Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
►NOgre | |
►NBullet | |
CCollisionListener | |
CCollisionWorld | Simplified wrapper with automatic memory management |
CDebugDrawer | |
CDynamicsWorld | Simplified wrapper with automatic memory management |
CRayResultCallback | |
CRigidBodyState | A MotionState is Bullet's way of informing you about updates to an object |
►NGLSL | |
CGLSLLinkProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL Program Object |
CGLSLLinkProgramManager | |
CGLSLProgram | |
CGLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for GLSL programs |
►NRTShader | |
CAssignmentAtom | Shorthand for "lhs = rhs;" insted of using FFP_Assign(rhs, lhs) |
CAt | Shorthand for operator[] on preceding operand. e.g. myArray[p] |
CBinaryOpAtom | Shorthand for "dst = a OP b;" |
CBuiltinFunctionAtom | Shorthand for "dst = BUILTIN(args);" |
CConstParameter | Helper template which is the base for our ConstParameters |
CFFPTexturing | Texturing sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline |
CFunction | A class that represents a shader based program function |
CFunctionAtom | A class that represents an atomic code section of shader based program function |
►CFunctionInvocation | A class that represents function invocation code from shader based program function |
CFunctionInvocationCompare | Comparator function to be used for comparisons |
CFunctionInvocationLessThan | Comparator function to be used for sorting |
CFunctionStageRef | FFPShaderStage, part of a Function |
CHardwareSkinningFactory | A factory that enables creation of HardwareSkinning instances |
CIn | |
CInOut | |
CLayeredBlending | |
COperand | A class that represents a function operand (its the combination of a parameter the in/out semantic and the used fields) |
COut | |
CParameter | A class that represents a shader based program parameter |
CParameterFactory | Helper utility class that creates common parameters |
CProgram | A class that represents a shader based program |
CProgramManager | A singleton manager class that manages shader based programs |
CProgramSet | Container class for shader based programs |
CProgramWriter | Base class interface for shader program writers |
CProgramWriterManager | |
CRenderState | This is a container class for sub render state class |
CSampleTextureAtom | Shorthand for "dst = texture(sampler, uv);" instead of using FFP_SampleTexture |
CSGScriptTranslator | This class responsible for translating core features of the RT Shader System for Ogre material scripts |
CShaderGenerator | Shader generator system main interface |
CSubRenderState | This class is the base interface of sub part from a shader based rendering pipeline |
CSubRenderStateAccessor | This class uses as accessor from a template SubRenderState to all of its instances that created based on it |
CSubRenderStateFactory | Abstract factory interface for creating SubRenderState implementation instances |
CTargetRenderState | This is the target render state |
CUniformParameter | Uniform parameter class |
►NVolume | |
CCacheSource | A caching Source |
CChunk | A single volume chunk mesh |
CChunkParameters | Parameters for loading the volume |
CChunkTreeSharedData | Internal shared values of the chunks which are equal in the whole tree |
CCSGCubeSource | A not rotated cube |
CCSGDifferenceSource | Builds the difference between two sources |
CCSGIntersectionSource | Builds the intersection between two sources |
CCSGNegateSource | Negates the given volume |
CCSGNoiseSource | |
CCSGOperationSource | Abstract operation volume source holding two sources as operants |
CCSGPlaneSource | A plane |
CCSGScaleSource | Scales the given volume source |
CCSGSphereSource | A sphere |
CCSGUnarySource | Source which does a unary operation to another one |
CCSGUnionSource | Builds the union between two sources |
CDualCell | To store the generated dual cells in a vector |
CDualGridGenerator | Class for the generation of the DualGrid |
CGridSource | A volume source from a discrete 3d grid |
CHalfFloatGridSource | A volume source from a 16 Bit float 3D grid capable of loading volume serializations |
CIsoSurface | Abstract IsoSurface |
CIsoSurfaceMC | Marching Cubes implementation like at http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polygonise/ |
CMeshBuilder | Class to build up a mesh with vertices and indices |
CMeshBuilderCallback | Callback class when the user needs information about the triangles of chunks of a LOD level |
COctreeNode | A node in the volume octree |
COctreeNodeSplitPolicy | The class deciding on whether to split an octree node or not when building the octree |
CSimplexNoise | Simplex Noise ported from public domain Java Implementation http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/SimplexNoise.java Thanks Stefan Gustavson! |
CSource | Abstract class defining the density function |
CTextureSource | A volume source from a 3D texture |
CVertex | Lightweight struct to represent a mesh vertex |
CAbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy | |
CAbstractNode | |
CAffine3 | Transform specialization for 3D Affine - encapsulating a 3x4 Matrix |
►CAlignedAllocator | STL compatible wrapper for AlignedMemory |
Crebind | |
CAlignedMemory | Class to provide aligned memory allocate functionality |
CAngle | Wrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAngleUnit |
CAnimableObject | Defines an interface to classes which have one or more AnimableValue instances to expose |
CAnimableValue | Defines an object property which is animable, i.e |
CAnimation | An animation sequence |
CAnimationContainer | An animation container interface, which allows generic access to sibling animations |
CAnimationControllerFunction | Predefined controller function for dealing with animation |
CAnimationState | Represents the state of an animation and the weight of its influence |
CAnimationStateControllerValue | ControllerValue wrapper class for AnimationState |
CAnimationStateSet | Class encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects |
►CAnimationTrack | A 'track' in an animation sequence, i.e |
CListener | Listener allowing you to override certain behaviour of a track, for example to drive animation procedurally |
CAntiPortal | AntiPortal datastructure for occlusion culling |
CAntiPortalFactory | Factory object for creating AntiPortal instances |
CAny | Variant type that can hold Any other type |
CAPKFileSystemArchiveFactory | |
CArchive | Archive-handling class |
CArchiveFactory | Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this |
CArchiveManager | This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins |
►CAreaEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an area (box, sphere, ellipsoid whatever subclasses choose to be) |
CCmdDepth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdHeight | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdWidth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
►CAssimpLoader | |
COptions | |
CAssimpPlugin | |
CAtomAbstractNode | This is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further |
CAutoParamDataSource | This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters |
CAxisAlignedBox | A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes |
CAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box |
CBaseInstanceBatchVTF | Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) This implementation has the following advantages: |
CBillboard | A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame |
►CBillboardChain | Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards |
CElement | Contains the data of an element of the BillboardChain |
CBillboardParticleRenderer | Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet |
CBillboardParticleRendererFactory | Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer |
CBillboardSet | A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other |
CBitwise | Class for manipulating bit patterns |
CBone | A bone in a skeleton |
CBorderPanelOverlayElement | A specialisation of the PanelOverlayElement to provide a panel with a border |
CBorderRenderable | Class for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement |
CBox | Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space |
CBoxEmitter | This emitter emits particles from a random location within a 3-dimensional box |
CBspIntersectionSceneQuery | BSP specialisation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
CBspLevel | Holds all the data associated with a Binary Space Parition (BSP) based indoor level |
►CBspNode | Encapsulates a node in a BSP tree |
CBrush | |
CBspRaySceneQuery | BSP specialisation of RaySceneQuery |
CBspSceneManager | Specialisation of the SceneManager class to deal with indoor scenes based on a BSP tree |
CBspSceneManagerFactory | Factory for BspSceneManager |
CBspSceneManagerPlugin | Plugin instance for BSPSceneManager |
CBspSceneNode | Specialisation of SceneNode for the BspSceneManager |
►CCamera | A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered |
CListener | Listener interface so you can be notified of Camera events |
CCapsule | 3D Line-Swept-Sphere class for intersection testing in Ogre3D Some algorithms based off code from the Wild Magic library by Dave Eberly |
CCgFxScriptLoader | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
CCgPlugin | Plugin instance for Cg Program Manager |
►CCgProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for nVidia's CG language |
CCmdArgs | Command object for setting compilation arguments |
CCmdProfiles | Command object for setting profiles |
CCgProgramFactory | Factory class for Cg programs |
CCodec | Abstract class that defines a 'codec' |
CColourBlendState | Describes the global blending factors for combining subsequent renders with the existing frame contents |
►CColourFaderAffector | This affector modifies the colour of particles in flight |
CCmdAlphaAdjust | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdBlueAdjust | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdGreenAdjust | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdRedAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
►CColourFaderAffector2 | |
CCmdAlphaAdjust1 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdAlphaAdjust2 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdBlueAdjust1 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdBlueAdjust2 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdGreenAdjust1 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdGreenAdjust2 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdRedAdjust1 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdRedAdjust2 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdStateChange | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
►CColourImageAffector | |
CCmdImageAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
►CColourInterpolatorAffector | |
CCmdColourAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdTimeAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CColourValue | Class representing colour |
►CCompositionPass | Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence |
CInputTex | Inputs (for material used for rendering the quad) |
CCompositionTargetPass | Object representing one render to a RenderTarget or Viewport in the Ogre Composition framework |
►CCompositionTechnique | Base composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins |
CTextureDefinition | Local texture definition |
CCompositor | Class representing a Compositor object |
CCompositorChain | Chain of compositor effects applying to one viewport |
►CCompositorInstance | An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport |
CListener | Provides an interface to "listen in" to to render system operations executed by this CompositorInstance |
CRenderSystemOperation | Specific render system operation |
CTargetOperation | Operation setup for a RenderTarget (collected) |
CCompositorLogic | Interface for compositor logics, which can be automatically binded to compositors, allowing per-compositor logic (such as attaching a relevant listener) to happen automatically |
CCompositorManager | Class for managing Compositor settings for Ogre |
►CComPtr | |
CSafeBoolHelper | |
CConcreteNode | |
CConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
CConfigFile | Class for quickly loading settings from a text file |
CConfigOption | Packages the details of a configuration option |
CConstMapIterator | Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying key-value container |
CConstVectorIterator | Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying container |
CController | Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system |
CControllerFunction | Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller |
CControllerManager | Class for managing Controller instances |
CControllerValue | Can either be used as an input or output value |
CConvexBody | Holds a solid representation of a convex body |
CCPreprocessor | This is a simplistic C/C++-like preprocessor |
CCreateCallbackWrapper | |
CCreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent | |
CCreateGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent | |
CCreateGpuSharedParametersScriptCompilerEvent | |
CCreateMaterialScriptCompilerEvent | |
CCreateParticleSystemScriptCompilerEvent | |
CCustomCompositionPass | Interface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad, scene and clear operations) in composition passes |
CCylinderEmitter | This emitter emits particles in a random direction from within a cylinder area, where the cylinder is oriented along the Z-axis |
CD3D11DepthBuffer | |
CD3D11Device | |
CD3D11DeviceResource | Represents a Direct3D rendering resource |
CD3D11DeviceResourceManager | Singleton that is used to propagate device state changed notifications |
CD3D11Driver | |
CD3D11DriverList | |
CD3D11HardwareBuffer | Base implementation of a D3D11 buffer, dealing with all the common aspects |
CD3D11HardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for D3D11 |
CD3D11HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the DirectX9 implementation of hardware occlusion testing |
CD3D11HardwarePixelBuffer | |
►CD3D11HLSLProgram | Specialization of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for D3D11 High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) |
CCmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
CCmdEnableBackwardsCompatibility | Command object for setting backwards compatibility |
CCmdTarget | Command object for setting target assembler |
CD3D11HLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for D3D11 HLSL programs |
CD3D11Mappings | |
CD3D11MultiRenderTarget | |
CD3D11Plugin | Plugin instance for D3D11 Manager |
CD3D11RenderingAPIException | |
CD3D11RenderSystem | Implementation of DirectX11 as a rendering system |
CD3D11RenderTarget | |
CD3D11RenderTexture | RenderTexture implementation for D3D11 |
CD3D11RenderToVertexBuffer | |
CD3D11RenderWindowBase | |
CD3D11RenderWindowSwapChainBased | |
CD3D11Sampler | |
CD3D11StereoDriverAMD | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
CD3D11StereoDriverBridge | Bridge interface from the render system to the stereo driver |
CD3D11StereoDriverImpl | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
CD3D11StereoDriverNVIDIA | Interface of the NVIDIA stereo driver |
CD3D11Texture | Specialisation of Texture for D3D11 |
CD3D11TextureManager | |
CD3D11VertexDeclaration | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for D3D11 |
CD3D11VideoMode | |
CD3D11VideoModeList | |
CD3D9DepthBuffer | |
CD3D9Device | High level interface of Direct3D9 Device |
CD3D9DeviceManager | Device manager interface |
CD3D9Driver | |
CD3D9DriverList | |
►CD3D9GpuProgram | Direct3D implementation of a few things common to low-level vertex & fragment programs |
CCmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
CCmdExternalMicrocode | Command object for getting/setting external micro code (void*) |
CD3D9GpuProgramManager | |
CD3D9HardwareBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for D3D9 |
CD3D9HardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for D3D9 |
CD3D9HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the DirectX9 implementation of hardware occlusion testing |
CD3D9HardwarePixelBuffer | |
►CD3D9HLSLProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for D3D9 High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) |
CCmdAssemblerCode | Command object for getting/setting assembler code |
CCmdBackwardsCompatibility | Command object for enabling backwards compatibility |
CCmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
CCmdMicrocode | Command object for getting/setting micro code |
CCmdOptimisation | Command object for setting optimisation level |
CCmdTarget | Command object for setting target assembler |
CD3D9HLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for D3D9 HLSL programs |
CD3D9Mappings | |
CD3D9MultiRenderTarget | |
CD3D9Plugin | Plugin instance for D3D9 Manager |
CD3D9RenderSystem | Implementation of DirectX9 as a rendering system |
CD3D9RenderTexture | RenderTexture implementation for D3D9 |
CD3D9RenderWindow | |
CD3D9Resource | Represents a Direct3D rendering resource |
CD3D9ResourceManager | |
CD3D9StereoDriverAMD | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
CD3D9StereoDriverBridge | Bridge interface from the render system to the stereo driver |
CD3D9StereoDriverImpl | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
CD3D9StereoDriverNVIDIA | Interface of the NVIDIA stereo driver |
CD3D9Texture | |
CD3D9TextureManager | |
CD3D9VertexDeclaration | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for D3D9 |
CD3D9VideoMode | |
CD3D9VideoModeList | |
CDataStream | General purpose class used for encapsulating the reading and writing of data |
CDebugDrawer | Interface for visualising debugging the SceneManager state |
CDefaultAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Default implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
CDefaultDebugDrawer | |
CDefaultHardwareBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for emulation |
CDefaultHardwareBufferManager | DefaultHardwareBufferManager as a Singleton |
CDefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManagerBase to emulate hardware buffers |
CDefaultIntersectionSceneQuery | Default implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
CDefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Default implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
CDefaultRaySceneQuery | Default implementation of RaySceneQuery |
CDefaultShadowCameraSetup | Implements default shadow camera setup |
CDefaultSphereSceneQuery | Default implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
CDefaultTextureManager | Specialisation of TextureManager for offline processing. Cannot be used with an active RenderSystem |
CDefaultWorkQueue | Implementation of a general purpose request / response style background work queue |
CDefaultWorkQueueBase | Base for a general purpose task-based background work queue |
CDefaultZone | |
CDefaultZoneFactory | |
CDeflateStream | Stream which compresses / uncompresses data using the 'deflate' compression algorithm |
►CDeflectorPlaneAffector | This affector defines a plane which deflects particles which collide with it |
CCmdBounce | Command object for bounce (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdPlaneNormal | Command object for plane normal (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdPlanePoint | Command object for plane point (see ParamCommand) |
CDegree | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees |
CDepthBuffer | An abstract class that contains a depth/stencil buffer |
Cdeque | |
►CDirectionRandomiserAffector | This affector applies randomness to the movement of the particles |
CCmdKeepVelocity | Command object for keep_velocity (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdRandomness | Command object for randomness (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdScope | Command object for scope (see ParamCommand) |
CDistanceLodBoxStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding box |
CDistanceLodSphereStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding sphere |
CDistanceLodStrategyBase | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera |
CDotSceneLoader | |
CDotScenePlugin | |
CDriverVersion | DriverVersion is used by RenderSystemCapabilities and both GL and D3D9 to store the version of the current GPU driver |
CDualQuaternion | Implementation of a dual quaternion, i.e |
CDynLib | Resource holding data about a dynamic library |
CDynLibManager | Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries |
►CEdgeData | This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes |
CEdge | Edge data |
CEdgeGroup | A group of edges sharing the same vertex data |
CTriangle | Basic triangle structure |
CEdgeListBuilder | General utility class for building edge lists for geometry |
CEllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an ellipsoid |
CEmbeddedZipArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ZipArchiveFactory for embedded Zip files |
CEntity | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
CEntityMaterialLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a material LOD change event for entities |
CEntityMeshLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a mesh LOD change event for entities |
CException | When thrown, provides information about an error that has occurred inside the engine |
CExceptionFactory | Class implementing dispatch methods in order to construct by-value exceptions of a derived type based just on an exception code |
CEXRCodec | |
CExternalTextureSource | IMPORTANT: Plugins must override default dictionary name! Base class that texture plugins derive from |
CExternalTextureSourceManager | Singleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins |
CFactoryObj | Abstract factory class |
CFileHandleDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from C-style file handles |
CFileInfo | Information about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct |
CFileNotFoundException | |
CFileStreamDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from std::basic_istream |
CFileSystemArchiveFactory | Specialisation of the ArchiveFactory to allow reading of files from filesystem folders / directories |
CFileSystemLayer | Provides methods to find out where the Ogre config files are stored and where logs and settings files should be written to |
CFloatGpuParameterControllerValue | Predefined controller value for setting a single floating- point value in a constant parameter of a vertex or fragment program |
CFocusedShadowCameraSetup | Implements the uniform shadow mapping algorithm in focused mode |
CFont | Class representing a font in the system |
CFontManager | Manages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them |
CFrameEvent | Struct containing information about a frame event |
CFrameListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events |
CFrameTimeControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting the latest frame time |
CFreeImageCodec | |
CFrustum | A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area |
CGL3PlusFBOManager | Factory for GL Frame Buffer Objects, and related things |
CGL3PlusFBOMultiRenderTarget | MultiRenderTarget for OpenGL |
CGL3PlusFBORenderTexture | RenderTexture for GL FBO |
CGL3PlusFrameBufferObject | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
CGL3PlusHardwareBuffer | |
CGL3PlusHardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL |
CGL3PlusHardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion |
CGL3PlusPixelUtil | Class to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE |
CGL3PlusPlugin | Plugin instance for GL3Plus Manager |
CGL3PlusRenderBuffer | Renderbuffer surface |
CGL3PlusRenderSystem | Implementation of GL 3 as a rendering system |
CGL3PlusRenderToVertexBuffer | |
CGL3PlusSampler | |
CGL3PlusStateCacheManager | |
CGL3PlusTexture | |
CGL3PlusTextureBuffer | Texture surface |
CGL3PlusTextureManager | GL3Plus-specific implementation of a TextureManager |
CGLArbGpuProgram | Specialisation of the GL low-level program for ARB programs |
CGLContext | Class that encapsulates an GL context |
CGLCopyingRenderTexture | |
CGLCopyingRTTManager | Simple, copying manager/factory for RenderTextures |
CGLDepthBufferCommon | OpenGL supports 3 different methods: FBO, pbuffer & Copy |
CGLES2FBOManager | Factory for GL ES 2 Frame Buffer Objects, and related things |
CGLES2FBOMultiRenderTarget | MultiRenderTarget for GL ES 2.x |
CGLES2FBORenderTexture | RenderTexture for GL ES 2 FBO |
CGLES2FrameBufferObject | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
CGLES2HardwareBuffer | |
CGLES2HardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL ES |
CGLES2HardwareOcclusionQuery | |
CGLES2PixelUtil | Class to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE |
CGLES2Plugin | Plugin instance for GL ES 2 Manager |
CGLES2RenderBuffer | |
CGLES2RenderSystem | Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system |
CGLES2RenderToVertexBuffer | |
CGLES2StateCacheManager | |
CGLES2Texture | |
CGLES2TextureBuffer | |
CGLES2TextureManager | GL ES-specific implementation of a TextureManager |
CGLFBOManager | Factory for GL Frame Buffer Objects, and related things |
CGLFBOMultiRenderTarget | MultiRenderTarget for GL |
CGLFBORenderTexture | RenderTexture for GL FBO |
CGLFrameBufferObject | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
CGLFrameBufferObjectCommon | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
CGLGpuNvparseProgram | |
CGLGpuProgram | Generalised low-level GL program, can be applied to multiple types (eg ARB and NV) |
CGLGpuProgramBase | |
CGLGpuProgramManager | |
CGLHardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL |
CGLHardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion |
CGLHardwarePixelBufferCommon | |
CGLHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL |
CGLNativeSupport | OpenGL Context creation using GLX, WGL, EGL, Cocoa |
CGLPBRenderTexture | |
CGLPBRTTManager | Manager for rendertextures and PBuffers (offscreen rendering contexts) |
CGLPBuffer | An off-screen rendering context |
CGLPixelUtil | Class to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE |
CGLPlugin | Plugin instance for GL Manager |
CGLRenderBuffer | Renderbuffer surface |
CGLRenderSystem | Implementation of GL as a rendering system |
CGLRenderSystemCommon | |
CGLRenderTarget | |
CGLRenderTexture | Base class for GL Render Textures |
CGLRenderToVertexBuffer | |
CGLRenderToVertexBufferCommon | |
CGLRTTManager | Manager/factory for RenderTextures |
CGLSLangPlugin | Plugin instance for Cg Program Manager |
CGLSLangProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for the GLSLang compiler by Khronos |
CGLSLangProgramFactory | Factory class for GLSLang programs |
►CGLSLESCgProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for CG |
CCmdProfiles | Command object for setting profiles |
CGLSLESCgProgramFactory | Factory class for GLSL ES programs |
CGLSLESLinkProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL ES Program Object |
►CGLSLESProgram | |
CCmdOptimisation | Command object for running the GLSL optimiser |
CGLSLESProgramCommon | C++ encapsulation of GLSL ES Program Object |
CGLSLESProgramFactory | Factory class for GLSL ES programs |
CGLSLESProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
CGLSLESProgramPipeline | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL ES) for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
CGLSLMonolithicProgram | Model of OpenGL program object created using the glLinkProgram method of linking |
CGLSLProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL program object |
CGLSLProgramCommon | |
CGLSLProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
CGLSLProgramManagerCommon | Ogre assumes that there are separate programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active shader objects during a rendering state |
CGLSLSeparableProgram | Specialisation of GLSLProgram to provide support for separable programs via the OpenGL program pipeline |
CGLSLShader | |
►CGLSLShaderCommon | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) |
CCmdAttach | Command object for attaching another GLSL Program |
CCmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
CGLSLShaderFactory | Factory class for GLSL shaders |
CGLStateCacheManager | |
CGLStateCacheManagerCommon | An in memory cache of the OpenGL state |
CGLSurfaceDesc | GL surface descriptor |
CGLTexture | |
CGLTextureBuffer | Texture surface |
CGLTextureCommon | |
CGLTextureManager | GL-specific implementation of a TextureManager |
CGLUniformCache | An in memory cache of the OpenGL uniforms |
CGLUniformReference | Structure used to keep track of named uniforms in the linked program object |
CGLVertexArrayObject | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for OpenGL Vertex Array Object usage |
CGLWindow | |
CGlyphInfo | Information about the position and size of a glyph in a texture |
CGpuConstantDefinition | Information about predefined program constants |
CGpuLogicalBufferStruct | Container struct to allow params to safely & update shared list of logical buffer assignments |
CGpuLogicalIndexUse | Structure recording the use of a physical buffer by a logical parameter index |
CGpuNamedConstants | Struct collecting together the information for named constants |
CGpuNamedConstantsSerializer | Simple class for loading / saving GpuNamedConstants |
CGpuProgram | Defines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program |
CGpuProgramFactory | Interface definition for factories of GpuProgram |
CGpuProgramManager | This ResourceManager manages GPU shader programs |
►CGpuProgramParameters | Collects together the program parameters used for a GpuProgram |
CAutoConstantDefinition | Structure defining an auto constant that's available for use in a parameters object |
CAutoConstantEntry | Structure recording the use of an automatic parameter |
CGpuProgramUsage | This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit |
CGpuSharedParameters | A group of manually updated parameters that are shared between many parameter sets |
CGpuSharedParametersUsage | This class records the usage of a set of shared parameters in a concrete set of GpuProgramParameters |
CGrid2DPageStrategy | Page strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 2D grid |
CGrid2DPageStrategyData | Specialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid2DPageStrategy |
CGrid3DPageStrategy | Page strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 3D grid |
CGrid3DPageStrategyData | Specialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid3DPageStrategy |
CHardwareBuffer | Abstract class defining common features of hardware buffers |
CHardwareBufferLicensee | Abstract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy |
CHardwareBufferLockGuard | Locking helper |
CHardwareBufferManager | Singleton wrapper for hardware buffer manager |
CHardwareBufferManagerBase | Base definition of a hardware buffer manager |
CHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract |
CHardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a abstract class that that provides the interface for the query class for hardware occlusion |
CHardwarePixelBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a pixel buffer |
CHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer |
CHighLevelGpuProgram | Abstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program) |
►CHollowEllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a hollow ellipsoid |
CCmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdInnerZ | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
CIlluminationPass | Struct recording a pass which can be used for a specific illumination stage |
CImage | Class representing an image file |
CImageCodec | Codec specialized in images |
CImGuiOverlay | Ogre's integrated support for Dear ImGui |
CImportAbstractNode | This abstract node represents an import statement |
CIndexData | Summary class collecting together index data source information |
CInstanceBatch | InstanceBatch forms part of the new Instancing system This is an abstract class that must be derived to implement different instancing techniques (InstanceManager::InstancingTechnique) OGRE wasn't truly thought for instancing |
CInstanceBatchHW | This is technique requires true instancing hardware support |
CInstanceBatchHW_VTF | Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) and hardware instancing |
CInstanceBatchShader | This is the same technique the old InstancedGeometry implementation used (with improvements) |
CInstanceBatchVTF | |
CInstancedEntity | |
CInstanceManager | This is the main starting point for the new instancing system |
CInternalErrorException | |
CIntersectionSceneQuery | Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another |
CIntersectionSceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery |
CIntersectionSceneQueryResult | Holds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values) |
CInvalidCallException | |
CInvalidParametersException | |
CInvalidStateException | |
CIOException | |
CIShader | |
CisPodLike | |
CisPodLike< bool > | |
CisPodLike< char > | |
CisPodLike< double > | |
CisPodLike< float > | |
CisPodLike< int > | |
CisPodLike< long > | |
CisPodLike< short > | |
CisPodLike< signed char > | |
CisPodLike< std::pair< T, U > > | |
CisPodLike< T * > | |
CisPodLike< unsigned > | |
CisPodLike< unsigned char > | |
CisPodLike< unsigned long > | |
CisPodLike< unsigned short > | |
CItemIdentityException | |
CIteratorWrapper | Basefunctionality for IteratorWrappers |
CKeyFrame | A key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack |
CLayerBlendModeEx | Class which manages blending of both colour and alpha components |
CLight | Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene |
CLinearControllerFunction | Predefined controller function based on linear function interpolation |
►CLinearForceAffector | This affector applies a force vector to all particles to modify their trajectory |
CCmdForceApp | Command object for force application (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdForceVector | Command object for force vector (see ParamCommand) |
CLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource | Link to another skeleton to share animations |
CLiSPSMShadowCameraSetup | Implements the Light Space Perspective Shadow Mapping Algorithm [17] |
Clist | |
►CLod0Stripifier | |
CRemapInfo | |
CLodCollapseCost | |
CLodCollapseCostCurvature | |
CLodCollapseCostOutside | |
CLodCollapseCostProfiler | |
CLodCollapseCostQuadric | |
CLodCollapser | |
►CLodConfig | |
CAdvanced | |
CLodConfigSerializer | |
►CLodData | |
CEdge | |
CIndexBufferInfo | |
CIndexBufferPointer | |
CLine | |
CTriangle | |
CVertex | |
CVertexEqual | Equality function for UniqueVertexSet |
CVertexHash | Hash function for UniqueVertexSet |
CLodInputProvider | |
CLodLevel | Structure for automatic Lod configuration |
CLodListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of LOD events |
CLodOutputProvider | |
CLodOutsideMarker | This class will mark vertices of a mesh, which are visible from far away (from outside) |
CLodStrategy | Strategy for determining level of detail |
CLodStrategyManager | Manager for LOD strategies |
CLodWorkQueueInjectorListener | |
►CLog | Log class for writing debug/log data to files |
►CStream | Stream object which targets a log |
CFlush | Simple type to indicate a flush of the stream to the log |
CLogListener | |
CLogManager | The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application |
►CManualObject | Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry |
CManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
CManualResourceLoader | Interface describing a manual resource loader |
Cmap | |
CMapIterator | Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying key-value container |
CMapIteratorWrapper | Prepared IteratorWrapper for key-value container |
CMaterial | Class encapsulates rendering properties of an object |
►CMaterialManager | Class for managing Material settings for Ogre |
CListener | Listener on any general material events |
►CMaterialSerializer | Class for serializing Materials to a .material script |
CListener | Class that allows listening in on the various stages of material serialization process |
►CMath | Class to provide access to common mathematical functions |
CRandomValueProvider | This class is used to provide an external random value provider |
CMatrix3 | A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes |
CMatrix4 | Transform specialization for projective - encapsulating a 4x4 Matrix |
CMemoryDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from chunks of memory |
CMesh | Resource holding data about 3D mesh |
CMeshLodGenerator | |
CMeshLodUsage | A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh |
CMeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
CMeshSerializer | Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file |
CMeshSerializerListener | This class allows users to hook into the mesh loading process and modify references within the mesh as they are loading |
CMetalDepthBuffer | |
CMetalDevice | |
CMetalHardwareBufferCommon | Common buffer operations for most v1 buffer interfaces used in Metal This implementation treats: Ignores STATIC and DYNAMIC bit in buffers Lack of WRITE_ONLY and DISCARDABLE buffer puts it in slowest path |
CMetalHardwareBufferManager | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for Metal |
CMetalHardwarePixelBuffer | |
CMetalMappings | |
CMetalMultiRenderTarget | |
CMetalPlugin | Plugin instance for Metal Manager |
►CMetalProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for Metal Shader Language |
CCmdShaderReflectionPairHint | Command object for setting vertex shader pair |
CMetalProgramFactory | Factory class for Metal programs |
CMetalRenderSystem | |
CMetalRenderTargetCommon | |
CMetalRenderTexture | |
CMetalRenderWindow | |
CMetalSampler | |
CMetalTexture | |
CMetalTextureBuffer | Texture surface |
CMetalTextureManager | |
►CMovableObject | Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene |
CListener | Listener which gets called back on MovableObject events |
CMovableObjectFactory | Interface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing |
CMovableObjectLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a LOD change event for movable objects |
CMovablePlane | Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply |
Cmultimap | |
CMultiRenderTarget | This class represents a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once |
CNameGenerator | Utility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names |
CNoAddRefRelease | |
►CNode | Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph |
CListener | Listener which gets called back on Node events |
CNodeAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms |
CNumericAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values |
CNumericKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value |
CObjectAbstractNode | This specific abstract node represents a script object |
COctree | Octree datastructure for managing scene nodes |
COctreeAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Octree implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
COctreeCamera | Specialized viewpoint from which an Octree can be rendered |
COctreeIntersectionSceneQuery | Octree implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
COctreeNode | Specialized SceneNode that is customized for working within an Octree |
COctreePlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Octree implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
COctreePlugin | Plugin instance for Octree Manager |
COctreeRaySceneQuery | Octree implementation of RaySceneQuery |
COctreeSceneManager | Specialized SceneManager that divides the geometry into an octree in order to facilitate spatial queries |
COctreeSceneManagerFactory | Factory for OctreeSceneManager |
COctreeSphereSceneQuery | Octree implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
COctreeZone | |
COctreeZoneData | |
COctreeZoneFactory | Factory for OctreeZone |
COctreeZonePlugin | Plugin instance for OctreeZone |
COptimisedUtil | Utility class for provides optimised functions |
COverlay | Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents |
COverlayContainer | A 2D element which contains other OverlayElement instances |
COverlayElement | Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay |
COverlayElementFactory | Defines the interface which all components wishing to supply OverlayElement subclasses must implement |
COverlayManager | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
COverlayProfileSessionListener | Concrete impl |
COverlaySystem | This class simplify initialization / finalization of the overlay system |
CPage | Page class |
CPageContent | Interface definition for a unit of content within a page |
CPageContentCollection | Definition of the interface for a collection of PageContent instances |
CPageContentCollectionFactory | Define the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContentCollection |
CPageContentFactory | Define the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContent |
CPagedWorld | This class represents a collection of pages which make up a world |
CPagedWorldSection | Represents a section of the PagedWorld which uses a given PageStrategy, and which is made up of a generally localised set of Page instances |
CPagedWorldSectionFactory | A factory class for creating types of world section |
CPageManager | The PageManager is the entry point through which you load all PagedWorld instances, and the place where PageStrategy instances and factory classes are registered to customise the paging behaviour |
CPageProvider | Abstract class that can be implemented by the user application to provide a way to retrieve or generate page data from a source of their choosing |
CPageStrategy | Defines the interface to a strategy class which is responsible for deciding when Page instances are requested for addition and removal from the paging system |
CPageStrategyData | Abstract marker class representing the data held against the PagedWorldSection which is specifically used by the PageStrategy |
CPanelOverlayElement | OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements |
CParamDictionary | Class to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class |
CParameterDef | |
CParticle | Class representing a single particle instance |
CParticleAffector | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors |
CParticleAffectorFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses |
CParticleEmitter | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters |
CParticleEmitterFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses |
CParticleFXPlugin | Plugin instance for ParticleFX Manager |
CParticleSystem | Class defining particle system based special effects |
CParticleSystemManager | Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories |
CParticleSystemRenderer | Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances |
►CPass | Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material): a single rendering call |
CHashFunc | Definition of a functor for calculating the hashcode of a Pass |
CPassthroughControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which just passes through the original source directly to dest |
CPatchMesh | Patch specialisation of Mesh |
CPatchSurface | A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g |
CPCPlane | Portal Culling Plane |
CPCZAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | PCZ implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
CPCZCamera | Specialized viewpoint from which an PCZone Scene can be rendered |
CPCZFrustum | Specialized frustum shaped culling volume that has culling planes created from portals |
CPCZIntersectionSceneQuery | PCZ implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
CPCZLight | Specialized version of Ogre::Light which caches which zones the light affects |
CPCZLightFactory | Factory object for creating PCZLight instances |
CPCZone | Portal-Connected Zone datastructure for managing scene nodes |
CPCZoneFactory | Factory for PCZones |
CPCZoneFactoryManager | |
CPCZPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | PCZ implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
CPCZPlugin | Plugin instance for PCZ Manager |
CPCZRaySceneQuery | PCZ implementation of RaySceneQuery |
CPCZSceneManager | Specialized SceneManager that uses Portal-Connected-Zones to divide the scene spatially |
CPCZSceneManagerFactory | Factory for PCZSceneManager |
CPCZSceneNode | The PCZSceneNode is an extension used to store zone information and provide additional functionality for a given Ogre::SceneNode |
CPCZSphereSceneQuery | PCZ implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
CPixelBox | A primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory |
CPixelCountLodStrategyBase | Abstract base class for level of detail strategy based on pixel count approximations from bounding sphere projection |
CPixelUtil | Some utility functions for packing and unpacking pixel data |
CPlane | Defines a plane in 3D space |
CPlaneBoundedVolume | Represents a convex volume bounded by planes |
CPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a plane-bounded volume |
CPlaneOptimalShadowCameraSetup | Implements the plane optimal shadow camera algorithm |
CPlatformInformation | Class which provides the run-time platform information Ogre runs on |
CPlugin | Class defining a generic OGRE plugin |
CPointEmitter | This emitter emits particles from a single point, which is it’s position |
CPolygon | The class represents a polygon in 3D space |
CPool | Template class describing a simple pool of items |
CPortal | Portal datastructure for connecting zones |
CPortalBase | PortalBase - Base class to Portal and AntiPortal classes |
CPortalBaseFactory | Factory object for creating Portal instances |
CPortalFactory | Factory object for creating Portal instances |
CPose | A pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data |
CProcessNameExclusionScriptCompilerEvent | |
CProcessResourceNameScriptCompilerEvent | |
CProfile | An individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler |
CProfiledEdge | |
CProfileFrame | Represents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame |
CProfileHistory | Represents a history of each profile during the duration of the app |
CProfileInstance | Represents an individual profile call |
CProfiler | The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code |
CProfileSessionListener | ProfileSessionListener should be used to visualize profile results |
CProperty | Property instance with passthrough calls to a given object |
CPropertyAbstractNode | This abstract node represents a script property |
CPropertyBase | Base interface for an instance of a property |
CPropertyDef | Definition of a property of an object |
CPropertySet | Defines a complete set of properties for a single object instance |
CPropertyValue | A simple structure designed just as a holder of property values between the instances of objects they might target |
CPSSMShadowCameraSetup | Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) shadow camera setup |
CQuake3Level | Support for loading and extracting data from a Quake3 level file |
►CQuake3Shader | Class for recording Quake3 shaders |
CPass | |
CQuake3ShaderManager | Class for managing Quake3 custom shaders |
CQuaternion | Implementation of a Quaternion, i.e |
CQueuedRenderableCollection | Lowest level collection of renderables |
CQueuedRenderableVisitor | Visitor interface for items in a QueuedRenderableCollection |
CRadian | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians |
CRay | Representation of a ray in space, i.e |
CRaySceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray |
CRaySceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery |
CRaySceneQueryResultEntry | This struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type |
CRectangle2D | Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with specific render queue and depth settings, like RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND and 'depth_write off' for backdrops, and RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY and 'depth_check off' for fullscreen quads |
CRegionSceneQuery | Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region |
►CRenderable | Abstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement |
CVisitor | Visitor object that can be used to iterate over a collection of Renderable instances abstractly |
CRenderablePass | Struct associating a single Pass with a single Renderable |
CRenderingAPIException | |
CRenderObjectListener | Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the scene manager when single object is about to be rendered |
CRenderOperation | 'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers |
CRenderPriorityGroup | Collection of renderables by priority |
►CRenderQueue | Class to manage the scene object rendering queue |
CRenderableListener | Class to listen in on items being added to the render queue |
CRenderQueueGroup | A grouping level underneath RenderQueue which groups renderables to be issued at coarsely the same time to the renderer |
CRenderQueueListener | Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue |
►CRenderSystem | Defines the functionality of a 3D API |
CListener | Defines a listener on the custom events that this render system can raise |
CRenderSystemCapabilities | This class stores the capabilities of the graphics card |
CRenderSystemCapabilitiesManager | Class for managing RenderSystemCapabilities database for Ogre |
CRenderSystemCapabilitiesSerializer | Class for serializing RenderSystemCapabilities to / from a .rendercaps script |
►CRenderTarget | A 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation |
CFrameStats | |
CRenderTargetEvent | Struct containing information about a RenderTarget event |
CRenderTargetListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of RenderTarget events |
CRenderTargetViewportEvent | Struct containing information about a RenderTarget Viewport-specific event |
CRenderTexture | This class represents a RenderTarget that renders to a Texture |
CRenderToVertexBuffer | An object which renders geometry to a vertex |
CRenderWindow | Manages the target rendering window |
CRenderWindowDescription | Render window creation parameters |
►CResource | Abstract class representing a loadable resource |
CListener | |
CResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
CResourceGroupListener | This class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load |
►CResourceGroupManager | This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group |
CResourceDeclaration | Nested struct defining a resource declaration |
CResourceLocation | Resource location entry |
CResourceLoadingListener | This class allows users to override resource loading behavior |
►CResourceManager | Defines a generic resource handler |
CResourcePool | Definition of a pool of resources, which users can use to reuse similar resources many times without destroying and recreating them |
CRibbonTrail | Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances |
►CRingEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a ring (e.g |
CCmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
CCmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
CRoot | The root class of the Ogre system |
►CRotationAffector | This affector rotates particles in flight |
CCmdRotationRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
CCmdRotationRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
CCmdRotationSpeedRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
CCmdRotationSpeedRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
CRotationalSpline | This class interpolates orientations (rotations) along a spline using derivatives of quaternions |
CRsImageCodec | |
CRuntimeAssertionException | |
►CSampler | Class which determines how a TextureUnitState accesses data from a Texture |
CUVWAddressingMode | Texture addressing mode for each texture coordinate |
►CScaleAffector | This affector scales particles in flight |
CCmdScaleAdjust | Command object for scale adjust (see ParamCommand) |
CScaleControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which simply scales an input to an output value |
►CSceneManager | Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene': a collection of objects and potentially world geometry |
CListener | Class that allows listening in on the various stages of SceneManager processing, so that custom behaviour can be implemented from outside |
CRenderContext | |
CSceneMgrQueuedRenderableVisitor | Inner helper class to implement the visitor pattern for rendering objects in a queue |
CSkyBoxGenParameters | |
CSkyDomeGenParameters | |
CSkyPlaneGenParameters | |
CSceneManagerFactory | Class which will create instances of a given SceneManager |
CSceneNode | Class representing a node in the scene graph |
CSceneQuery | A class for performing queries on a scene |
CSceneQueryListener | This optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results |
CSceneQueryResult | Holds the results of a scene query |
CScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy | |
CScriptCompiler | This is the main class for the compiler |
CScriptCompilerEvent | This struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by subscribers |
CScriptCompilerListener | This is a listener for the compiler |
CScriptCompilerManager | Manages threaded compilation of scripts |
CScriptLoader | Abstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage |
CScriptTranslator | This class translates script AST (abstract syntax tree) into Ogre resources |
CScriptTranslatorManager | The ScriptTranslatorManager manages the lifetime and access to script translators |
CSegment | 3D Line Segment class for intersection testing in Ogre3D |
CSerializer | Generic class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files |
Cset | |
CShadowCameraSetup | This class allows you to plug in new ways to define the camera setup when rendering and projecting shadow textures |
CShadowCaster | This class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters |
CShadowRenderable | Class which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces |
CShadowTextureConfig | Structure containing the configuration for one shadow texture |
CShadowTextureListener | |
CSharedPtr | |
CSimplePageContentCollection | Specialisation of PageContentCollection which just provides a simple list of PageContent instances |
CSimplePageContentCollectionFactory | Factory class for SimplePageContentCollection |
CSimpleParamCommand | Generic ParamCommand implementation stores pointers to the class getter and setter functions |
CSimpleParamCommand< _Class, const String &, getter, setter > | Specialization for strings |
CSimpleRenderable | Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects |
CSimpleSpline | A very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines |
CSingleton | Template class for creating single-instance global classes |
CSkeleton | A collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh |
CSkeletonInstance | A SkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object |
CSkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
CSkeletonSerializer | Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file |
CSmallVector | SmallVector - This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small |
CSmallVector< T, 0 > | Specialize SmallVector at N=0 |
CSmallVectorBase | SmallVectorBase - This is all the non-templated stuff common to all SmallVectors |
CSmallVectorImpl | SmallVectorImpl - This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase | SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = false> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with non-POD-like T's |
CSmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > | SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = true> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with POD-like T's |
CSmallVectorTemplateCommon | |
CSPFMDeleteT | |
CSPFMNone | |
CSphere | A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking |
CSphereSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere |
CSPIRVShader | |
CSPIRVShaderFactory | |
CStaticCache | Template version of cache based on static array |
CStaticFaceGroup | Collects a group of static i.e |
►CStaticGeometry | Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene |
CGeometryBucket | A GeometryBucket is a the lowest level bucket where geometry with the same vertex & index format is stored |
CLODBucket | A LODBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same LOD |
CMaterialBucket | A MaterialBucket is a collection of smaller buckets with the same Material (and implicitly the same LOD) |
COptimisedSubMeshGeometry | Struct holding geometry optimised per SubMesh / LOD level, ready for copying to instances |
CQueuedGeometry | Structure recording a queued geometry for low level builds |
CQueuedSubMesh | Structure recording a queued submesh for the build |
CRegion | The details of a topological region which is the highest level of partitioning for this class |
CSubMeshLodGeometryLink | Saved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry |
CSTBIImageCodec | |
CStencilState | Describes the stencil buffer operation |
►CStreamSerialiser | Utility class providing helper methods for reading / writing structured data held in a DataStream |
CChunk | Definition of a chunk of data in a file |
CStringConverter | Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings |
CStringInterface | Class defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers |
CStringUtil | Utility class for manipulating Strings |
CSubEntity | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity |
CSubMesh | Defines a part of a complete mesh |
CTagPoint | A tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities |
►CTangentSpaceCalc | Class for calculating a tangent space basis |
CIndexRemap | Information about a remapped index |
CResult | The result of having built a tangent space basis |
►CTechnique | Class representing an approach to rendering this particular Material |
CGPUDeviceNameRule | Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU device name |
CGPUVendorRule | Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU vendor |
►CTerrain | The main containing class for a chunk of terrain |
CDefaultGpuBufferAllocator | Standard implementation of a buffer allocator which re-uses buffers |
CGpuBufferAllocator | Interface used to by the Terrain instance to allocate GPU buffers |
CImportData | Structure encapsulating import data that you may use to bootstrap the terrain without loading from a native data stream |
CLayerInstance | An instance of a layer, with specific texture names |
CTerrainAutoUpdateLod | Terrain automatic LOD loading |
CTerrainAutoUpdateLodByDistance | Class implementing TerrainAutoUpdateLod interface |
CTerrainAutoUpdateLodFactory | |
CTerrainGlobalOptions | Options class which just stores default options for the terrain |
►CTerrainGroup | Helper class to assist you in managing multiple terrain instances that are connected to each other |
CRayResult | Result from a terrain ray intersection with the terrain group |
CTerrainSlot | Slot for a terrain instance, together with its definition |
CTerrainSlotDefinition | Definition of how to populate a 'slot' in the terrain group |
CTerrainLayerBlendMap | Class exposing an interface to a blend map for a given layer |
CTerrainLayerSampler | Description of a sampler that will be used with each layer |
►CTerrainLodManager | Terrain LOD data manager |
CLoadLodRequest | |
CLodInfo | |
►CTerrainMaterialGenerator | Class that provides functionality to generate materials for use with a terrain |
CProfile | |
►CTerrainMaterialGeneratorA | A TerrainMaterialGenerator which can cope with normal mapped, specular mapped terrain |
CSM2Profile | Shader model 2 profile target |
►CTerrainPagedWorldSection | A world section which includes paged terrain |
CTerrainDefiner | |
CTerrainPaging | This class is the 'core' class for paging terrain, that will integrate with the larger paging system and provide the appropriate utility classes required |
►CTerrainQuadTreeNode | A node in a quad tree used to store a patch of terrain |
CLodLevel | |
CTexCoordModifierControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates) |
CTextAreaOverlayElement | This class implements an overlay element which contains simple unformatted text |
CTexture | Abstract class representing a Texture resource |
CTextureAnimatorAffector | This affector makes it possible to have an animated texture for each individual particle |
CTextureAnimatorAffectorFactory | Factory class for TextureAnimatorAffector |
CTextureFrameControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting the frame number of a texture layer |
CTextureManager | Class for loading & managing textures |
►CTextureUnitState | Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material |
CTextureEffect | Internal structure defining a texture effect |
CTimeIndex | Time index object used to search keyframe at the given position |
CTimer | Timer class |
CTinyDepthBuffer | |
CTinyHardwarePixelBuffer | |
CTinyPlugin | Plugin instance for Tiny Manager |
CTinyRenderSystem | Software rasterizer Implementation as a rendering system |
CTinyTexture | |
CTinyTextureManager | |
CTinyWindow | |
CTransformBase | Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogeneous matrix |
CTransformBaseReal | |
CTransformKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform |
CTRect | |
CUnimplementedException | Template struct which creates a distinct type for each exception code |
CUserObjectBindings | Class that provides convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objects and Ogre core classes |
CVariableAccessAbstractNode | This abstract node represents a variable assignment |
Cvector | |
CVector | Standard N-dimensional vector |
CVectorBase | Helper class to implement legacy API. Notably x, y, z access |
CVectorBase< 2, Real > | |
CVectorBase< 3, Real > | |
CVectorBase< 4, Real > | |
CVectorIterator | Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying container |
CVectorIteratorWrapper | Prepared IteratorWrapper for container like std::vector |
CVectorSet | VectorSet is basically a helper to use a vector as a small set container |
CVertexAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information |
CVertexBoneAssignment | Records the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight |
CVertexBufferBinding | Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements |
CVertexCacheProfiler | Vertex cache profiler |
►CVertexData | Collects together all the vertex-related information used to render geometry |
CHardwareAnimationData | Struct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information |
CVertexDeclaration | This class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API through a RenderOperation |
CVertexElement | This class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration |
CVertexMorphKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track |
►CVertexPoseKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which references a Mesh::Pose at a certain influence level, which stores offsets for a subset of the vertices in a buffer to provide a blendable pose |
CPoseRef | Reference to a pose at a given influence level |
CVideoMode | |
CViewPoint | Structure for holding a position & orientation pair |
►CViewport | An abstraction of a viewport, i.e |
CListener | Listener interface so you can be notified of Viewport changes |
CVisibleObjectsBoundsInfo | Structure collecting together information about the visible objects that have been discovered in a scene |
CVulkanDescriptorPool | The VulkanDescriptorPool class A VulkanDescriptorPool manages the pool of a single set (i.e |
►CVulkanDevice | |
CSelectedQueue | |
CVulkanFrameBufferDescValue | |
CVulkanHardwareBuffer | |
CVulkanHardwareBufferManager | |
CVulkanHardwarePixelBuffer | |
CVulkanMappings | |
CVulkanPlugin | Plugin instance for Vulkan Manager |
CVulkanProgram | Specialisation of GpuProgram to provide support for SPIRV |
CVulkanProgramFactory | Factory class for Vulkan programs |
►CVulkanQueue | |
CPerFrameData | |
CVulkanRenderPassDescriptor | |
CVulkanRenderSystem | |
CVulkanRenderTexture | |
CVulkanSampler | |
CVulkanTextureGpu | |
CVulkanTextureGpuManager | |
CVulkanTextureGpuWindow | |
CVulkanWindow | |
CWaveformControllerFunction | Predefined controller function based on a waveform |
CWireBoundingBox | Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box |
►CWorkQueue | Interface to a general purpose task-basedbackground work queue |
CRequest | General purpose request structure |
CResponse | General purpose response structure |
CWorldFragment | Represents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery |
CZipArchiveFactory | Specialisation to allow reading of files from a zip format source archive |
CZoneData | |
►NOgreBites | |
CAdvancedRenderControls | |
CApplicationContextBase | Base class responsible for setting up a common context for applications |
CApplicationContextQt | Specialization for connecting with Qt |
CAxisEvent | |
CButton | Basic button class |
CButtonEvent | |
CCameraMan | Utility class for controlling the camera in samples |
CCheckBox | Basic check box widget |
CDecorWidget | Custom, decorative widget created from a template |
CEvent | |
CImGuiInputListener | |
CInputListener | Return values of the callbacks are ignored by ApplicationContext however they can be used to control event propagation in a hierarchy |
CInputListenerChain | Chain of multiple InputListeners that acts as a single InputListener |
CKeyboardEvent | |
CKeysym | |
CLabel | Basic label widget |
CMouseButtonEvent | |
CMouseMotionEvent | |
CMouseWheelEvent | |
CNativeWindowPair | Link between a renderwindow and a platform specific window |
CParamsPanel | Basic parameters panel widget |
CProgressBar | Basic progress bar widget |
CSelectMenu | Basic selection menu widget |
CSeparator | Basic separator widget |
CSGTechniqueResolverListener | Default implementation of a Listener to use with the Ogre::RTShader system |
CSlider | Basic slider widget |
CStaticPluginLoader | Utility class for loading the plugins statically |
CTextBox | Scrollable text box widget |
CTextInputEvent | |
CTouchFingerEvent | |
CTrayListener | Listener class for responding to tray events |
CTrayManager | Main class to manage a cursor, backdrop, trays and widgets |
CWidget | Abstract base class for all widgets |
CWindowEventListener | Callback class used to send out window events to client app |
CWindowEventUtilities | Utility class to handle Window Messages |
CaiMatrix4x4t | |
Cbsp_brush_t | |
Cbsp_brushside_t | |
Cbsp_face_t | |
Cbsp_header_t | |
Cbsp_leaf_t | |
Cbsp_lump_entry_t | |
Cbsp_model_t | |
Cbsp_node_t | |
Cbsp_plane_t | |
Cbsp_shader_t | |
Cbsp_vertex_t | |
Cbsp_vis_t | |
COgreMetalView |