OGRE  14.2
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine


class  Ogre::AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery
 Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box. More...
class  Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF
 Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) This implementation has the following advantages: More...
class  Ogre::Camera
 A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered. More...
class  Ogre::DebugDrawer
 Interface for visualising debugging the SceneManager state. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery
 Default implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultIntersectionSceneQuery
 Default implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery
 Default implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultRaySceneQuery
 Default implementation of RaySceneQuery. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultShadowCameraSetup
 Implements default shadow camera setup. More...
class  Ogre::DefaultSphereSceneQuery
 Default implementation of SphereSceneQuery. More...
class  Ogre::Entity
 Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh. More...
class  Ogre::FocusedShadowCameraSetup
 Implements the uniform shadow mapping algorithm in focused mode. More...
class  Ogre::Frustum
 A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area. More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatch
 InstanceBatch forms part of the new Instancing system This is an abstract class that must be derived to implement different instancing techniques (InstanceManager::InstancingTechnique) OGRE wasn't truly thought for instancing. More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatchHW
 This is technique requires true instancing hardware support. More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF
 Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) and hardware instancing. More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatchShader
 This is the same technique the old InstancedGeometry implementation used (with improvements). More...
class  Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF
class  Ogre::InstancedEntity
class  Ogre::InstanceManager
 This is the main starting point for the new instancing system. More...
class  Ogre::IntersectionSceneQuery
 Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another. More...
class  Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryListener
 Alternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery. More...
struct  Ogre::IntersectionSceneQueryResult
 Holds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values). More...
class  Ogre::Light
 Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene. More...
class  Ogre::LiSPSMShadowCameraSetup
 Implements the Light Space Perspective Shadow Mapping Algorithm [17]. More...
class  Ogre::ManualObject
 Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry. More...
class  Ogre::MovableObject
 Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene. More...
class  Ogre::MovableObjectFactory
 Interface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing. More...
class  Ogre::MovablePlane
 Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply. More...
class  Ogre::Node
 Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph. More...
class  Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery
 Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a plane-bounded volume. More...
class  Ogre::PlaneOptimalShadowCameraSetup
 Implements the plane optimal shadow camera algorithm. More...
class  Ogre::PSSMShadowCameraSetup
 Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) shadow camera setup. More...
class  Ogre::RaySceneQuery
 Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray. More...
class  Ogre::RaySceneQueryListener
 Alternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery. More...
struct  Ogre::RaySceneQueryResultEntry
 This struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type. More...
class  Ogre::Rectangle2D
 Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with specific render queue and depth settings, like RENDER_QUEUE_BACKGROUND and 'depth_write off' for backdrops, and RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY and 'depth_check off' for fullscreen quads. More...
class  Ogre::RegionSceneQuery
 Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region. More...
class  Ogre::Renderable
 Abstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement. More...
class  Ogre::SceneManager
 Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene': a collection of objects and potentially world geometry. More...
class  Ogre::SceneManagerFactory
 Class which will create instances of a given SceneManager. More...
class  Ogre::SceneNode
 Class representing a node in the scene graph. More...
class  Ogre::SceneQuery
 A class for performing queries on a scene. More...
class  Ogre::SceneQueryListener
 This optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results. More...
struct  Ogre::SceneQueryResult
 Holds the results of a scene query. More...
class  Ogre::ShadowCameraSetup
 This class allows you to plug in new ways to define the camera setup when rendering and projecting shadow textures. More...
class  Ogre::ShadowCaster
 This class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters. More...
class  Ogre::ShadowRenderable
 Class which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces. More...
struct  Ogre::ShadowTextureConfig
 Structure containing the configuration for one shadow texture. More...
struct  Ogre::ShadowTextureListener
class  Ogre::SimpleRenderable
 Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects. More...
class  Ogre::SkeletonInstance
 A SkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object. More...
class  Ogre::SphereSceneQuery
 Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere. More...
struct  Ogre::StaticFaceGroup
 Collects a group of static i.e. More...
class  Ogre::StaticGeometry
 Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene. More...
class  Ogre::SubEntity
 Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity. More...
class  Ogre::UserObjectBindings
 Class that provides convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objects and Ogre core classes. More...
struct  Ogre::ViewPoint
 Structure for holding a position & orientation pair. More...
struct  Ogre::VisibleObjectsBoundsInfo
 Structure collecting together information about the visible objects that have been discovered in a scene. More...
class  Ogre::WireBoundingBox
 Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box. More...


typedef ConstVectorIterator< ShadowTextureConfigListOgre::ConstShadowTextureConfigIterator
typedef std::vector< Vector4fOgre::InstanceBatch::CustomParamsVec
typedef ConstVectorIterator< InstanceBatchVec > Ogre::InstanceManager::InstanceBatchIterator
typedef ConstMapIterator< InstanceBatchMap > Ogre::InstanceManager::InstanceBatchMapIterator
typedef std::vector< InstancedEntity * > Ogre::InstanceBatch::InstancedEntityVec
typedef std::vector< RaySceneQueryResultEntryOgre::RaySceneQueryResult
typedef std::list< SceneQueryMovableObjectPairOgre::SceneQueryMovableIntersectionList
typedef std::pair< MovableObject *, MovableObject * > Ogre::SceneQueryMovableObjectPair
typedef std::pair< MovableObject *, SceneQuery::WorldFragment * > Ogre::SceneQueryMovableObjectWorldFragmentPair
typedef std::list< SceneQueryMovableObjectWorldFragmentPairOgre::SceneQueryMovableWorldFragmentIntersectionList
typedef std::list< MovableObject * > Ogre::SceneQueryResultMovableList
typedef std::list< SceneQuery::WorldFragment * > Ogre::SceneQueryResultWorldFragmentList
typedef std::vector< ShadowRenderable * > Ogre::ShadowRenderableList
typedef std::vector< ShadowTextureConfigOgre::ShadowTextureConfigList
typedef std::vector< TexturePtrOgre::ShadowTextureList


enum  Ogre::InstanceManager::BatchSettingId { Ogre::InstanceManager::CAST_SHADOWS = 0 , Ogre::InstanceManager::SHOW_BOUNDINGBOX , Ogre::InstanceManager::NUM_SETTINGS }
 Values to be used in setSetting() & BatchSettings::setting. More...
enum  Ogre::FaceGroupType { Ogre::FGT_FACE_LIST , Ogre::FGT_PATCH , Ogre::FGT_UNKNOWN }
 A type of face group, i.e. More...
enum  Ogre::FrustumPlane : uint8 {
 Worldspace clipping planes. More...
enum  Ogre::InstanceManager::InstancingTechnique {
  Ogre::InstanceManager::ShaderBased , Ogre::InstanceManager::TextureVTF , Ogre::InstanceManager::HWInstancingBasic , Ogre::InstanceManager::HWInstancingVTF ,
enum  Ogre::ProjectionType : uint8 { Ogre::PT_ORTHOGRAPHIC , Ogre::PT_PERSPECTIVE }
 Specifies perspective (realistic) or orthographic (architectural) projection. More...
enum  Ogre::ShadowRenderableFlags { Ogre::SRF_INCLUDE_LIGHT_CAP = 0x00000001 , Ogre::SRF_INCLUDE_DARK_CAP = 0x00000002 , Ogre::SRF_EXTRUDE_TO_INFINITY = 0x00000004 , Ogre::SRF_EXTRUDE_IN_SOFTWARE = 0x00000008 }
 A set of flags that can be used to influence ShadowRenderable creation. More...


 Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::BaseInstanceBatchVTF (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstanceManager::BatchSettings::BatchSettings ()
 Ogre::InstanceBatch::InstanceBatch (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::InstanceBatchHW (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::InstanceBatchHW_VTF (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::InstanceBatchShader (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::InstanceBatchVTF (InstanceManager *creator, MeshPtr &meshReference, const MaterialPtr &material, size_t instancesPerBatch, const Mesh::IndexMap *indexToBoneMap, const String &batchName)
 Ogre::InstancedEntity::InstancedEntity (InstanceBatch *batchOwner, uint32 instanceID, InstancedEntity *sharedTransformEntity=NULL)
 Ogre::InstanceManager::InstanceManager (const String &customName, SceneManager *sceneManager, const String &meshName, const String &groupName, InstancingTechnique instancingTechnique, uint16 instancingFlags, size_t instancesPerBatch, unsigned short subMeshIdx, bool useBoneMatrixLookup=false)
virtual Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::~BaseInstanceBatchVTF ()
virtual Ogre::InstanceBatch::~InstanceBatch ()
virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::~InstanceBatchHW ()
virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::~InstanceBatchHW_VTF ()
virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::~InstanceBatchVTF ()
virtual Ogre::InstancedEntity::~InstancedEntity ()
 Ogre::InstanceManager::~InstanceManager ()
void Ogre::InstanceManager::_addDirtyBatch (InstanceBatch *dirtyBatch)
 Called by an InstanceBatch when it requests their bounds to be updated for proper culling. More...
virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_boundsDirty (void)
 Called by InstancedEntity(s) to tell us we need to update the bounds (we touch the SceneNode so the SceneManager aknowledges such change) More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::_boundsDirty (void) override
 Overloaded so that we don't perform needless updates when in static mode. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::_boundsDirty (void) override
 Overloaded so that we don't perform needless updates when in static mode. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_defragmentBatch (bool optimizeCulling, InstancedEntityVec &usedEntities, CustomParamsVec &usedParams)
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_defragmentBatchDiscard (void)
const Vector4fOgre::InstanceBatch::_getCustomParam (InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx)
const Vector3Ogre::InstancedEntity::_getDerivedPosition () const
 Returns the derived position of the instanced entity including local transform. More...
const Mesh::IndexMapOgre::InstanceBatch::_getIndexToBoneMap () const
MeshPtrOgre::InstanceBatch::_getMeshRef ()
const Ogre::MeshPtrOgre::InstanceBatch::_getMeshReference (void) const
InstanceBatchOgre::InstancedEntity::_getOwner () const
const Affine3Ogre::InstancedEntity::_getParentNodeFullTransform (void) const override
 Returns the world transform of the instanced entity including local transform. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_markTransformSharingDirty ()
 Tells that the list of entity instances with shared transforms has changed. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_notifyAttached (Node *parent, bool isTagPoint=false) override
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_notifyCurrentCamera (Camera *cam) override
 Internal method to notify the object of the camera to be used for the next rendering operation. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_notifyMoved (void) override
 Overridden so we can tell the InstanceBatch it needs to update it's bounds. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_setCustomParam (InstancedEntity *instancedEntity, unsigned char idx, const Vector4f &newParam)
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_setInstancesPerBatch (size_t instancesPerBatch)
 Raises an exception if trying to change it after being built. More...
bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::_supportsSkeletalAnimation () const
 Returns true if this technique supports skeletal animation. More...
virtual bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::_updateAnimation (void)
 Called by InstanceBatch in his _updateRenderQueue to tell us we need to calculate our bone matrices. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_updateBounds (void)
void Ogre::InstanceManager::_updateDirtyBatches (void)
 Called by SceneManager when we told it we have at least one dirty batch. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override
 Internal method by which the movable object must add Renderable subclass instances to the rendering queue. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::_updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override
 Overloaded to avoid updating skeletons (which we don't support), check visibility on a per unit basis and finally updated the vertex buffer. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::_updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override
 Overloaded to visibility on a per unit basis and finally updated the vertex texture. More...
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::_updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override
 Overloaded to be able to updated the vertex texture. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue) override
 Do nothing, InstanceBatch takes care of this. More...
virtual RenderOperation Ogre::InstanceBatch::build (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh)
 Constructs all the data needed to use this batch, as well as the InstanceEntities. More...
virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::buildFrom (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation)
 Instancing consumes significantly more GPU memory than regular rendering methods. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::buildFrom (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation) override
void Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::buildFrom (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation) override
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::buildFrom (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, const RenderOperation &renderOperation) override
virtual size_t Ogre::InstanceBatch::calculateMaxNumInstances (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags) const =0
 Some techniques have a limit on how many instances can be done. More...
size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::calculateMaxNumInstances (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags) const override
size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::calculateMaxNumInstances (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags) const override
size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::calculateMaxNumInstances (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags) const override
size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::calculateMaxNumInstances (const SubMesh *baseSubMesh, uint16 flags) const override
void Ogre::InstanceManager::cleanupEmptyBatches (void)
 This function can be useful to improve CPU speed after having too many instances created, which where now removed, thus freeing many batches with zero used Instanced Entities However the batches aren't automatically removed from memory until the InstanceManager is destroyed, or this function is called. More...
InstancedEntityOgre::InstanceBatch::createInstancedEntity ()
 Returns a pointer to a new InstancedEntity ready to use Note it's actually preallocated, so no memory allocation happens at this point. More...
InstancedEntityOgre::InstanceManager::createInstancedEntity (const String &materialName)
 Creates an InstancedEntity. More...
void Ogre::InstanceManager::defragmentBatches (bool optimizeCulling)
 After creating many entities (which turns in many batches) and then removing entities that are in the middle of these batches, there might be many batches with many free entities. More...
bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::forceOneWeight () const
AnimationStateSetOgre::InstancedEntity::getAllAnimationStates (void) const
AnimationStateOgre::InstancedEntity::getAnimationState (const String &name) const
const AxisAlignedBoxOgre::InstanceBatch::getBoundingBox (void) const override
 Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
const AxisAlignedBoxOgre::InstancedEntity::getBoundingBox (void) const override
 Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object. More...
Real Ogre::InstanceBatch::getBoundingRadius (void) const override
 Retrieves the radius of the origin-centered bounding sphere for this object. More...
Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getBoundingRadius (void) const override
 Retrieves the radius of the origin-centered bounding sphere for this object. More...
const Vector4fOgre::InstancedEntity::getCustomParam (unsigned char idx)
InstanceBatchIterator Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstanceBatchIterator (const String &materialName) const
 Get non-updateable iterator over instance batches for given material. More...
InstanceBatchMapIterator Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstanceBatchMapIterator (void) const
 Get non-updateable iterator over instance batches per material. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::getInstancedEntitiesInUse (InstancedEntityVec &outEntities, CustomParamsVec &outParams)
 Fills the input vector with the instances that are currently being used or were requested. More...
InstancingTechnique Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstancingTechnique () const
const LightListOgre::InstanceBatch::getLights (void) const override
 Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable. More...
const MaterialPtrOgre::InstanceBatch::getMaterial (void) const override
 Retrieves a weak reference to the material this renderable object uses. More...
virtual size_t Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::getMaxLookupTableInstances () const
size_t Ogre::InstanceManager::getMaxOrBestNumInstancesPerBatch (const String &materialName, size_t suggestedSize, uint16 flags)
 Calculates the maximum (or the best amount, depending on flags) of instances per batch given the suggested size for the technique this manager was created for. More...
Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getMaxScaleCoef () const
 Returns the maximum derived scale coefficient among the xyz values. More...
const StringOgre::InstanceBatch::getMovableType (void) const override
 Returns the type name of this object. More...
const StringOgre::InstancedEntity::getMovableType (void) const override
 Returns the type name of this object. More...
const StringOgre::InstanceManager::getName () const
unsigned char Ogre::InstanceManager::getNumCustomParams () const
unsigned short Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::getNumWorldTransforms (void) const override
 Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires. More...
const QuaternionOgre::InstancedEntity::getOrientation () const
 Retrieve the orientation. More...
const Vector3Ogre::InstancedEntity::getPosition () const
 Retrieve the position. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op) override
 Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer. More...
const Vector3Ogre::InstancedEntity::getScale () const
 Retrieve the local scale. More...
SceneManagerOgre::InstanceManager::getSceneManager () const
bool Ogre::InstanceManager::getSetting (BatchSettingId id, const String &materialName) const
 If settings for the given material didn't exist, default value is returned. More...
SkeletonInstanceOgre::InstancedEntity::getSkeleton (void) const
Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
 This is used by our batch owner to get the closest entity's depth, returns infinity when not attached to a scene node. More...
Real Ogre::InstanceBatch::getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const override
 Returns the squared distance between the camera and this renderable. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const override
 Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const override
 Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const override
 Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object. More...
bool Ogre::InstanceManager::hasSettings (const String &materialName) const
 Returns true if settings were already created for the given material name. More...
bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::hasSkeleton (void) const
bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isBatchFull (void) const
bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isBatchUnused (void) const
 Returns true if it no instanced entity has been requested or all of them have been removed. More...
bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::isInScene (void) const override
 Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph. More...
bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::isInUse () const
 Tells if the entity is in use. More...
virtual bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isStatic () const
 Returns true if this batch was set as static. More...
bool Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::isStatic () const override
 Returns true if this batch was set as static. More...
bool Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::isStatic () const override
 Returns true if this batch was set as static. More...
_OgreExport bool Ogre::operator!= (const ShadowTextureConfig &lhs, const ShadowTextureConfig &rhs)
_OgreExport bool Ogre::operator== (const ShadowTextureConfig &lhs, const ShadowTextureConfig &rhs)
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity (InstancedEntity *instancedEntity)
 Removes an InstancedEntity from the scene retrieved with getNewInstancedEntity, putting back into a queue. More...
void Ogre::InstanceManager::setBatchesAsStaticAndUpdate (bool bStatic)
 Tells this batch to stop updating animations, positions, rotations, and display all it's active instances. More...
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setBoneDualQuaternions (bool enable)
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setBoneMatrixLookup (bool enable, size_t maxLookupTableInstances)
 Sets the state of the usage of bone matrix lookup. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setCustomParam (unsigned char idx, const Vector4f &newParam)
 Sets the custom parameter for this instance. More...
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setForceOneWeight (bool enable)
void Ogre::InstanceManager::setInstancesPerBatch (size_t instancesPerBatch)
 Raises an exception if trying to change it after creating the first InstancedEntity The actual value may be less if the technique doesn't support having so much. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setInUse (bool used)
 Sets whether the entity is in use. More...
void Ogre::InstanceManager::setMaxLookupTableInstances (size_t maxLookupTableInstances)
 Sets the size of the lookup table for techniques supporting bone lookup table. More...
void Ogre::InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams (unsigned char numCustomParams)
 Sets the number of custom parameters per instance. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setOrientation (const Quaternion &orientation, bool doUpdate=true)
 Set the orientation or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setPosition (const Vector3 &position, bool doUpdate=true)
 Set the position or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setScale (const Vector3 &scale, bool doUpdate=true)
 Set the scale or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists
void Ogre::InstanceManager::setSetting (BatchSettingId id, bool enabled, const String &materialName=BLANKSTRING)
 Applies a setting for all batches using the same material. More...
virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::setStaticAndUpdate (bool bStatic)
 Tells this batch to stop updating animations, positions, rotations, and display all it's active instances. More...
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::setStaticAndUpdate (bool bStatic) override
void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::setStaticAndUpdate (bool bStatic) override
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setTransformLookupNumber (uint16 num)
 Sets the transformation look up number. More...
void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setUseOneWeight (bool enable)
bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::shareTransformWith (InstancedEntity *slave)
 Shares the entire transformation with another InstancedEntity. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::stopSharingTransform ()
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::updateTransforms ()
 Update the world transform and derived values. More...
bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneDualQuaternions () const
bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneMatrixLookup () const
 Tells whether to use bone matrix lookup. More...
virtual bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::useBoneWorldMatrices () const
 Tells whether world bone matrices need to be calculated. More...
bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneWorldMatrices () const override
bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useOneWeight () const
void Ogre::InstanceBatch::visitRenderables (Renderable::Visitor *visitor, bool debugRenderables=false) override
 Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any. More...
void Ogre::InstancedEntity::visitRenderables (Renderable::Visitor *visitor, bool debugRenderables=false) override
 Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any. More...


bool Ogre::InstanceManager::BatchSettings::setting [NUM_SETTINGS]
_OgreExport const String Ogre::SMT_DEFAULT
 Default scene manager type name. More...

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

◆ InstancedEntityVec

◆ CustomParamsVec

◆ InstanceBatchMapIterator

◆ InstanceBatchIterator

◆ ShadowTextureList

typedef std::vector<TexturePtr> Ogre::ShadowTextureList

◆ ShadowTextureConfigList

◆ ConstShadowTextureConfigIterator

◆ SceneQueryResultMovableList

◆ SceneQueryResultWorldFragmentList

◆ RaySceneQueryResult

◆ SceneQueryMovableObjectPair

◆ SceneQueryMovableObjectWorldFragmentPair

◆ SceneQueryMovableIntersectionList

◆ SceneQueryMovableWorldFragmentIntersectionList

◆ ShadowRenderableList

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ProjectionType

Specifies perspective (realistic) or orthographic (architectural) projection.


◆ FrustumPlane

Worldspace clipping planes.


◆ InstancingTechnique


Any SM 2.0+ InstanceBatchShader


Needs Vertex Texture Fetch & SM 3.0+ InstanceBatchVTF.


Needs SM 3.0+ and HW instancing support InstanceBatchHW.


Needs SM 3.0+, HW instancing support & VTF InstanceBatchHW_VTF.


◆ BatchSettingId

Values to be used in setSetting() & BatchSettings::setting.


Makes all batches from same material cast shadows.


Makes each batch to display it's bounding box. Useful for debugging or profiling.


◆ ShadowRenderableFlags

A set of flags that can be used to influence ShadowRenderable creation.


For shadow volume techniques only, generate a light cap on the volume.


For shadow volume techniques only, generate a dark cap on the volume.


For shadow volume techniques only, indicates volume is extruded to infinity.


For shadow volume techniques only, indicates hardware extrusion is not supported.

◆ FaceGroupType

A type of face group, i.e.

face list of procedural etc


Function Documentation

◆ InstanceBatch()

Ogre::InstanceBatch::InstanceBatch ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ ~InstanceBatch()

virtual Ogre::InstanceBatch::~InstanceBatch ( )

◆ _getMeshRef()

MeshPtr& Ogre::InstanceBatch::_getMeshRef ( )

◆ _setInstancesPerBatch()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_setInstancesPerBatch ( size_t  instancesPerBatch)

Raises an exception if trying to change it after being built.

◆ _getIndexToBoneMap()

const Mesh::IndexMap* Ogre::InstanceBatch::_getIndexToBoneMap ( ) const

◆ _supportsSkeletalAnimation()

bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::_supportsSkeletalAnimation ( ) const

Returns true if this technique supports skeletal animation.

A virtual function could have been used, but using a simple variable overridden by the derived class is faster than virtual call overhead. And both are clean ways of implementing it.

◆ _updateBounds()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_updateBounds ( void  )
See also

◆ calculateMaxNumInstances() [1/5]

virtual size_t Ogre::InstanceBatch::calculateMaxNumInstances ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
uint16  flags 
) const
pure virtual

Some techniques have a limit on how many instances can be done.

Sometimes even depends on the material being used.

Note this is a helper function, as such it takes a submesh base to compute the parameters, instead of using the object's own. This allows querying for a technique without requiring to actually build it.
baseSubMeshThe base submesh that will be using to build it.
flagsFlags to pass to the InstanceManager.
See also
The max instances limit

Implemented in Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF, Ogre::InstanceBatchShader, Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ build()

virtual RenderOperation Ogre::InstanceBatch::build ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh)

Constructs all the data needed to use this batch, as well as the InstanceEntities.

Placed here because in the constructor virtual tables may not have been yet filled.

Call this only ONCE. This is done automatically by Ogre::InstanceManager Caller is responsible for freeing buffers in this RenderOperation Buffers inside the RenderOp may be null if the built failed.
baseSubMeshA sub mesh which the instances will be based upon from
A render operation which is very useful to pass to other InstanceBatches (see buildFrom()) so that they share the same vertex buffers and indices, when possible

◆ buildFrom() [1/4]

virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::buildFrom ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
const RenderOperation renderOperation 

Instancing consumes significantly more GPU memory than regular rendering methods.

However, multiple batches can share most, if not all, of the vertex & index buffers to save memory. Derived classes are free to overload this method to manipulate what to reference from Render Op. For example, Hardware based instancing uses it's own vertex buffer for the last source binding, but shares the other sources.

baseSubMeshA sub mesh which the instances will be based upon from
renderOperationThe RenderOp to reference.
Caller is responsible for freeing buffers passed as input arguments This function replaces the need to call build()

Reimplemented in Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF, Ogre::InstanceBatchShader, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ _getMeshReference()

const Ogre::MeshPtr& Ogre::InstanceBatch::_getMeshReference ( void  ) const

◆ isBatchFull()

bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isBatchFull ( void  ) const
true if it can not create more InstancedEntities (Num InstancedEntities == mInstancesPerBatch)

◆ isBatchUnused()

bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isBatchUnused ( void  ) const

Returns true if it no instanced entity has been requested or all of them have been removed.

◆ getInstancedEntitiesInUse()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::getInstancedEntitiesInUse ( InstancedEntityVec outEntities,
CustomParamsVec outParams 

Fills the input vector with the instances that are currently being used or were requested.

Used for defragmentation,

See also

◆ _defragmentBatch()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_defragmentBatch ( bool  optimizeCulling,
InstancedEntityVec usedEntities,
CustomParamsVec usedParams 
See also
InstanceManager::defragmentBatches This function takes InstancedEntities and pushes back all entities it can fit here Extra entities in mUnusedEntities are destroyed (so that used + unused = mInstancedEntities.size())
optimizeCullingtrue will call the DoCull version, false the NoCull
usedEntitiesArray of InstancedEntities to parent with this batch. Those reparented are removed from this input vector
usedParamsArray of Custom parameters correlated with the InstancedEntities in usedEntities. They follow the fate of the entities in that vector.
: This function assumes caller holds data to mInstancedEntities! Otherwise you can get memory leaks. Don't call this directly if you don't know what you're doing!

◆ _defragmentBatchDiscard()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_defragmentBatchDiscard ( void  )
See also
InstanceManager::_defragmentBatchDiscard Destroys unused entities and clears the mInstancedEntity container which avoids leaving dangling pointers from reparented InstancedEntities Usually called before deleting this pointer. Don't call directly!

◆ _boundsDirty() [1/3]

virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_boundsDirty ( void  )

Called by InstancedEntity(s) to tell us we need to update the bounds (we touch the SceneNode so the SceneManager aknowledges such change)

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ setStaticAndUpdate() [1/3]

virtual void Ogre::InstanceBatch::setStaticAndUpdate ( bool  bStatic)

Tells this batch to stop updating animations, positions, rotations, and display all it's active instances.

Currently only InstanceBatchHW & InstanceBatchHW_VTF support it. This option makes the batch behave pretty much like Static Geometry, but with the GPU RAM memory advantages (less VRAM, less bandwidth) and not LOD support. Very useful for billboards of trees, repeating vegetation, etc.

This function moves a lot of processing time from the CPU to the GPU. If the GPU is already a bottleneck, you may see a decrease in performance instead! Call this function again (with bStatic=true) if you've made a change to an InstancedEntity and wish this change to take effect. Be sure to call this after you've set all your instances

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ isStatic() [1/3]

virtual bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::isStatic ( ) const

Returns true if this batch was set as static.

See also

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ createInstancedEntity() [1/2]

InstancedEntity* Ogre::InstanceBatch::createInstancedEntity ( )

Returns a pointer to a new InstancedEntity ready to use Note it's actually preallocated, so no memory allocation happens at this point.

Returns NULL if all instances are being used

◆ removeInstancedEntity()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity ( InstancedEntity instancedEntity)

Removes an InstancedEntity from the scene retrieved with getNewInstancedEntity, putting back into a queue.

Throws an exception if the instanced entity wasn't created by this batch Removed instanced entities save little CPU time, but not GPU

◆ useBoneWorldMatrices() [1/2]

virtual bool Ogre::InstanceBatch::useBoneWorldMatrices ( ) const

Tells whether world bone matrices need to be calculated.

This does not include bone matrices which are calculated regardless

Reimplemented in Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF.

◆ _markTransformSharingDirty()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_markTransformSharingDirty ( )

Tells that the list of entity instances with shared transforms has changed.

◆ _setCustomParam()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_setCustomParam ( InstancedEntity instancedEntity,
unsigned char  idx,
const Vector4f newParam 

◆ _getCustomParam()

const Vector4f& Ogre::InstanceBatch::_getCustomParam ( InstancedEntity instancedEntity,
unsigned char  idx 

◆ getMaterial()

const MaterialPtr& Ogre::InstanceBatch::getMaterial ( void  ) const

Retrieves a weak reference to the material this renderable object uses.

Note that the Renderable also has the option to override the getTechnique method to specify a particular Technique to use instead of the best one available.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getRenderOperation()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::getRenderOperation ( RenderOperation op)

Gets the render operation required to send this object to the frame buffer.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getSquaredViewDepth() [1/2]

Real Ogre::InstanceBatch::getSquaredViewDepth ( const Camera cam) const

Returns the squared distance between the camera and this renderable.

Used to sort transparent objects. Squared distance is used to avoid having to perform a square root on the result.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getLights()

const LightList& Ogre::InstanceBatch::getLights ( void  ) const

Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this renderable.

Directional lights, which have no position, will always be first on this list.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getMovableType() [1/2]

const String& Ogre::InstanceBatch::getMovableType ( void  ) const

Returns the type name of this object.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ _notifyCurrentCamera()

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_notifyCurrentCamera ( Camera cam)

Internal method to notify the object of the camera to be used for the next rendering operation.

Certain objects may want to do specific processing based on the camera position. This method notifies them in case they wish to do this.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getBoundingBox() [1/2]

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::InstanceBatch::getBoundingBox ( void  ) const

Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object.

This bounding box is in local coordinates.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getBoundingRadius() [1/2]

Real Ogre::InstanceBatch::getBoundingRadius ( void  ) const

Retrieves the radius of the origin-centered bounding sphere for this object.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ _updateRenderQueue() [1/5]

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue)

Internal method by which the movable object must add Renderable subclass instances to the rendering queue.

The engine will call this method when this object is to be rendered. The object must then create one or more Renderable subclass instances which it places on the passed in Queue for rendering.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF, Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF, and Ogre::InstanceBatchHW.

◆ visitRenderables() [1/2]

void Ogre::InstanceBatch::visitRenderables ( Renderable::Visitor visitor,
bool  debugRenderables = false 

Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any.

visitorPointer to a class implementing the Renderable::Visitor interface which will be called back for each Renderable which will be queued. Bear in mind that the state of the Renderable instances may not be finalised depending on when you call this.
debugRenderablesIf false, only regular renderables will be visited (those for normal display). If true, debug renderables will be included too.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ InstanceBatchHW()

Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::InstanceBatchHW ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ ~InstanceBatchHW()

virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::~InstanceBatchHW ( )

◆ calculateMaxNumInstances() [2/5]

size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::calculateMaxNumInstances ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
uint16  flags 
) const

◆ buildFrom() [2/4]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::buildFrom ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
const RenderOperation renderOperation 
See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ _boundsDirty() [2/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::_boundsDirty ( void  )

Overloaded so that we don't perform needless updates when in static mode.

Also doing that could cause glitches with shadow mapping (since Ogre thinks we're small/bigger than we really are when displaying, or that we're somewhere else)

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ setStaticAndUpdate() [2/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::setStaticAndUpdate ( bool  bStatic)
See also
InstanceBatch::setStaticAndUpdate. While this flag is true, no individual per-entity cull check is made. This means if the camera is looking at only one instance, all instances are sent to the vertex shader (unlike when this flag is false). This saves a lot of CPU power and a bit of bus bandwidth.

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ isStatic() [2/3]

bool Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::isStatic ( ) const

Returns true if this batch was set as static.

See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ getWorldTransforms() [1/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::getWorldTransforms ( Matrix4 xform) const

Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object.

If the object has any derived transforms, these are expected to be up to date as long as all the SceneNode structures have been updated before this is called.

Internal Ogre never supports non-affine matrix for world transform matrix/matrices, the behavior is undefined if returns non-affine matrix here.

This method will populate transform with 1 matrix if it does not use GPU vertex blending. If it does use GPU vertex blending it will fill the passed in pointer with an array of matrices, the length being the value returned from getNumWorldTransforms.

If MeshManager::getBonesUseObjectSpace() is true, the first matrix must contain the world transform of the object, and the rest of the matrices must contain the bone transforms in object space.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ _updateRenderQueue() [2/5]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue)

Overloaded to avoid updating skeletons (which we don't support), check visibility on a per unit basis and finally updated the vertex buffer.

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ InstanceBatchHW_VTF()

Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::InstanceBatchHW_VTF ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ ~InstanceBatchHW_VTF()

virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::~InstanceBatchHW_VTF ( )

◆ calculateMaxNumInstances() [3/5]

size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::calculateMaxNumInstances ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
uint16  flags 
) const

◆ _boundsDirty() [3/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::_boundsDirty ( void  )

Overloaded so that we don't perform needless updates when in static mode.

Also doing that could cause glitches with shadow mapping (since Ogre thinks we're small/bigger than we really are when displaying, or that we're somewhere else)

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ setStaticAndUpdate() [3/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::setStaticAndUpdate ( bool  bStatic)

See also
InstanceBatch::setStaticAndUpdate. While this flag is true, no individual per-entity cull check is made. This means if the camera is looking at only one instance, all instances are sent to the vertex shader (unlike when this flag is false). This saves a lot of CPU power and a bit of bus bandwidth.

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ isStatic() [3/3]

bool Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::isStatic ( ) const

Returns true if this batch was set as static.

See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ _updateRenderQueue() [3/5]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchHW_VTF::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue)

Overloaded to visibility on a per unit basis and finally updated the vertex texture.

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ InstanceBatchShader()

Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::InstanceBatchShader ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ calculateMaxNumInstances() [4/5]

size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::calculateMaxNumInstances ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
uint16  flags 
) const

◆ buildFrom() [3/4]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::buildFrom ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
const RenderOperation renderOperation 
See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ getWorldTransforms() [2/3]

void Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::getWorldTransforms ( Matrix4 xform) const

Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object.

If the object has any derived transforms, these are expected to be up to date as long as all the SceneNode structures have been updated before this is called.

Internal Ogre never supports non-affine matrix for world transform matrix/matrices, the behavior is undefined if returns non-affine matrix here.

This method will populate transform with 1 matrix if it does not use GPU vertex blending. If it does use GPU vertex blending it will fill the passed in pointer with an array of matrices, the length being the value returned from getNumWorldTransforms.

If MeshManager::getBonesUseObjectSpace() is true, the first matrix must contain the world transform of the object, and the rest of the matrices must contain the bone transforms in object space.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ getNumWorldTransforms()

unsigned short Ogre::InstanceBatchShader::getNumWorldTransforms ( void  ) const

Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.

When a renderable uses GPU vertex blending, it uses multiple world matrices instead of a single one. Each vertex sent to the pipeline can reference one or more matrices in this list with given weights. If a renderable does not use vertex blending this method returns 1, which is the default for simplicity.

If MeshManager::getBonesUseObjectSpace() is true, this method must return numBones + 1

Reimplemented from Ogre::Renderable.

◆ BaseInstanceBatchVTF()

Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::BaseInstanceBatchVTF ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ ~BaseInstanceBatchVTF()

virtual Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::~BaseInstanceBatchVTF ( )

◆ buildFrom() [4/4]

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::buildFrom ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
const RenderOperation renderOperation 
See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ getWorldTransforms() [3/3]

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::getWorldTransforms ( Matrix4 xform) const

Gets the world transform matrix / matrices for this renderable object.

If the object has any derived transforms, these are expected to be up to date as long as all the SceneNode structures have been updated before this is called.

Internal Ogre never supports non-affine matrix for world transform matrix/matrices, the behavior is undefined if returns non-affine matrix here.

This method will populate transform with 1 matrix if it does not use GPU vertex blending. If it does use GPU vertex blending it will fill the passed in pointer with an array of matrices, the length being the value returned from getNumWorldTransforms.

If MeshManager::getBonesUseObjectSpace() is true, the first matrix must contain the world transform of the object, and the rest of the matrices must contain the bone transforms in object space.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

◆ _updateRenderQueue() [4/5]

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue)

Overloaded to be able to updated the vertex texture.

Reimplemented from Ogre::InstanceBatch.

◆ setBoneMatrixLookup()

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setBoneMatrixLookup ( bool  enable,
size_t  maxLookupTableInstances 

Sets the state of the usage of bone matrix lookup.

Under default condition each instance entity is assigned a specific area in the vertex texture for bone matrix data. When turned on the amount of area in the vertex texture assigned for bone matrix data will be relative to the amount of unique animation states. Instanced entities sharing the same animation state will share the same area in the matrix. The specific position of each entity is placed in the vertex data and added in a second phase in the shader.

Note this feature only works in VTF_HW for now. This value needs to be set before adding any instanced entities

◆ useBoneMatrixLookup()

bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneMatrixLookup ( ) const

Tells whether to use bone matrix lookup.

See also

◆ setBoneDualQuaternions()

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setBoneDualQuaternions ( bool  enable)

◆ useBoneDualQuaternions()

bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneDualQuaternions ( ) const

◆ setForceOneWeight()

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setForceOneWeight ( bool  enable)

◆ forceOneWeight()

bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::forceOneWeight ( ) const

◆ setUseOneWeight()

void Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::setUseOneWeight ( bool  enable)

◆ useOneWeight()

bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useOneWeight ( ) const

◆ useBoneWorldMatrices() [2/2]

bool Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::useBoneWorldMatrices ( ) const

◆ getMaxLookupTableInstances()

virtual size_t Ogre::BaseInstanceBatchVTF::getMaxLookupTableInstances ( ) const
the maximum amount of shared transform entities when using lookup table

◆ InstanceBatchVTF()

Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::InstanceBatchVTF ( InstanceManager creator,
MeshPtr meshReference,
const MaterialPtr material,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
const Mesh::IndexMap indexToBoneMap,
const String batchName 

◆ ~InstanceBatchVTF()

virtual Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::~InstanceBatchVTF ( )

◆ calculateMaxNumInstances() [5/5]

size_t Ogre::InstanceBatchVTF::calculateMaxNumInstances ( const SubMesh baseSubMesh,
uint16  flags 
) const

◆ InstancedEntity()

Ogre::InstancedEntity::InstancedEntity ( InstanceBatch batchOwner,
uint32  instanceID,
InstancedEntity sharedTransformEntity = NULL 

◆ ~InstancedEntity()

virtual Ogre::InstancedEntity::~InstancedEntity ( )

◆ shareTransformWith()

bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::shareTransformWith ( InstancedEntity slave)

Shares the entire transformation with another InstancedEntity.

This is useful when a mesh has more than one submeshes, therefore creating multiple InstanceManagers (one for each submesh). With this function, sharing makes the skeleton to be shared (less memory) and updated once (performance optimization). Note that one InstancedEntity (i.e. submesh 0) must be chosen as "master" which will share with the other instanced entities (i.e. submeshes 1-N) which are called "slaves"

Requirements to share trasnformations: Both InstancedEntities must have use the same skeleton An InstancedEntity can't be both "master" and "slave" at the same time

Sharing does nothing if the original mesh doesn't have a skeleton When an InstancedEntity is removed (

See also
InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity), it stops sharing the transform. If the instanced entity was the master one, all it's slaves stop sharing and start having their own transform too.
slaveThe InstancedEntity that should share with us and become our slave
true if successfully shared (may fail if they aren't skeletally animated)

◆ stopSharingTransform()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::stopSharingTransform ( )
See also
shareTransformWith Stops sharing the transform if this is a slave, and notifies the master we're no longer a slave. If this is a master, tells all it's slave to stop sharing

This function is automatically called in InstanceBatch::removeInstancedEntity

◆ _getOwner()

InstanceBatch* Ogre::InstancedEntity::_getOwner ( ) const

◆ getMovableType() [2/2]

const String& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getMovableType ( void  ) const

Returns the type name of this object.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getBoundingBox() [2/2]

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getBoundingBox ( void  ) const

Retrieves the local axis-aligned bounding box for this object.

This bounding box is in local coordinates.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getBoundingRadius() [2/2]

Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getBoundingRadius ( void  ) const

Retrieves the radius of the origin-centered bounding sphere for this object.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ getSquaredViewDepth() [2/2]

Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getSquaredViewDepth ( const Camera cam) const

This is used by our batch owner to get the closest entity's depth, returns infinity when not attached to a scene node.

◆ _notifyMoved()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_notifyMoved ( void  )

Overridden so we can tell the InstanceBatch it needs to update it's bounds.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ _notifyAttached()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_notifyAttached ( Node parent,
bool  isTagPoint = false 

Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ _updateRenderQueue() [5/5]

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue queue)

Do nothing, InstanceBatch takes care of this.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ visitRenderables() [2/2]

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::visitRenderables ( Renderable::Visitor visitor,
bool  debugRenderables = false 

Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any.

visitorPointer to a class implementing the Renderable::Visitor interface which will be called back for each Renderable which will be queued. Bear in mind that the state of the Renderable instances may not be finalised depending on when you call this.
debugRenderablesIf false, only regular renderables will be visited (those for normal display). If true, debug renderables will be included too.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ hasSkeleton()

bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::hasSkeleton ( void  ) const

◆ getSkeleton()

SkeletonInstance* Ogre::InstancedEntity::getSkeleton ( void  ) const

◆ getAnimationState()

AnimationState* Ogre::InstancedEntity::getAnimationState ( const String name) const

◆ getAllAnimationStates()

AnimationStateSet* Ogre::InstancedEntity::getAllAnimationStates ( void  ) const

◆ _updateAnimation()

virtual bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::_updateAnimation ( void  )

Called by InstanceBatch in his _updateRenderQueue to tell us we need to calculate our bone matrices.

Assumes it has a skeleton (mSkeletonInstance != 0)
true if something was actually updated

◆ setTransformLookupNumber()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setTransformLookupNumber ( uint16  num)

Sets the transformation look up number.

◆ getPosition()

const Vector3& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getPosition ( ) const

Retrieve the position.

◆ setPosition()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setPosition ( const Vector3 position,
bool  doUpdate = true 

Set the position or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists.

◆ getOrientation()

const Quaternion& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getOrientation ( void  ) const

Retrieve the orientation.

◆ setOrientation()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setOrientation ( const Quaternion orientation,
bool  doUpdate = true 

Set the orientation or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists.

◆ getScale()

const Vector3& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getScale ( ) const

Retrieve the local scale.

◆ setScale()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setScale ( const Vector3 scale,
bool  doUpdate = true 

Set the scale or the offset from the parent node if a parent node exists

◆ getMaxScaleCoef()

Real Ogre::InstancedEntity::getMaxScaleCoef ( ) const

Returns the maximum derived scale coefficient among the xyz values.

◆ updateTransforms()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::updateTransforms ( )

Update the world transform and derived values.

◆ isInUse()

bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::isInUse ( ) const

Tells if the entity is in use.

◆ setInUse()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setInUse ( bool  used)

Sets whether the entity is in use.

◆ _getParentNodeFullTransform()

const Affine3& Ogre::InstancedEntity::_getParentNodeFullTransform ( void  ) const

Returns the world transform of the instanced entity including local transform.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

References Ogre::Affine3::IDENTITY.

◆ _getDerivedPosition()

const Vector3& Ogre::InstancedEntity::_getDerivedPosition ( ) const

Returns the derived position of the instanced entity including local transform.

◆ isInScene()

bool Ogre::InstancedEntity::isInScene ( void  ) const

Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

◆ setCustomParam()

void Ogre::InstancedEntity::setCustomParam ( unsigned char  idx,
const Vector4f newParam 

Sets the custom parameter for this instance.

See also
InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams Because not all techniques support custom params, and some users may not need it while using millions of InstancedEntities, the params have been detached from InstancedEntity and stored in it's InstanceBatch instead, to reduce memory overhead.

If this function is never called, all instances default to Vector4::ZERO. Watch out! If you destroy an instanced entity and then create it again (remember! Instanced entities are pre-allocated) it's custom param will contain the old value when it was destroyed.

idxof the param. In the range [0; InstanceManager::getNumCustomParams())
newParamNew parameter

◆ getCustomParam()

const Vector4f& Ogre::InstancedEntity::getCustomParam ( unsigned char  idx)

◆ BatchSettings()

Ogre::InstanceManager::BatchSettings::BatchSettings ( )

◆ InstanceManager()

Ogre::InstanceManager::InstanceManager ( const String customName,
SceneManager sceneManager,
const String meshName,
const String groupName,
InstancingTechnique  instancingTechnique,
uint16  instancingFlags,
size_t  instancesPerBatch,
unsigned short  subMeshIdx,
bool  useBoneMatrixLookup = false 

◆ ~InstanceManager()

Ogre::InstanceManager::~InstanceManager ( )

◆ getName()

const String& Ogre::InstanceManager::getName ( void  ) const

◆ getSceneManager()

SceneManager* Ogre::InstanceManager::getSceneManager ( ) const

◆ setInstancesPerBatch()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::setInstancesPerBatch ( size_t  instancesPerBatch)

Raises an exception if trying to change it after creating the first InstancedEntity The actual value may be less if the technique doesn't support having so much.

See getMaxOrBestNumInstancesPerBatch for the usefulness of this function

instancesPerBatchNew instances per batch number

◆ setMaxLookupTableInstances()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::setMaxLookupTableInstances ( size_t  maxLookupTableInstances)

Sets the size of the lookup table for techniques supporting bone lookup table.

Raises an exception if trying to change it after creating the first InstancedEntity. Setting this value below the number of unique (non-sharing) entity instance animations will produce a crash during runtime. Setting this value above will increase memory consumption and reduce framerate.

The value should be as close but not below the actual value.
maxLookupTableInstancesNew size of the lookup table

◆ setNumCustomParams()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::setNumCustomParams ( unsigned char  numCustomParams)

Sets the number of custom parameters per instance.

Some techniques (i.e. HWInstancingBasic) support this, but not all of them. They also may have limitations to the max number. All instancing implementations assume each instance param is a Vector4 (4 floats).

This function cannot be called after the first batch has been created. Otherwise it will raise an exception. If the technique doesn't support custom params, it will raise an exception at the time of building the first InstanceBatch.

HWInstancingBasic: Each custom params adds an additional float4 TEXCOORD. HWInstancingVTF: Not implemented. (Recommendation: Implement this as an additional float4 VTF fetch) TextureVTF: Not implemented. (see HWInstancingVTF's recommendation) ShaderBased: Not supported.

numCustomParamsNumber of custom parameters each instance will have. Default: 0

◆ getNumCustomParams()

unsigned char Ogre::InstanceManager::getNumCustomParams ( ) const

◆ getInstancingTechnique()

InstancingTechnique Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstancingTechnique ( ) const
Instancing technique this manager was created for. Can't be changed after creation

◆ getMaxOrBestNumInstancesPerBatch()

size_t Ogre::InstanceManager::getMaxOrBestNumInstancesPerBatch ( const String materialName,
size_t  suggestedSize,
uint16  flags 

Calculates the maximum (or the best amount, depending on flags) of instances per batch given the suggested size for the technique this manager was created for.

This is done automatically when creating an instanced entity, but this function in conjunction with setInstancesPerBatch allows more flexible control over the amount of instances per batch

materialNameName of the material to base on
suggestedSizeSuggested amount of instances per batch
flagsInstanceManagerFlags to pass to the InstanceManager
The max/best amount of instances per batch given the suggested size and flags

◆ createInstancedEntity() [2/2]

InstancedEntity* Ogre::InstanceManager::createInstancedEntity ( const String materialName)

Creates an InstancedEntity.

◆ cleanupEmptyBatches()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::cleanupEmptyBatches ( void  )

This function can be useful to improve CPU speed after having too many instances created, which where now removed, thus freeing many batches with zero used Instanced Entities However the batches aren't automatically removed from memory until the InstanceManager is destroyed, or this function is called.

This function removes those batches which are completely unused (only wasting memory).

◆ defragmentBatches()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::defragmentBatches ( bool  optimizeCulling)

After creating many entities (which turns in many batches) and then removing entities that are in the middle of these batches, there might be many batches with many free entities.

Worst case scenario, there could be left one batch per entity. Imagine there can be 80 entities per batch, there are 80 batches, making a total of 6400 entities. Then 6320 of those entities are removed in a very specific way, which leads to having 80 batches, 80 entities, and GPU vertex shader still needs to process 6400! This is called fragmentation. This function reparents the InstancedEntities to fewer batches, in this case leaving only one batch with 80 entities

This function takes time. Make sure to call this only when you're sure there's too much of fragmentation and you won't be creating more InstancedEntities soon Also in many cases cleanupEmptyBatches() ought to be enough Defragmentation is done per material Static batches won't be defragmented. If you want to degragment them, set them to dynamic again, and switch back to static after calling this function.
optimizeCullingWhen true, entities close together will be reorganized in the same batch for more efficient CPU culling. This can take more CPU time. You want this to be false if you now you're entities are moving very randomly which tends them to get separated and spread all over the scene (which nullifies any CPU culling)

◆ setSetting()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::setSetting ( BatchSettingId  id,
bool  enabled,
const String materialName = BLANKSTRING 

Applies a setting for all batches using the same material.

If the material name hasn't been used, the settings are still stored This allows setting up batches before they get even created.

setSetting(InstanceManager::CAST_SHADOWS, false, "") disables shadow casting for all instanced entities (see MovableObject::setCastShadows)
setSetting(InstanceManager::SHOW_BOUNDINGBOX, true, "MyMat") will display the bounding box of the batch (not individual InstancedEntities) from all batches using material "MyMat"
idBatchSettingId to setup
enabledBoolean value. It's meaning depends on the id.
materialNameWhen Blank, the setting is applied to all existing materials

◆ getSetting()

bool Ogre::InstanceManager::getSetting ( BatchSettingId  id,
const String materialName 
) const

If settings for the given material didn't exist, default value is returned.

◆ hasSettings()

bool Ogre::InstanceManager::hasSettings ( const String materialName) const

Returns true if settings were already created for the given material name.

If false is returned, it means getSetting will return default settings.

◆ setBatchesAsStaticAndUpdate()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::setBatchesAsStaticAndUpdate ( bool  bStatic)

Tells this batch to stop updating animations, positions, rotations, and display all it's active instances.

Currently only InstanceBatchHW & InstanceBatchHW_VTF support it. This option makes the batch behave pretty much like Static Geometry, but with the GPU RAM memory advantages (less VRAM, less bandwidth) and not LOD support. Very useful for billboards of trees, repeating vegetation, etc.

This function moves a lot of processing time from the CPU to the GPU. If the GPU is already a bottleneck, you may see a decrease in performance instead! Call this function again (with bStatic=true) if you've made a change to an InstancedEntity and wish this change to take effect. Be sure to call this after you've set all your instances

◆ _addDirtyBatch()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::_addDirtyBatch ( InstanceBatch dirtyBatch)

Called by an InstanceBatch when it requests their bounds to be updated for proper culling.

dirtyBatchThe batch which is dirty, usually same as caller.

◆ _updateDirtyBatches()

void Ogre::InstanceManager::_updateDirtyBatches ( void  )

Called by SceneManager when we told it we have at least one dirty batch.

◆ getInstanceBatchMapIterator()

InstanceBatchMapIterator Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstanceBatchMapIterator ( void  ) const

Get non-updateable iterator over instance batches per material.

◆ getInstanceBatchIterator()

InstanceBatchIterator Ogre::InstanceManager::getInstanceBatchIterator ( const String materialName) const

Get non-updateable iterator over instance batches for given material.

Each InstanceBatch pointer may be modified for low level usage (i.e. setCustomParameter), but there's no synchronization mechanism when multithreading or creating more instances, that's up to the user.

◆ operator==()

_OgreExport bool Ogre::operator== ( const ShadowTextureConfig lhs,
const ShadowTextureConfig rhs 

◆ operator!=()

_OgreExport bool Ogre::operator!= ( const ShadowTextureConfig lhs,
const ShadowTextureConfig rhs 

Variable Documentation

◆ setting

bool Ogre::InstanceManager::BatchSettings::setting[NUM_SETTINGS]


_OgreExport const String Ogre::SMT_DEFAULT

Default scene manager type name.

Referenced by Ogre::Root::createSceneManager().