OGRE 14.3
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Level of Detail
 deprecatedDeprecated std:: wrappers for backwards-compatibility only
 Optional Components
 BitesReusable utilities for rapid prototyping
 InputSDL2 inspired input abstraction layer providing basic events
 TraysSimplistic GUI System build with Overlays
 BulletBullet-Physics to Ogre connection
 MeshLodGeneratorGenerate Low-poly models from High-poly models automatically
 OverlayLayers which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents
 PagingRender large modular structures
 PropertyAssociate values of arbitrary type with names
 PythonConvenience functions for python
 RTShaderSystemReal Time Shader System: enables GPU program generation during the runtime of a process
 TerrainEditable Terrain System with LOD [4], serialization and Paging support
 VolumeVolume Rendering with LOD aimed at terrain
 AssimpCodecCodec for loading geometry using the Open-Asset-Importer
 BSPSceneManagerBinary Space Parition (BSP) based indoor level scene manager
 CgProgramManagerSpecialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for nVidia's CG language
 DotSceneCodecCodec for loading and saving the SceneNode hierarchy in .scene files
 EXRCodecCodec specialized in loading high dynamic range .exr images using OpenEXR
 FreeImageCodecCodec for loading generic image formats (e.g
 GLSLangProgramManagerGLslang can be used to compile common, high-level GLSL/ HLSL code down to SPIRV assembler language for both GL and Vulkan
 OctreeSceneManagerOctree datastructure for managing scene nodes
 OctreeZoneOctree version of PCZone
 PCZSceneManagerSceneManager that uses Portal-Connected-Zones to divide the scene spatially
 ParticleFXProvides Emmiter and Affector implementations for ParticleSystem
 RsImageCodecCodec for loading generic image formats (e.g
 STBIImageCodecCodec for loading generic image formats (e.g
 Direct3D11Implementation of DirectX11 as a rendering system
 Direct3D9Implementation of DirectX9 as a rendering system
 GLImplementation of GL as a rendering system
 GL3PlusImplementation of GL 3 as a rendering system
 GLES2Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system
 MetalImplementation of Metal as a rendering system
 TinySoftware rasterizer Implementation as a rendering system
 VulkanImplementation of Vulkan as a rendering system