| DefaultSceneManager (const String &name, size_t numWorkerThreads) |
| ~DefaultSceneManager () override |
const String & | getTypeName () const override |
| Retrieve the type name of this scene manager. More...
| SceneManager (const String &instanceName, size_t numWorkerThreads) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~SceneManager () |
| Default destructor. More...
virtual void | _addAutotrackingSceneNode (SceneNode *source, SceneNode *target, const Vector3 &offset, const Vector3 &localDirection) |
| Internal method for notifying the manager that a SceneNode is autotracking. More...
void | _addCompositorTexture (IdString name, TextureGpu *tex) |
| Used by Compositor, tells of which compositor textures active, so Materials can access them. More...
void | _addWireAabb (WireAabb *wireAabb) |
virtual void | _applySceneAnimations () |
| Internal method for applying animations to scene nodes. More...
virtual bool | _areRenderStateChangesSuppressed () const |
| Are render state changes suppressed? More...
AxisAlignedBox | _calculateCurrentCastersBox (uint32 viewportVisibilityMask, uint8 firstRq, uint8 lastRq) const |
bool | _collectForwardPlusObjects (const Camera *camera) |
| Returns true if collection code was run. More...
virtual InternalCubemapProbe * | _createCubemapProbe (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType) |
virtual SceneNode * | _createSceneNode (SceneNode *parent, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager) |
virtual TagPoint * | _createTagPoint (SceneNode *parent, NodeMemoryManager *nodeMemoryManager) |
| Don't call this function directly. More...
virtual void | _cullPhase01 (Camera *cullCamera, Camera *renderCamera, const Camera *lodCamera, uint8 firstRq, uint8 lastRq, bool reuseCullData) |
| Performs the frustum culling that will later be needed by _renderPhase02. More...
virtual void | _destroyAllCubemapProbes () |
virtual void | _destroyCubemapProbe (InternalCubemapProbe *probe) |
void | _frameEnded () |
| Called when the frame has fully ended (ALL passes have been executed to all RTTs) More...
ForwardPlusBase * | _getActivePassForwardPlus () |
AutoParamDataSource * | _getAutoParamDataSource () const |
uint32 | _getCombinedVisibilityMask () const |
| Internal method for getting the combination between the global visibility mask and the per-viewport visibility mask. More...
IlluminationRenderStage | _getCurrentRenderStage () const |
ObjectMemoryManager & | _getEntityMemoryManager (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType) |
| Retrieves the main entity memory manager. More...
ObjectMemoryManager & | _getLightMemoryManager () |
NodeMemoryManager & | _getNodeMemoryManager (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType) |
NodeMemoryManager & | _getTagPointNodeMemoryManager () |
VisibleObjectsPerThreadArray & | _getTmpVisibleObjectsList () |
void | _handleLodEvents () |
| Handle LOD events. More...
virtual void | _markGpuParamsDirty (uint16 mask) |
| Method to allow you to mark gpu parameters as dirty, causing them to be updated according to the mask that you set when updateGpuProgramParameters is next called. More...
void | _notifyEntityMaterialLodChanged (EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent &evt) |
| Notify that an entity material LOD change event has occurred. More...
void | _notifyEntityMeshLodChanged (EntityMeshLodChangedEvent &evt) |
| Notify that an entity mesh LOD change event has occurred. More...
void | _notifyMovableObjectLodChanged (MovableObjectLodChangedEvent &evt) |
| Notify that a movable object LOD change event has occurred. More...
virtual RenderContext * | _pauseRendering () |
| Pause rendering of the frame. More...
virtual void | _releaseManualHardwareResources () |
| Notifies the scene manager that hardware resources were lost. More...
virtual void | _removeAutotrackingSceneNode (SceneNode *source) |
void | _removeCompositorTextures (size_t from) |
| Removes all compositor textures from 'from' to end. More...
void | _removeSkeletonDef (const SkeletonDef *skeletonDef) |
| Removes a skeleton definition from its memory manager. More...
void | _removeWireAabb (WireAabb *wireAabb) |
virtual void | _renderPhase02 (Camera *camera, const Camera *lodCamera, uint8 firstRq, uint8 lastRq, bool includeOverlays) |
| Prompts the class to send its contents to the renderer. More...
virtual void | _renderSingleObject (Renderable *pRend, const MovableObject *pMovableObject, bool casterPass, bool dualParaboloid) |
virtual void | _restoreManualHardwareResources () |
| Notifies the scene manager that hardware resources should be restored. More...
virtual void | _resumeRendering (RenderContext *context) |
| Resume rendering of the frame. More...
void | _setAtmosphere (AtmosphereComponent *atmosphere) |
| Sets an external atmosphere provider. More...
void | _setCamerasInProgress (const CamerasInProgress &cameras) |
void | _setCurrentCompositorPass (CompositorPass *pass) |
void | _setCurrentRenderStage (IlluminationRenderStage stage) |
void | _setCurrentShadowNode (CompositorShadowNode *shadowNode) |
virtual void | _setDestinationRenderSystem (RenderSystem *sys) |
| Notifies the scene manager of its destination render system. More...
void | _setForwardPlusEnabledInPass (bool bEnable) |
| For internal use. More...
void | _setLightCullingVisibility (Camera *camera, bool collectLights, bool isCubemap) |
| See Camera::setLightCullingVisibility. More...
void | _setPrePassMode (PrePassMode mode, const TextureGpuVec &prepassTextures, TextureGpu *prepassDepthTexture, TextureGpu *ssrTexture) |
| For internal use. More...
void | _setRefractions (TextureGpu *depthTextureNoMsaa, TextureGpu *refractionsTexture) |
virtual void | _suppressRenderStateChanges (bool suppress) |
| Indicates to the SceneManager whether it should suppress changing the RenderSystem states when rendering objects. More...
unsigned long | _updateWorkerThread (ThreadHandle *threadHandle) |
| Called from the worker thread, polls to process frustum culling requests when a sync is performed. More...
void | _warmUpShaders (Camera *camera, uint32_t visibilityMask, uint8 firstRq, uint8 lastRq) |
virtual void | addListener (Listener *s) |
| Add a listener which will get called back on scene manager events. More...
void | addLodListener (LodListener *listener) |
| Add a level of detail listener. More...
virtual void | addRenderObjectListener (RenderObjectListener *newListener) |
| Registers a new Render Object Listener which will be notified when rendering an object. More...
virtual void | addRenderQueueListener (RenderQueueListener *newListener) |
| Registers a new RenderQueueListener which will be notified when render queues are processed. More...
void | clearFrameData () |
| Clears temporary buffers and other data that needs to live every frame. More...
virtual void | clearScene (bool deleteIndestructibleToo, bool reattachCameras=true) |
| Empties the entire scene, inluding all SceneNodes, Entities, Lights, BillboardSets etc. More...
virtual AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery * | createAABBQuery (const AxisAlignedBox &box, uint32 mask=QUERY_ENTITY_DEFAULT_MASK) |
| Creates an AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery for this scene manager. More...
virtual v1::Animation * | createAnimation (const String &name, Real length) |
| Creates an animation which can be used to animate scene nodes. More...
virtual v1::AnimationState * | createAnimationState (const String &animName) |
| Create an AnimationState object for managing application of animations. More...
virtual v1::BillboardChain * | createBillboardChain () |
| Create a BillboardChain, an object which you can use to render a linked chain of billboards. More...
virtual v1::BillboardSet * | createBillboardSet (unsigned int poolSize=20, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Creates a new BillboardSet for use with this scene manager. More...
virtual Camera * | createCamera (const String &name, bool notShadowCaster=true, bool forCubemapping=false) |
| Creates a camera to be managed by this scene manager. More...
virtual Decal * | createDecal (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
virtual v1::Entity * | createEntity (const String &meshName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Create an Entity (instance of a discrete mesh). More...
virtual v1::Entity * | createEntity (const v1::MeshPtr &pMesh, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Create an Entity (instance of a discrete mesh). More...
virtual v1::Entity * | createEntity (PrefabType ptype, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Create an Entity (instance of a discrete mesh) from a range of prefab shapes. More...
virtual IntersectionSceneQuery * | createIntersectionQuery (uint32 mask=QUERY_ENTITY_DEFAULT_MASK) |
| Creates an IntersectionSceneQuery for this scene manager. More...
virtual Item * | createItem (const MeshPtr &pMesh, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Create an Item (instance of a discrete mesh). More...
virtual Item * | createItem (const String &meshName, const String &groupName=ResourceGroupManager::AUTODETECT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC, bool bUseMeshMat=true) |
| Create an Item (instance of a discrete mesh). More...
virtual Light * | createLight () |
| Creates a light for use in the scene. More...
virtual ManualObject * | createManualObject (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Create a ManualObject, an object which you populate with geometry manually through a GL immediate-mode style interface. More...
virtual MovableObject * | createMovableObject (const String &typeName, ObjectMemoryManager *objectMemMgr, const NameValuePairList *params=0) |
| Create a movable object of the type specified without a name. More...
virtual ParticleSystem * | createParticleSystem (const String &templateName) |
| Creates a particle system based on a template. More...
virtual ParticleSystem * | createParticleSystem (size_t quota=500, const String &resourceGroup=ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME) |
| Create a blank particle system. More...
virtual PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery * | createPlaneBoundedVolumeQuery (const PlaneBoundedVolumeList &volumes, uint32 mask=QUERY_ENTITY_DEFAULT_MASK) |
| Creates a PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery for this scene manager. More...
virtual RaySceneQuery * | createRayQuery (const Ray &ray, uint32 mask=QUERY_ENTITY_DEFAULT_MASK) |
| Creates a RaySceneQuery for this scene manager. More...
virtual Rectangle2D * | createRectangle2D (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_STATIC) |
| Creates a 2D rectangle that can be displayed for screen space effects or showing a basic GUI. More...
virtual v1::RibbonTrail * | createRibbonTrail () |
| Create a RibbonTrail, an object which you can use to render a linked chain of billboards which follows one or more nodes. More...
virtual SceneNode * | createSceneNode (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Creates an instance of a SceneNode. More...
SkeletonInstance * | createSkeletonInstance (const SkeletonDef *skeletonDef) |
| Creates an instance of a skeleton based on the given definition. More...
virtual SphereSceneQuery * | createSphereQuery (const Sphere &sphere, uint32 mask=QUERY_ENTITY_DEFAULT_MASK) |
| Creates a SphereSceneQuery for this scene manager. More...
virtual TagPoint * | createTagPoint () |
| Creates a TagPoint that can be used like a SceneNode, or be used to be attached to a Bone. More...
virtual WireAabb * | createWireAabb () |
| Create an WireAabb. More...
void | cullLights (Camera *camera, Light::LightTypes startType, Light::LightTypes endType, LightArray &outLights) |
void | defragmentMemoryPools () |
| Triggers on demand a defragmentation of the pools, so that all slots become contiguous in memory. More...
virtual void | destroyAllAnimations () |
| Removes all animations created using this SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllAnimationStates () |
| Removes all animation states created using this SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllBillboardChains () |
| Removes & destroys all BillboardChains from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllBillboardSets () |
| Removes & destroys all BillboardSets. More...
virtual void | destroyAllCameras () |
| Removes (and destroys) all cameras from the scene. More...
virtual void | destroyAllDecals () |
virtual void | destroyAllEntities () |
| Removes & destroys all Entities. More...
virtual void | destroyAllItems () |
| Removes & destroys all Items. More...
virtual void | destroyAllLights () |
| Removes and destroys all lights in the scene. More...
virtual void | destroyAllManualObjects () |
| Removes & destroys all ManualObjects from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllMovableObjects () |
| Destroy all MovableObjects. More...
virtual void | destroyAllMovableObjectsByType (const String &typeName) |
| Destroy all MovableObjects of a given type. More...
virtual void | destroyAllParticleSystems () |
| Removes & destroys all ParticleSystems from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllRectangle2D () |
| Removes & destroys all Rectangle2D. More...
virtual void | destroyAllRibbonTrails () |
| Removes & destroys all RibbonTrails from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyAllWireAabbs () |
| Removes & destroys all WireAabbs. More...
virtual void | destroyAnimation (const String &name) |
| Destroys an Animation. More...
virtual void | destroyAnimationState (const String &name) |
| Destroys an AnimationState. More...
virtual void | destroyBillboardChain (v1::BillboardChain *obj) |
| Removes & destroys a BillboardChain from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyBillboardSet (v1::BillboardSet *set) |
| Removes & destroys an BillboardSet from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyCamera (Camera *cam) |
| Removes a camera from the scene. More...
virtual void | destroyDecal (Decal *decal) |
virtual void | destroyEntity (v1::Entity *ent) |
| Removes & destroys an Entity from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyItem (Item *item) |
| Removes & destroys an Item from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyLight (Light *light) |
| Removes the light from the scene and destroys it based on a pointer. More...
virtual void | destroyManualObject (ManualObject *obj) |
| Removes & destroys a ManualObject from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyMovableObject (MovableObject *m) |
| Destroys a MovableObject. More...
virtual void | destroyMovableObject (MovableObject *m, const String &typeName) |
| Destroys a MovableObject with the name specified, of the type specified. More...
virtual void | destroyParticleSystem (ParticleSystem *obj) |
| Removes & destroys a ParticleSystem from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyQuery (SceneQuery *query) |
| Destroys a scene query of any type. More...
virtual void | destroyRectangle2D (Rectangle2D *rect) |
| Removes & destroys an Entity from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroyRibbonTrail (v1::RibbonTrail *obj) |
| Removes & destroys a RibbonTrail from the SceneManager. More...
virtual void | destroySceneNode (SceneNode *sn) |
| Destroys a SceneNode. More...
void | destroySkeletonInstance (SkeletonInstance *skeletonInstance) |
| Destroys an instance of a skeleton created with createSkeletonInstance(). More...
virtual void | destroyWireAabb (WireAabb *wireAabb) |
| Removes & destroys an WireAabb from the SceneManager. More...
void | executeUserScalableTask (UniformScalableTask *task, bool bBlock) |
| Processes a user-defined UniformScalableTask in the worker threads spawned by SceneManager. More...
virtual void | extractAllMovableObjectsByType (const String &typeName) |
| Extract all injected MovableObjects of a given type. More...
virtual void | extractMovableObject (MovableObject *m) |
| Extract a previously injected MovableObject. More...
virtual Camera * | findCamera (IdString name) const |
| Finds the camera with the given name. More...
virtual Camera * | findCameraNoThrow (IdString name) const |
| Finds the camera with the given name. More...
virtual MovableObjectVec | findMovableObjects (const String &type, const String &name) |
| Finds all the movable objects with the type and name passed as parameters. More...
virtual_l1 SceneNodeList | findSceneNodes (const String &name) const |
| Finds all the scene nodes with the name passed as parameter. More...
const Vector3 & | getAmbientLightHemisphereDir () const |
const ColourValue & | getAmbientLightLowerHemisphere () const |
const ColourValue & | getAmbientLightUpperHemisphere () const |
| Returns the ambient light level to be used for the scene. More...
virtual v1::Animation * | getAnimation (const String &name) const |
| Looks up an Animation object previously created with createAnimation. More...
AnimationIterator | getAnimationIterator () |
| Returns a specialised MapIterator over all animations in the scene. More...
const AnimationList & | getAnimations () const |
| Returns a const version of the animation list. More...
virtual v1::AnimationState * | getAnimationState (const String &animName) const |
| Retrieves animation state as previously created using createAnimationState. More...
v1::AnimationStateIterator | getAnimationStateIterator () |
| Returns a specialised MapIterator over all animation states in the scene. More...
AtmosphereComponent * | getAtmosphere () |
| Gets currently set atmosphere. It's never nullptr. More...
AtmosphereComponent * | getAtmosphereRaw () |
| Gets currently set atmosphere. Can be nullptr if none is set. More...
CameraIterator | getCameraIterator () |
| Returns a specialised MapIterator over all cameras in the scene. More...
const CameraList & | getCameras () const |
| Returns a const version of the camera list. More...
CamerasInProgress | getCamerasInProgress () const |
| Gets the current camera being rendered (advanced use only, only valid during viewport update. More...
const CompositorTextureVec & | getCompositorTextures () const |
const AxisAlignedBox & | getCurrentCastersBox () const |
const CompositorPass * | getCurrentCompositorPass () const |
| Note: May be null. More...
TextureGpu * | getCurrentPassDepthTextureNoMsaa () const |
TextureGpu * | getCurrentPrePassDepthTexture () const |
PrePassMode | getCurrentPrePassMode () const |
const TextureGpuVec & | getCurrentPrePassTextures () const |
TextureGpu * | getCurrentRefractionsTexture () const |
const CompositorShadowNode * | getCurrentShadowNode () const |
TextureGpu * | getCurrentSsrTexture () const |
Viewport * | getCurrentViewport0 () const |
| Gets the current viewport being rendered (advanced use only, only valid during viewport update. More...
TextureGpu * | getDecalsDiffuse () const |
TextureGpu * | getDecalsEmissive () const |
TextureGpu * | getDecalsNormals () const |
RenderSystem * | getDestinationRenderSystem () |
| Get the rendersystem subclass to which the output of this Scene Manager gets sent. More...
virtual bool | getDisplaySceneNodes () const |
| Returns true if all scene nodes axis are to be displayed. More...
SceneNode * | getDummySceneNode () const |
| Unlike mNodeMemoryManager->_getDummyNode(), this dummy node is fully allocated, which makes it possible to actually attach objects to this dummy, while we guarantee the dummy won't change its transform. More...
uint32 | getEnvFeatures () const |
virtual bool | getFindVisibleObjects () |
| Gets whether the SceneManager should search for visible objects, or whether they are being manually handled. More...
virtual bool | getFlipCullingOnNegativeScale () const |
| Get whether to automatically flip the culling mode on objects whenever they are negatively scaled. More...
ForwardPlusBase * | getForwardPlus () |
const LightListInfo & | getGlobalLightList () const |
virtual const PlaneList & | getLightClippingPlanes (const Light *l) |
| Retrieve a set of clipping planes for a given light. More...
virtual_l2 uint32 | getLightMask () const |
| Gets a mask which is bitwise 'and'ed with lights' own light masks to determine if the light should be casting light. More...
virtual const RealRect & | getLightScissorRect (const Light *l, const Camera *cam) |
| Retrieve a scissor rectangle for a given light and camera. More...
void | getMinMaxDepthRange (const Frustum *shadowMapCamera, Real &outMin, Real &outMax) const |
virtual MovableObjectIterator | getMovableObjectIterator (const String &typeName) |
| Get an iterator over all MovableObect instances of a given type. More...
const String & | getName () const |
| Return the instance name of this SceneManager. More...
size_t | getNumCompositorTextures () const |
| Gets the number of currently active compositor textures. More...
size_t | getNumWorkerThreads () const |
virtual bool | getOption (const String &strKey, void *pDestValue) |
| Method for getting the value of an implementation-specific Scene Manager option. More...
virtual bool | getOptionKeys (StringVector &refKeys) |
| Method for getting all the implementation-specific options of the scene manager. More...
virtual bool | getOptionValues (const String &strKey, StringVector &refValueList) |
| Method for getting all possible values for a specific option. More...
RadialDensityMask * | getRadialDensityMask () const |
Vector3 | getRelativeOrigin () const |
| Returns the current relative origin. (Only when non-permanent) More...
RenderQueue * | getRenderQueue () const |
| Returns the RenderQueue. More...
SceneNode * | getRootSceneNode (SceneMemoryMgrTypes sceneType=SCENE_DYNAMIC) |
| Gets the SceneNode at the root of the scene hierarchy. More...
virtual_l1 SceneNode * | getSceneNode (IdType id) |
| Retrieves a SceneNode based on it's ID from the scene graph. More...
virtual_l1 const SceneNode * | getSceneNode (IdType id) const |
virtual const ColourValue & | getShadowColour () const |
| Get the colour used to modulate areas in shadow. More...
virtual Real | getShadowDirectionalLightExtrusionDistance () const |
| Gets the distance a shadow volume is extruded for a directional light. More...
virtual Real | getShadowDirLightTextureOffset () const |
| Gets the proportional distance which a texture shadow which is generated from a directional light will be offset into the camera view to make best use of texture space. More...
virtual Real | getShadowFarDistance () const |
| Gets the default maximum distance away from the camera that shadows will be visible. More...
virtual Real | getShadowFarDistanceSquared () const |
virtual bool | getShowBoundingBoxes () const |
| Returns if all bounding boxes of scene nodes are to be displayed. More...
Rectangle2D * | getSky () |
MaterialPtr | getSkyMaterial () |
SkyMethod | getSkyMethod () const |
const float * | getSphericalHarmonics () const |
virtual ViewPoint | getSuggestedViewpoint (bool random=false) |
| Asks the SceneManager to provide a suggested viewpoint from which the scene should be viewed. More...
virtual_l2 uint32 | getVisibilityMask () const |
| Gets a mask which is bitwise 'and'ed with objects own visibility masks to determine if the object is visible. More...
virtual bool | hasAnimation (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether an animation with the given name exists. More...
virtual bool | hasAnimationState (const String &name) const |
| Returns whether an animation state with the given name exists. More...
virtual bool | hasMovableObject (MovableObject *m) |
| Returns if this SceneManager contains the specified MovableObject. More...
virtual bool | hasOption (const String &strKey) const |
| Method for verifying whether the scene manager has an implementation-specific option. More...
virtual void | injectMovableObject (MovableObject *m) |
| Inject a MovableObject instance created externally. More...
bool | isDecalsDiffuseEmissiveMerged () const |
bool | isSkyEnabled () const |
bool | isUsingInstancedStereo () const |
void | notifyStaticAabbDirty (MovableObject *movableObject) |
| Notifies that the given MovableObject is dirty (i.e. More...
void | notifyStaticDirty (Node *node) |
| Notifies that the given Node is dirty (i.e. More...
| OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (3) virtual const ColourValue &getFogColour() const |
| Returns the fog colour for the scene. More...
| OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (3) virtual FogMode getFogMode() const |
| Returns the fog mode for the scene. More...
| OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (3) virtual Real getFogDensity() const |
| Returns the fog density for the scene. More...
| OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (3) virtual Real getFogEnd() const |
| Returns the fog end distance for the scene. More...
| OGRE_DEPRECATED_VER (3) virtual Real getFogStart() const |
| Returns the fog start distance for the scene. More...
| OGRE_MUTEX (sceneGraphMutex) |
| Mutex to protect the scene graph from simultaneous access from multiple threads. More...
virtual void | registerSceneNodeListener (SceneNode *sceneNode) |
| Node listeners need to be registered with us so that they can be successfully called when calling updateAllTransforms. More...
virtual void | removeListener (Listener *s) |
| Remove a listener. More...
void | removeLodListener (LodListener *listener) |
| Remove a level of detail listener. More...
virtual void | removeRenderObjectListener (RenderObjectListener *delListener) |
| Removes a listener previously added with addRenderObjectListener. More...
virtual void | removeRenderQueueListener (RenderQueueListener *delListener) |
| Removes a listener previously added with addRenderQueueListener. More...
void | reserveSlotsInGlobalLightList (size_t addSlotsToCapacity=0) |
| Allocates required memory in mGlobalLightList. More...
void | setAmbientLight (const ColourValue &upperHemisphere, const ColourValue &lowerHemisphere, const Vector3 &hemisphereDir, Real envmapScale=1.0f, uint32 envFeatures=0xffffffff) |
| Sets the ambient light level to be used for the scene. More...
void | setBuildLegacyLightList (bool bEnable) |
| Enables or disables the legace 1.9 way of building light lists which can be used by HlmsLowLevel materials. More...
void | setDecalsDiffuse (TextureGpu *tex) |
| Sets the decal texture for diffuse. More...
void | setDecalsEmissive (TextureGpu *tex) |
| See SceneManager::setDecalsDiffuse. More...
void | setDecalsNormals (TextureGpu *tex) |
| Sets the decal texture normal maps. More...
virtual void | setDisplaySceneNodes (bool display) |
| Tells the SceneManager whether it should render the SceneNodes which make up the scene as well as the objects in the scene. More...
virtual void | setFindVisibleObjects (bool find) |
| Sets whether the SceneManager should search for visible objects, or whether they are being manually handled. More...
virtual void | setFlipCullingOnNegativeScale (bool n) |
| Set whether to automatically flip the culling mode on objects whenever they are negatively scaled. More...
void | setFog (FogMode mode=FOG_NONE, const ColourValue &colour=ColourValue::White, Real expDensity=Real(0.001), Real linearStart=Real(0.0), Real linearEnd=Real(1.0)) |
| Sets the fogging mode applied to the scene. More...
void | setForward3D (bool bEnable, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 numSlices, uint32 lightsPerCell, float minDistance, float maxDistance) |
| Enables or disables the Forward3D implementation for using many non-shadowed lights in the scene. More...
void | setForwardClustered (bool bEnable, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 numSlices, uint32 lightsPerCell, uint32 decalsPerCell, uint32 cubemapProbesPerCel, float minDistance, float maxDistance) |
virtual_l2 void | setLightMask (uint32 mask) |
| Sets a mask which is bitwise 'and'ed with lights' own light masks to determine if the light should be casting light. More...
virtual bool | setOption (const String &strKey, const void *pValue) |
| Method for setting a specific option of the Scene Manager. More...
void | setRadialDensityMask (bool bEnabled, const float radius[3]) |
| Draws a Radial Density Mask to lower the quality around the edges in VR. More...
virtual void | setRelativeOrigin (const Vector3 &relativeOrigin, bool bPermanent) |
| Set whether to use relative offset co-ordinates when rendering, ie offset to subtract to the camera, lights & objects. More...
virtual void | setShadowColour (const ColourValue &colour) |
| Set the colour used to modulate areas in shadow. More...
virtual void | setShadowDirectionalLightExtrusionDistance (Real dist) |
| Sets the distance a shadow volume is extruded for a directional light. More...
virtual void | setShadowDirLightTextureOffset (Real offset) |
| Sets the proportional distance which a texture shadow which is generated from a directional light will be offset into the camera view to make best use of texture space. More...
virtual void | setShadowFarDistance (Real distance) |
| Sets the default maximum distance away from the camera that shadows will be visible. More...
virtual void | setShadowTextureFadeEnd (Real fadeEnd) |
| Sets the proportional distance at which texture shadows finish to fading out. More...
virtual void | setShadowTextureFadeStart (Real fadeStart) |
| Sets the proportional distance at which texture shadows begin to fade out. More...
void | setSky (bool bEnabled, SkyMethod skyMethod, const String &texName, const String &resourceGroup) |
void | setSky (bool bEnabled, SkyMethod skyMethod, TextureGpu *texture) |
| Sets a sky, to use a particular material based on SkyMethod. More...
void | setSphericalHarmonics (Vector3 ambientSphericalHarmonics[9]) |
virtual_l2 void | setVisibilityMask (uint32 vmask) |
| Sets a mask which is bitwise 'and'ed with objects own visibility masks to determine if the object is visible. More...
virtual void | showBoundingBoxes (bool bShow) |
| Allows all bounding boxes of scene nodes to be displayed. More...
void | shrinkToFitMemoryPools () |
| Defragments memory, then reallocates a smaller pool that tightly fits the current number of objects. More...
virtual void | unregisterSceneNodeListener (SceneNode *sceneNode) |
| Unregisters a registered node for listening. More...
void | updateAllAnimations () |
| Updates all skeletal animations in the scene. More...
void | updateAllBounds (const ObjectMemoryManagerVec &objectMemManager) |
| Updates the world aabbs from all entities in the scene. More...
void | updateAllLods (const Camera *lodCamera, Real lodBias, uint8 firstRq, uint8 lastRq) |
| Updates the Lod values of all objects relative to the given camera. More...
void | updateAllTagPoints () |
| Updates all TagPoints, both TagPoints that are children of bones, and TagPoints that are children of other TagPoints. More...
void | updateAllTransforms () |
| Updates the derived transforms of all nodes in the scene. More...
void | updateSceneGraph () |
| Updates the scene: Perform high level culling, Node transforms and entity animations. More...
void | waitForPendingUserScalableTask () |
| Blocks until the the task from processUserScalableTask finishes. More...
| IdObject (IdType id) |
| We don't call generateNewId() here, to prevent objects in the stack (i.e. More...
IdType | getId () const |
| Get the unique id of this object. More...
bool | operator() (const IdObject &left, const IdObject &right) |
bool | operator() (const IdObject *left, const IdObject *right) |