OGRE  14.3
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::MeshManager Class Reference

Handles the management of mesh resources. More...

#include <OgreMeshManager.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::MeshManager:

Public Member Functions

 MeshManager ()
 ~MeshManager ()
void _initialise (void)
 Initialises the manager, only to be called by OGRE internally. More...
MeshPtr create (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0)
 Create a new mesh. More...
PatchMeshPtr createBezierPatch (const String &name, const String &groupName, void *controlPointBuffer, VertexDeclaration *declaration, size_t width, size_t height, size_t uMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, size_t vMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, PatchSurface::VisibleSide visibleSide=PatchSurface::VS_FRONT, HardwareBuffer::Usage vbUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage ibUsage=HBU_CPU_TO_GPU, bool vbUseShadow=true, bool ibUseShadow=true)
 Creates a Bezier patch based on an array of control vertices. More...
MeshPtr createCurvedIllusionPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, Real curvature, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=true, unsigned short numTexCoordSets=1, Real uTile=1.0f, Real vTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, const Quaternion &orientation=Quaternion::IDENTITY, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=false, bool indexShadowBuffer=false, int ySegmentsToKeep=-1)
 Creates a plane, which because of it's texture coordinates looks like a curved surface, useful for skies in a skybox. More...
MeshPtr createCurvedPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, Real bow=0.5f, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=false, unsigned short numTexCoordSets=1, Real uTile=1.0f, Real vTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=false, bool indexShadowBuffer=false)
 Creates a genuinely curved plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z. More...
MeshPtr createManual (const String &name, const String &groupName, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Creates a new Mesh specifically for manual definition rather than loading from an object file. More...
ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult createOrRetrieve (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader *loader, const NameValuePairList *createParams, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexBufferShadowed=false, bool indexBufferShadowed=false)
 Create a new mesh, or retrieve an existing one with the same name if it already exists. More...
ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult createOrRetrieve (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0)
 Create a new resource, or retrieve an existing one with the same name if it already exists. More...
MeshPtr createPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=true, unsigned short numTexCoordSets=1, Real uTile=1.0f, Real vTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=false, bool indexShadowBuffer=false)
 Creates a basic plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z. More...
VertexElementType getBlendWeightsBaseElementType () const
 Gets the base element type used for blend weights in vertex buffers. More...
Real getBoundsPaddingFactor (void)
 Gets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded. More...
MeshPtr getByName (const String &name, const String &groupName=RGN_DEFAULT) const
 Retrieves a pointer to a resource by name, or null if the resource does not exist. More...
MeshSerializerListenergetListener ()
 Gets the listener used to control mesh loading through the serializer. More...
bool getPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes (void)
 Retrieves whether all Meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes. More...
MeshPtr load (const String &filename, const String &groupName, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexBufferShadowed=false, bool indexBufferShadowed=false)
 Loads a mesh from a file, making it immediately available for use. More...
MeshPtr prepare (const String &filename, const String &groupName, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HBU_GPU_ONLY, bool vertexBufferShadowed=false, bool indexBufferShadowed=false)
 Prepares a mesh for loading from a file. More...
void setBlendWeightsBaseElementType (VertexElementType vet)
 sets the base element type used for blend weights in vertex buffers. More...
void setBoundsPaddingFactor (Real paddingFactor)
 Sets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded. More...
void setListener (MeshSerializerListener *listener)
 Sets the listener used to control mesh loading through the serializer. More...
void setPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes (bool enable)
 Tells the mesh manager that all future meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes on loading. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::ResourceManager
 ResourceManager ()
virtual ~ResourceManager ()
virtual void _notifyResourceLoaded (Resource *res)
 Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been loaded. More...
virtual void _notifyResourceTouched (Resource *res)
 Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been 'touched', i.e. More...
virtual void _notifyResourceUnloaded (Resource *res)
 Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been unloaded. More...
ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult createOrRetrieve (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0)
 Create a new resource, or retrieve an existing one with the same name if it already exists. More...
ResourcePtr createResource (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0)
 Creates a new blank resource, but does not immediately load it. More...
void destroyAllResourcePools ()
 destroy all pools More...
void destroyResourcePool (const String &name)
 Destroy a resource pool. More...
void destroyResourcePool (ResourcePool *pool)
 Destroy a resource pool. More...
virtual ResourcePtr getByHandle (ResourceHandle handle) const
 Retrieves a pointer to a resource by handle, or null if the resource does not exist. More...
Real getLoadingOrder (void) const override
 Gets the loading order for scripts of this type. More...
size_t getMemoryBudget (void) const
 Get the limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use. More...
size_t getMemoryUsage (void) const
 Gets the current memory usage, in bytes. More...
virtual ResourcePtr getResourceByName (const String &name, const String &groupName=RGN_DEFAULT) const
 Retrieves a pointer to a resource by name, or null if the resource does not exist. More...
ResourceMapIterator getResourceIterator (void)
 Returns an iterator over all resources in this manager. More...
ResourcePoolgetResourcePool (const String &name)
 Create a resource pool, or reuse one that already exists. More...
const StringgetResourceType (void) const
 Gets a string identifying the type of resource this manager handles. More...
const StringVectorgetScriptPatterns (void) const override
 Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this class. More...
bool getVerbose (void)
 Gets whether this manager and its resources habitually produce log output. More...
ResourcePtr load (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *loadParams=0, bool backgroundThread=false)
 Generic load method, used to create a Resource specific to this ResourceManager without using one of the specialised 'load' methods (containing per-Resource-type parameters). More...
void parseScript (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName) override
 Parse a script file. More...
ResourcePtr prepare (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *loadParams=0, bool backgroundThread=false)
 Generic prepare method, used to create a Resource specific to this ResourceManager without using one of the specialised 'prepare' methods (containing per-Resource-type parameters). More...
void reloadAll (bool reloadableOnly=true)
 Caused all currently loaded resources to be reloaded. More...
virtual void reloadAll (Resource::LoadingFlags flags)
 Caused all currently loaded resources to be reloaded. More...
void reloadUnreferencedResources (bool reloadableOnly=true)
 Caused all currently loaded but not referenced by any other object resources to be reloaded. More...
void remove (const ResourcePtr &r)
 Remove a single resource. More...
void remove (const String &name, const String &group=RGN_DEFAULT)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
void remove (ResourceHandle handle)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts. More...
virtual void removeAll (void)
 Removes all resources. More...
virtual void removeUnreferencedResources (bool reloadableOnly=true)
 Remove all resources which are not referenced by any other object. More...
bool resourceExists (const String &name, const String &group=RGN_DEFAULT) const
 Returns whether the named resource exists in this manager. More...
bool resourceExists (ResourceHandle handle) const
 Returns whether a resource with the given handle exists in this manager. More...
void setMemoryBudget (size_t bytes)
 Set a limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use. More...
void setVerbose (bool v)
 Sets whether this manager and its resources habitually produce log output. More...
void unload (const String &name, const String &group=RGN_DEFAULT)
 Unloads a single resource by name. More...
void unload (ResourceHandle handle)
 Unloads a single resource by handle. More...
void unloadAll (bool reloadableOnly=true)
 Unloads all resources. More...
virtual void unloadAll (Resource::LoadingFlags flags)
 Unloads all resources. More...
void unloadUnreferencedResources (bool reloadableOnly=true)
 Unload all resources which are not referenced by any other object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::ScriptLoader
virtual ~ScriptLoader ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< MeshManager >
 Singleton (void)
 ~Singleton (void)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool getBonesUseObjectSpace ()
 whether the bone matrices are in object space or world space More...
static MeshManagergetSingleton (void)
 Get the singleton instance. More...
static MeshManagergetSingletonPtr (void)
 Get the singleton instance. More...
static void setBonesUseObjectSpace (bool enable)
 Set whether to keep the bone matrices in object space or transform them to world space. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::Singleton< MeshManager >
static MeshManagergetSingleton (void)
 Get the singleton instance. More...
static MeshManagergetSingletonPtr (void)
 Get the singleton instance. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ogre::ResourceManager
typedef std::pair< ResourcePtr, bool > ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult
typedef std::map< ResourceHandle, ResourcePtrResourceHandleMap
typedef std::unordered_map< String, ResourcePtrResourceMap
typedef MapIterator< ResourceHandleMapResourceMapIterator
typedef std::unordered_map< String, ResourceMapResourceWithGroupMap

Detailed Description

Handles the management of mesh resources.

This class deals with the runtime management of mesh data; like other resource managers it handles the creation of resources (in this case mesh data), working within a fixed memory budget.

Ogre loads model files from it's own proprietary format called .mesh. This is because having a single file format is better for runtime performance, and we also have control over pre-processed data (such as collision boxes, LOD reductions etc).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MeshManager()

Ogre::MeshManager::MeshManager ( )

◆ ~MeshManager()

Ogre::MeshManager::~MeshManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _initialise()

void Ogre::MeshManager::_initialise ( void  )

Initialises the manager, only to be called by OGRE internally.

◆ getByName()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::getByName ( const String name,
const String groupName = RGN_DEFAULT 
) const

Retrieves a pointer to a resource by name, or null if the resource does not exist.

◆ create()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::create ( const String name,
const String group,
bool  isManual = false,
ManualResourceLoader loader = 0,
const NameValuePairList createParams = 0 

Create a new mesh.

nameThe unique name of the Resource
groupThe name of the resource group to attach this new resource to
isManualIs this resource manually loaded? If so, you should really populate the loader parameter in order that the load process can call the loader back when loading is required.
loaderPointer to a ManualLoader implementation which will be called when the Resource wishes to load (should be supplied if you set isManual to true). You can in fact leave this parameter null if you wish, but the Resource will never be able to reload if anything ever causes it to unload. Therefore provision of a proper ManualLoader instance is strongly recommended.
createParamsIf any parameters are required to create an instance, they should be supplied here as name / value pairs

◆ createOrRetrieve() [1/2]

ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult Ogre::MeshManager::createOrRetrieve ( const String name,
const String group,
bool  isManual,
ManualResourceLoader loader,
const NameValuePairList createParams,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexBufferShadowed = false,
bool  indexBufferShadowed = false 

Create a new mesh, or retrieve an existing one with the same name if it already exists.

nameThe unique name of the Resource
groupThe name of the resource group to attach this new resource to
isManualIs this resource manually loaded? If so, you should really populate the loader parameter in order that the load process can call the loader back when loading is required.
loaderPointer to a ManualLoader implementation which will be called when the Resource wishes to load (should be supplied if you set isManual to true). You can in fact leave this parameter null if you wish, but the Resource will never be able to reload if anything ever causes it to unload. Therefore provision of a proper ManualLoader instance is strongly recommended.
createParamsIf any parameters are required to create an instance, they should be supplied here as name / value pairs
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the vertex buffer(s) will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the index buffer(s) created for this mesh will be created with.
vertexBufferShadowedIf true, the vertex buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access
indexBufferShadowedIf true, the index buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access

◆ prepare()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::prepare ( const String filename,
const String groupName,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexBufferShadowed = false,
bool  indexBufferShadowed = false 

Prepares a mesh for loading from a file.

This does the IO in advance of the call to load().

If the model has already been created (prepared or loaded), the existing instance will be returned.
filenameThe name of the .mesh file
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the vertex buffer(s) will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the index buffer(s) created for this mesh will be created with.
vertexBufferShadowedIf true, the vertex buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access
indexBufferShadowedIf true, the index buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access

◆ load()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::load ( const String filename,
const String groupName,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexBufferShadowed = false,
bool  indexBufferShadowed = false 

Loads a mesh from a file, making it immediately available for use.

This does the IO in advance of the call to load().

If the model has already been created (prepared or loaded), the existing instance will be returned.
filenameThe name of the .mesh file
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the vertex buffer(s) will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flags with which the index buffer(s) created for this mesh will be created with.
vertexBufferShadowedIf true, the vertex buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access
indexBufferShadowedIf true, the index buffers will be shadowed by system memory copies for faster read access

◆ createManual()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::createManual ( const String name,
const String groupName,
ManualResourceLoader loader = 0 

Creates a new Mesh specifically for manual definition rather than loading from an object file.

Note that once you've defined your mesh, you must call Mesh::_setBounds in order to define the bounds of your mesh. In previous versions of OGRE could auto-compute that, but OGRE's support of write-only vertex buffers makes this no longer appropriate.

nameThe name to give the new mesh
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
loaderManualResourceLoader which will be called to load this mesh when the time comes. It is recommended that you populate this field in order that the mesh can be rebuilt should the need arise

◆ createPlane()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::createPlane ( const String name,
const String groupName,
const Plane plane,
Real  width,
Real  height,
int  xsegments = 1,
int  ysegments = 1,
bool  normals = true,
unsigned short  numTexCoordSets = 1,
Real  uTile = 1.0f,
Real  vTile = 1.0f,
const Vector3 upVector = Vector3::UNIT_Y,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexShadowBuffer = false,
bool  indexShadowBuffer = false 

Creates a basic plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z.

nameThe name to give the resulting mesh
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
planeThe orientation of the plane and distance from the origin
widthThe width of the plane in world coordinates
heightThe height of the plane in world coordinates
xsegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the x direction
ysegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the y direction
normalsIf true, normals are created perpendicular to the plane
numTexCoordSetsThe number of 2D texture coordinate sets created - by default the corners are created to be the corner of the texture.
uTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the u direction
vTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the v direction
upVectorThe 'Up' direction of the plane texture coordinates.
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the vertex buffer for this plane will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the index buffer for this plane will be created
vertexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the vertex buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware
indexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the index buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware

◆ createCurvedIllusionPlane()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::createCurvedIllusionPlane ( const String name,
const String groupName,
const Plane plane,
Real  width,
Real  height,
Real  curvature,
int  xsegments = 1,
int  ysegments = 1,
bool  normals = true,
unsigned short  numTexCoordSets = 1,
Real  uTile = 1.0f,
Real  vTile = 1.0f,
const Vector3 upVector = Vector3::UNIT_Y,
const Quaternion orientation = Quaternion::IDENTITY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexShadowBuffer = false,
bool  indexShadowBuffer = false,
int  ySegmentsToKeep = -1 

Creates a plane, which because of it's texture coordinates looks like a curved surface, useful for skies in a skybox.

nameThe name to give the resulting mesh
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
planeThe orientation of the plane and distance from the origin
widthThe width of the plane in world coordinates
heightThe height of the plane in world coordinates
curvatureThe curvature of the plane. Good values are between 2 and 65. Higher values are more curved leading to a smoother effect, lower values are less curved meaning more distortion at the horizons but a better distance effect.
xsegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the x direction
ysegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the y direction
normalsIf true, normals are created perpendicular to the plane
numTexCoordSetsThe number of 2D texture coordinate sets created - by default the corners are created to be the corner of the texture.
uTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the u direction
vTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the v direction
upVectorThe 'Up' direction of the plane.
orientationThe orientation of the overall sphere that's used to create the illusion
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the vertex buffer for this plane will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the index buffer for this plane will be created
vertexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the vertex buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware
indexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the index buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware
ySegmentsToKeepThe number of segments from the top of the dome downwards to keep. -1 keeps all of them. This can save fillrate if you cannot see much of the sky lower down.

◆ createCurvedPlane()

MeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::createCurvedPlane ( const String name,
const String groupName,
const Plane plane,
Real  width,
Real  height,
Real  bow = 0.5f,
int  xsegments = 1,
int  ysegments = 1,
bool  normals = false,
unsigned short  numTexCoordSets = 1,
Real  uTile = 1.0f,
Real  vTile = 1.0f,
const Vector3 upVector = Vector3::UNIT_Y,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vertexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  indexBufferUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
bool  vertexShadowBuffer = false,
bool  indexShadowBuffer = false 

Creates a genuinely curved plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z.

nameThe name to give the resulting mesh
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
planeThe orientation of the plane and distance from the origin
widthThe width of the plane in world coordinates
heightThe height of the plane in world coordinates
bowThe amount of 'bow' in the curved plane. (Could also be considered the depth.)
xsegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the x direction
ysegmentsThe number of segments to the plane in the y direction
normalsIf true, normals are created perpendicular to the plane
numTexCoordSetsThe number of 2D texture coordinate sets created - by default the corners are created to be the corner of the texture.
uTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the u direction
vTileThe number of times the texture should be repeated in the v direction
upVectorThe 'Up' direction of the plane.
vertexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the vertex buffer for this plane will be created
indexBufferUsageThe usage flag with which the index buffer for this plane will be created
vertexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the vertex buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware
indexShadowBufferIf this flag is set to true, the index buffer will be created with a system memory shadow buffer, allowing you to read it back more efficiently than if it is in hardware

◆ createBezierPatch()

PatchMeshPtr Ogre::MeshManager::createBezierPatch ( const String name,
const String groupName,
void *  controlPointBuffer,
VertexDeclaration declaration,
size_t  width,
size_t  height,
size_t  uMaxSubdivisionLevel = PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL,
size_t  vMaxSubdivisionLevel = PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL,
PatchSurface::VisibleSide  visibleSide = PatchSurface::VS_FRONT,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  vbUsage = HBU_GPU_ONLY,
HardwareBuffer::Usage  ibUsage = HBU_CPU_TO_GPU,
bool  vbUseShadow = true,
bool  ibUseShadow = true 

Creates a Bezier patch based on an array of control vertices.

nameThe name to give the newly created mesh.
groupNameThe name of the resource group to assign the mesh to
controlPointBufferA pointer to a buffer containing the vertex data which defines control points of the curves rather than actual vertices. Note that you are expected to provide not just position information, but potentially normals and texture coordinates too. The format of the buffer is defined in the VertexDeclaration parameter
declarationVertexDeclaration describing the contents of the buffer. Note this declaration must only draw on buffer source 0!
widthSpecifies the width of the patch in control points. Note this parameter must greater than or equal to 3.
heightSpecifies the height of the patch in control points. Note this parameter must greater than or equal to 3.
uMaxSubdivisionLevel,vMaxSubdivisionLevelIf you want to manually set the top level of subdivision, do it here, otherwise let the system decide.
visibleSideDetermines which side of the patch (or both) triangles are generated for.
vbUsageVertex buffer usage flags. Recommend the default since vertex buffer should be static.
ibUsageIndex buffer usage flags. Recommend the default since index buffer should be dynamic to change levels but not readable.
vbUseShadowFlag to determine if a shadow buffer is generated for the vertex buffer. See HardwareBuffer for full details.
ibUseShadowFlag to determine if a shadow buffer is generated for the index buffer. See HardwareBuffer for full details.

◆ setPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes()

void Ogre::MeshManager::setPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes ( bool  enable)

Tells the mesh manager that all future meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes on loading.

◆ getPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes()

bool Ogre::MeshManager::getPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes ( void  )

Retrieves whether all Meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes.

◆ getSingleton()

static MeshManager& Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton ( void  )

Get the singleton instance.

◆ getSingletonPtr()

static MeshManager* Ogre::MeshManager::getSingletonPtr ( void  )

Get the singleton instance.

◆ getBlendWeightsBaseElementType()

VertexElementType Ogre::MeshManager::getBlendWeightsBaseElementType ( ) const

Gets the base element type used for blend weights in vertex buffers.

See the remarks below for SetBlendWeightsBaseElementType().

◆ setBlendWeightsBaseElementType()

void Ogre::MeshManager::setBlendWeightsBaseElementType ( VertexElementType  vet)

sets the base element type used for blend weights in vertex buffers.

This takes effect when meshes are loaded. Default is VET_FLOAT1. Valid values are: VET_UBYTE4_NORM: 8-bit blend weights. Lowest memory cost but may have precision issues. Requires SM2.0+ vertex shader. No software skinning. VET_USHORT2_NORM: 16-bit blend weights. Requires SM2.0+ vertex shader. No software skinning. VET_FLOAT1: 32-bit blend weights. Highest memory cost. Supports hardware and software skinning.

◆ setBonesUseObjectSpace()

static void Ogre::MeshManager::setBonesUseObjectSpace ( bool  enable)

Set whether to keep the bone matrices in object space or transform them to world space.

Transforming to world space happens on the CPU and is the legacy behavior. Using object space bones is more efficient as it allows to do the transformation in the vertex shader.

◆ getBonesUseObjectSpace()

static bool Ogre::MeshManager::getBonesUseObjectSpace ( )

whether the bone matrices are in object space or world space

◆ getBoundsPaddingFactor()

Real Ogre::MeshManager::getBoundsPaddingFactor ( void  )

Gets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded.

Default is 0.01

◆ setBoundsPaddingFactor()

void Ogre::MeshManager::setBoundsPaddingFactor ( Real  paddingFactor)

Sets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded.

◆ setListener()

void Ogre::MeshManager::setListener ( MeshSerializerListener listener)

Sets the listener used to control mesh loading through the serializer.

◆ getListener()

MeshSerializerListener* Ogre::MeshManager::getListener ( )

Gets the listener used to control mesh loading through the serializer.

◆ createOrRetrieve() [2/2]

ResourceCreateOrRetrieveResult Ogre::ResourceManager::createOrRetrieve

Create a new resource, or retrieve an existing one with the same name if it already exists.

This method performs the same task as calling getByName() followed by create() if that returns null. The advantage is that it does it in one call so there are no race conditions if using multiple threads that could cause getByName() to return null, but create() to fail because another thread created a resource in between.

nameThe unique name of the Resource
groupThe name of the resource group to attach this new resource to
isManualIs this resource manually loaded? If so, you should really populate the loader parameter in order that the load process can call the loader back when loading is required.
loaderPointer to a ManualLoader implementation which will be called when the Resource wishes to load (should be supplied if you set isManual to true). You can in fact leave this parameter null if you wish, but the Resource will never be able to reload if anything ever causes it to unload. Therefore provision of a proper ManualLoader instance is strongly recommended.
createParamsIf any parameters are required to create an instance, they should be supplied here as name / value pairs
A pair, the first element being the pointer, and the second being an indicator specifying whether the resource was newly created.

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