| OverlayContainer (const String &name) |
| Constructor: do not call direct, use OverlayManager::createOverlayElement. More...
virtual | ~OverlayContainer () |
void | _addChild (OverlayElement *elem) |
void | _notifyParent (OverlayContainer *parent, Overlay *overlay) override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
void | _notifyViewport () override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
void | _notifyWorldTransforms (const Matrix4 &xform) override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
ushort | _notifyZOrder (ushort newZOrder) override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
void | _positionsOutOfDate (void) override |
| Tell the object and its children to recalculate. More...
void | _removeChild (const String &name) |
void | _removeChild (OverlayElement *elem) |
void | _update (void) override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
void | _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
virtual void | addChild (OverlayElement *elem) |
| Adds another OverlayElement to this container. More...
virtual void | addChildImpl (OverlayContainer *cont) |
| Add a nested container to this container. More...
virtual void | addChildImpl (OverlayElement *elem) |
| Adds another OverlayElement to this container. More...
OverlayElement * | clone (const String &instanceName) override |
void | copyFromTemplate (OverlayElement *templateOverlay) override |
OverlayElement * | findElementAt (Real x, Real y) override |
| This returns a OverlayElement at position x,y. More...
virtual OverlayElement * | getChild (const String &name) |
| Gets the named child of this container. More...
virtual ChildContainerIterator | getChildContainerIterator (void) |
| Gets an iterator for just the container children of this object. More...
virtual ChildIterator | getChildIterator (void) |
const ChildMap & | getChildren () const |
| Gets all the children of this object. More...
void | initialise (void) override |
| Initialise gui element. More...
virtual bool | isChildrenProcessEvents () const |
| Should this container pass events to their children. More...
bool | isContainer () const override |
| Overridden from OverlayElement. More...
virtual void | removeChild (const String &name) |
| Removes a named element from this container. More...
virtual void | setChildrenProcessEvents (bool val) |
| Should this container pass events to their children. More...
| OverlayElement (const String &name) |
| Constructor: do not call direct, use OverlayManager::createElement. More...
virtual | ~OverlayElement () |
virtual void | _getClippingRegion (RealRect &clippingRegion) |
| Gets the clipping region of the element. More...
virtual Real | _getDerivedLeft (void) |
| Gets the 'left' position as derived from own left and that of parents. More...
virtual Real | _getDerivedTop (void) |
| Gets the 'top' position as derived from own left and that of parents. More...
Real | _getHeight (void) const |
| Gets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height)
Real | _getLeft (void) const |
| Gets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far left, 1.0 = far right)
virtual Real | _getRelativeHeight (void) |
| Gets the 'height' as derived from own height and metrics mode. More...
virtual Real | _getRelativeWidth (void) |
| Gets the 'width' as derived from own width and metrics mode. More...
Real | _getTop (void) const |
| Gets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 0 = far top, 1.0 = far bottom)
Real | _getWidth (void) const |
| Gets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width)
virtual void | _releaseManualHardwareResources () |
| Notifies that hardware resources were lost. More...
virtual void | _restoreManualHardwareResources () |
| Notifies that hardware resources should be restored. More...
void | _setDimensions (Real width, Real height) |
| Sets the width and height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width/height) More...
void | _setHeight (Real height) |
| Sets the height of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height) More...
void | _setLeft (Real left) |
| Sets the left of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width) More...
void | _setParent (OverlayContainer *parent) |
void | _setPosition (Real left, Real top) |
| Sets the left and top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width/height) More...
void | _setTop (Real top) |
| Sets the top of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen height) More...
void | _setWidth (Real width) |
| Sets the width of this element in relation to the screen (where 1.0 = screen width) More...
virtual void | _updateFromParent (void) |
| Updates this elements transform based on it's parent. More...
virtual bool | contains (Real x, Real y) const |
| Returns true if xy is within the constraints of the component. More...
const DisplayString & | getCaption (void) const |
| Gets the caption for this element. More...
virtual const ColourValue & | getColour (void) const |
| Gets the colour for this element. More...
Real | getHeight (void) const |
| Gets the height of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
GuiHorizontalAlignment | getHorizontalAlignment (void) const |
| Gets the horizontal alignment for this element. More...
Real | getLeft (void) const |
| Gets the left of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
const LightList & | getLights (void) const override |
| Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable. More...
const MaterialPtr & | getMaterial (void) const override |
| Retrieves a weak reference to the material this renderable object uses. More...
virtual const String & | getMaterialName (void) const |
| Gets the name of the material this element uses. More...
GuiMetricsMode | getMetricsMode (void) const |
| Retrieves the current settings of how the element metrics are interpreted. More...
const String & | getName (void) const |
| Gets the name of this overlay. More...
OverlayContainer * | getParent () |
| Returns the parent container. More...
Real | getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const override |
| Returns the squared distance between the camera and this renderable. More...
Real | getTop (void) const |
| Gets the top of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode (where 0 = top). More...
virtual const String & | getTypeName (void) const =0 |
| Gets the type name of the element. More...
GuiVerticalAlignment | getVerticalAlignment (void) const |
| Gets the vertical alignment for this element. More...
Real | getWidth (void) const |
| Gets the width of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
void | getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const override |
| Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
ushort | getZOrder () const |
| Returns the zOrder of the element. More...
void | hide (void) |
| Hides this element if it was visible. More...
bool | isCloneable () const |
bool | isEnabled () const |
virtual bool | isKeyEnabled () const |
bool | isVisible (void) const |
| Returns whether or not the element is visible. More...
virtual void | setCaption (const DisplayString &text) |
| Sets the caption on elements that support it. More...
void | setCloneable (bool c) |
virtual void | setColour (const ColourValue &col) |
| Sets the colour on elements that support it. More...
void | setDimensions (Real width, Real height) |
| Sets the dimensions of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
void | setEnabled (bool b) |
void | setHeight (Real height) |
| Sets the height of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
virtual void | setHorizontalAlignment (GuiHorizontalAlignment gha) |
| Sets the horizontal origin for this element. More...
void | setLeft (Real left) |
| Sets the left of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
void | setMaterial (const MaterialPtr &mat) |
| Sets the the material this element will use. More...
void | setMaterialName (const String &matName, const String &group=DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP) |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual void | setMetricsMode (GuiMetricsMode gmm) |
| Tells this element how to interpret the position and dimension values it is given. More...
void | setPosition (Real left, Real top) |
| Sets the position of the top-left corner in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode (where 0 = top). More...
void | setTop (Real Top) |
| Sets the top of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode (where 0 = top). More...
virtual void | setVerticalAlignment (GuiVerticalAlignment gva) |
| Sets the vertical origin for this element. More...
void | setVisible (bool visible) |
| Shows or hides this element. More...
void | setWidth (Real width) |
| Sets the width of this element in relation to the current GuiMetricsMode. More...
void | show (void) |
| Shows this element if it was hidden. More...
void | visitRenderables (Renderable::Visitor *visitor, bool debugRenderables=false) |
| Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any. More...
| StringInterface () |
virtual | ~StringInterface () |
| Virtual destructor, see Effective C++. More...
void | copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const |
| Method for copying this object's parameters to another object. More...
ParamDictionary * | getParamDictionary (void) |
| Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class. More...
const ParamDictionary * | getParamDictionary (void) const |
String | getParameter (const String &name) const |
| Generic parameter retrieval method. More...
const ParameterList & | getParameters (void) const |
| Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object. More...
bool | setParameter (const String &name, const String &value) |
| Generic parameter setting method. More...
void | setParameterList (const NameValuePairList ¶mList) |
| Generic multiple parameter setting method. More...
| Renderable () |
virtual | ~Renderable () |
| Virtual destructor needed as class has virtual methods. More...
virtual void | _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const |
| Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows. More...
virtual bool | getCastsShadows (void) const |
| Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow. More...
const Vector4f & | getCustomParameter (size_t index) const |
| Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
virtual uint16 | getNumWorldTransforms (void) const |
| Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires. More...
bool | getPolygonModeOverrideable (void) const |
| Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
virtual void | getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op)=0 |
| Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer. More...
virtual Technique * | getTechnique (void) const |
| Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses. More...
bool | getUseIdentityProjection (void) const |
| Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
bool | getUseIdentityView (void) const |
| Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
const Any & | getUserAny (void) const |
UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () |
| Class that provides convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objects and Ogre core classes. More...
const UserObjectBindings & | getUserObjectBindings () const |
| This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
bool | hasCustomParameter (size_t index) const |
| Checks whether a custom value is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
virtual void | postRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys) |
| Called immediately after the Renderable has been rendered. More...
virtual bool | preRender (SceneManager *sm, RenderSystem *rsys) |
| Called just prior to the Renderable being rendered. More...
void | removeCustomParameter (size_t index) |
| Removes a custom value which is associated with this Renderable at the given index. More...
void | setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4f &value) |
| Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters. More...
void | setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override) |
| Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
void | setUseIdentityProjection (bool useIdentityProjection) |
| Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
void | setUseIdentityView (bool useIdentityView) |
| Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
void | setUserAny (const Any &anything) |