OGRE  1.11.6
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
OgreInstanceBatchVTF.h File Reference
#include "OgreInstanceBatch.h"
#include "OgreTexture.h"
#include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h"
#include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h"


class  Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF
 Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) This implementation has the following advantages: Supports huge amount of instances per batch Supports skinning even with huge ammounts of instances per batch Doesn't need shader constants registers. More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF



This source file is part of OGRE (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine) For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/