OGRE-Next  4.0.0unstable
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem Class Referencefinal

Implementation of Vulkan as a rendering system. More...

#include <OgreVulkanRenderSystem.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem:

Public Member Functions

 VulkanRenderSystem (const NameValuePairList *options)
 ~VulkanRenderSystem () override
void _beginFrame () override
 Signifies the beginning of a frame, i.e. More...
Window_createRenderWindow (const String &name, uint32 width, uint32 height, bool fullScreen, const NameValuePairList *miscParams=0) override
 Creates a new rendering window. More...
void _descriptorSetSamplerCreated (DescriptorSetSampler *newSet) override
void _descriptorSetSamplerDestroyed (DescriptorSetSampler *set) override
void _descriptorSetTexture2Created (DescriptorSetTexture2 *newSet) override
void _descriptorSetTexture2Destroyed (DescriptorSetTexture2 *set) override
void _descriptorSetTextureCreated (DescriptorSetTexture *newSet) override
void _descriptorSetTextureDestroyed (DescriptorSetTexture *set) override
void _descriptorSetUavCreated (DescriptorSetUav *newSet) override
void _descriptorSetUavDestroyed (DescriptorSetUav *set) override
void _dispatch (const HlmsComputePso &pso) override
void _endFrame () override
 Ends rendering of a frame to the current viewport. More...
void _endFrameOnce () override
 Called once per frame, regardless of how many active workspaces there are. More...
VulkanFlushOnlyDescMap_getFlushOnlyDescMap ()
VulkanFrameBufferDescMap_getFrameBufferDescMap ()
void _hlmsBlendblockCreated (HlmsBlendblock *newBlock) override
void _hlmsBlendblockDestroyed (HlmsBlendblock *block) override
void _hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectCreated (HlmsComputePso *newPso) override
void _hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectDestroyed (HlmsComputePso *newPso) override
void _hlmsMacroblockCreated (HlmsMacroblock *newBlock) override
void _hlmsMacroblockDestroyed (HlmsMacroblock *block) override
void _hlmsPipelineStateObjectCreated (HlmsPso *newPso) override
void _hlmsPipelineStateObjectDestroyed (HlmsPso *pos) override
void _hlmsSamplerblockCreated (HlmsSamplerblock *newBlock) override
void _hlmsSamplerblockDestroyed (HlmsSamplerblock *block) override
Window_initialise (bool autoCreateWindow, const String &windowTitle="OGRE Render Window") override
 Start up the renderer using the settings selected (Or the defaults if none have been selected). More...
void _notifyActiveComputeEnded ()
void _notifyActiveEncoderEnded (bool callEndRenderPassDesc)
void _notifyDeviceStalled ()
void _render (const CbDrawCallIndexed *cmd) override
 Renders the VAO. Assumes _setVertexArrayObject has already been called. More...
void _render (const CbDrawCallStrip *cmd) override
void _render (const v1::CbDrawCallIndexed *cmd) override
 Renders a V1 RenderOperation. Assumes _setRenderOperation has already been called. More...
void _render (const v1::CbDrawCallStrip *cmd) override
void _render (const v1::RenderOperation &op) override
 Render something to the active viewport. More...
void _renderEmulated (const CbDrawCallIndexed *cmd) override
void _renderEmulated (const CbDrawCallStrip *cmd) override
void _setComputePso (const HlmsComputePso *pso) override
 Unlike _setPipelineStateObject, the RenderSystem will check if the PSO has changed to avoid redundant state changes (since it's hard to do it at Hlms level) More...
void _setConstBuffer (size_t slot, const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &bufferInfo)
void _setConstBufferCS (size_t slot, const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &bufferInfo)
void _setCurrentDeviceFromTexture (TextureGpu *texture) override
 Because Ogre doesn't (yet) have the notion of a 'device' or 'GL context', this function lets Ogre know which device should be used by providing a texture. More...
void _setHlmsSamplerblock (uint8 texUnit, const HlmsSamplerblock *Samplerblock) override
 See HlmsSamplerblock. More...
void _setIndirectBuffer (IndirectBufferPacked *indirectBuffer) override
void _setParamBuffer (GpuProgramType shaderStage, const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &bufferInfo)
void _setPipelineStateObject (const HlmsPso *pso) override
void _setPointParameters (Real size, bool attenuationEnabled, Real constant, Real linear, Real quadratic, Real minSize, Real maxSize) override
 Sets the size of points and how they are attenuated with distance. More...
void _setPointSpritesEnabled (bool enabled) override
 Sets whether or not rendering points using OT_POINT_LIST will render point sprites (textured quads) or plain points. More...
void _setProjectionMatrix (const Matrix4 &m) override
 Sets the projection transform matrix. More...
void _setReadOnlyBuffer (size_t slot, const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &bufferInfo)
void _setRenderOperation (const v1::CbRenderOp *cmd) override
void _setSamplers (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetSampler *set) override
void _setSamplersCS (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetSampler *set) override
void _setSurfaceParams (const ColourValue &ambient, const ColourValue &diffuse, const ColourValue &specular, const ColourValue &emissive, Real shininess, TrackVertexColourType tracking=TVC_NONE) override
 Sets the surface properties to be used for future rendering. More...
void _setTexBuffer (size_t slot, VkBufferView bufferView)
void _setTexBufferCS (size_t slot, VkBufferView bufferView)
void _setTexture (size_t unit, TextureGpu *texPtr, bool bDepthReadOnly) override
 Sets the texture to bind to a given texture unit. More...
void _setTextureBlendMode (size_t unit, const LayerBlendModeEx &bm) override
 Sets the texture blend modes from a TextureUnitState record. More...
void _setTextureCoordCalculation (size_t unit, TexCoordCalcMethod m, const Frustum *frustum=0) override
 Sets a method for automatically calculating texture coordinates for a stage. More...
void _setTextureMatrix (size_t unit, const Matrix4 &xform) override
 Sets the texture coordinate transformation matrix for a texture unit. More...
void _setTextures (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetTexture *set, uint32 hazardousTexIdx) override
void _setTextures (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetTexture2 *set) override
void _setTexturesCS (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetTexture *set) override
void _setTexturesCS (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetTexture2 *set) override
void _setUavCS (uint32 slotStart, const DescriptorSetUav *set) override
void _setVertexArrayObject (const VertexArrayObject *vao) override
 Part of the low level rendering interface. More...
void _setViewMatrix (const Matrix4 &m) override
 Sets the view transform matrix. More...
void _setWorldMatrix (const Matrix4 &m) override
 Sets the world transform matrix. More...
void _useLights (const LightList &lights, unsigned short limit) override
 Tells the rendersystem to use the attached set of lights (and no others) up to the number specified (this allows the same list to be used with different count limits) More...
void beginGPUSampleProfile (const String &name, uint32 *hashCache) override
void beginProfileEvent (const String &eventName) override
 This marks the beginning of an event for GPU profiling. More...
void beginRenderPassDescriptor (RenderPassDescriptor *desc, TextureGpu *anyTarget, uint8 mipLevel, const Vector4 *viewportSizes, const Vector4 *scissors, uint32 numViewports, bool overlaysEnabled, bool warnIfRtvWasFlushed) override
 When the descriptor is set to Load clear, two possible things may happen: More...
void bindDescriptorSet (VulkanVaoManager *&vaoManager)
void bindGpuProgramParameters (GpuProgramType gptype, GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params, uint16 variabilityMask) override
 Bind Gpu program parameters. More...
void bindGpuProgramPassIterationParameters (GpuProgramType gptype) override
 Only binds Gpu program parameters used for passes that have more than one iteration rendering. More...
void clearFrameBuffer (RenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDesc, TextureGpu *anyTarget, uint8 mipLevel) override
 Immediately clears the whole frame buffer on the selected RenderPassDescriptor. More...
TextureGpucreateDepthBufferFor (TextureGpu *colourTexture, bool preferDepthTexture, PixelFormatGpu depthBufferFormat, uint16 poolId) override
HardwareOcclusionQuerycreateHardwareOcclusionQuery () override
 Create an object for performing hardware occlusion queries. More...
RenderPassDescriptorcreateRenderPassDescriptor () override
RenderSystemCapabilitiescreateRenderSystemCapabilities () const override
 Query the real capabilities of the GPU and driver in the RenderSystem. More...
void debugAnnotationPop () override
void debugAnnotationPush (const String &event) override
 Specifically meant to mark passes in RenderDoc. More...
void debugCallback ()
void deinitGPUProfiling () override
void endCopyEncoder () override
 Required when caller will soon start analyzing barriers (e.g. More...
void endGpuDebuggerFrameCapture (Window *window, const bool bDiscard=false) override
 See RenderSystem::startGpuDebuggerFrameCapture Call this function when you're done capturing a frame. More...
void endGPUSampleProfile (const String &name) override
void endProfileEvent () override
 Ends the currently active GPU profiling event. More...
void endRenderPassDescriptor () override
void endRenderPassDescriptor (bool isInterruptingRender)
void executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions () override
 Metal needs to delay RenderCommand creation to the last minute, because we can't issue blit operations (e.g. More...
void executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions (bool officialCall)
void executeResourceTransition (const ResourceTransitionArray &rstCollection) override
void flushBoundGpuProgramParameters (const SubmissionType::SubmissionType submissionType)
 Low Level Materials use a params buffer to pass all uniforms. More...
void flushCommands () override
void flushDescriptorState (VkPipelineBindPoint pipeline_bind_point, const VulkanConstBufferPacked &constBuffer, const size_t bindOffset, const size_t bytesToWrite, const unordered_map< unsigned, VulkanConstantDefinitionBindingParam >::type &shaderBindings)
void flushPendingNonCoherentFlushes (const SubmissionType::SubmissionType submissionType)
 All pending or queued buffer flushes (i.e. More...
void flushUAVs ()
VertexElementType getColourVertexElementType () const override
 Get the native VertexElementType for a compact 32-bit colour value for this rendersystem. More...
ConfigOptionMapgetConfigOptions () override
 Returns the details of this API's configuration options. More...
void getCustomAttribute (const String &name, void *pData) override
 Gets a custom (maybe platform-specific) attribute. More...
unsigned int getDisplayMonitorCount () const override
 Gets the number of display monitors. More...
String getErrorDescription (long errorNumber) const override
 Returns a description of an error code. More...
const StringgetFriendlyName () const override
 Returns the friendly name of the render system. More...
Real getHorizontalTexelOffset () override
 Returns the horizontal texel offset value required for mapping texel origins to pixel origins in this rendersystem. More...
Real getMaximumDepthInputValue () override
 Gets the maximum (farthest) depth value to be used when rendering using identity transforms. More...
Real getMinimumDepthInputValue () override
 Gets the minimum (closest) depth value to be used when rendering using identity transforms. More...
const StringgetName () const override
 Returns the name of the rendering system. More...
size_t getNumPriorityConfigOptions () const override
 Number of priority config options in RenderSystem::getPriorityConfigOption. More...
const PixelFormatToShaderTypegetPixelFormatToShaderType () const override
const char * getPriorityConfigOption (size_t idx) const override
 Some options depend on other options. More...
bool getSwappyFramePacing () const
 ANDROID ONLY: Whether Swappy is enabled. See setSwappyFramePacing(). More...
Real getVerticalTexelOffset () override
 Returns the vertical texel offset value required for mapping texel origins to pixel origins in this rendersystem. More...
VkInstance getVkInstance () const
VulkanDevicegetVulkanDevice () const
bool hasAnisotropicMipMapFilter () const override
 Determines if the system has anisotropic mip map filter support. More...
void initConfigOptions ()
void initGPUProfiling () override
void initialiseFromRenderSystemCapabilities (RenderSystemCapabilities *caps, Window *primary) override
 Initialize the render system from the capabilities. More...
void initializeExternalVkInstance (VulkanExternalInstance *externalInstance)
void initializeVkInstance ()
bool isSameLayout (ResourceLayout::Layout a, ResourceLayout::Layout b, const TextureGpu *texture, bool bIsDebugCheck) const override
 Returns true if 'a' and 'b' internally map to the same layout and should be considered equivalent for a given texture. More...
void loadPipelineCache (DataStreamPtr stream) override
 Loads the pipeline cache from disk. More...
void markProfileEvent (const String &event) override
 Marks an instantaneous event for graphics profilers. More...
void notifyRenderTextureNonResident (VulkanTextureGpu *texture)
void notifySwapchainCreated (VulkanWindow *window)
void notifySwapchainDestroyed (VulkanWindow *window)
void postExtraThreadsStarted () override
void preExtraThreadsStarted () override
 Tell the rendersystem to perform any prep tasks it needs to directly before other threads which might access the rendering API are registered. More...
void refreshConfig ()
void registerThread () override
 Register the an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects. More...
void reinitialise () override
 Restart the renderer (normally following a change in settings). More...
void resetAllBindings ()
void savePipelineCache (DataStreamPtr stream) const override
 Saves the pipeline cache to disk. More...
void setClipPlanesImpl (const PlaneList &clipPlanes) override
 Internal method used to set the underlying clip planes when needed. More...
void setConfigOption (const String &name, const String &value) override
 Sets an option for this API. More...
void setStencilBufferParams (uint32 refValue, const StencilParams &stencilParams) override
 This method allows you to set all the stencil buffer parameters in one call. More...
void setSwappyFramePacing (bool bEnable, Window *callingWindow=0)
 ANDROID ONLY: Whether to enable/disable Swappy frame pacing. More...
void sharedVkInitialization ()
void shutdown () override
 Shutdown the renderer and cleanup resources. More...
bool supportsMultithreadedShaderCompilation () const override
 Returns true if RenderSystem supports multithreaded shader and PSO compilation. More...
void unregisterThread () override
 Unregister an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects. More...
String validateConfigOptions () override
 Validates the options set for the rendering system, returning a message if there are problems. More...
SampleDescription validateSampleDescription (const SampleDescription &sampleDesc, PixelFormatGpu format, uint32 textureFlags) override
 Returns supported sample description for requested FSAA mode, with graceful downgrading. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::RenderSystem
 RenderSystem ()
 Default Constructor. More...
virtual ~RenderSystem ()
 Destructor. More...
void _addMetrics (const RenderingMetrics &newMetrics)
virtual void _beginFrameOnce ()
 Signifies the beginning of the main frame. More...
void _cleanupDepthBuffers ()
virtual void _clearStateAndFlushCommandBuffer ()
 On D3D11 calls ClearState followed by Flush(). More...
virtual void _convertOpenVrProjectionMatrix (const Matrix4 &matrix, Matrix4 &dest)
 Converts an OpenVR projection matrix to have the proper depth range and reverse Z settings. More...
virtual void _convertProjectionMatrix (const Matrix4 &matrix, Matrix4 &dest)
 Converts a uniform projection matrix to suitable for this render system. More...
virtual bool _createRenderWindows (const RenderWindowDescriptionList &renderWindowDescriptions, WindowList &createdWindows)
 Creates multiple rendering windows. More...
void _dereferenceSharedDepthBuffer (TextureGpu *depthBuffer)
 Releases the reference count on a shared depth buffer. More...
Viewport_getCurrentRenderViewport ()
virtual const String_getDefaultViewportMaterialScheme () const
 Returns the default material scheme used by the render system. More...
virtual void _makeRsProjectionMatrix (const Matrix4 &matrix, Matrix4 &dest, Real nearPlane, Real farPlane, ProjectionType projectionType)
 Takes a regular source projection matrix in range [-1; 1] and converts it to a projection matrix in 'dest' with reverse Z range [1; 0]. More...
virtual RenderSystemContext_pauseFrame ()
 Pause rendering for a frame. More...
virtual void _renderEmulatedNoBaseInstance (const CbDrawCallIndexed *cmd)
virtual void _renderEmulatedNoBaseInstance (const CbDrawCallStrip *cmd)
virtual void _renderNoBaseInstance (const v1::CbDrawCallIndexed *cmd)
virtual void _renderNoBaseInstance (const v1::CbDrawCallStrip *cmd)
void _resetMetrics ()
virtual void _resumeFrame (RenderSystemContext *context)
 Resume rendering for a frame. More...
virtual void _setBindingType (TextureUnitState::BindingType bindigType)
 Set texture unit binding type. More...
virtual void _setGeometryTexture (size_t unit, TextureGpu *tex)
virtual void _setTessellationDomainTexture (size_t unit, TextureGpu *tex)
virtual void _setTessellationHullTexture (size_t unit, TextureGpu *tex)
virtual void _setTextureProjectionRelativeTo (bool enabled, const Vector3 &pos)
 Notify the rendersystem that it should adjust texture projection to be relative to a different origin. More...
virtual void _setTextureUnitSettings (size_t texUnit, TextureUnitState &tl)
 Utility function for setting all the properties of a texture unit at once. More...
virtual void _setVertexTexture (size_t unit, TextureGpu *tex)
 Binds a texture to a vertex, geometry, compute, tessellation hull or tessellation domain sampler. More...
virtual void _setWorldMatrices (const Matrix4 *m, unsigned short count)
 Sets multiple world matrices (vertex blending). More...
virtual void _startLegacyV1Rendering ()
 May override the current VertexArrayObject! More...
void _update ()
 Called once per frame, regardless of how many active workspaces there are. More...
virtual void addClipPlane (const Plane &p)
 Add a user clipping plane. More...
virtual void addClipPlane (Real A, Real B, Real C, Real D)
 Add a user clipping plane. More...
virtual void addListener (Listener *l)
 Adds a listener to the custom events that this render system can raise. More...
virtual bool areFixedFunctionLightsInViewSpace () const
 Are fixed-function lights provided in view space? Affects optimisation. More...
virtual bool checkExtension (const String &ext) const
 Checks for the presense of an API-specific extension (eg. Vulkan, GL) More...
virtual void compositorWorkspaceBegin (CompositorWorkspace *workspace, const bool forceBeginFrame)
 See RenderSystem::updateCompositorManager. More...
virtual void compositorWorkspaceEnd (CompositorWorkspace *workspace, const bool forceEndFrame)
 See RenderSystem::updateCompositorManager. More...
virtual void compositorWorkspaceUpdate (CompositorWorkspace *workspace)
 See RenderSystem::updateCompositorManager. More...
virtual void convertColourValue (const ColourValue &colour, uint32 *pDest)
 Generates a packed data version of the passed in ColourValue suitable for use as with this RenderSystem. More...
virtual void destroyHardwareOcclusionQuery (HardwareOcclusionQuery *hq)
 Destroy a hardware occlusion query object. More...
void destroyRenderPassDescriptor (RenderPassDescriptor *renderPassDesc)
virtual void destroyRenderWindow (Window *window)
 Destroys a render window. More...
BarrierSolvergetBarrierSolver ()
BoundUav getBoundUav (size_t slot) const
const RenderSystemCapabilitiesgetCapabilities () const
 Gets the capabilities of the render system. More...
RenderPassDescriptorgetCurrentPassDescriptor ()
ViewportgetCurrentRenderViewports ()
bool getDebugShaders () const
virtual TextureGpugetDepthBufferFor (TextureGpu *colourTexture, uint16 poolId, bool preferDepthTexture, PixelFormatGpu depthBufferFormat)
virtual const DriverVersiongetDriverVersion () const
 Returns the driver version. More...
v1::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr getGlobalInstanceVertexBuffer () const
 Returns the global instance vertex buffer. More...
v1::VertexDeclarationgetGlobalInstanceVertexBufferVertexDeclaration () const
 Gets vertex declaration for the global vertex buffer for the global instancing. More...
size_t getGlobalNumberOfInstances () const
 Gets the global number of instances. More...
bool getInvertedClipSpaceY () const
 +Y is downwards in NDC (Normalized Device Coordinates). Only Vulkan has this problem. More...
virtual bool getInvertVertexWinding () const
 Indicates whether or not the vertex windings set will be inverted for the current render (e.g. More...
uint32 getMaxBoundViewports ()
const RenderingMetricsgetMetrics () const
RenderSystemCapabilitiesgetMutableCapabilities ()
 Get a pointer to the current capabilities being used by the RenderSystem. More...
uint16 getNativeShadingLanguageVersion () const
 Gets the native shading language version for this render system. More...
RENDERDOC_API_1_4_1 * getRenderDocApi ()
 Returns the RenderDoc API handle in case you want to do more advanced functionality than what we expose. More...
virtual const StringVectorgetRenderSystemEvents () const
 Gets a list of the rendersystem specific events that this rendersystem can raise. More...
virtual Real getRSDepthRange () const
 OpenGL depth is in range [-1;1] so it returns 2.0f; D3D11 & Metal are in range [0;1] so it returns 1.0f;. More...
const StencilParamsgetStencilBufferParams () const
TextureGpuManagergetTextureGpuManager () const
VaoManagergetVaoManager () const
bool getWBufferEnabled () const
 Returns true if the renderer will try to use W-buffers when available. More...
virtual bool isGpuProgramBound (GpuProgramType gptype)
 Returns whether or not a Gpu program of the given type is currently bound. More...
bool isReverseDepth () const
virtual bool isStaticBufferLockable () const
bool loadRenderDocApi ()
 Explicitly loads RenderDoc. More...
void queueBindUAVs (const DescriptorSetUav *descSetUav)
 Queues the binding of an UAV to the binding point/slot. More...
virtual void removeListener (Listener *l)
 Remove a listener to the custom events that this render system can raise. More...
virtual void resetClipPlanes ()
 Clears the user clipping region. More...
virtual void setClipPlanes (const PlaneList &clipPlanes)
 Sets the user clipping region. More...
virtual void setCurrentPassIterationCount (const size_t count)
 set the current multi pass count value. More...
void setDebugShaders (bool bDebugShaders)
 Instructs the RenderSystem to compile shaders without optimizations and with debug information, for easier debugging on APIs that support it. More...
virtual void setDeriveDepthBias (bool derive, float baseValue=0.0f, float multiplier=0.0f, float slopeScale=0.0f)
 Tell the render system whether to derive a depth bias on its own based on the values passed to it in setCurrentPassIterationCount. More...
virtual bool setDrawBuffer (ColourBufferType colourBuffer)
 Sets the colour buffer that the render system will to draw. More...
void setGlobalInstanceVertexBuffer (const v1::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr &val)
 Sets the global instance vertex buffer. More...
void setGlobalInstanceVertexBufferVertexDeclaration (v1::VertexDeclaration *val)
 Sets vertex declaration for the global vertex buffer for the global instancing. More...
void setGlobalNumberOfInstances (const size_t val)
 Sets the global number of instances. More...
void setInvertVertexWinding (bool invert)
 Sets whether or not vertex windings set should be inverted; this can be important for rendering reflections. More...
void setMetricsRecordingEnabled (bool bEnable)
void setUavStartingSlot (uint32 startingSlot)
 In Direct3D11, UAV & RenderTargets share the same slots. More...
void setWBufferEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not W-buffers are enabled if they are available for this renderer. More...
virtual bool startGpuDebuggerFrameCapture (Window *window)
 Programmatically performs a GPU capture when attached to a GPU debugger like RenderDoc or Metal Graphics Debugger. More...
virtual void updateCompositorManager (CompositorManager2 *compositorManager)
 This gives the renderer a chance to perform the compositor update in a special way. More...
virtual void useCustomRenderSystemCapabilities (RenderSystemCapabilities *capabilities)
 Force the render system to use the special capabilities. More...
virtual bool validateDevice (bool forceDeviceElection=false)
 Some render systems have moments when GPU device is temporarily unavailable, for example when D3D11 device is lost, or when iOS app is in background, etc. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ogre::RenderSystem
static void addSharedListener (Listener *listener)
 Sets shared listener. More...
static void fireSharedEvent (const String &name, const NameValuePairList *params=0)
static void removeSharedListener (Listener *listener)
 Remove shared listener to the custom events that this render system can raise. More...
static CompareFunction reverseCompareFunction (CompareFunction depthFunc)
 Reverts the compare order e.g. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of Vulkan as a rendering system.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VulkanRenderSystem()

Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::VulkanRenderSystem ( const NameValuePairList options)

◆ ~VulkanRenderSystem()

Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::~VulkanRenderSystem ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _beginFrame()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_beginFrame ( )

Signifies the beginning of a frame, i.e.

the start of rendering on a single viewport. Will occur several times per complete frame if multiple viewports exist.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _createRenderWindow()

Window* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_createRenderWindow ( const String name,
uint32  width,
uint32  height,
bool  fullScreen,
const NameValuePairList miscParams = 0 

Creates a new rendering window.

This method creates a new rendering window as specified by the paramteters. The rendering system could be responible for only a single window (e.g. in the case of a game), or could be in charge of multiple ones (in the case of a level editor). The option to create the window as a child of another is therefore given. This method will create an appropriate subclass of RenderWindow depending on the API and platform implementation.
After creation, this window can be retrieved using getRenderTarget().
nameThe name of the window. Used in other methods later like setRenderTarget and getRenderTarget.
widthThe width of the new window.
heightThe height of the new window.
fullScreenSpecify true to make the window full screen without borders, title bar or menu bar.
miscParamsA NameValuePairList describing the other parameters for the new rendering window. Options are case sensitive. Unrecognised parameters will be ignored silently. These values might be platform dependent, but these are present for all platforms unless indicated otherwise:
Key Type/Values Default Description Notes
title Any string RenderTarget name The title of the window that will appear in the title bar  
colourDepth 16, 32 Desktop depth Colour depth of the resulting rendering window; only applies if fullScreen Win32 Specific
left Positive integers Centred Screen x coordinate from left  
top Positive integers Centred Screen y coordinate from left  
depthBuffer true, false true Use depth buffer DirectX9 specific
externalWindowHandle Win32: HWND as integer
GLX: poslong:posint:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle) or poslong:posint:poslong:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle:XVisualInfo*)
OS X Cocoa: OgreGLView address as an integer. You can pass NSView or NSWindow too, but should perform OgreGLView callbacks into the Ogre manually. iOS: UIWindow address as an integer
0 (none) External window handle, for embedding the OGRE render in an existing window  
externalGLControl true, false false Let the external window control OpenGL i.e. don't select a pixel format for the window, do not change v-sync and do not swap buffer. When set to true, the calling application is responsible of OpenGL initialization and buffer swapping. It should also create an OpenGL context for its own rendering, Ogre will create one for its use. Then the calling application must also enable Ogre OpenGL context before calling any Ogre function and restore its OpenGL context after these calls. OpenGL specific
externalGLContext Context as Unsigned Long 0 (create own context) Use an externally created GL context OpenGL Specific
parentWindowHandle Win32: HWND as integer
GLX: poslong:posint:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle) or poslong:posint:poslong:poslong (display*:screen:windowHandle:XVisualInfo*)
0 (none) Parent window handle, for embedding the OGRE in a child of an external window  
contentScalingFactor Positive Float greater than 1.0 The default content scaling factor of the screen Specifies the CAEAGLLayer content scaling factor. Only supported on iOS 4 or greater. This can be useful to limit the resolution of the OpenGL ES backing store. For example, the iPhone 4's native resolution is 960 x 640. Windows are always 320 x 480, if you would like to limit the display to 720 x 480, specify 1.5 as the scaling factor. iOS Specific  
externalViewHandle UIView pointer as an integer 0 External view handle, for rendering OGRE render in an existing view iOS Specific  
externalViewControllerHandle UIViewController pointer as an integer 0 External view controller handle, for embedding OGRE in an existing view controller iOS Specific  
externalSharegroup EAGLSharegroup pointer as an integer 0 External sharegroup, used to shared GL resources between contexts iOS Specific  
Full Screen true, false false Specify whether to create the window in full screen mode OS X Specific  
MSAA Positive integer (usually 1, 2, 4, 8, 16) 1 Multisample antialiasing factor  
MSAA_Quality Depends on RenderSystem and hardware. Currently supports:
0 ... infinite number (depends on HW)
Blank Full screen antialiasing hint  
displayFrequency Refresh rate in Hertz (e.g. 60, 75, 100) Desktop vsync rate Display frequency rate, for fullscreen mode  
vsync true, false false Synchronize buffer swaps to monitor vsync, eliminating tearing at the expense of a fixed frame rate  
vsyncInterval 1, 2, 3, 4 1 If vsync is enabled, the minimum number of vertical blanks that should occur between renders. For example if vsync is enabled, the refresh rate is 60 and this is set to 2, then the frame rate will be locked at 30.  
border none, fixed, resize resize The type of window border (in windowed mode)  
outerDimensions true, false false Whether the width/height is expressed as the size of the outer window, rather than the content area  
useNVPerfHUD true, false false Enable the use of nVidia NVPerfHUD  
gamma true, false false Enable hardware conversion from linear colour space to gamma colour space on rendering to the window.  
enableDoubleClick true, false false Enable the window to keep track and transmit double click messages. Win32 Specific
MSAA Positive integer (usually 0, 2, 4, 8, 16) 0 Full screen antialiasing factor Android Specific
CSAA Positive integer (usually 0, 2, 4, 8, 16) 0 Coverage sampling factor (https://www.khronos.org/registry/egl/extensions/NV/EGL_NV_coverage_sample.txt) Android Specific
maxColourBufferSize Positive integer (usually 16, 32) 32 Max EGL_BUFFER_SIZE Android Specific
minColourBufferSize Positive integer (usually 16, 32) 16 Min EGL_BUFFER_SIZE Android Specific
maxStencilBufferSize Positive integer (usually 0, 8) 0 EGL_STENCIL_SIZE Android Specific
maxDepthBufferSize Positive integer (usually 0, 16, 24) 16 EGL_DEPTH_SIZE Android Specific

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetSamplerCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetSamplerCreated ( DescriptorSetSampler newSet)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetSamplerDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetSamplerDestroyed ( DescriptorSetSampler set)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetTexture2Created()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetTexture2Created ( DescriptorSetTexture2 newSet)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetTexture2Destroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetTexture2Destroyed ( DescriptorSetTexture2 set)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetTextureCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetTextureCreated ( DescriptorSetTexture newSet)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetTextureDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetTextureDestroyed ( DescriptorSetTexture set)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetUavCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetUavCreated ( DescriptorSetUav newSet)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _descriptorSetUavDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_descriptorSetUavDestroyed ( DescriptorSetUav set)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _dispatch()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_dispatch ( const HlmsComputePso pso)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _endFrame()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_endFrame ( )

Ends rendering of a frame to the current viewport.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _endFrameOnce()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_endFrameOnce ( )

Called once per frame, regardless of how many active workspaces there are.

Gets called AFTER all RenderWindows have been swapped.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _getFlushOnlyDescMap()

VulkanFlushOnlyDescMap& Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_getFlushOnlyDescMap ( )

◆ _getFrameBufferDescMap()

VulkanFrameBufferDescMap& Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_getFrameBufferDescMap ( )

◆ _hlmsBlendblockCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsBlendblockCreated ( HlmsBlendblock newBlock)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsBlendblockDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsBlendblockDestroyed ( HlmsBlendblock block)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectCreated ( HlmsComputePso newPso)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsComputePipelineStateObjectDestroyed ( HlmsComputePso newPso)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsMacroblockCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsMacroblockCreated ( HlmsMacroblock newBlock)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsMacroblockDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsMacroblockDestroyed ( HlmsMacroblock block)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsPipelineStateObjectCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsPipelineStateObjectCreated ( HlmsPso newPso)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsPipelineStateObjectDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsPipelineStateObjectDestroyed ( HlmsPso pos)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsSamplerblockCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsSamplerblockCreated ( HlmsSamplerblock newBlock)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _hlmsSamplerblockDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_hlmsSamplerblockDestroyed ( HlmsSamplerblock block)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _initialise()

Window* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_initialise ( bool  autoCreateWindow,
const String windowTitle = "OGRE Render Window" 

Start up the renderer using the settings selected (Or the defaults if none have been selected).

Called by Root::setRenderSystem. Shouldn't really be called directly, although this can be done if the app wants to.
autoCreateWindowIf true, creates a render window automatically, based on settings chosen so far. This saves an extra call to _createRenderWindow for the main render window.
windowTitleSets the app window title
A pointer to the automatically created window, if requested, otherwise null.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _notifyActiveComputeEnded()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_notifyActiveComputeEnded ( )

◆ _notifyActiveEncoderEnded()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_notifyActiveEncoderEnded ( bool  callEndRenderPassDesc)

◆ _notifyDeviceStalled()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_notifyDeviceStalled ( )

◆ _render() [1/5]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_render ( const CbDrawCallIndexed cmd)

Renders the VAO. Assumes _setVertexArrayObject has already been called.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _render() [2/5]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_render ( const CbDrawCallStrip cmd)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _render() [3/5]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_render ( const v1::CbDrawCallIndexed cmd)

Renders a V1 RenderOperation. Assumes _setRenderOperation has already been called.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _render() [4/5]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_render ( const v1::CbDrawCallStrip cmd)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _render() [5/5]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_render ( const v1::RenderOperation op)

Render something to the active viewport.

Low-level rendering interface to perform rendering operations. Unlikely to be used directly by client applications, since the SceneManager and various support classes will be responsible for calling this method. Can only be called between _beginScene and _endScene

opA rendering operation instance, which contains details of the operation to be performed.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _renderEmulated() [1/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_renderEmulated ( const CbDrawCallIndexed cmd)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _renderEmulated() [2/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_renderEmulated ( const CbDrawCallStrip cmd)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setComputePso()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setComputePso ( const HlmsComputePso pso)

Unlike _setPipelineStateObject, the RenderSystem will check if the PSO has changed to avoid redundant state changes (since it's hard to do it at Hlms level)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setConstBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setConstBuffer ( size_t  slot,
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &  bufferInfo 

◆ _setConstBufferCS()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setConstBufferCS ( size_t  slot,
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &  bufferInfo 

◆ _setCurrentDeviceFromTexture()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setCurrentDeviceFromTexture ( TextureGpu texture)

Because Ogre doesn't (yet) have the notion of a 'device' or 'GL context', this function lets Ogre know which device should be used by providing a texture.

textureCannot be null.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setHlmsSamplerblock()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setHlmsSamplerblock ( uint8  texUnit,
const HlmsSamplerblock Samplerblock 

See HlmsSamplerblock.

This function MUST be called after _setTexture, not before. Otherwise not all APIs may see the change.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setIndirectBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setIndirectBuffer ( IndirectBufferPacked indirectBuffer)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setParamBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setParamBuffer ( GpuProgramType  shaderStage,
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &  bufferInfo 

◆ _setPipelineStateObject()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setPipelineStateObject ( const HlmsPso pso)
See also

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setPointParameters()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setPointParameters ( Real  size,
bool  attenuationEnabled,
Real  constant,
Real  linear,
Real  quadratic,
Real  minSize,
Real  maxSize 

Sets the size of points and how they are attenuated with distance.

When performing point rendering or point sprite rendering, point size can be attenuated with distance. The equation for doing this is attenuation = 1 / (constant + linear * dist + quadratic * d^2) .
For example, to disable distance attenuation (constant screensize) you would set constant to 1, and linear and quadratic to 0. A standard perspective attenuation would be 0, 1, 0 respectively.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setPointSpritesEnabled()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setPointSpritesEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not rendering points using OT_POINT_LIST will render point sprites (textured quads) or plain points.

enabledTrue enables point sprites, false returns to normal point rendering.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setProjectionMatrix()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setProjectionMatrix ( const Matrix4 m)

Sets the projection transform matrix.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setReadOnlyBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setReadOnlyBuffer ( size_t  slot,
const VkDescriptorBufferInfo &  bufferInfo 

◆ _setRenderOperation()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setRenderOperation ( const v1::CbRenderOp cmd)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setSamplers()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setSamplers ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetSampler set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setSamplersCS()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setSamplersCS ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetSampler set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setSurfaceParams()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setSurfaceParams ( const ColourValue ambient,
const ColourValue diffuse,
const ColourValue specular,
const ColourValue emissive,
Real  shininess,
TrackVertexColourType  tracking = TVC_NONE 

Sets the surface properties to be used for future rendering.

This method sets the the properties of the surfaces of objects to be rendered after it. In this context these surface properties are the amount of each type of light the object reflects (determining it's colour under different types of light), whether it emits light itself, and how shiny it is. Textures are not dealt with here, see the _setTetxure method for details. This method is used by _setMaterial so does not need to be called direct if that method is being used.

ambientThe amount of ambient (sourceless and directionless) light an object reflects. Affected by the colour/amount of ambient light in the scene.
diffuseThe amount of light from directed sources that is reflected (affected by colour/amount of point, directed and spot light sources)
specularThe amount of specular light reflected. This is also affected by directed light sources but represents the colour at the highlights of the object.
emissiveThe colour of light emitted from the object. Note that this will make an object seem brighter and not dependent on lights in the scene, but it will not act as a light, so will not illuminate other objects. Use a light attached to the same SceneNode as the object for this purpose.
shininessA value which only has an effect on specular highlights (so specular must be non-black). The higher this value, the smaller and crisper the specular highlights will be, imitating a more highly polished surface. This value is not constrained to 0.0-1.0, in fact it is likely to be more (10.0 gives a modest sheen to an object).
trackingA bit field that describes which of the ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive colours follow the vertex colour of the primitive. When a bit in this field is set its ColourValue is ignored. This is a combination of TVC_AMBIENT, TVC_DIFFUSE, TVC_SPECULAR(note that the shininess value is still taken from shininess) and TVC_EMISSIVE. TVC_NONE means that there will be no material property tracking the vertex colours.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTexBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTexBuffer ( size_t  slot,
VkBufferView  bufferView 

◆ _setTexBufferCS()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTexBufferCS ( size_t  slot,
VkBufferView  bufferView 

◆ _setTexture()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTexture ( size_t  unit,
TextureGpu texPtr,
bool  bDepthReadOnly 

Sets the texture to bind to a given texture unit.

User processes would not normally call this direct unless rendering primitives themselves.

unitThe index of the texture unit to modify. Multitexturing hardware can support multiple units (see RenderSystemCapabilites::getNumTextureUnits)
enabledBoolean to turn the unit on/off
texPtrPointer to the texture to use.
bDepthReadOnlytrue if the texture is also attached as a depth buffer but is read only

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTextureBlendMode()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTextureBlendMode ( size_t  unit,
const LayerBlendModeEx bm 

Sets the texture blend modes from a TextureUnitState record.

Meant for use internally only - apps should use the Material and TextureUnitState classes.

unitTexture unit as above
bmDetails of the blending mode

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTextureCoordCalculation()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTextureCoordCalculation ( size_t  unit,
TexCoordCalcMethod  m,
const Frustum frustum = 0 

Sets a method for automatically calculating texture coordinates for a stage.

Should not be used by apps - for use by Ogre only.

unitTexture unit as above
mCalculation method to use
frustumOptional Frustum param, only used for projective effects

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTextureMatrix()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTextureMatrix ( size_t  unit,
const Matrix4 xform 

Sets the texture coordinate transformation matrix for a texture unit.

unitTexture unit to affect
xformThe 4x4 matrix

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTextures() [1/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTextures ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetTexture set,
uint32  hazardousTexIdx 
hazardousTexIdxWhen hazardousTexIdx < set->mTextures.size(); it means that we need to check if set->mTextures[hazardousTexIdx] is not the same as the currently bound RTT.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTextures() [2/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTextures ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetTexture2 set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTexturesCS() [1/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTexturesCS ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetTexture set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setTexturesCS() [2/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setTexturesCS ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetTexture2 set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setUavCS()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setUavCS ( uint32  slotStart,
const DescriptorSetUav set 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setVertexArrayObject()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setVertexArrayObject ( const VertexArrayObject vao)

Part of the low level rendering interface.

Tells the RS which VAO will be bound now. (i.e. Vertex Formats, buffers being bound, etc.) You don't need to rebind if the VAO's mRenderQueueId is the same as previous call.

Assumes _setPipelineStateObject has already been called.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setViewMatrix()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setViewMatrix ( const Matrix4 m)

Sets the view transform matrix.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _setWorldMatrix()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_setWorldMatrix ( const Matrix4 m)

Sets the world transform matrix.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ _useLights()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::_useLights ( const LightList lights,
unsigned short  limit 

Tells the rendersystem to use the attached set of lights (and no others) up to the number specified (this allows the same list to be used with different count limits)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ beginGPUSampleProfile()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::beginGPUSampleProfile ( const String name,
uint32 hashCache 

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ beginProfileEvent()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::beginProfileEvent ( const String eventName)

This marks the beginning of an event for GPU profiling.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ beginRenderPassDescriptor()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::beginRenderPassDescriptor ( RenderPassDescriptor desc,
TextureGpu anyTarget,
uint8  mipLevel,
const Vector4 viewportSizes,
const Vector4 scissors,
uint32  numViewports,
bool  overlaysEnabled,
bool  warnIfRtvWasFlushed 

When the descriptor is set to Load clear, two possible things may happen:

  1. The region is cleared.
  2. The whole texture is cleared. What actually happens is undefined (depends on the API). But calling "beginRenderPassDescriptor( desc, viewportSettings );" with the same descriptor but different viewports (without changing the desc) guarantees that each region is cleared:
  1. Each time the subregion is switched
  2. Only once (the whole texture), when the first viewport was set.
    When switching between render targets, two beginRenderPassDescriptor in a row automatically implies calls endRenderPassDescriptor. In fact this is faster to perfom than calling beginRenderPassDescriptor - endRenderPassDescriptor in pairs, because we can smartly flush only what needs to be flushed. endRenderPassDescriptor only needs to be called when no other beginRenderPassDescriptor will follow (i.e. at the end of the frame or when starting compute jobs)
    anyTargetContains the first valid texture in mRenderPassDesc, to be used for reference (e.g. width, height, etc). Could be colour, depth, stencil, or nullptr.
    mipLevelMip at which anyTarget is bound
    warnIfRtvWasFlushedSee CompositorPassDef::mWarnIfRtvWasFlushed

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ bindDescriptorSet()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::bindDescriptorSet ( VulkanVaoManager *&  vaoManager)

◆ bindGpuProgramParameters()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::bindGpuProgramParameters ( GpuProgramType  gptype,
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params,
uint16  variabilityMask 

Bind Gpu program parameters.

gptypeThe type of program to bind the parameters to
paramsThe parameters to bind
variabilityMaskA mask of GpuParamVariability identifying which params need binding

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ bindGpuProgramPassIterationParameters()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::bindGpuProgramPassIterationParameters ( GpuProgramType  gptype)

Only binds Gpu program parameters used for passes that have more than one iteration rendering.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ clearFrameBuffer()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::clearFrameBuffer ( RenderPassDescriptor renderPassDesc,
TextureGpu anyTarget,
uint8  mipLevel 

Immediately clears the whole frame buffer on the selected RenderPassDescriptor.

Prefer clearing using the LoadAction semantics in the RenderPassDescriptor. This function is provided for two reasons:

  1. Backwards compatibility (i.e. easier porting from 2.1)
  2. Non-tilers desktop GPUs may be faster to clear the whole framebuffer at once.
    Will break an existing RenderPassDescriptor set via beginRenderPassDescriptor.
    renderPassDescRenderPassDescriptor filled with LoadActions set to clear and StoreActions set to Store.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ createDepthBufferFor()

TextureGpu* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::createDepthBufferFor ( TextureGpu colourTexture,
bool  preferDepthTexture,
PixelFormatGpu  depthBufferFormat,
uint16  poolId 

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ createHardwareOcclusionQuery()

HardwareOcclusionQuery* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::createHardwareOcclusionQuery ( )

Create an object for performing hardware occlusion queries.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ createRenderPassDescriptor()

RenderPassDescriptor* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::createRenderPassDescriptor ( )

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ createRenderSystemCapabilities()

RenderSystemCapabilities* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::createRenderSystemCapabilities ( ) const

Query the real capabilities of the GPU and driver in the RenderSystem.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ debugAnnotationPop()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::debugAnnotationPop ( )

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ debugAnnotationPush()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::debugAnnotationPush ( const String event)

Specifically meant to mark passes in RenderDoc.

See https://renderdoc.org/docs/how/how_annotate_capture.html

In many cases it will use the same interface as beginProfileEvent / endProfileEvent

Note: For security & performance reasons this feature is only enabled when OGRE_DEBUG_MODE >= OGRE_DEBUG_MEDIUM

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ debugCallback()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::debugCallback ( )

◆ deinitGPUProfiling()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::deinitGPUProfiling ( )

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endCopyEncoder()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endCopyEncoder ( )

Required when caller will soon start analyzing barriers (e.g.

use BarrierSolver) Ogre will flush any pending resource transitions.

Otherwise BarrierSolver will see that a Resource is in a particular state or layout, then when calling executeResourceTransition, the pending resource layout will be flushed, and now the resource transition resolved by BarrierSolver will have the wrong 'old' layout

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endGpuDebuggerFrameCapture()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endGpuDebuggerFrameCapture ( Window window,
const bool  bDiscard = false 

See RenderSystem::startGpuDebuggerFrameCapture Call this function when you're done capturing a frame.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endGPUSampleProfile()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endGPUSampleProfile ( const String name)

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endProfileEvent()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endProfileEvent ( )

Ends the currently active GPU profiling event.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endRenderPassDescriptor() [1/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endRenderPassDescriptor ( )

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ endRenderPassDescriptor() [2/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::endRenderPassDescriptor ( bool  isInterruptingRender)

◆ executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions() [1/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions ( )

Metal needs to delay RenderCommand creation to the last minute, because we can't issue blit operations (e.g.

buffer copies) which a lot of v1 code relies on otherwise the RenderCommand gets canceled. Even if we were to get rid of v1 operations, the user may want to hook listeners for _renderPhase02 and perform forbidden operations. Therefore it's easier to split the process done in beginRenderPassDescriptor in two steps (beginRenderPassDescriptor and executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions) for Metal.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions() [2/2]

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::executeRenderPassDescriptorDelayedActions ( bool  officialCall)

◆ executeResourceTransition()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::executeResourceTransition ( const ResourceTransitionArray rstCollection)

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ flushBoundGpuProgramParameters()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::flushBoundGpuProgramParameters ( const SubmissionType::SubmissionType  submissionType)

Low Level Materials use a params buffer to pass all uniforms.

We emulate this using a large const buffer to which we write to and bind the regions we need. This is done in bindGpuProgramParameters().

When it runs out of space, we create another one (see mAutoParamsBuffer).


  • In all cases we must flush buffers before command submission or else the cmds we're about to execute may not see the const buffer data up to date. We don't flush in bindGpuProgramParameters() because we could end up with lots of 4-byte flushes which is seriously inefficient. Flushing the whole thing once at the end is better.
  • We musn't grow indefinitely. On submissionType >= NewFrameIdx, we are certain we can set mAutoParamsBufferIdx = 0 and start over.
    bindGpuProgramParameters() tries to use BT_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENT_COHERENT which doesn't need flushing (thus we'd only care about submissionType >= NewFrameIdx to reuse memory).
    However VaoManager cannot guarantee BT_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENT_COHERENT will actually be coherent thus we must call unmap( UO_KEEP_PERSISTENT ) anyway.
    submissionTypeSee SubmissionType::SubmissionType.

◆ flushCommands()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::flushCommands ( )

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ flushDescriptorState()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::flushDescriptorState ( VkPipelineBindPoint  pipeline_bind_point,
const VulkanConstBufferPacked constBuffer,
const size_t  bindOffset,
const size_t  bytesToWrite,
const unordered_map< unsigned, VulkanConstantDefinitionBindingParam >::type &  shaderBindings 

◆ flushPendingNonCoherentFlushes()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::flushPendingNonCoherentFlushes ( const SubmissionType::SubmissionType  submissionType)

All pending or queued buffer flushes (i.e.

calls to vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges) must be done now because we're about to submit commands for execution; and they need to see those regions flushed.

submissionTypeSee SubmissionType::SubmissionType.

◆ flushUAVs()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::flushUAVs ( )

◆ getColourVertexElementType()

VertexElementType Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getColourVertexElementType ( ) const

Get the native VertexElementType for a compact 32-bit colour value for this rendersystem.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getConfigOptions()

ConfigOptionMap& Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getConfigOptions ( )

Returns the details of this API's configuration options.

Each render system must be able to inform the world of what options must/can be specified for it's operation.
These are passed as strings for portability, but grouped into a structure (_ConfigOption) which includes both options and current value.
Note that the settings returned from this call are affected by the options that have been set so far, since some options are interdependent.
This routine is called automatically by the default configuration dialogue produced by Root::showConfigDialog or may be used by the caller for custom settings dialogs
A 'map' of options, i.e. a list of options which is also indexed by option name.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getCustomAttribute()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getCustomAttribute ( const String name,
void *  pData 

Gets a custom (maybe platform-specific) attribute.

This is a nasty way of satisfying any API's need to see platform-specific details.
nameThe name of the attribute.
pDataPointer to memory of the right kind of structure to receive the info.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getDisplayMonitorCount()

unsigned int Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getDisplayMonitorCount ( ) const

Gets the number of display monitors.

See also

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getErrorDescription()

String Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getErrorDescription ( long  errorNumber) const

Returns a description of an error code.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getFriendlyName()

const String& Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getFriendlyName ( ) const

Returns the friendly name of the render system.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getHorizontalTexelOffset()

Real Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getHorizontalTexelOffset ( )

Returns the horizontal texel offset value required for mapping texel origins to pixel origins in this rendersystem.

Since rendersystems sometimes disagree on the origin of a texel, mapping from texels to pixels can sometimes be problematic to implement generically. This method allows you to retrieve the offset required to map the origin of a texel to the origin of a pixel in the horizontal direction.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getMaximumDepthInputValue()

Real Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getMaximumDepthInputValue ( )

Gets the maximum (farthest) depth value to be used when rendering using identity transforms.

When using identity transforms you can manually set the depth of a vertex; however the input values required differ per rendersystem. This method lets you retrieve the correct value.
See also
Renderable::getUseIdentityView, Renderable::getUseIdentityProjection

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getMinimumDepthInputValue()

Real Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getMinimumDepthInputValue ( )

Gets the minimum (closest) depth value to be used when rendering using identity transforms.

When using identity transforms you can manually set the depth of a vertex; however the input values required differ per rendersystem. This method lets you retrieve the correct value.
See also
Renderable::getUseIdentityView, Renderable::getUseIdentityProjection

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getName()

const String& Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getName ( ) const

Returns the name of the rendering system.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getNumPriorityConfigOptions()

size_t Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getNumPriorityConfigOptions ( ) const

Number of priority config options in RenderSystem::getPriorityConfigOption.

IMPORTANT: The return value can change after calls to setConfigOption, it can even return higher or lower values than before.

Therefore a proper loop would call getNumPriorityConfigOptions on every iteration:

// GOOD:
for( size_t i=0; i < rs->getNumPriorityConfigOptions(); ++i )
rs->setConfigOption( rs->getPriorityConfigOption( i ), value );
// BAD:
const size_t cachedNumOptions = rs->getNumPriorityConfigOptions();
for( size_t i=0; i < cachedNumOptions; ++i )
rs->setConfigOption( rs->getPriorityConfigOption( i ), value );

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getPixelFormatToShaderType()

const PixelFormatToShaderType* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getPixelFormatToShaderType ( ) const

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getPriorityConfigOption()

const char* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getPriorityConfigOption ( size_t  idx) const

Some options depend on other options.

Therefore it's best to call RenderSystem::setConfigOption in order

idxValue must be in range [0; getNumPriorityConfigOptions)

Options must be set in ascending order, i.e. idx = 0 must be called before idx = 1

The name to use in setConfigOption( name, value )

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getSwappyFramePacing()

bool Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getSwappyFramePacing ( ) const

ANDROID ONLY: Whether Swappy is enabled. See setSwappyFramePacing().

◆ getVerticalTexelOffset()

Real Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getVerticalTexelOffset ( )

Returns the vertical texel offset value required for mapping texel origins to pixel origins in this rendersystem.

Since rendersystems sometimes disagree on the origin of a texel, mapping from texels to pixels can sometimes be problematic to implement generically. This method allows you to retrieve the offset required to map the origin of a texel to the origin of a pixel in the vertical direction.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ getVkInstance()

VkInstance Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getVkInstance ( ) const

◆ getVulkanDevice()

VulkanDevice* Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::getVulkanDevice ( ) const

◆ hasAnisotropicMipMapFilter()

bool Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::hasAnisotropicMipMapFilter ( ) const

Determines if the system has anisotropic mip map filter support.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ initConfigOptions()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::initConfigOptions ( )

◆ initGPUProfiling()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::initGPUProfiling ( )

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ initialiseFromRenderSystemCapabilities()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::initialiseFromRenderSystemCapabilities ( RenderSystemCapabilities caps,
Window primary 

Initialize the render system from the capabilities.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ initializeExternalVkInstance()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::initializeExternalVkInstance ( VulkanExternalInstance externalInstance)

◆ initializeVkInstance()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::initializeVkInstance ( )

◆ isSameLayout()

bool Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::isSameLayout ( ResourceLayout::Layout  a,
ResourceLayout::Layout  b,
const TextureGpu texture,
bool  bIsDebugCheck 
) const

Returns true if 'a' and 'b' internally map to the same layout and should be considered equivalent for a given texture.

bIsDebugCheckWhen true, we're calling this as a consistency check (e.g. asserts if layouts changed externally outside the BarrierSolver). Non-explicit APIs may return too many false negatives triggering the assert, thus this flag prevents false crashes

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ loadPipelineCache()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::loadPipelineCache ( DataStreamPtr  stream)

Loads the pipeline cache from disk.

streamThe source stream, optional, starts with struct PipelineCachePrefixHeader

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ markProfileEvent()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::markProfileEvent ( const String event)

Marks an instantaneous event for graphics profilers.

This is equivalent to calling beginProfileEvent() and endProfileEvent() back to back.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ notifyRenderTextureNonResident()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::notifyRenderTextureNonResident ( VulkanTextureGpu texture)

◆ notifySwapchainCreated()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::notifySwapchainCreated ( VulkanWindow window)

◆ notifySwapchainDestroyed()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::notifySwapchainDestroyed ( VulkanWindow window)

◆ postExtraThreadsStarted()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::postExtraThreadsStarted ( )

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ preExtraThreadsStarted()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::preExtraThreadsStarted ( )

Tell the rendersystem to perform any prep tasks it needs to directly before other threads which might access the rendering API are registered.

Call this from your main thread before starting your other threads (which themselves should call registerThread()). Note that if you start your own threads, there is a specific startup sequence which must be respected and requires synchronisation between the threads:
  1. [Main thread]Call preExtraThreadsStarted
  2. [Main thread]Start other thread, wait
  3. [Other thread]Call registerThread, notify main thread & continue
  4. [Main thread]Wake up & call postExtraThreadsStarted
Once this init sequence is completed the threads are independent but this startup sequence must be respected.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ refreshConfig()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::refreshConfig ( )

◆ registerThread()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::registerThread ( )

Register the an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects.

This method should only be called by additional threads during their initialisation. If they intend to use hardware rendering system resources they should call this method before doing anything related to the render system. Some rendering APIs require a per-thread setup and this method will sort that out. It is also necessary to call unregisterThread before the thread shuts down.
This method takes no parameters - it must be called from the thread being registered and that context is enough.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ reinitialise()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::reinitialise ( )

Restart the renderer (normally following a change in settings).

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ resetAllBindings()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::resetAllBindings ( )

◆ savePipelineCache()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::savePipelineCache ( DataStreamPtr  stream) const

Saves the pipeline cache to disk.

streamThe destination stream

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ setClipPlanesImpl()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::setClipPlanesImpl ( const PlaneList clipPlanes)

Internal method used to set the underlying clip planes when needed.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ setConfigOption()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::setConfigOption ( const String name,
const String value 

Sets an option for this API.

Used to confirm the settings (normally chosen by the user) in order to make the renderer able to initialise with the settings as required. This may be video mode, D3D driver, full screen / windowed etc. Called automatically by the default configuration dialog, and by the restoration of saved settings. These settings are stored and only activated when RenderSystem::initialise or RenderSystem::reinitialise are called.
If using a custom configuration dialog, it is advised that the caller calls RenderSystem::getConfigOptions again, since some options can alter resulting from a selection.
nameThe name of the option to alter.
valueThe value to set the option to.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ setStencilBufferParams()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::setStencilBufferParams ( uint32  refValue,
const StencilParams stencilParams 

This method allows you to set all the stencil buffer parameters in one call.

The stencil buffer is used to mask out pixels in the render target, allowing you to do effects like mirrors, cut-outs, stencil shadows and more. Each of your batches of rendering is likely to ignore the stencil buffer, update it with new values, or apply it to mask the output of the render. The stencil test is:
(Reference Value & Mask) CompareFunction (Stencil Buffer Value & Mask)
The result of this will cause one of 3 actions depending on whether the test fails, succeeds but with the depth buffer check still failing, or succeeds with the depth buffer check passing too.
Unlike other render states, stencilling is left for the application to turn on and off when it requires. This is because you are likely to want to change parameters between batches of arbitrary objects and control the ordering yourself. In order to batch things this way, you'll want to use OGRE's separate render queue groups (see RenderQueue) and register a RenderQueueListener to get notifications between batches.
refValueThe reference value used in the comparison (dynamic)
stencilParamsThe static parameters that involve more expensive state changes. Ogre dev implementors note: Should check if the stencilParams are different from before

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ setSwappyFramePacing()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::setSwappyFramePacing ( bool  bEnable,
Window callingWindow = 0 

ANDROID ONLY: Whether to enable/disable Swappy frame pacing.

It may be disabled by OgreNext if Swappy is causing bugs on the current device.

Users can cache the value of getSwappyFramePacing() on shutdown to force-disable on the next run.

This call is ignored in other platforms.

bEnableWhether to enable or disable.
callingWindowFor internal use. Leave this set as nullptr.

◆ sharedVkInitialization()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::sharedVkInitialization ( )

◆ shutdown()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::shutdown ( )

Shutdown the renderer and cleanup resources.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ supportsMultithreadedShaderCompilation()

bool Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::supportsMultithreadedShaderCompilation ( ) const

Returns true if RenderSystem supports multithreaded shader and PSO compilation.

Support depends on the API, our implementation, and CMake setting OGRE_SHADER_COMPILATION_THREADING_MODE with which OgreNext was built.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ unregisterThread()

void Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::unregisterThread ( )

Unregister an additional thread which may make calls to rendersystem-related objects.

See also

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ validateConfigOptions()

String Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::validateConfigOptions ( )

Validates the options set for the rendering system, returning a message if there are problems.

If the returned string is empty, there are no problems.

Implements Ogre::RenderSystem.

◆ validateSampleDescription()

SampleDescription Ogre::VulkanRenderSystem::validateSampleDescription ( const SampleDescription sampleDesc,
PixelFormatGpu  format,
uint32  textureFlags 

Returns supported sample description for requested FSAA mode, with graceful downgrading.

Depth/Stencil-only buffer formats combined with TextureFlags::Uav is valid but a rarely-supported combination. Don't ask for it unless that's truly what you want.
sampleDescReqiested sample description.
formatUse PF_NULL returns to query support for framebuffer-less rendering.
textureFlagsSee TextureFlags::TextureFlags. Relevant flags are: NotTexture RenderToTexture Uav RenderWindowSpecific
Supported sample description for requested FSAA mode, with graceful downgrading.

Reimplemented from Ogre::RenderSystem.

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