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Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
Classes | |
class | AssignmentAtom |
shorthand for "lhs = rhs;" insted of using FFP_Assign(rhs, lhs) More... | |
class | CGProgramProcessor |
CG Language program processor class. More... | |
class | CGProgramWriter |
CG target language writer implementation. More... | |
class | ConstParameter |
Helper template which is the base for our ConstParameters. More... | |
class | DualQuaternionSkinning |
Implement a sub render state which performs dual quaternion hardware skinning. More... | |
class | FFPAlphaTest |
A factory that enables creation of LayeredBlending instances. More... | |
class | FFPAlphaTestFactory |
class | FFPColour |
Colour sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline. More... | |
class | FFPColourFactory |
A factory that enables creation of FFPColour instances. More... | |
class | FFPFog |
Fog sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline. More... | |
class | FFPFogFactory |
A factory that enables creation of FFPFog instances. More... | |
class | FFPLighting |
Lighting sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline. More... | |
class | FFPLightingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of FFPLighting instances. More... | |
class | FFPRenderStateBuilder |
Fixed Function Pipeline render state builder. More... | |
class | FFPTexturing |
Texturing sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline. More... | |
class | FFPTexturingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of FFPTexturing instances. More... | |
class | FFPTransform |
Transform sub render state implementation of the Fixed Function Pipeline. More... | |
class | FFPTransformFactory |
A factory that enables creation of FFPTransform instances. More... | |
class | Function |
A class that represents a shader based program function. More... | |
class | FunctionAtom |
A class that represents an atomic code section of shader based program function. More... | |
class | FunctionInvocation |
A class that represents function invocation code from shader based program function. More... | |
class | GLSLESProgramProcessor |
GLSL ES Language program processor class. More... | |
class | GLSLESProgramWriter |
GLSL ES target language writer implementation. More... | |
class | GLSLProgramProcessor |
GLSL Language program processor class. More... | |
class | GLSLProgramWriter |
GLSL target language writer implementation. More... | |
class | HardwareSkinning |
Implement a sub render state which performs hardware skinning. More... | |
class | HardwareSkinningFactory |
A factory that enables creation of HardwareSkinning instances. More... | |
class | HardwareSkinningTechnique |
Implement a sub render state which performs hardware skinning. More... | |
class | HLSLProgramProcessor |
CG Language program processor class. More... | |
class | HLSLProgramWriter |
HLSL target language writer implementation. More... | |
class | IntegratedPSSM3 |
Integrated PSSM shadow receiver with 3 splits sub render state implementation. More... | |
class | IntegratedPSSM3Factory |
A factory that enables creation of IntegratedPSSM3 instances. More... | |
class | LayeredBlending |
Texturing sub render state implementation of layered blending. More... | |
class | LayeredBlendingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of LayeredBlending instances. More... | |
class | LinearSkinning |
Implement a sub render state which performs hardware skinning. More... | |
class | NormalMapLighting |
Normal Map Lighting extension sub render state implementation. More... | |
class | NormalMapLightingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of NormalMapLighting instances. More... | |
class | Operand |
A class that represents a function operand (its the combination of a parameter the in/out semantic and the used fields) More... | |
class | Parameter |
A class that represents a shader based program parameter. More... | |
class | ParameterFactory |
Helper utility class that creates common parameters. More... | |
class | PerPixelLighting |
Per pixel Lighting extension sub render state implementation. More... | |
class | PerPixelLightingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of PerPixelLighting instances. More... | |
class | Program |
A class that represents a shader based program. More... | |
class | ProgramManager |
A singleton manager class that manages shader based programs. More... | |
class | ProgramProcessor |
A class that provides extra processing services on CPU based programs. More... | |
class | ProgramSet |
Container class for shader based programs. More... | |
class | ProgramWriter |
Base class interface for shader program writers. More... | |
class | ProgramWriterFactory |
Interface definition for factories of ShaderProgramWriter. More... | |
class | ProgramWriterManager |
class | RenderState |
This is a container class for sub render state class. More... | |
class | SGMaterialSerializerListener |
This class responsible for translating core features of the RT Shader System for Ogre material scripts. More... | |
class | SGScriptTranslator |
This class responsible for translating core features of the RT Shader System for Ogre material scripts. More... | |
class | ShaderGenerator |
Shader generator system main interface. More... | |
class | ShaderProgramWriterCGFactory |
CG program writer factory implementation. More... | |
class | ShaderProgramWriterGLSLESFactory |
GLSL ES program writer factory implementation. More... | |
class | ShaderProgramWriterGLSLFactory |
GLSL program writer factory implementation. More... | |
class | ShaderProgramWriterHLSLFactory |
HLSL program writer factory implementation. More... | |
class | SubRenderState |
This class is the base interface of sub part from a shader based rendering pipeline. More... | |
class | SubRenderStateAccessor |
This class uses as accessor from a template SubRenderState to all of its instances that created based on it. More... | |
class | SubRenderStateFactory |
Abstract factory interface for creating SubRenderState implementation instances. More... | |
class | TargetRenderState |
This is the target render state. More... | |
struct | TextureAtlasRecord |
class | TextureAtlasSampler |
Implements texture atlas sampling. More... | |
class | TextureAtlasSamplerFactory |
A factory that enables creation of TextureAtlasSampler instances. More... | |
class | TriplanarTexturing |
Triplanar Texturing. More... | |
class | TriplanarTexturingFactory |
A factory that enables creation of TriplanarMapping instances. More... | |
class | UniformParameter |
Uniform parameter class. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | FFPShaderStage { FFP_PRE_PROCESS = 0, FFP_TRANSFORM = 100, FFP_COLOUR = 200, FFP_LIGHTING = 300, FFP_TEXTURING = 400, FFP_FOG = 500, FFP_POST_PROCESS = 600, FFP_ALPHA_TEST = 1000 } |
enum | FFPVertexShaderStage { FFP_VS_PRE_PROCESS = 0, FFP_VS_TRANSFORM = 100, FFP_VS_COLOUR = 200, FFP_VS_LIGHTING = 300, FFP_VS_TEXTURING = 400, FFP_VS_FOG = 500, FFP_VS_POST_PROCESS = 2000 } |
enum | SkinningType { ST_LINEAR, ST_DUAL_QUATERNION } |
enum | VSOutputCompactPolicy { VSOCP_LOW = 0, VSOCP_MEDIUM = 1, VSOCP_HIGH = 2 } |
Functions | |
_OgreRTSSExport void | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const HardwareSkinning::SkinningData &data) |
_OgreRTSSExport void | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TextureAtlasSamplerFactory::TextureAtlasAttib &tai) |
typedef vector<ParameterPtr>::type Ogre::RTShader::ShaderParameterList |