OGRE-Next  3.0.0
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::v1::ManualObject Class Reference

Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry. More...

#include <OgreManualObject.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::v1::ManualObject:


class  ManualObjectSection
 Built, renderable section of geometry. More...

Public Types

typedef vector< ManualObjectSection * >::type SectionList
- Public Types inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
typedef FastArray< MovableObject * > MovableObjectArray

Public Member Functions

 ManualObject (IdType id, ObjectMemoryManager *objectMemoryManager, SceneManager *manager)
 ~ManualObject () override
void _releaseManualHardwareResources () override
void _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue, Camera *camera, const Camera *lodCamera) override
virtual void begin (const String &materialName, OperationType opType=OT_TRIANGLE_LIST, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Start defining a part of the object. More...
virtual void beginUpdate (size_t sectionIndex)
 Start the definition of an update to a part of the object. More...
virtual void clear ()
 Completely clear the contents of the object. More...
virtual void colour (const ColourValue &col)
 Add a vertex colour to a vertex. More...
virtual void colour (Real r, Real g, Real b, Real a=1.0f)
 Add a vertex colour to a vertex. More...
virtual MeshPtr convertToMesh (const String &meshName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, bool buildShadowMapBuffers=true)
 Convert this object to a Mesh. More...
virtual ManualObjectSectionend ()
 Finish defining the object and compile the final renderable version. More...
virtual void estimateIndexCount (size_t icount)
 Estimate the number of indices ahead of time. More...
virtual void estimateVertexCount (size_t vcount)
 Estimate the number of vertices ahead of time. More...
virtual size_t getCurrentIndexCount () const
 Get the number of indices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress). More...
virtual size_t getCurrentVertexCount () const
 Get the number of vertices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress). More...
virtual bool getDynamic () const
 Gets whether this object is marked as dynamic. More...
EdgeDatagetEdgeList ()
 Implement this method to enable stencil shadows. More...
bool getKeepDeclarationOrder () const
 Gets whether or not the declaration order is to be kept or not. More...
const StringgetMovableType () const override
unsigned int getNumSections () const
 Retrieves the number of ManualObjectSection objects making up this ManualObject. More...
ManualObjectSectiongetSection (unsigned int index) const
 Gets a pointer to a ManualObjectSection, i.e. More...
bool getUseIdentityProjection () const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
bool getUseIdentityView () const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
virtual bool getWriteOnly () const
 Gets wheter this object has geometry buffer marked as write only. More...
bool hasEdgeList ()
 Overridden member from ShadowCaster. More...
virtual void index (uint32 idx)
 Add a vertex index to construct faces / lines / points via indexing rather than just by a simple list of vertices. More...
virtual void normal (const Vector3 &norm)
 Add a vertex normal to the current vertex. More...
virtual void normal (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Add a vertex normal to the current vertex. More...
virtual void position (const Vector3 &pos)
 Add a vertex position, starting a new vertex at the same time. More...
virtual void position (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Add a vertex position, starting a new vertex at the same time. More...
virtual void quad (uint32 i1, uint32 i2, uint32 i3, uint32 i4)
 Add a set of 4 vertex indices to construct a quad (out of 2 triangles); this is a shortcut to calling index() 6 times, or triangle() twice. More...
virtual void setDynamic (bool dyn)
 Use before defining geometry to indicate that you intend to update the geometry regularly and want the internal structure to reflect that. More...
void setKeepDeclarationOrder (bool keepOrder)
 Sets whether or not to keep the original declaration order when queuing the renderables. More...
virtual void setMaterialName (size_t subIndex, const String &name, const String &group=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME)
 Alter the material for a subsection of this object after it has been specified. More...
virtual void setReadable (bool readable)
 Use before defining geometry to indicate that you intend to be able to read back from the geometry buffers again down the line (object convertion to v2, physics engine body creation... More...
void setUseIdentityProjection (bool useIdentityProjection)
 Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' projection. More...
void setUseIdentityView (bool useIdentityView)
 Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' view. More...
virtual void setWriteOnly (bool writeOnly)
 Same as setReadable, but with the invese scemantic. More...
virtual void tangent (const Vector3 &tan)
 Add a vertex tangent to the current vertex. More...
virtual void tangent (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Add a vertex tangent to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (const Vector2 &uv)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (const Vector3 &uvw)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (const Vector4 &xyzw)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (Real u)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (Real u, Real v)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (Real u, Real v, Real w)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void textureCoord (Real x, Real y, Real z, Real w)
 Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex. More...
virtual void triangle (uint32 i1, uint32 i2, uint32 i3)
 Add a set of 3 vertex indices to construct a triangle; this is a shortcut to calling index() 3 times. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
 MovableObject (IdType id, ObjectMemoryManager *objectMemoryManager, SceneManager *manager, uint8 renderQueueId)
 Constructor. More...
 MovableObject (ObjectData *objectDataPtrs)
 Don't use this constructor unless you know what you're doing. More...
virtual ~MovableObject ()
 Virtual destructor - read Scott Meyers if you don't know why this is needed. More...
LightList_getLightList ()
 Returns a pointer to the current list of lights for this object. More...
SceneManager_getManager () const
 Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only) More...
ObjectData_getObjectData ()
 Returns a direct access to the ObjectData state. More...
const Matrix4_getParentNodeFullTransform () const
 Returns the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node. More...
virtual void _notifyAttached (Node *parent)
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node. More...
void _notifyManager (SceneManager *man)
 Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only) More...
virtual void _notifyParentNodeMemoryChanged ()
virtual void _notifyStaticDirty () const
 Called by SceneManager when it is telling we're a static MovableObject being dirty Don't call this directly. More...
virtual void _restoreManualHardwareResources ()
 Notifies the movable object that hardware resources should be restored. More...
void addQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
void addVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
void detachFromParent ()
 Detaches an object from a parent SceneNode if attached. More...
RealAsUint getCachedDistanceToCamera () const
 Returns the distance to camera as calculated in cullFrustum() More...
Real getCachedDistanceToCameraAsReal () const
 Returns the distance to camera as calculated in cullFrustum() More...
bool getCastShadows () const
 Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object. More...
unsigned char getCurrentMeshLod () const
uint32 getLightMask () const
 Get a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
ListenergetListener () const
 Gets the current listener for this object. More...
Aabb getLocalAabb () const
 Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
float getLocalRadius () const
 See getLocalAabb and getWorldRadius. More...
const StringgetName () const
 Returns the name of this object. More...
NodegetParentNode () const
 Returns the node to which this object is attached. More...
SceneNodegetParentSceneNode () const
uint32 getQueryFlags () const
 Returns the query flags relevant for this object. More...
Real getRenderingDistance () const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered. More...
Real getRenderingMinPixelSize () const
 Returns the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
uint8 getRenderQueueGroup () const
 Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details. More...
Real getShadowRenderingDistance () const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer casting shadows. More...
SkeletonInstancegetSkeletonInstance () const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
uint32 getVisibilityFlags () const
 Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object. More...
bool getVisible () const
 Gets this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
Aabb getWorldAabb () const
 Gets the axis aligned box in world space. More...
Aabb getWorldAabbUpdated ()
 Gets the axis aligned box in world space. More...
float getWorldRadius () const
 Gets the bounding Radius scaled by max( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z ). More...
float getWorldRadiusUpdated ()
 Gets the bounding Radius scaled by max( scale.x, scale.y, scale.z ). More...
virtual void instanceBatchCullFrustumThreaded (const Frustum *frustum, const Camera *lodCamera, uint32 combinedVisibilityFlags)
bool isAttached () const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a Node. More...
bool isStatic () const
 Checks whether this MovableObject is static. More...
bool isVisible () const
 Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not. More...
const LightListqueryLights () const
 Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this movable object. More...
void removeQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
void removeVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
void setCastShadows (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows. More...
void setLightMask (uint32 lightMask)
 Set a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
void setListener (Listener *listener)
 Sets a listener for this object. More...
void setLocalAabb (const Aabb box)
 Sets the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
void setName (const String &name)
 Sets a custom name for this node. More...
void setQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the query flags for this object. More...
void setRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered. More...
void setRenderingMinPixelSize (Real pixelSize)
 Sets the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
virtual void setRenderQueueGroup (uint8 queueID)
 Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through. More...
void setShadowRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer casting shadows. More...
bool setStatic (bool bStatic)
 Turns this Node into static or dynamic. More...
void setVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the visibility flags for this object. More...
void setVisible (bool visible)
 Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::AnimableObject
 AnimableObject ()
virtual ~AnimableObject ()
virtual AnimableValuePtr createAnimableValue (const String &valueName)
 Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value. More...
const StringVectorgetAnimableValueNames () const
 Gets a list of animable value names for this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::IdObject
 IdObject (IdType id)
 We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e. More...
IdType getId () const
 Get the unique id of this object. More...
bool operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right)
bool operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
static void buildLightList (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, const LightListInfo &globalLightList)
static void calculateCastersBox (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, uint32 sceneVisibilityFlags, AxisAlignedBox *outBox)
static void cullFrustum (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, const Camera *frustum, uint32 sceneVisibilityFlags, MovableObjectArray &outCulledObjects, const Camera *lodCamera)
static void cullLights (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t, uint32 sceneLightMask, LightListInfo &outGlobalLightList, const FrustumVec &frustums, const FrustumVec &cubemapFrustums)
 See SceneManager::cullLights & see MovableObject::cullFrustum. More...
static uint32 getDefaultLightMask ()
 Get the default light mask for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static uint32 getDefaultQueryFlags ()
 Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static uint32 getDefaultVisibilityFlags ()
 Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultLightMask (uint32 mask)
 Set the default light mask for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void updateAllBounds (const size_t numNodes, ObjectData t)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
size_t mGlobalIndex
 Index in the vector holding this MO reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all movable objecst to avoid memory leaks). More...
size_t mParentIndex
 Index in the vector holding this MO reference (could be our parent node, or a global array tracking all movable objecst to avoid memory leaks). More...
RenderableArray mRenderables
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ogre::MovableObject
static const FastArray< Realc_DefaultLodMesh

Detailed Description

Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry.

Building one-off geometry objects manually usually requires getting down and dirty with the vertex buffer and vertex declaration API, which some people find a steep learning curve. This class gives you a simpler interface specifically for the purpose of building a 3D object simply and quickly. Note that if you intend to instance your object you will still need to become familiar with the Mesh class.
This class draws heavily on the interface for OpenGL immediate-mode (glBegin, glVertex, glNormal etc), since this is generally well-liked by people. There are a couple of differences in the results though - internally this class still builds hardware buffers which can be re-used, so you can render the resulting object multiple times without re-issuing all the same commands again. Secondly, the rendering is not immediate, it is still queued just like all OGRE objects. This makes this object more efficient than the equivalent GL immediate-mode commands, so it's feasible to use it for large objects if you really want to.
To construct some geometry with this object:
  1. If you know roughly how many vertices (and indices, if you use them) you're going to submit, call estimateVertexCount and estimateIndexCount. This is not essential but will make the process more efficient by saving memory reallocations.
  2. Call begin() to begin entering data
  3. For each vertex, call position(), normal(), textureCoord(), colour() to define your vertex data. Note that each time you call position() you start a new vertex. Note that the first vertex defines the components of the vertex - you can't add more after that. For example if you didn't call normal() in the first vertex, you cannot call it in any others. You ought to call the same combination of methods per vertex.
  4. If you want to define triangles (or lines/points) by indexing into the vertex list, you can call index() as many times as you need to define them. If you don't do this, the class will assume you want triangles drawn directly as defined by the vertex list, i.e. non-indexed geometry. Note that stencil shadows are only supported on indexed geometry, and that indexed geometry is a little faster; so you should try to use it.
  5. Call end() to finish entering data.
  6. Optionally repeat the begin-end cycle if you want more geometry using different rendering operation types, or different materials After calling end(), the class will organise the data for that section internally and make it ready to render with. Like any other MovableObject you should attach the object to a SceneNode to make it visible. Other aspects like the relative render order can be controlled using standard MovableObject methods like setRenderQueueGroup.
You can also use beginUpdate() to alter the geometry later on if you wish. If you do this, you should call setDynamic(true) before your first call to begin(), and also consider using estimateVertexCount / estimateIndexCount if your geometry is going to be growing, to avoid buffer recreation during growth.
Note that like all OGRE geometry, triangles should be specified in anti-clockwise winding order (whether you're doing it with just vertices, or using indexes too). That is to say that the front of the face is the one where the vertices are listed in anti-clockwise order.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ SectionList

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ManualObject()

Ogre::v1::ManualObject::ManualObject ( IdType  id,
ObjectMemoryManager objectMemoryManager,
SceneManager manager 

◆ ~ManualObject()

Ogre::v1::ManualObject::~ManualObject ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _releaseManualHardwareResources()

void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::_releaseManualHardwareResources ( )

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ _updateRenderQueue()

void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue,
Camera camera,
const Camera lodCamera 

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ begin()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::begin ( const String materialName,
OperationType  opType = OT_TRIANGLE_LIST,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Start defining a part of the object.

Each time you call this method, you start a new section of the object with its own material and potentially its own type of rendering operation (triangles, points or lines for example).
materialNameThe name of the material to render this part of the object with.
opTypeThe type of operation to use to render.

◆ beginUpdate()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::beginUpdate ( size_t  sectionIndex)

Start the definition of an update to a part of the object.

Using this method, you can update an existing section of the object efficiently. You do not have the option of changing the operation type obviously, since it must match the one that was used before.
If your sections are changing size, particularly growing, use estimateVertexCount and estimateIndexCount to pre-size the buffers a little larger than the initial needs to avoid buffer reconstruction.
sectionIndexThe index of the section you want to update. The first call to begin() would have created section 0, the second section 1, etc.

◆ clear()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::clear ( )

Completely clear the contents of the object.

Clearing the contents of this object and rebuilding from scratch is not the optimal way to manage dynamic vertex data, since the buffers are recreated. If you want to keep the same structure but update the content within that structure, use beginUpdate() instead of clear() begin(). However if you do want to modify the structure from time to time you can do so by clearing and re-specifying the data.

◆ colour() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::colour ( const ColourValue col)

Add a vertex colour to a vertex.

◆ colour() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::colour ( Real  r,
Real  g,
Real  b,
Real  a = 1.0f 

Add a vertex colour to a vertex.

r,g,b,aColour components expressed as floating point numbers from 0-1

◆ convertToMesh()

virtual MeshPtr Ogre::v1::ManualObject::convertToMesh ( const String meshName,
const String groupName = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
bool  buildShadowMapBuffers = true 

Convert this object to a Mesh.

After you've finished building this object, you may convert it to a Mesh if you want in order to be able to create many instances of it in the world (via Entity). This is optional, since this instance can be directly attached to a SceneNode itself, but of course only one instance of it can exist that way.
Only objects which use indexed geometry may be converted to a mesh.
meshNameThe name to give the mesh
groupNameThe resource group to create the mesh in
buildShadowMapBuffersTrue to create an optimized copy of the vertex buffers for efficient shadow mapping.

◆ end()

virtual ManualObjectSection* Ogre::v1::ManualObject::end ( )

Finish defining the object and compile the final renderable version.

Will return a pointer to the finished section or NULL if the section was discarded (i.e. has zero vertices/indices).

◆ estimateIndexCount()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::estimateIndexCount ( size_t  icount)

Estimate the number of indices ahead of time.

Calling this helps to avoid memory reallocation when you define indices. Also very handy when using beginUpdate() to manage dynamic data - you can make the index buffer a little larger than the initial need to allow for growth later with this method.

◆ estimateVertexCount()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::estimateVertexCount ( size_t  vcount)

Estimate the number of vertices ahead of time.

Calling this helps to avoid memory reallocation when you define vertices. Also very handy when using beginUpdate() to manage dynamic data - you can make the vertex buffers a little larger than their initial needs to allow for growth later with this method.

◆ getCurrentIndexCount()

virtual size_t Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getCurrentIndexCount ( ) const

Get the number of indices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress).

◆ getCurrentVertexCount()

virtual size_t Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getCurrentVertexCount ( ) const

Get the number of vertices in the section currently being defined (returns 0 if no section is in progress).

◆ getDynamic()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getDynamic ( ) const

Gets whether this object is marked as dynamic.

◆ getEdgeList()

EdgeData* Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getEdgeList ( )

Implement this method to enable stencil shadows.

◆ getKeepDeclarationOrder()

bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getKeepDeclarationOrder ( ) const

Gets whether or not the declaration order is to be kept or not.

A flag indication if the declaration order will be kept when queuing the renderables.

◆ getMovableType()

const String& Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getMovableType ( ) const

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getNumSections()

unsigned int Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getNumSections ( ) const

Retrieves the number of ManualObjectSection objects making up this ManualObject.

◆ getSection()

ManualObjectSection* Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getSection ( unsigned int  index) const

Gets a pointer to a ManualObjectSection, i.e.

a part of a ManualObject.

◆ getUseIdentityProjection()

bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getUseIdentityProjection ( ) const

Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

Usually ManualObjects will use a projection matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity projection, which effectively projects in 2D using a {-1, 1} view space. Useful for overlay rendering. Normally you don't need to change this.
See also

◆ getUseIdentityView()

bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getUseIdentityView ( ) const

Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' view.

Usually ManualObjects will use a view matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity matrix, which means all geometry is assumed to be relative to camera space already. Useful for overlay rendering. Normally you don't need to change this.
See also

◆ getWriteOnly()

virtual bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::getWriteOnly ( ) const

Gets wheter this object has geometry buffer marked as write only.

◆ hasEdgeList()

bool Ogre::v1::ManualObject::hasEdgeList ( )

Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

◆ index()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::index ( uint32  idx)

Add a vertex index to construct faces / lines / points via indexing rather than just by a simple list of vertices.

You will have to call this 3 times for each face for a triangle list, or use the alternative 3-parameter version. Other operation types require different numbers of indexes,
See also
32-bit indexes are not supported on all cards and will only be used when required, if an index is > 65535.
idxA vertex index from 0 to 4294967295.

◆ normal() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::normal ( const Vector3 norm)

Add a vertex normal to the current vertex.

Vertex normals are most often used for dynamic lighting, and their components should be normalised.

◆ normal() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::normal ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z 

Add a vertex normal to the current vertex.

Vertex normals are most often used for dynamic lighting, and their components should be normalised.

◆ position() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::position ( const Vector3 pos)

Add a vertex position, starting a new vertex at the same time.

A vertex position is slightly special among the other vertex data methods like normal() and textureCoord(), since calling it indicates the start of a new vertex. All other vertex data methods you call after this are assumed to be adding more information (like normals or texture coordinates) to the last vertex started with position().

◆ position() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::position ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z 

Add a vertex position, starting a new vertex at the same time.

A vertex position is slightly special among the other vertex data methods like normal() and textureCoord(), since calling it indicates the start of a new vertex. All other vertex data methods you call after this are assumed to be adding more information (like normals or texture coordinates) to the last vertex started with position().

◆ quad()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::quad ( uint32  i1,
uint32  i2,
uint32  i3,
uint32  i4 

Add a set of 4 vertex indices to construct a quad (out of 2 triangles); this is a shortcut to calling index() 6 times, or triangle() twice.

It's only valid for triangle list operations.

32-bit indexes are not supported on all cards and will only be used when required, if an index is > 65535.
i1,i2,i3,i44 vertex indices from 0 to 4294967295 defining a quad.

◆ setDynamic()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setDynamic ( bool  dyn)

Use before defining geometry to indicate that you intend to update the geometry regularly and want the internal structure to reflect that.

◆ setKeepDeclarationOrder()

void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setKeepDeclarationOrder ( bool  keepOrder)

Sets whether or not to keep the original declaration order when queuing the renderables.

This overrides the default behavior of the rendering queue, specifically stating the desired order of rendering. Might result in a performance loss, but lets the user to have more direct control when creating geometry through this class.
keepOrderWhether to keep the declaration order or not.

◆ setMaterialName()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setMaterialName ( size_t  subIndex,
const String name,
const String group = ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME 

Alter the material for a subsection of this object after it has been specified.

You specify the material to use on a section of this object during the call to begin(), however if you want to change the material afterwards you can do so by calling this method.
subIndexThe index of the subsection to alter
nameThe name of the new material to use

◆ setReadable()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setReadable ( bool  readable)

Use before defining geometry to indicate that you intend to be able to read back from the geometry buffers again down the line (object convertion to v2, physics engine body creation...

◆ setUseIdentityProjection()

void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setUseIdentityProjection ( bool  useIdentityProjection)

Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

Usually ManualObjects will use a projection matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity projection, which effectively projects in 2D using a {-1, 1} view space. Useful for overlay rendering. Normally you don't need to change this. The default is false.
See also

◆ setUseIdentityView()

void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setUseIdentityView ( bool  useIdentityView)

Sets whether or not to use an 'identity' view.

Usually ManualObjects will use a view matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity matrix, which means all geometry is assumed to be relative to camera space already. Useful for overlay rendering. Normally you don't need to change this. The default is false.
See also

◆ setWriteOnly()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::setWriteOnly ( bool  writeOnly)

Same as setReadable, but with the invese scemantic.

◆ tangent() [1/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::tangent ( const Vector3 tan)

Add a vertex tangent to the current vertex.

Vertex tangents are most often used for dynamic lighting, and their components should be normalised. Also, using tangent() you enable VES_TANGENT vertex semantic, which is not supported on old non-SM2 cards.

◆ tangent() [2/2]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::tangent ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z 

Add a vertex tangent to the current vertex.

Vertex tangents are most often used for dynamic lighting, and their components should be normalised. Also, using tangent() you enable VES_TANGENT vertex semantic, which is not supported on old non-SM2 cards.

◆ textureCoord() [1/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( const Vector2 uv)

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [2/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( const Vector3 uvw)

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [3/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( const Vector4 xyzw)

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [4/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( Real  u)

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [5/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( Real  u,
Real  v 

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [6/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( Real  u,
Real  v,
Real  w 

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ textureCoord() [7/7]

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::textureCoord ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z,
Real  w 

Add a texture coordinate to the current vertex.

You can call this method multiple times between position() calls to add multiple texture coordinates to a vertex. Each one can have between 1 and 3 dimensions, depending on your needs, although 2 is most common. There are several versions of this method for the variations in number of dimensions.

◆ triangle()

virtual void Ogre::v1::ManualObject::triangle ( uint32  i1,
uint32  i2,
uint32  i3 

Add a set of 3 vertex indices to construct a triangle; this is a shortcut to calling index() 3 times.

It is only valid for triangle lists.

32-bit indexes are not supported on all cards and will only be used when required, if an index is > 65535.
i1,i2,i33 vertex indices from 0 to 4294967295 defining a face.

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