class | Ogre::Archive |
| Archive-handling class. More...
class | Ogre::ArchiveFactory |
| Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this. More...
class | Ogre::ArchiveManager |
| This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins. More...
struct | Ogre::BackgroundProcessResult |
| Encapsulates the result of a background queue request. More...
class | Ogre::BarrierSolver |
struct | Ogre::BasicBlock |
class | Ogre::ConstBufferPool |
| Maintains a pool of buffers grouped by hash ID. More...
class | Ogre::ConstBufferPoolUser |
struct | Ogre::D3D11FrameBufferDescValue |
struct | Ogre::D3D11HlmsPso |
| @See HlmsPso. More...
class | Ogre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor |
| D3D11 will share groups of ID3D11RenderTargetView all D3D11RenderPassDescriptor that share the same RTV setup. More...
class | Ogre::D3D11TextureGpuManager |
class | Ogre::DataStream |
| General purpose class used for encapsulating the reading and writing of data. More...
class | Ogre::DefaultTextureGpuManagerListener |
| This is a Default implementation of TextureGpuManagerListener based on heuristics. More...
struct | Ogre::DescriptorSetSampler |
| Descriptor sets describe what samplers should be bound together in one place. More...
struct | Ogre::DescriptorSetTexture |
| Descriptor sets describe what textures should be bound together in one place. More...
struct | Ogre::DescriptorSetTexture2 |
struct | Ogre::DescriptorSetUav |
| Descriptor sets describe what uavs should be bound together in one place. More...
class | Ogre::EmbeddedZipArchiveFactory |
| Specialisation of ZipArchiveFactory for embedded Zip files. More...
class | Ogre::FileHandleDataStream |
| Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from C-style file handles. More...
struct | Ogre::FileInfo |
| Information about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct. More...
class | Ogre::FileStreamDataStream |
| Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from std::basic_istream. More...
class | Ogre::FileSystemArchive |
| Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from filesystem folders / directories. More...
class | Ogre::FileSystemArchiveFactory |
| Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for FileSystem files. More...
class | Ogre::Font |
| Class representing a font in the system. More...
class | Ogre::FontManager |
| Manages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them. More...
class | Ogre::Forward3D |
| Forward3D. More...
class | Ogre::ForwardClustered |
| Implementation of Clustered Forward Shading. More...
class | Ogre::ForwardPlusBase |
| ForwardPlusBase. More...
struct | Ogre::FrameBufferDescKey |
struct | Ogre::GL3PlusDescriptorSetTexture2 |
struct | Ogre::GL3PlusFrameBufferDescValue |
struct | Ogre::GL3PlusHlmsPso |
| @See HlmsPso. More...
class | Ogre::GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor |
| GL3+ will share FBO handles between all GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor that share the same FBO setup. More...
class | Ogre::GL3PlusTextureGpuManager |
struct | Ogre::GLES2HlmsPso |
| @See HlmsPso. More...
struct | Ogre::GLES2HlmsSamplerblock |
| A sampler block contains settings that go hand in hand with a texture, and thus are common to many textures. More...
class | Ogre::GpuProgram |
| Defines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program. More...
class | Ogre::GpuProgramManager |
struct | Ogre::GpuTrackedResource |
class | Ogre::HiddenAreaMeshVrGenerator |
struct | Ogre::HiddenAreaVrSettings |
class | Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgram |
| Abstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program). More...
class | Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramFactory |
| Interface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram. More...
class | Ogre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager |
| This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs. More...
class | Ogre::Hlms |
| HLMS stands for "High Level Material System". More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsBasePieces |
struct | Ogre::HlmsBaseProp |
| These are "default" or "Base" properties common to many implementations and thus defined here. More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsBits |
struct | Ogre::HlmsBlendblock |
| A blend block contains settings that rarely change, and thus are common to many materials. More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsCache |
struct | Ogre::HlmsComputePso |
class | Ogre::HlmsDatablock |
| An hlms datablock contains individual information about a specific material. More...
class | Ogre::HlmsDiskCache |
| This class allows saving the current state of an Hlms to disk: both its compiled shaders with source and the generated PSOs. More...
class | Ogre::HlmsJson |
| HLMS stands for "High Level Material System". More...
class | Ogre::HlmsJsonCompute |
| HLMS stands for "High Level Material System". More...
class | Ogre::HlmsJsonListener |
class | Ogre::HlmsListener |
| Listener that can be hooked to an Hlms implementation for extending it with custom code. More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsMacroblock |
| A macro block contains settings that will rarely change, and thus are common to many materials. More...
class | Ogre::HlmsManager |
| HLMS stands for "High Level Material System". More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsPassPso |
| IT'S MEMBERS MUST BE KEPT POD (Otherwise HlmsPso needs to be modified). More...
class | Ogre::HlmsPbsDatablock |
| Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+. More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsProperty |
struct | Ogre::HlmsPso |
| Defines a PipelineStateObject as required by Vulkan, Metal & DX12. More...
struct | Ogre::HlmsPsoProp |
struct | Ogre::HlmsSamplerblock |
| A sampler block contains settings that go hand in hand with a texture, and thus are common to many textures. More...
class | Ogre::HlmsTextureExportListener |
struct | Ogre::HlmsTexturePack |
class | Ogre::HlmsUnlitDatablock |
| Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+. More...
class | Ogre::ManualResourceLoader |
| Interface describing a manual resource loader. More...
class | Ogre::MemoryDataStream |
| Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from chunks of memory. More...
class | Ogre::Mesh |
| Resource holding data about 3D mesh. More...
class | Ogre::MeshManager |
| Handles the management of mesh resources. More...
class | Ogre::MeshSerializer |
| Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file. More...
class | Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl |
| Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v2_1_R0 |
class | Ogre::MeshSerializerImpl_v2_1_R1 |
class | Ogre::MeshSerializerListener |
struct | Ogre::MetalBufferRegion |
struct | Ogre::MetalDescriptorSetTexture |
struct | Ogre::MetalFrameBufferDescValue |
struct | Ogre::MetalHlmsPso |
| @See HlmsPso More...
class | Ogre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor |
struct | Ogre::MetalTexRegion |
class | Ogre::MetalTextureGpuManager |
class | Ogre::NULLTextureGpu |
class | Ogre::NULLTextureGpuManager |
class | Ogre::NULLTextureGpuRenderTarget |
class | Ogre::ObjCmdBuffer |
| This is not a regular header, therefore it has no include guards. More...
class | Ogre::PsoCacheHelper |
| Utility class to cache PSOs. More...
class | Ogre::RadialDensityMask |
struct | Ogre::RenderPassColourTarget |
struct | Ogre::RenderPassDepthTarget |
class | Ogre::RenderPassDescriptor |
struct | Ogre::RenderPassStencilTarget |
struct | Ogre::RenderPassTargetBase |
class | Ogre::Resource |
| Abstract class representing a loadable resource (e.g. More...
class | Ogre::ResourceBackgroundQueue |
| This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread. More...
class | Ogre::ResourceGroupListener |
| This abstract class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load. More...
class | Ogre::ResourceGroupManager |
| This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group. More...
class | Ogre::ResourceLoadingListener |
class | Ogre::ResourceManager |
| Defines a generic resource handler. More...
struct | Ogre::ResourceStatus |
struct | Ogre::ResourceTransition |
class | Ogre::StagingTexture |
| A StagingTexture is an intermediate texture that can be read and be written from both CPU & GPU. More...
class | Ogre::StagingTextureBufferImpl |
| This implementation can be used by all RenderSystem APIs except D3D11, which is why this implementation is part of OgreMain. More...
class | Ogre::StreamSerialiser |
| Utility class providing helper methods for reading / writing structured data held in a DataStream. More...
class | Ogre::SubMesh |
| Defines a part of a complete mesh. More...
class | Ogre::SubStringRef |
class | Ogre::TextureGpu |
class | Ogre::TextureGpuListener |
class | Ogre::TextureGpuManager |
| This class manages all textures (i.e. More...
class | Ogre::TextureGpuManagerListener |
struct | Ogre::TexturePool |
class | Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram |
| Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram which just delegates its implementation to one other high level program, allowing a single program definition to represent one supported program from a number of options. More...
class | Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgramFactory |
| Factory class for Unified programs. More...
class | Ogre::v1::Mesh |
| Resource holding data about 3D mesh. More...
struct | Ogre::v1::MeshLodUsage |
| A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshManager |
| Handles the management of mesh resources. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializer |
| Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl |
| Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.1 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_10 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.10 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.2 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_3 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.3 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_4 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.4 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_41 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.41 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_8 |
| Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.8 of the .mesh format. More...
class | Ogre::v1::MeshSerializerListener |
class | Ogre::v1::PrefabFactory |
| A factory class that can create various mesh prefabs. More...
class | Ogre::v1::SubMesh |
| Defines a part of a complete mesh. More...
class | Ogre::VertexBufferDownloadHelper |
| Ogre currently does not support deinterleaved vertex buffers. More...
struct | Ogre::VulkanFlushOnlyDescValue |
struct | Ogre::VulkanFrameBufferDescKey |
struct | Ogre::VulkanFrameBufferDescValue |
struct | Ogre::VulkanHlmsPso |
class | Ogre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor |
class | Ogre::VulkanTextureGpu |
class | Ogre::VulkanTextureGpuManager |
class | Ogre::VulkanTextureGpuRenderTarget |
class | Ogre::Window |
class | Ogre::ZipArchive |
| Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from a zip format source archive. More...
class | Ogre::ZipArchiveFactory |
| Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for Zip files. More...
class | Ogre::ZipDataStream |
| Specialisation of DataStream to handle streaming data from zip archives. More...
class | RadialDensityMaskVrGenerator |
| Manages a full screen stereo rectangle that masks rectangles in the periphery and then reconstruct these blocks. More...