No Matches
Here is a list of all variables with links to the classes they belong to:
- v -
- v : Ogre::Sampler::UVWAddressingMode
- val : Ogre::PropertyValue
- value : Ogre::AtomAbstractNode, Ogre::isPodLike< T >, Ogre::isPodLike< bool >, Ogre::isPodLike< char >, Ogre::isPodLike< double >, Ogre::isPodLike< float >, Ogre::isPodLike< int >, Ogre::isPodLike< long >, Ogre::isPodLike< short >, Ogre::isPodLike< signed char >, Ogre::isPodLike< std::pair< T, U > >, Ogre::isPodLike< T * >, Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned >, Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned char >, Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned long >, Ogre::isPodLike< unsigned short >, Ogre::MeshLodUsage, OgreBites::AxisEvent
- values : Ogre::ObjectAbstractNode, Ogre::PropertyAbstractNode
- variability : Ogre::GpuConstantDefinition, Ogre::GpuLogicalIndexUse, Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry
- vBlankMissCount : Ogre::RenderTarget::FrameStats
- vendor : Ogre::Technique::GPUVendorRule
- version : bsp_header_t, Ogre::StreamSerialiser::Chunk
- vert_count : bsp_face_t
- vert_start : bsp_face_t
- vertex : Ogre::LodData::Line, Ogre::LodData::Triangle
- vertexBufferBinding : Ogre::VertexData
- vertexCount : Ogre::VertexData
- vertexData : Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeGroup, Ogre::RenderOperation, Ogre::StaticGeometry::OptimisedSubMeshGeometry, Ogre::StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLink, Ogre::SubMesh
- vertexDeclaration : Ogre::VertexData
- vertexID : Ogre::LodData::Line, Ogre::LodData::Triangle
- vertexIndex : Ogre::VertexBoneAssignment
- vertexSet : Ogre::EdgeData::EdgeGroup, Ogre::EdgeData::Triangle
- vertexSplits : Ogre::TangentSpaceCalc::Result
- vertexStart : Ogre::StaticFaceGroup, Ogre::VertexData
- vertIndex : Ogre::EdgeData::Edge, Ogre::EdgeData::Triangle
- viewport : Ogre::SceneManager::RenderContext
- visibilityMask : Ogre::CompositorInstance::TargetOperation
- VOLUME_CHUNK_ID : Ogre::Volume::Source
- VOLUME_CHUNK_VERSION : Ogre::Volume::Source
- volumeVisible : Ogre::Volume::ChunkTreeSharedData