLightList)
static void calculateCastersBox (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, uint32 sceneVisibilityFlags, AxisAlignedBox *outBox)
static void cullFrustum (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, const Camera *frustum, uint32 sceneVisibilityFlags, MovableObjectArray &outCulledObjects, const Camera *lodCamera)
static void cullLights (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, uint32 sceneLightMask, LightListInfo &outGlobalLightList, const FrustumVec &frustums, const FrustumVec &cubemapFrustums)
 See SceneManager::cullLights & see MovableObject::cullFrustum. More...
static uint32 getDefaultLightMask ()
 Get the default light mask for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static uint32 getDefaultQueryFlags ()
 Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static uint32 getDefaultVisibilityFlags ()
 Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultLightMask (uint32 mask)
 Set the default light mask for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void updateAllBounds (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Renderable
static uint8 getDefaultRenderQueueSubGroup ()
static void setDefaultRenderQueueSubGroup (uint8 subGroup)
 Sets the default render queue sub group for all future Renderable instances. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
size_t mGlobalIndex
 Index in the vector holding this MO reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all movable objecst to avoid memory leaks). More...
size_t mParentIndex
 Index in the vector holding this MO reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all movable objecst to avoid memory leaks). More...
RenderableArray mRenderables
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::Renderable
uint8 mCustomParameter
uint32 mHlmsGlobalIndex
 Index in the vector holding this Rendrable reference in the HLMS datablock. More...
bool mRenderableVisible
 Control visibility at Renderable (e.g. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
static const FastArray< Realc_DefaultLodMesh

Detailed Description

Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards.

A billboard chain operates much like a traditional billboard, i.e. its segments always face the camera; the difference being that instead of a set of disconnected quads, the elements in this class are connected together in a chain which must always stay in a continuous strip. This kind of effect is useful for creating effects such as trails, beams, lightning effects, etc.
A single instance of this class can actually render multiple separate chain segments in a single render operation, provided they all use the same material. To clarify the terminology: a 'segment' is a separate sub-part of the chain with its own start and end (called the 'head' and the 'tail'). An 'element' is a single position / colour / texcoord entry in a segment. You can add items to the head of a chain, and remove them from the tail, very efficiently. Each segment has a max size, and if adding an element to the segment would exceed this size, the tail element is automatically removed and re-used as the new item on the head.
This class has no auto-updating features to do things like alter the colour of the elements or to automatically add / remove elements over time - you have to do all this yourself as a user of the class. Subclasses can however be used to provide this kind of behaviour automatically.
See also

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ElementList

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ TexCoordDirection

The direction in which texture coordinates from elements of the chain are used.


Tex coord in elements is treated as the 'u' texture coordinate.


Tex coord in elements is treated as the 'v' texture coordinate.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BillboardChain()

Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::BillboardChain ( IdType  id,
ObjectMemoryManager objectMemoryManager,
SceneManager manager,
size_t  maxElements = 20,
size_t  numberOfChains = 1,
bool  useTextureCoords = true,
bool  useColours = true,
bool  dynamic = true 

Constructor (don't use directly, use factory)

nameThe name to give this object
maxElementsThe maximum number of elements per chain
numberOfChainsThe number of separate chain segments contained in this object
useTextureCoordsIf true, use texture coordinates from the chain elements
useColoursIf true, use vertex colours from the chain elements
dynamicIf true, buffers are created with the intention of being updated

◆ ~BillboardChain()

Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::~BillboardChain ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ _updateRenderQueue()

void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue,
Camera camera,
const Camera lodCamera 

Internal method by which the movable object must add Renderable subclass instances to the rendering queue.

The engine will call this method when this object is to be rendered. The object must then create one or more Renderable subclass instances which it places on the passed in Queue for rendering.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ addChainElement()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::addChainElement ( size_t  chainIndex,
const Element billboardChainElement 

Add an element to the 'head' of a chain.

If this causes the number of elements to exceed the maximum elements per chain, the last element in the chain (the 'tail') will be removed to allow the additional element to be added.
chainIndexThe index of the chain
billboardChainElementThe details to add

◆ clearAllChains()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::clearAllChains ( )

Remove all elements from all chains (but leave the chains themselves intact).

◆ clearChain()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::clearChain ( size_t  chainIndex)

Remove all elements of a given chain (but leave the chain intact).

Reimplemented in Ogre::v1::RibbonTrail.

◆ getBoundingBox()

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getBoundingBox ( ) const

◆ getChainElement()

virtual const Element& Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getChainElement ( size_t  chainIndex,
size_t  elementIndex 
) const

Get the detail of a chain element.

chainIndexThe index of the chain
elementIndexThe element index within the chain, measured from the 'head' of the chain

◆ getDynamic()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getDynamic ( ) const

Gets whether or not the buffers created for this object are suitable for dynamic alteration.

◆ getLights()

const LightList& Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getLights ( ) const

Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable.

Directional lights, which have no position, will always be first on this list.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getMaxChainElements()

virtual size_t Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getMaxChainElements ( ) const

Get the maximum number of chain elements per chain.

◆ getMovableType()

const String& Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getMovableType ( ) const

Returns the type name of this object.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Reimplemented in Ogre::v1::RibbonTrail.

◆ getNumberOfChains()

virtual size_t Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getNumberOfChains ( ) const

Get the number of chain segments (this class can render multiple chains at once using the same material).

◆ getNumChainElements()

virtual size_t Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getNumChainElements ( size_t  chainIndex) const

Returns the number of chain elements.

◆ getOtherTextureCoordRange()

virtual const Real* Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getOtherTextureCoordRange ( ) const

Get the range of the texture coordinates generated across the width of the chain elements.

◆ getRenderOperation()

void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getRenderOperation ( RenderOperation op,
bool  casterPass 

Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getSquaredViewDepth()

Real Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getSquaredViewDepth ( const Camera cam) const

◆ getTextureCoordDirection()

virtual TexCoordDirection Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getTextureCoordDirection ( )

Gets the direction in which texture coords specified on each element are deemed to run.

◆ getUseTextureCoords()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getUseTextureCoords ( ) const

Gets whether texture coordinate information should be included in the final buffers generated.

◆ getUseVertexColours()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getUseVertexColours ( ) const

Gets whether vertex colour information should be included in the final buffers generated.

◆ getWorldTransforms()

void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::getWorldTransforms ( Matrix4 xform) const

Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object.

If the object has any derived transforms, these are expected to be up to date as long as all the SceneNode structures have been updated before this is called.
This method will populate transform with 1 matrix if it does not use vertex blending. If it does use vertex blending it will fill the passed in pointer with an array of matrices, the length being the value returned from getNumWorldTransforms.
Internal Ogre never supports non-affine matrix for world transform matrix/matrices, the behavior is undefined if returns non-affine matrix here.
See also

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ preRender()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::preRender ( SceneManager sm,
RenderSystem rsys 

Called just prior to the Renderable being rendered.

OGRE is a queued renderer, so the actual render commands are executed at a later time than the point at which an object is discovered to be visible. This allows ordering & grouping of renders without the discovery process having to be aware of it. It also means OGRE uses declarative render information rather than immediate mode rendering - this is very useful in that certain effects and processes can automatically be applied to a wide range of scenes, but the downside is that special cases are more difficult to handle, because there is not the declared state to cope with it.
This method allows a Renderable to do something special at the actual point of rendering if it wishes to. When this method is called, all the material render state as declared by this Renderable has already been set, all that is left to do is to bind the buffers and perform the render. The Renderable may modify render state itself if it wants to (and restore it in the postRender call) before the automated render happens, or by returning 'false' from this method can actually suppress the automatic render and perform one of its own.
true if the automatic render should proceed, false to skip it on the assumption that the Renderable has done it manually.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Renderable.

◆ removeChainElement()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::removeChainElement ( size_t  chainIndex)

Remove an element from the 'tail' of a chain.

chainIndexThe index of the chain

◆ setDynamic()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setDynamic ( bool  dyn)

Sets whether or not the buffers created for this object are suitable for dynamic alteration.

◆ setFaceCamera()

void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setFaceCamera ( bool  faceCamera,
const Vector3 normalVector = Vector3::UNIT_X 

Sets whether the billboard should always be facing the camera or a custom direction set by each point element.

Billboards facing the camera are useful for smoke trails, light beams, etc by simulating a cylinder. However, because of this property, wide trails can cause several artefacts unless the head is properly covered. Therefore, non-camera-facing billboards are much more convenient for leaving big trails of movement from thin objects, for example a sword swing as seen in many fighting games.
faceCameraTrue to be always facing the camera (Default value: True)
normalVectorOnly used when faceCamera == false. Must be a non-zero vector. This vector is the "point of reference" for each point orientation. For example, if normalVector is Vector3::UNIT_Z, and the point's orientation is an identity matrix, the segment corresponding to that point will be facing towards UNIT_Z This vector is internally normalized.

◆ setMaxChainElements()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setMaxChainElements ( size_t  maxElements)

Set the maximum number of chain elements per chain.

Reimplemented in Ogre::v1::RibbonTrail.

◆ setNumberOfChains()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setNumberOfChains ( size_t  numChains)

Set the number of chain segments (this class can render multiple chains at once using the same material).

Reimplemented in Ogre::v1::RibbonTrail.

◆ setOtherTextureCoordRange()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setOtherTextureCoordRange ( Real  start,
Real  end 

Set the range of the texture coordinates generated across the width of the chain elements.

startStart coordinate, default 0.0
endEnd coordinate, default 1.0

◆ setTextureCoordDirection()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setTextureCoordDirection ( TexCoordDirection  dir)

Sets the direction in which texture coords specified on each element are deemed to run along the length of the chain.

dirThe direction, default is TCD_U.

◆ setUseTextureCoords()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setUseTextureCoords ( bool  use)

Sets whether texture coordinate information should be included in the final buffers generated.

You must use either texture coordinates or vertex colour since the vertices have no normals and without one of these there is no source of colour for the vertices.

◆ setUseVertexColours()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::setUseVertexColours ( bool  use)

Sets whether vertex colour information should be included in the final buffers generated.

You must use either texture coordinates or vertex colour since the vertices have no normals and without one of these there is no source of colour for the vertices.

◆ updateChainElement()

virtual void Ogre::v1::BillboardChain::updateChainElement ( size_t  chainIndex,
size_t  elementIndex,
const Element billboardChainElement 

Update the details of an existing chain element.

chainIndexThe index of the chain
elementIndexThe element index within the chain, measured from the 'head' of the chain
billboardChainElementThe details to set

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