OGRE  1.12.13
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::PatchMesh Class Reference

Patch specialisation of Mesh. More...

#include <OgrePatchMesh.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::PatchMesh:

Public Member Functions

 PatchMesh (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group)
 Constructor. More...
void define (void *controlPointBuffer, VertexDeclaration *declaration, size_t width, size_t height, size_t uMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, size_t vMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, PatchSurface::VisibleSide visibleSide=PatchSurface::VS_FRONT, HardwareBuffer::Usage vbUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage ibUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vbUseShadow=false, bool ibUseShadow=false)
 Define the patch, as defined in MeshManager::createBezierPatch. More...
void setSubdivision (Real factor)
void update (void *controlPointBuffer, size_t width, size_t height, size_t uMaxSubdivisionLevel, size_t vMaxSubdivisionLevel, PatchSurface::VisibleSide visibleSide)
 Update the mesh with new control points positions. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Mesh
 Mesh (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Default constructor - used by MeshManager. More...
 ~Mesh ()
void _calcBoundsFromVertexBuffer (VertexData *vertexData, AxisAlignedBox &outAABB, Real &outRadius, bool updateOnly=false)
 Calculates. More...
void _compileBoneAssignments (void)
 Internal method, be called once to compile bone assignments into geometry buffer. More...
void _computeBoneBoundingRadius ()
 Compute the bone bounding radius by looking at the vertices, vertex-bone-assignments, and skeleton bind pose. More...
void _determineAnimationTypes (void) const
 Internal method which, if animation types have not been determined, scans any vertex animations and determines the type for each set of vertex data (cannot have 2 different types). More...
virtual Animation_getAnimationImpl (const String &name) const
 Internal access to the named vertex Animation object - returns null if it does not exist. More...
bool _getAnimationTypesDirty (void) const
 Are the derived animation types out of date? More...
ushort _getSubMeshIndex (const String &name) const
 Gets the index of a submesh with a given name. More...
void _initAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet)
 Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this mesh. More...
bool _isManualLodLevel (unsigned short level) const
 Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. More...
void _notifySkeleton (SkeletonPtr &pSkel)
 Internal notification, used to tell the Mesh which Skeleton to use without loading it. More...
unsigned short _rationaliseBoneAssignments (size_t vertexCount, VertexBoneAssignmentList &assignments)
 Rationalises the passed in bone assignment list. More...
void _refreshAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet)
 Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this mesh. More...
void _setBoneBoundingRadius (Real radius)
 Manually set the bone bounding radius. More...
void _setBoundingSphereRadius (Real radius)
 Manually set the bounding radius. More...
void _setBounds (const AxisAlignedBox &bounds, bool pad=true)
 Manually set the bounding box for this Mesh. More...
void _setLodInfo (unsigned short numLevels)
 Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. More...
void _setLodUsage (unsigned short level, const MeshLodUsage &usage)
 Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. More...
void _setSubMeshLodFaceList (unsigned short subIdx, unsigned short level, IndexData *facedata)
 Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. More...
void _updateBoundsFromVertexBuffers (bool pad=false)
 Automatically update the bounding radius and bounding box for this Mesh. More...
void _updateCompiledBoneAssignments (void)
 Internal method, be called once to update the compiled bone assignments. More...
void addBoneAssignment (const VertexBoneAssignment &vertBoneAssign)
 Assigns a vertex to a bone with a given weight, for skeletal animation. More...
void buildEdgeList (void)
 Builds an edge list for this mesh, which can be used for generating a shadow volume among other things. More...
void buildTangentVectors (VertexElementSemantic targetSemantic=VES_TANGENT, unsigned short sourceTexCoordSet=0, unsigned short index=0, bool splitMirrored=false, bool splitRotated=false, bool storeParityInW=false)
 This method builds a set of tangent vectors for a given mesh into a 3D texture coordinate buffer. More...
void clearBoneAssignments (void)
 Removes all bone assignments for this mesh. More...
MeshPtr clone (const String &newName, const String &newGroup=BLANKSTRING)
 Makes a copy of this mesh object and gives it a new name. More...
virtual AnimationcreateAnimation (const String &name, Real length)
 Creates a new Animation object for vertex animating this mesh. More...
PosecreatePose (ushort target, const String &name=BLANKSTRING)
 Create a new Pose for this mesh or one of its submeshes. More...
SubMeshcreateSubMesh (const String &name)
 Creates a new SubMesh and gives it a name. More...
SubMeshcreateSubMesh (void)
 Creates a new SubMesh. More...
void destroySubMesh (const String &name)
 Destroy a SubMesh with the given name. More...
void destroySubMesh (unsigned short index)
 Destroy a SubMesh with the given index. More...
void freeEdgeList (void)
 Destroys and frees the edge lists this mesh has built. More...
virtual AnimationgetAnimation (const String &name) const
 Returns the named vertex Animation object. More...
virtual AnimationgetAnimation (unsigned short index) const
 Gets a single morph animation by index. More...
bool getAutoBuildEdgeLists (void) const
 Sets whether or not this Mesh should automatically build edge lists when asked for them, or whether it should never build them if they are not already provided. More...
BoneAssignmentIterator getBoneAssignmentIterator (void)
const VertexBoneAssignmentListgetBoneAssignments () const
 Gets a const reference to the list of bone assignments. More...
Real getBoneBoundingRadius () const
 Gets the radius used to inflate the bounding box around the bones. More...
Real getBoundingSphereRadius (void) const
 Gets the radius of the bounding sphere surrounding this mesh. More...
const AxisAlignedBoxgetBounds (void) const
 Get the axis-aligned bounding box for this mesh. More...
EdgeDatagetEdgeList (unsigned short lodIndex=0)
 Return the edge list for this mesh, building it if required. More...
const EdgeDatagetEdgeList (unsigned short lodIndex=0) const
 Return the edge list for this mesh, building it if required. More...
HardwareBufferManagerBasegetHardwareBufferManager ()
HardwareBuffer::Usage getIndexBufferUsage (void) const
 Gets the usage setting for this meshes index buffers. More...
ushort getLodIndex (Real value) const
 Retrieves the level of detail index for the given LOD value. More...
const MeshLodUsagegetLodLevel (ushort index) const
 Gets details of the numbered level of detail entry. More...
const LodStrategygetLodStrategy () const
 Get LOD strategy used by this mesh. More...
virtual unsigned short getNumAnimations (void) const
 Gets the number of morph animations in this mesh. More...
ushort getNumLodLevels (void) const
 Returns the number of levels of detail that this mesh supports. More...
size_t getNumSubMeshes (void) const
 Gets the number of sub meshes which comprise this mesh. More...
PosegetPose (const String &name)
 Retrieve an existing Pose by name. More...
PosegetPose (ushort index)
 Retrieve an existing Pose by index. More...
size_t getPoseCount (void) const
 Get the number of poses. More...
PoseIterator getPoseIterator (void)
 Get an iterator over all the poses defined. More...
ConstPoseIterator getPoseIterator (void) const
 Get an iterator over all the poses defined. More...
const PoseListgetPoseList (void) const
 Get pose list. More...
bool getSharedVertexDataAnimationIncludesNormals () const
 Returns whether animation on shared vertex data includes normals. More...
virtual VertexAnimationType getSharedVertexDataAnimationType (void) const
 Gets the type of vertex animation the shared vertex data of this mesh supports. More...
const SkeletonPtrgetSkeleton (void) const
 Gets a pointer to any linked Skeleton. More...
const StringgetSkeletonName (void) const
 Gets the name of any linked Skeleton. More...
SubMeshgetSubMesh (const String &name) const
 Gets a SubMesh by name. More...
SubMeshgetSubMesh (size_t index) const
 Gets a pointer to the submesh indicated by the index. More...
const SubMeshListgetSubMeshes () const
 Gets the available submeshes. More...
SubMeshIterator getSubMeshIterator (void)
 Gets an iterator over the available submeshes. More...
const SubMeshNameMapgetSubMeshNameMap (void) const
 Gets a reference to the optional name assignments of the SubMeshes. More...
HardwareBuffer::Usage getVertexBufferUsage (void) const
 Gets the usage setting for this meshes vertex buffers. More...
VertexDatagetVertexDataByTrackHandle (unsigned short handle)
 Gets a pointer to a vertex data element based on a morph animation track handle. More...
virtual bool hasAnimation (const String &name) const
 Returns whether this mesh contains the named vertex animation. More...
bool hasManualLodLevel (void) const
 Returns true if this mesh has a manual LOD level. More...
bool hasSkeleton (void) const
 Returns true if this Mesh has a linked Skeleton. More...
bool hasVertexAnimation (void) const
 Returns whether or not this mesh has some kind of vertex animation. More...
bool isEdgeListBuilt (void) const
 Returns whether this mesh has an attached edge list. More...
bool isIndexBufferShadowed (void) const
 Gets whether or not this meshes index buffers are shadowed. More...
bool isPreparedForShadowVolumes (void) const
 Returns whether this mesh has already had it's geometry prepared for use in rendering shadow volumes. More...
bool isVertexBufferShadowed (void) const
 Gets whether or not this meshes vertex buffers are shadowed. More...
void mergeAdjacentTexcoords (unsigned short finalTexCoordSet, unsigned short texCoordSetToDestroy)
 This method collapses two texcoords into one for all submeshes where this is possible. More...
void nameSubMesh (const String &name, ushort index)
 Gives a name to a SubMesh. More...
void prepareForShadowVolume (void)
 This method prepares the mesh for generating a renderable shadow volume. More...
void reload (LoadingFlags flags=LF_DEFAULT)
 Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded. More...
virtual void removeAllAnimations (void)
 Removes all morph Animations from this mesh. More...
void removeAllPoses (void)
 Destroy all poses. More...
virtual void removeAnimation (const String &name)
 Removes vertex Animation from this mesh. More...
void removeLodLevels (void)
 Removes all LOD data from this Mesh. More...
void removePose (const String &name)
 Destroy a pose by name. More...
void removePose (ushort index)
 Destroy a pose by index. More...
void setAutoBuildEdgeLists (bool autobuild)
 Sets whether or not this Mesh should automatically build edge lists when asked for them, or whether it should never build them if they are not already provided. More...
void setHardwareBufferManager (HardwareBufferManagerBase *bufferManager)
 Sets the manager for the vertex and index buffers to be used when loading this Mesh. More...
void setIndexBufferPolicy (HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool shadowBuffer=false)
 Sets the policy for the index buffers to be used when loading this Mesh. More...
void setLodStrategy (LodStrategy *lodStrategy)
 Set the lod strategy used by this mesh. More...
void setSkeletonName (const String &skelName)
 Sets the name of the skeleton this Mesh uses for animation. More...
void setVertexBufferPolicy (HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool shadowBuffer=false)
 Sets the policy for the vertex buffers to be used when loading this Mesh. More...
bool suggestTangentVectorBuildParams (VertexElementSemantic targetSemantic, unsigned short &outSourceCoordSet, unsigned short &outIndex)
 Ask the mesh to suggest parameters to a future buildTangentVectors call, should you wish to use texture coordinates to store the tangents. More...
void unnameSubMesh (const String &name)
 Removes a name from a SubMesh. More...
void updateManualLodLevel (ushort index, const String &meshName)
 Changes the alternate mesh to use as a manual LOD at the given index. More...
void updateMaterialForAllSubMeshes (void)
 Iterates through all submeshes and requests them to apply their texture aliases to the material they use. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Resource
 Resource (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Standard constructor. More...
virtual ~Resource ()
 Virtual destructor. More...
virtual void _dirtyState ()
 Manually mark the state of this resource as having been changed. More...
void _fireLoadingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of loading complete event. More...
void _firePreparingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of preparing complete event. More...
void _fireUnloadingComplete (void)
 Firing of unloading complete event. More...
void _notifyOrigin (const String &origin)
 Notify this resource of it's origin. More...
virtual void addListener (Listener *lis)
 Register a listener on this resource. More...
virtual void changeGroupOwnership (const String &newGroup)
 Change the resource group ownership of a Resource. More...
virtual void escalateLoading ()
 Escalates the loading of a background loaded resource. More...
ResourceManagergetCreator (void)
 Gets the manager which created this resource. More...
const StringgetGroup (void) const
 Gets the group which this resource is a member of. More...
ResourceHandle getHandle (void) const
LoadingState getLoadingState () const
 Returns the current loading state. More...
const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets resource name. More...
const StringgetOrigin (void) const
 Get the origin of this resource, e.g. More...
size_t getSize (void) const
 Retrieves info about the size of the resource. More...
virtual size_t getStateCount () const
 Returns the number of times this resource has changed state, which generally means the number of times it has been loaded. More...
bool isBackgroundLoaded (void) const
 Returns whether this Resource has been earmarked for background loading. More...
bool isLoaded (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise. More...
bool isLoading () const
 Returns whether the resource is currently in the process of background loading. More...
bool isManuallyLoaded (void) const
 Is this resource manually loaded? More...
bool isPrepared (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource has been prepared, false otherwise. More...
bool isReloadable (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise. More...
virtual void load (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Loads the resource, if it is not already. More...
virtual void prepare (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Prepares the resource for load, if it is not already. More...
virtual void removeListener (Listener *lis)
 Remove a listener on this resource. More...
void setBackgroundLoaded (bool bl)
 Tells the resource whether it is background loaded or not. More...
virtual void touch (void)
 'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used. More...
virtual void unload (void)
 Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::StringInterface
 StringInterface ()
virtual ~StringInterface ()
 Virtual destructor, see Effective C++. More...
void copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const
 Method for copying this object's parameters to another object. More...
ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void)
 Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class. More...
const ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void) const
String getParameter (const String &name) const
 Generic parameter retrieval method. More...
const ParameterListgetParameters (void) const
 Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object. More...
bool setParameter (const String &name, const String &value)
 Generic parameter setting method. More...
void setParameterList (const NameValuePairList &paramList)
 Generic multiple parameter setting method. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::AnimationContainer
virtual ~AnimationContainer ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Mesh
typedef MapIterator< VertexBoneAssignmentListBoneAssignmentIterator
typedef ConstVectorIterator< PoseListConstPoseIterator
typedef std::vector< unsigned short > IndexMap
typedef std::vector< RealLodValueList
typedef std::vector< MeshLodUsageMeshLodUsageList
typedef VectorIterator< PoseListPoseIterator
typedef VectorIterator< SubMeshListSubMeshIterator
typedef std::vector< SubMesh * > SubMeshList
typedef std::unordered_map< String, ushortSubMeshNameMap
 A hashmap used to store optional SubMesh names. More...
typedef std::multimap< size_t, VertexBoneAssignmentVertexBoneAssignmentList
 Multimap of vertex bone assignments (orders by vertex index). More...
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::Resource
enum  LoadingFlags {
 Enum that allow to choose subset of unloaded/reloaded resources and to adjust reloading behavior. More...
enum  LoadingState {
 Enum identifying the loading state of the resource. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Mesh
static void prepareMatricesForVertexBlend (const Affine3 **blendMatrices, const Affine3 *boneMatrices, const IndexMap &indexMap)
 Prepare matrices for software indexed vertex blend. More...
static void softwareVertexBlend (const VertexData *sourceVertexData, const VertexData *targetVertexData, const Affine3 *const *blendMatrices, size_t numMatrices, bool blendNormals)
 Performs a software indexed vertex blend, of the kind used for skeletal animation although it can be used for other purposes. More...
static void softwareVertexMorph (Real t, const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr &b1, const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr &b2, VertexData *targetVertexData)
 Performs a software vertex morph, of the kind used for morph animation although it can be used for other purposes. More...
static void softwareVertexPoseBlend (Real weight, const std::map< size_t, Vector3 > &vertexOffsetMap, const std::map< size_t, Vector3 > &normalsMap, VertexData *targetVertexData)
 Performs a software vertex pose blend, of the kind used for morph animation although it can be used for other purposes. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::StringInterface
static void cleanupDictionary ()
 Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::Mesh
IndexMap sharedBlendIndexToBoneIndexMap
 Shared index map for translating blend index to bone index. More...
 Shared vertex data. More...

Detailed Description

Patch specialisation of Mesh.

Instances of this class should be created by calling MeshManager::createBezierPatch.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PatchMesh()

Ogre::PatchMesh::PatchMesh ( ResourceManager creator,
const String name,
ResourceHandle  handle,
const String group 


Member Function Documentation

◆ update()

void Ogre::PatchMesh::update ( void *  controlPointBuffer,
size_t  width,
size_t  height,
size_t  uMaxSubdivisionLevel,
size_t  vMaxSubdivisionLevel,
PatchSurface::VisibleSide  visibleSide 

Update the mesh with new control points positions.

◆ define()

void Ogre::PatchMesh::define ( void *  controlPointBuffer,
VertexDeclaration declaration,
size_t  width,
size_t  height,
size_t  uMaxSubdivisionLevel = PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL,
size_t  vMaxSubdivisionLevel = PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL,
PatchSurface::VisibleSide  visibleSide = PatchSurface::VS_FRONT,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vbUsage = HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  ibUsage = HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY,
bool  vbUseShadow = false,
bool  ibUseShadow = false 

Define the patch, as defined in MeshManager::createBezierPatch.

◆ setSubdivision()

void Ogre::PatchMesh::setSubdivision ( Real  factor)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: