C_finddata_t | |
►COgre::AllocatedObject< AlignAllocPolicy<> > | |
COgre::AutoParamDataSource | This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters |
►COgre::Hlms | HLMS stands for "High Level Material System" |
►COgre::HlmsBufferManager | Managing constant and texture buffers for sending shader parameters is a very similar process to most Hlms implementations using them |
COgre::HlmsPbs | Physically based shading implementation specfically designed for OpenGL 3+, D3D11 and other RenderSystems which support uniform buffers |
COgre::HlmsUnlit | Implementation without lighting or skeletal animation specfically designed for OpenGL 3+, D3D11 and other RenderSystems which support uniform buffers |
COgre::HlmsCompute | HLMS implementation that handles compute shaders |
COgre::HlmsLowLevel | This is an HLMS implementation that acts as proxy to use the Material system from Ogre 1.9 The older material system is data-driven (thanks to AutoParamDataSource) compared to HLMS where the user needs to write its own implementation in C++ (or modify an exisiting one) |
►COgre::SceneManager | Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene' i.e |
COgre::DefaultSceneManager | Default scene manager |
COgre::AtomicScalar< LoadingState > | |
COgre::AtomicScalar< ResourceHandle > | |
COgre::AtomicScalar< size_t > | |
COgre::AtomicScalar< uint32 > | |
►COgre::cbitsetN< _N, uint32, 5u, 0x1Fu > | |
COgre::cbitset32< _N > | This is similar to std::bitset, except waaay less bloat |
►COgre::cbitsetN< _N, uint64, 6u, 0x3Fu > | |
COgre::cbitset64< _N > | This is similar to std::bitset, except waaay less bloat |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11BlendState > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Buffer > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ClassLinkage > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ComputeShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DepthStencilState > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DepthStencilView > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Device1 > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DeviceContext1 > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DeviceContextN > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DeviceN > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DomainShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11GeometryShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11HullShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11InfoQueue > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11InputLayout > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11PixelShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Query > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11RenderTargetView > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Resource > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ShaderResourceView > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Texture2D > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11UnorderedAccessView > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11VertexShader > | |
COgre::ComPtr< ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation > | |
COgre::ComPtr< IDXGIAdapterN > | |
COgre::ComPtr< IDXGIFactory2 > | |
COgre::ComPtr< IDXGIFactoryN > | |
COgre::ComPtr< IDXGISwapChain > | |
COgre::ComPtr< IDXGISwapChain1 > | |
CDisplay | |
►COgre::FactoryObj< Archive > | |
►COgre::ArchiveFactory | Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this |
COgre::APKFileSystemArchiveFactory | |
COgre::FileSystemArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for FileSystem files |
►COgre::ZipArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ArchiveFactory for Zip files |
►COgre::EmbeddedZipArchiveFactory | Specialisation of ZipArchiveFactory for embedded Zip files |
COgre::APKZipArchiveFactory | |
►COgre::FactoryObj< ParticleSystemRenderer > | |
►COgre::ParticleSystemRendererFactory | Abstract class definition of a factory object for ParticleSystemRenderer |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRendererFactory | Factory class for BillboardParticleRenderer |
COgre::FastArray< AGSDX11ReturnedParams > | |
COgre::FastArray< Batch > | |
COgre::FastArray< BatchInstances > | |
COgre::FastArray< BoneTransform > | |
COgre::FastArray< bool > | |
COgre::FastArray< BuildLightListRequest > | |
COgre::FastArray< const char * > | |
COgre::FastArray< const Ogre::HlmsSamplerblock * > | |
COgre::FastArray< const Ogre::TextureGpu * > | |
COgre::FastArray< DescriptorSetTexture2::Slot > | |
COgre::FastArray< DescriptorSetUav::Slot > | |
COgre::FastArray< DEVMODE > | |
COgre::FastArray< DirtyBlock > | |
COgre::FastArray< EGLDeviceEXT > | |
COgre::FastArray< float > | |
COgre::FastArray< int32 > | |
COgre::FastArray< Interface > | |
COgre::FastArray< Item * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Light * > | |
COgre::FastArray< LightArray > | |
COgre::FastArray< LightClosest > | |
COgre::FastArray< LightCount > | |
COgre::FastArray< Octant > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::Aabb > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::AsyncTextureTicket * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::BillboardSet * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::CompositorPass * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::CompositorShadowNode * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::DescriptorSetTexture2::Slot > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::DescriptorSetUav::Slot > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::EglPBufferSupport::DeviceData > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::EmittedParticle > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::EmitterDefData * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::EmitterInstanceData > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::FastArray > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::FastArray< uint32 > > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::HlmsComputeJob * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::IdString > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::IesLoader * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::MetalBufferRegion > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::MetalTexRegion > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ObjCmdBuffer::Cmd * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ParticleAffector2 * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ParticleAffectorFactory2 * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ParticleEmitterDefDataFactory * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ParticleSystem2 * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::ParticleSystemDef * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::SampleDescription > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::SkeletonInstance * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::TextureGpu * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VctCascadeSetting > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VctLighting * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::Vector4 > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VulkanDescriptorPool * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VulkanPhysicalDevice > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VulkanQueue > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VulkanQueue::PerFrameData > | |
COgre::FastArray< Ogre::VulkanWindowSwapChainBased * > | |
COgre::FastArray< PartitionedSubMesh > | |
COgre::FastArray< PerThreadData * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Pool > | |
COgre::FastArray< Preset > | |
COgre::FastArray< ProfileSample * > | |
COgre::FastArray< QueuedInstance > | |
COgre::FastArray< QueuedRenderable > | |
COgre::FastArray< QueuedSubMesh > | |
COgre::FastArray< Real > | |
COgre::FastArray< Renderable * > | |
COgre::FastArray< Resolution > | |
COgre::FastArray< ResourceTransition > | |
COgre::FastArray< size_t > | |
COgre::FastArray< String > | |
COgre::FastArray< TextureFilter::FilterBase * > | |
COgre::FastArray< ThreadRenderQueue > | |
COgre::FastArray< TrackedRenderable > | |
COgre::FastArray< uint32 > | |
COgre::FastArray< uint64 > | |
COgre::FastArray< uint8 > | |
COgre::FastArray< uint8_t * > | |
COgre::FastArray< unsigned char > | |
COgre::FastArray< unsigned short > | |
COgre::FastArray< UsedSemaphore > | |
COgre::FastArray< VertexArrayObject * > | |
COgre::FastArray< VisibleObjectsPerRq > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkBufferView > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkCommandBuffer > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkDescriptorBufferInfo > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkDescriptorImageInfo > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkDescriptorPoolSize > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkDescriptorSetLayout > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkExtensionProperties > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkFence > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkFramebuffer > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkImage > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkImageMemoryBarrier > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkImageView > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkLayerProperties > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkPipelineStageFlags > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkQueueFamilyProperties > | |
COgre::FastArray< VkSemaphore > | |
COgre::GLES2FBORenderTexture | RenderTexture for GL ES 2 FBO |
COgre::GLSLESLinkProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL ES Program Object |
►CHardwareIndexBuffer MANAGED_RESOURCE | |
COgre::v1::GLES2HardwareIndexBuffer | |
►CHardwareOcclusionQuery MANAGED_RESOURCE | |
COgre::GLES2HardwareOcclusionQuery | |
►CHardwarePixelBuffer | |
►COgre::v1::GLES2HardwarePixelBuffer | |
COgre::v1::GLES2RenderBuffer | Renderbuffer surface |
COgre::v1::GLES2TextureBuffer | Texture surface |
►CHardwareUniformBuffer | |
COgre::v1::GLES2DefaultHardwareUniformBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareUniformBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareUniformBuffer for OpenGL |
►CHardwareVertexBuffer MANAGED_RESOURCE | |
COgre::v1::GLES2HardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL ES |
COgre::HashedVector< LightClosest > | |
►CHighLevelGpuProgram MANAGED_RESOURCE | |
COgre::GLSLESShader | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to encapsulate shader objects obtained from compiled shaders written in the OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL ES) for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
►CHlmsPbsBaseTextureDatablock | |
COgre::HlmsPbsDatablock | Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+ |
►CHlmsUnlitBaseTextureDatablock | |
COgre::HlmsUnlitDatablock | Contains information needed by PBS (Physically Based Shading) for OpenGL 3+ & D3D11+ |
►CImageCodec | |
COgre::EXRCodec | Codec specialized in loading OpenEXR high dynamic range images |
►COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, T::mapped_type > | |
COgre::MapIteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType > | Prepared IteratorWrapper for key-value container |
►COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, T::value_type > | |
COgre::VectorIteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType > | Prepared IteratorWrapper for container like std::vector |
COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator, T::mapped_type > | |
COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator, T::value_type > | |
COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator, T::mapped_type > | |
COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator, T::value_type > | |
►CMultiRenderTarget | |
COgre::GLES2FBOMultiRenderTarget | MultiRenderTarget for GL ES 2.x |
CNotPointerAtom | |
►CNSObject | |
CCocoaWindowDelegate | |
►CNSOpenGLView | |
COgreGL3PlusView | |
►CNSView | |
COgreMetalView | |
►CNSWindow | |
COgreGL3PlusWindow | |
COgre::_ConfigOption | Packages the details of a configuration option |
COgre::Aabb | AoS (array of structures) version of ArrayAabb |
COgre::AbiCookie | |
COgre::ActiveActorData | |
COgre::AlignedMemory | Class to provide aligned memory allocate functionality |
COgre::AndroidJniProvider | |
COgre::Angle | Wrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAngleUnit |
►COgre::AnimableObject | Defines an interface to classes which have one or more AnimableValue instances to expose |
►COgre::MovableObject | Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene |
COgre::Decal | Decals can have diffuse, normal map, and emissive on top of regular objects |
►COgre::Frustum | A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area |
COgre::Camera | A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered |
COgre::IfdProbeVisualizer | |
COgre::InternalCubemapProbe | This class is internal and should not be interfaced directly by users |
COgre::Item | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
COgre::Light | Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene |
COgre::ManualObject | |
COgre::MovablePlane | Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply |
COgre::NullEntity | |
►COgre::ParticleSystem | Class defining particle system based special effects |
►COgre::ParticleSystemDef | A ParticleSystemDef does not form part of the scene |
COgre::BillboardSet | A BillboardSet is just a ParticleSystemDef directly exposed to the user but without emitters, affectors and time to live |
COgre::ParticleSystem2 | |
COgre::Rectangle2D | |
COgre::VoxelVisualizer | |
COgre::WireAabb | Helper class to display the Aabb of a MovableObject as lines |
►COgre::v1::BillboardChain | Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards |
COgre::v1::RibbonTrail | Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances |
COgre::v1::BillboardSet | A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other |
COgre::v1::Entity | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
COgre::v1::ManualObject | Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry |
COgre::v1::Overlay | Represents a layer which is rendered on top of the 'normal' scene contents |
COgre::v1::Rectangle2D | Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with 'depth_write off' materials |
►COgre::v1::SimpleRenderable | Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects |
COgre::v1::WireBoundingBox | Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box |
►COgre::Any | Variant type that can hold Any other type |
COgre::AnyNumeric | Specialised Any class which has built in arithmetic operators, but can hold only types which support operator +,-,* and / |
COgre::ArrayAabb | Cache-friendly array of Aabb represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayActorPlane | Actors are defined by a plane and a rectangle that limits that plane |
COgre::ArrayMatrix4 | Cache-friendly container of 4x4 matrices represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayMatrixAf4x3 | Cache-friendly container of AFFINE 4x4 matrices represented as a SoA array |
►COgre::ArrayMemoryManager | Abstract memory manager for managing large chunks of contiguous memory, optimized for SoA (Structure of Arrays) implementations |
COgre::BoneArrayMemoryManager | Implementation to create the Transform variables needed by Bones |
COgre::KfTransformArrayMemoryManager | Implementation to create the KfTransform variables needed by SkeletonTrack See SkeletonAnimationDef and SkeletonTrack |
COgre::NodeArrayMemoryManager | Implementation to create the Transform variables needed by Nodes & SceneNodes |
COgre::ObjectDataArrayMemoryManager | Implementation to create the ObjectData variables needed by MovableObjects |
►COgre::ArrayMemoryManager::RebaseListener | When mUsedMemory >= mMaxMemory (that is, we've exhausted all our preallocated memory) ArrayMemoryManager will proceed to reallocate all memory |
COgre::BoneMemoryManager | Wrap-around class that contains multiple ArrayMemoryManager, one per hierarchy depth |
COgre::NodeMemoryManager | Wrap-around class that contains multiple ArrayMemoryManager, one per hierarchy depth |
COgre::ObjectMemoryManager | Wrap-around class that contains multiple ArrayMemoryManager, one per render queue |
COgre::ArrayPlane | |
COgre::ArrayQuaternion | Cache-friendly array of Quaternion represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayRay | |
COgre::ArraySphere | Cache-friendly array of Sphere represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayVector2 | Cache-friendly array of 2-dimensional represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayVector3 | Cache-friendly array of 3-dimensional represented as a SoA array |
COgre::ArrayVector4 | Cache-friendly array of 4-dimensional represented as a SoA array |
COgre::AsyncTextureTicket::DelayedDownload | |
COgre::AtmosphereNpr::Preset | |
COgre::AtomicObject< T > | |
COgre::AtomicScalar< T > | |
COgre::AxisAlignedBox | A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes |
COgre::BackgroundProcessResult | Encapsulates the result of a background queue request |
COgre::Barrier | A barrier is a synchronization mechanism where multiple threads wait until all of them have reached the barrier sync point before continuing |
COgre::BarrierSolver | |
►COgre::BasicBlock | |
COgre::HlmsBlendblock | A blend block contains settings that rarely change, and thus are common to many materials |
COgre::HlmsMacroblock | A macro block contains settings that will rarely change, and thus are common to many materials |
COgre::HlmsSamplerblock | A sampler block contains settings that go hand in hand with a texture, and thus are common to many textures |
COgre::Billboard | Basic Billboard holder that belongs to a ParticleSystemDef |
COgre::bitset64 | See cbitset64 |
COgre::Bitwise | Class for manipulating bit patterns |
COgre::BoneTransform | Represents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays) |
COgre::BooleanMask4 | |
COgre::BoundUav | |
COgre::Box | Structure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space |
►COgre::BufferInterface | Most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
►COgre::D3D11BufferInterfaceBase | For D3D11, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::D3D11BufferInterface | For D3D11, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::D3D11CompatBufferInterface | In D3D11, const buffers can't be bound by offset |
COgre::GL3PlusBufferInterface | For GL3+, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::GLES2BufferInterface | For GL3+, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::MetalBufferInterface | For Metal, all buffers can be treated with the same code |
COgre::NULLBufferInterface | For GL3+, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::VulkanBufferInterface | |
COgre::BuildLightListRequest | |
COgre::BySkeletonDef | |
COgre::Camera::Listener | Listener interface so you can be notified of Camera events |
COgre::CamerasInProgress | Struct that holds a number of cameras used in the current rendering pass |
►COgre::CbBase | |
►COgre::CbDrawCall | |
COgre::CbDrawCallIndexed | |
COgre::CbDrawCallStrip | |
COgre::CbIndirectBuffer | |
COgre::CbLowLevelMaterial | |
COgre::CbPipelineStateObject | |
COgre::CbSamplers | |
COgre::CbShaderBuffer | |
COgre::CbTexture | |
COgre::CbTextures | |
COgre::CbVao | |
►COgre::v1::CbDrawCall | |
COgre::v1::CbDrawCallIndexed | |
COgre::v1::CbDrawCallStrip | |
COgre::v1::CbRenderOp | |
COgre::v1::CbStartV1LegacyRendering | |
COgre::cbitsetN< _N, _internalDataType, _bits, _mask > | |
►COgre::CbSharedDraw | |
COgre::CbDrawIndexed | |
COgre::CbDrawStrip | |
COgre::ColourValue | Class representing colour |
COgre::CommandBuffer | Command Buffer implementation |
COgre::CompositorNamedBuffer | |
COgre::CompositorPassComputeDef::BufferSource | |
COgre::CompositorPassComputeDef::ComputeTextureSource | |
COgre::CompositorPassDef::UavDependency | |
COgre::CompositorPassDef::ViewportRect | |
COgre::CompositorPassQuadDef::QuadTextureSource | |
COgre::CompositorPassUavDef::BufferSource | |
COgre::CompositorPassUavDef::TextureSource | |
COgre::CompositorTexture | |
COgre::CompositorWorkspaceDef::ChannelRoute | |
►COgre::CompositorWorkspaceListener | |
►COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapBase | |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemap | |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapAuto | Per-Pixel reflection probes |
COgre::VctCascadedVoxelizer | This class manages multiple cascades of Voxels and each cascade can be composed of VctImageVoxelizer |
COgre::ComPtr< T > | |
COgre::ComputeProperty | |
COgre::ComputeTools | |
►COgre::ConstBufferPool | Maintains a pool of buffers grouped by hash ID |
COgre::HlmsPbs | Physically based shading implementation specfically designed for OpenGL 3+, D3D11 and other RenderSystems which support uniform buffers |
COgre::HlmsUnlit | Implementation without lighting or skeletal animation specfically designed for OpenGL 3+, D3D11 and other RenderSystems which support uniform buffers |
COgre::ConstBufferPool::BufferPool | |
COgre::ConstBufferPool::ExtraBufferParams | |
►COgre::ConstBufferPoolUser | |
COgre::OGRE_HLMS_TEXTURE_BASE_CLASS | This is not a regular header, therefore it has no include guards |
COgre::ConvexBody | Holds a solid representation of a convex body |
COgre::CPreprocessor | This is a simplistic C/C++-like preprocessor |
COgre::CullFrustumPreparedData | |
►COgre::CullFrustumRequest | All variables are read-only for the worker threads |
COgre::UpdateLodRequest | |
COgre::CustomCompositionPass | Interface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad, scene and clear operations) in composition passes |
COgre::D3D11Device | |
►COgre::D3D11DeviceResource | Represents a Direct3D rendering resource |
COgre::D3D11BufferInterfaceBase | For D3D11, most (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code |
COgre::D3D11DynamicBuffer | D3D11 doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram | Specialization of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for D3D11 High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) |
COgre::D3D11ReadOnlyBufferPacked | |
COgre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor | D3D11 will share groups of ID3D11RenderTargetView all D3D11RenderPassDescriptor that share the same RTV setup |
COgre::D3D11StagingBuffer | NOTE FOR D3D12 PORTING: The GL3Plus implementation should be used as reference, since it is much lower level than this implementation for D3D11 |
COgre::D3D11TexBufferPacked | |
►COgre::D3D11TextureGpu | |
►COgre::D3D11TextureGpuRenderTarget | |
COgre::D3D11TextureGpuWindow | |
COgre::D3D11UavBufferPacked | |
►COgre::D3D11Window | |
COgre::D3D11WindowSwapChainBased | |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareBuffer | Base implementation of a D3D11 buffer, dealing with all the common aspects |
►COgre::D3D11DeviceResourceManager | Singleton that is used to propagate device state changed notifications |
COgre::D3D11RenderSystem | Implementation of DirectX11 as a rendering system |
COgre::D3D11Driver | |
COgre::D3D11DriverList | |
COgre::D3D11FrameBufferDescValue | |
COgre::D3D11HlmsPso | We cache some conversion values here to avoid doing it every time we set the Pso |
COgre::D3D11Mappings | |
COgre::D3D11VaoManager::Block | |
COgre::D3D11VaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::D3D11VaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
►COgre::D3D11VendorExtension | |
COgre::D3D11AmdExtension | |
COgre::D3D11VertexArrayObjectShared | |
COgre::D3D11VideoMode | |
COgre::D3D11VideoModeList | |
COgre::Degree | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees |
COgre::DeleteOnDestructor< T > | |
►COgre::DepthBuffer | An abstract class that contains a depth/stencil buffer |
COgre::GLES2DepthBuffer | An abstract class that contains a depth/stencil buffer. |
COgre::DescBindingRange | |
COgre::DescriptorSetSampler | Descriptor sets describe what samplers should be bound together in one place |
COgre::DescriptorSetTexture | Descriptor sets describe what textures should be bound together in one place |
COgre::DescriptorSetTexture2 | |
COgre::DescriptorSetTexture2::BufferSlot | |
COgre::DescriptorSetTexture2::Slot | |
COgre::DescriptorSetTexture2::TextureSlot | |
COgre::DescriptorSetUav | Descriptor sets describe what uavs should be bound together in one place |
COgre::DescriptorSetUav::BufferSlot | |
COgre::DescriptorSetUav::Slot | |
COgre::DescriptorSetUav::TextureSlot | |
COgre::DriverVersion | DriverVersion is used by RenderSystemCapabilities and both GL and D3D9 to store the version of the current GPU driver |
COgre::DualQuaternion | Implementation of a dual quaternion, i.e |
COgre::EglPBufferSupport::DeviceData | |
COgre::EmittedParticle | |
COgre::EmitterInstanceData | EmitterInstanceData are per ParticleSystem |
COgre::EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a material LOD change event for entities |
COgre::EntityMeshLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a mesh LOD change event for entities |
COgre::ErrorDialog | Class for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly |
COgre::ExceptionFactory | Class implementing dispatch methods in order to construct by-value exceptions of a derived type based just on an exception code |
COgre::FactoryObj< T > | Abstract factory class |
COgre::FastArray< T > | Lightweight implementation of std::vector |
COgre::FileInfo | Information about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct |
COgre::FilterKernel | |
COgre::FilterSeparableKernel | |
COgre::float2 | |
COgre::float4x3 | |
COgre::float4x4 | |
COgre::Font::GlyphInfo | Information about the position and size of a glyph in a texture |
COgre::ForwardPlusBase::CachedGridBuffer | |
►COgre::FrameBufferDescKey | |
COgre::VulkanFrameBufferDescKey | |
COgre::FrameEvent | Struct containing information about a frame event |
►COgre::FrameListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events |
COgre::FrameTimeControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting the latest frame time |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemap | |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapAuto | Per-Pixel reflection probes |
COgre::Volume::Chunk | A single volume chunk mesh |
COgre::FreeOnDestructor | Helper class to that will free the pointer on the destructor |
►COgre::GL3PlusContext | Class that encapsulates an GL context |
COgre::CocoaContext | |
►COgre::EGLContext | |
COgre::AndroidEGLContext | |
COgre::EmscriptenEGLContext | |
COgre::Win32EGLContext | |
COgre::X11EGLContext | |
COgre::EglPBufferContext | |
COgre::GLXContext | |
COgre::Win32Context | |
COgre::GL3PlusDescriptorSetTexture2 | |
COgre::GL3PlusDynamicBuffer | GL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap |
COgre::GL3PlusFrameBufferDescValue | |
COgre::GL3PlusHlmsPso | We cache some conversion values here to avoid doing it every time we set the Pso |
COgre::GL3PlusMappings | |
COgre::GL3PlusOldVertexArrayObject | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for OpenGL Vertex Array Object usage |
►COgre::GL3PlusSupport | |
COgre::EGLGLSupport | |
COgre::EglPBufferSupport | |
COgre::GLXGLSupport | |
COgre::GlSwitchableSupport | |
COgre::OSXGL3PlusSupport | |
COgre::Win32GLSupport | |
COgre::GL3PlusVaoManager::Block | |
COgre::GL3PlusVaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::GL3PlusVaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
►COgre::GLES2Context | Class that encapsulates an GL context |
COgre::EGLContext | |
COgre::GLES2DynamicBuffer | GL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap |
COgre::GLES2FBOManager::FormatProperties::Mode | Allowed modes/properties for this pixel format |
COgre::GLES2FrameBufferObject | Frame Buffer Object abstraction |
COgre::GLES2HlmsPso | We cache some conversion values here to avoid doing it every time we set the Pso |
COgre::GLES2HlmsSamplerblock | A sampler block contains settings that go hand in hand with a texture, and thus are common to many textures |
COgre::GLES2OldVertexArrayObject | Specialisation of VertexDeclaration for OpenGL ES 2 Vertex Array Object usage |
COgre::GLES2PixelUtil | Class to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE |
►COgre::GLES2Support | |
►COgre::EGLSupport | |
COgre::AndroidEGLSupport | |
COgre::EmscriptenEGLSupport | |
COgre::Win32EGLSupport | |
COgre::X11EGLSupport | |
COgre::GLES2SurfaceDesc | GL surface descriptor |
COgre::GLES2VaoManager::Block | |
COgre::GLES2VaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::GLES2VaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
►COgre::GLSLESProgramCommon | C++ encapsulation of GLSL ES Program Object |
COgre::GLSLESProgramPipeline | Specialisation of GLSLESProgramCommon to provide support for separable programs via the Open GL program pipeline |
►COgre::GLSLESProgramManagerCommon | Ogre assumes that there are separate programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program object that represents the active shader objects during a rendering state |
COgre::GLSLESLinkProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
COgre::GLSLESProgramPipelineManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program pipeline object that represents the active vertex and fragment program objects during a rendering state |
►COgre::GLSLProgram | C++ encapsulation of GLSL program object |
COgre::GLSLMonolithicProgram | Model of OpenGL program object created using the glLinkProgram method of linking |
►COgre::GLSLProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active shader objects during a rendering state |
COgre::GLSLMonolithicProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
COgre::GLUniformReference | Structure used to keep track of named uniforms in the linked program object |
COgre::GLXUtils | |
COgre::GpuConstantDefinition | Information about predefined program constants |
COgre::GpuLogicalIndexUse | Structure recording the use of a physical buffer by a logical parameter index |
COgre::GpuProgramManager::Hash | |
COgre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantDefinition | Structure defining an auto constant that's available for use in a parameters object |
COgre::GpuProgramParameters_AutoConstantEntry | Structure recording the use of an automatic parameter |
►COgre::GpuTrackedResource | |
►COgre::BufferPacked | |
►COgre::ConstBufferPacked | Represents constant buffers (also known as Uniform Buffers in GL) |
COgre::D3D11ConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::GLES2ConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::MetalConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::NULLConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::VulkanConstBufferPacked | |
COgre::IndexBufferPacked | |
COgre::IndirectBufferPacked | Represents Indirect buffers for storing draw call commands |
►COgre::TexBufferPacked | Represents Texture buffers (also known as tbuffers in D3D11) |
COgre::D3D11TexBufferPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusTexBufferEmulatedPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusTexBufferPacked | |
COgre::GLES2TexBufferEmulatedPacked | |
COgre::NULLTexBufferPacked | |
►COgre::ReadOnlyBufferPacked | Represents the best way to access read-only data |
COgre::D3D11ReadOnlyBufferPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusReadOnlyBufferEmulatedPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusReadOnlyTexBufferPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusReadOnlyUavBufferPacked | |
►COgre::MetalTexBufferPacked | In Metal, Tex and ReadOnly buffers are exactly the same, thus we derive from ReadOnlyBufferPacked to cover both at once |
COgre::MetalReadOnlyBufferPacked | |
COgre::NULLReadOnlyBufferPacked | |
COgre::VulkanReadOnlyBufferPacked | |
COgre::VulkanTexBufferPacked | |
►COgre::UavBufferPacked | Represents UAV buffers (also known as SSBOs in OpenGL) Uav buffers are supported in DX10/DX10.1 hardware (with up to date drivers) |
COgre::D3D11UavBufferPacked | |
COgre::GL3PlusUavBufferPacked | |
COgre::MetalUavBufferPacked | |
COgre::NULLUavBufferPacked | |
COgre::VulkanUavBufferPacked | |
COgre::VertexBufferPacked | |
►COgre::TextureGpu | |
COgre::D3D11TextureGpu | |
►COgre::GL3PlusTextureGpu | |
►COgre::GL3PlusTextureGpuRenderTarget | |
COgre::GL3PlusTextureGpuHeadlessWindow | |
COgre::GL3PlusTextureGpuWindow | |
►COgre::MetalTextureGpu | |
►COgre::MetalTextureGpuRenderTarget | |
COgre::MetalTextureGpuWindow | |
►COgre::NULLTextureGpu | |
COgre::NULLTextureGpuRenderTarget | |
►COgre::VulkanTextureGpu | |
►COgre::VulkanTextureGpuRenderTarget | |
COgre::VulkanTextureGpuWindow | |
COgre::HashedVector< T > | A hashed vector |
COgre::HiddenAreaMeshVrGenerator | |
COgre::HiddenAreaVrSettings | |
COgre::Hlms::DatablockCustomPieceFile | |
COgre::Hlms::DatablockEntry | |
COgre::Hlms::Library | |
COgre::HlmsBasePieces | |
COgre::HlmsBaseProp | These are "default" or "Base" properties common to many implementations and thus defined here |
COgre::HlmsBits | |
COgre::HlmsCache | |
COgre::HlmsComputePso | |
COgre::HlmsDiskCache::Cache | |
COgre::HlmsDiskCache::DatablockCustomPiecesCache | |
COgre::HlmsDiskCache::Pso | |
COgre::HlmsDiskCache::SourceCode | |
COgre::HlmsJson::NamedBlocks | |
►COgre::HlmsJsonListener | |
►COgre::SceneFormatListener | Override this listener if you want to filter which objects get exported |
COgre::DefaultSceneFormatListener | Default implementation that prevents a SceneNode from being exported if the only attached objects |
COgre::HlmsJsonPbs | |
COgre::HlmsJsonUnlit | |
COgre::HlmsListener | Listener that can be hooked to an Hlms implementation for extending it with custom code |
COgre::HlmsPassPso | IT'S MEMBERS MUST BE KEPT POD (Otherwise HlmsPso needs to be modified) |
COgre::HlmsProperty | |
COgre::HlmsPso | Defines a PipelineStateObject as required by Vulkan, Metal & DX12 |
COgre::HlmsPsoProp | |
►COgre::HlmsTextureExportListener | |
COgre::SceneFormatListener | Override this listener if you want to filter which objects get exported |
COgre::HlmsTexturePack | |
COgre::HlmsTexturePack::TextureEntry | |
COgre::Id | Usage: OGRE_NEW SceneNode( Id::generateNewId< Node >() ) |
►COgre::IdObject | |
COgre::Bone | Class representing a Bone in the join hierarchy of a skeleton |
►COgre::CompositorNode | Compositor nodes are the core subject of compositing |
COgre::CompositorShadowNode | Shadow Nodes are special nodes (not to be confused with CompositorNode) that are only used for rendering shadow maps |
COgre::CompositorWorkspace | A compositor workspace is the main interface to render into an RT, be it a RenderWindow or an RTT (Render Texture Target) |
COgre::IrradianceField | Implements an Irradiance Field with Depth, inspired on DDGI |
COgre::MovableObject | Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene |
►COgre::Node | Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph |
►COgre::SceneNode | Class representing a node in the scene graph |
COgre::TagPoint | TagPoints are like SceneNodes, that can be children of a Bone |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapBase | |
COgre::SceneManager | Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene' i.e |
COgre::VctLighting | |
COgre::VctMaterial | |
►COgre::VctVoxelizerSourceBase | This class contains shared functionality between voxelizer; and is used by VctLighting to source its voxel data to generate GI |
COgre::VctImageVoxelizer | The image voxelizer aims to be faster than VctImageVoxelizer for the whole scene by following a different approach: |
COgre::VctVoxelizer | The voxelizer consists in several stages |
COgre::VoxelizedMeshCache | Uses a VctVoxelizer to convert a single mesh made up of triangles into a voxel 3D texture representation |
COgre::IdString | Hashed string |
COgre::InstantRadiosity | |
COgre::InstantRadiosity::AreaOfInterest | Areas of Interest are defined by both AABB and distance (can be 0) |
►COgre::IntersectionSceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery |
►COgre::IntersectionSceneQuery | Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another |
COgre::DefaultIntersectionSceneQuery | Default implementation of IntersectionSceneQuery |
COgre::IrradianceFieldSettings | |
COgre::IrradianceVolume | |
COgre::isPodLike< T > | |
COgre::isPodLike< bool > | |
COgre::isPodLike< char > | |
COgre::isPodLike< double > | |
COgre::isPodLike< float > | |
COgre::isPodLike< int > | |
COgre::isPodLike< long > | |
COgre::isPodLike< short > | |
COgre::isPodLike< signed char > | |
COgre::isPodLike< std::pair< T, U > > | |
COgre::isPodLike< T * > | |
COgre::isPodLike< unsigned > | |
COgre::isPodLike< unsigned char > | |
COgre::isPodLike< unsigned long > | |
COgre::isPodLike< unsigned short > | |
►COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, ValType > | Basefunctionality for IteratorWrappers |
►COgre::MapIteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator > | |
COgre::ConstMapIterator< T > | Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying key-value container |
►COgre::MapIteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator > | |
COgre::MapIterator< T > | Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying key-value container |
►COgre::VectorIteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator > | |
COgre::ConstVectorIterator< T > | Concrete IteratorWrapper for const access to the underlying container |
►COgre::VectorIteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator > | |
COgre::VectorIterator< T > | Concrete IteratorWrapper for nonconst access to the underlying container |
COgre::KeyFrameRig | |
COgre::KfTransform | Holds the transform of a KeyFrame (which is part of an animation) |
COgre::LayerBlendModeEx | Class which manages blending of both colour and alpha components |
COgre::LightClosest | Used as the light list, sorted |
COgre::LightListInfo | Holds all lights in SoA after being culled over all frustums |
COgre::LightweightMutex | A lightweight mutex is a synchronization mechanism, very similar to a regular mutex |
COgre::Lod0Stripifier | |
►COgre::LodCollapseCost | |
COgre::LodCollapseCostCurvature | |
COgre::LodCollapseCostOutside | |
COgre::LodCollapseCostProfiler | |
COgre::LodCollapseCostQuadric | |
COgre::LodCollapser | |
COgre::LodConfig | |
COgre::LodConfig::Advanced | |
COgre::LodData | |
COgre::LodData::Edge | |
COgre::LodData::IndexBufferInfo | |
COgre::LodData::IndexBufferPointer | |
COgre::LodData::Triangle | |
COgre::LodData::Vertex | |
COgre::LodData::VertexEqual | |
COgre::LodData::VertexHash | |
COgre::LodIndexBuffer | Thread-safe buffer for storing Hardware index buffer |
COgre::LodInputBuffer | Data representing all required information from a Mesh. Used by LodInputProviderBuffer |
COgre::LodInputBuffer::Submesh | |
►COgre::LodInputProvider | |
COgre::LodInputProviderBuffer | |
COgre::LodInputProviderMesh | |
COgre::LodLevel | Structure for automatic Lod configuration |
COgre::LodListener | A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of LOD events |
COgre::LodOutputBuffer | Data representing the output of the Mesh reduction. Used by LodOutputProviderBuffer |
COgre::LodOutputBuffer::Submesh | |
►COgre::LodOutputProvider | |
COgre::LodOutputProviderBuffer | |
►COgre::LodOutputProviderCompressedMesh | |
COgre::LodOutputProviderCompressedBuffer | |
COgre::LodOutputProviderMesh | |
COgre::LodOutsideMarker | This class will mark vertices of a mesh, which are visible from far away (from outside) |
COgre::LodVertexBuffer | Thread-safe buffer for storing Hardware vertex buffer |
COgre::LodWorkQueueInjectorListener | |
COgre::LodWorkQueueRequest | |
COgre::Log::Stream | Stream object which targets a log |
►COgre::LogListener | |
COgre::AndroidLogListener | |
COgre::LowLevelProp | |
►COgre::LwConstString | |
COgre::LwString | This is a Light-weight string wrapper around the C string interface |
COgre::LwString::Double | |
COgre::LwString::Float | |
►COgre::ManualResourceLoader | Interface describing a manual resource loader |
COgre::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemap | |
COgre::v1::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
COgre::MaterialManager::Listener | Listener on any general material events |
COgre::MaterialScriptProgramDefinition | Struct for holding a program definition which is in progress |
COgre::MaterialSerializer::Listener | Class that allows listening in on the various stages of material serialization process |
COgre::Math | Class to provide access to common mathematical functions |
COgre::Math::RandomValueProvider | This class is used to provide an external random value provider |
COgre::MathlibC | |
COgre::Matrix3 | A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes |
COgre::Matrix4 | Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogeneous matrix |
COgre::MeshSerializerListener | |
COgre::MetalBufferRegion | |
COgre::MetalDescriptorSetTexture | |
COgre::MetalDevice | |
COgre::MetalDeviceItem | |
COgre::MetalDeviceList | |
COgre::MetalDynamicBuffer | Metal doesn't "map" |
COgre::MetalFrameBufferDescValue | |
COgre::MetalHlmsPso | |
COgre::MetalMappings | |
COgre::MetalTexRegion | |
►COgre::MetalVaoManager::Block | |
COgre::MetalDiscardBufferManager::UnsafeBlock | |
COgre::MetalVaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::MetalVaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
COgre::MovableObject::Listener | Listener which gets called back on MovableObject events |
COgre::MovableObjectLodChangedEvent | Struct containing information about a LOD change event for movable objects |
COgre::NameGenerator | Utility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names |
►COgre::Node::Listener | Listener which gets called back on Node events |
COgre::v1::RibbonTrail | Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances |
COgre::NULLVaoManager::Block | |
COgre::NULLVaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::NULLVaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
COgre::NumericSolver | Provides numeric solvers for Ogre |
►COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::Cmd | |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::ExceptionThrown | |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::NotifyDataIsReady | |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::OutOfDateCache | |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::TransitionToLoaded | |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer::UploadFromStagingTex | |
COgre::ObjectData | Represents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays) |
COgre::OfflineProfiler | Simple profiler that will produce a CSV file for offline analysis once dumpProfileResults is called |
►COgre::OgreAllocatedObj | |
COgre::AndroidLogListener | |
COgre::AnimableValue | Defines an object property which is animable, i.e |
►COgre::Archive | Archive-handling class |
COgre::APKFileSystemArchive | |
COgre::FileSystemArchive | Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from filesystem folders / directories |
COgre::ZipArchive | Specialisation of the Archive class to allow reading of files from a zip format source archive |
COgre::ArchiveFactory | Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this |
COgre::ArchiveManager | This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins |
►COgre::AsyncTextureTicket | In Ogre 2.2 reading data from GPU back to CPU is asynchronous |
COgre::D3D11AsyncTextureTicket | See AsyncTextureTicket |
COgre::GL3PlusAsyncTextureTicket | See AsyncTextureTicket |
COgre::MetalAsyncTextureTicket | See AsyncTextureTicket |
COgre::NULLAsyncTextureTicket | See AsyncTextureTicket |
COgre::VulkanAsyncTextureTicket | See AsyncTextureTicket |
►COgre::AsyncTicket | In Ogre 2.0 data structures, reading data from GPU back to CPU is asynchronous |
COgre::D3D11AsyncTicket | |
COgre::GL3PlusAsyncTicket | |
COgre::GLES2AsyncTicket | |
COgre::MetalAsyncTicket | |
COgre::NULLAsyncTicket | |
COgre::VulkanAsyncTicket | |
►COgre::AtmosphereComponent | |
COgre::AtmosphereNpr | Non-physically-based-render (NPR) Atmosphere solution |
COgre::Bone | Class representing a Bone in the join hierarchy of a skeleton |
COgre::BufferPacked | |
COgre::CocoaContext | |
►COgre::Codec | Abstract class that defines a 'codec' |
►COgre::ImageCodec2 | Codec specialized in images |
COgre::ASTCCodec | Codec specialized in loading ASTC (ARM Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression) images |
COgre::DDSCodec2 | Codec specialized in loading DDS (Direct Draw Surface) images |
COgre::ETCCodec | Codec specialized in loading ETC (Ericsson Texture Compression) images |
COgre::FreeImageCodec2 | Codec specialized in images loaded using FreeImage |
COgre::OITDCodec | Codec specialized in loading OITD (Ogre Internal Texture Dump) format |
COgre::PVRTCCodec | Codec specialized in loading PVRTC (PowerVR) images |
COgre::STBIImageCodec | Codec specialized in images loaded using stbi (https://github.com/nothings/stb) |
►COgre::Codec::CodecData | |
COgre::ImageCodec2::ImageData2 | Codec return class for images |
COgre::CompositorManager2 | Main system for managing Render Targets through the use of nodes |
COgre::CompositorNode | Compositor nodes are the core subject of compositing |
►COgre::CompositorPass | Abstract class for compositor passes |
COgre::CompositorPassClear | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will clear the RenderTarget using the parameters from definition (rectangle area, which buffers, what values, etc) |
COgre::CompositorPassCompute | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will render a fullscreen triangle/quad to the RenderTarget using the parameters from definition (rectangle area, whether triangle or quad pass, whether to include frustum corners, etc) |
COgre::CompositorPassDepthCopy | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will copy one DepthBuffer to another DepthBuffer from two RTs |
COgre::CompositorPassIblSpecular | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will generate IblSpeculars for the specified texture |
COgre::CompositorPassMipmap | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will generate mipmaps for the specified texture |
COgre::CompositorPassQuad | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will render a fullscreen triangle/quad to the RenderTarget using the parameters from definition (rectangle area, whether triangle or quad pass, whether to include frustum corners, etc) |
COgre::CompositorPassScene | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will perform main rendering, selecting several parameters (like viewport's visibility mask, first and last render queue to render) it will render the main scene |
COgre::CompositorPassShadows | CompositorPassShadows This class enables force-updating multiple shadow nodes in batch in its own pass |
COgre::CompositorPassStencil | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will clear the RenderTarget using the parameters from definition (rectangle area, which buffers, what values, etc) |
COgre::CompositorPassTargetBarrier | |
COgre::CompositorPassUav | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will set UAVs |
COgre::CompositorPassWarmUp | Implementation of CompositorPass |
►COgre::CompositorPassDef | Interface to abstract all types of pass definitions (see CompositorPassType): |
COgre::CompositorPassClearDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassComputeDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassDepthCopyDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassIblSpecularDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassMipmapDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassQuadDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassSceneDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassShadowsDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassStencilDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassTargetBarrierDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassUavDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassWarmUpDef | |
COgre::CompositorPassProvider | Base class that users can derive from in order to implement custom passes for the compositor |
COgre::CompositorTargetDef | |
COgre::CompositorWorkspace | A compositor workspace is the main interface to render into an RT, be it a RenderWindow or an RTT (Render Texture Target) |
COgre::ConcreteNode | |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigDialog | Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog |
COgre::ConfigFile | Class for quickly loading settings from a text file |
COgre::Controller< T > | Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system |
COgre::ControllerFunction< T > | Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller |
COgre::ControllerManager | Class for managing Controller instances |
COgre::ControllerValue< T > | Can either be used as an input or output value |
COgre::CubemapProbe | |
►COgre::D3D11StereoDriverImpl | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
COgre::D3D11StereoDriverAMD | Virtual interface of the stereo driver |
COgre::D3D11StereoDriverNVIDIA | Interface of the NVIDIA stereo driver |
►COgre::DataStream | General purpose class used for encapsulating the reading and writing of data |
COgre::DeflateStream | Stream which compresses / uncompresses data using the 'deflate' compression algorithm |
COgre::FileHandleDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from C-style file handles |
COgre::FileStreamDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from std::basic_istream |
COgre::MemoryDataStream | Common subclass of DataStream for handling data from chunks of memory |
COgre::ZipDataStream | Specialisation of DataStream to handle streaming data from zip archives |
COgre::DynLib | Resource holding data about a dynamic library |
COgre::DynLibManager | Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries |
COgre::ExternalTextureSourceManager | Singleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins |
COgre::FileSystemLayer | Provides methods to find out where the Ogre config files are stored and where logs and settings files should be written to |
►COgre::ForwardPlusBase | ForwardPlusBase |
COgre::Forward3D | Forward3D |
COgre::ForwardClustered | Implementation of Clustered Forward Shading |
COgre::FrameStats | All returned values are either in seconds or frames per second |
COgre::GpuLogicalBufferStruct | Container struct to allow params to safely & update shared list of logical buffer assignments |
COgre::GpuNamedConstants | Struct collecting together the information for named constants |
COgre::GpuProgramParameters | Collects together the program parameters used for a GpuProgram |
COgre::GpuProgramUsage | This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit |
►COgre::GpuResource | |
COgre::TextureGpu | |
COgre::GpuSharedParameters | Definition of container that holds the current bool constants |
COgre::GpuSharedParametersUsage | This class records the usage of a set of shared parameters in a concrete set of GpuProgramParameters |
►COgre::HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a abstract class that that provides the interface for the query class for hardware occlusion |
COgre::D3D11HardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the DirectX9 implementation of hardware occlusion testing |
COgre::GL3PlusHardwareOcclusionQuery | This is a class that is the base class of the query class for hardware occlusion |
►COgre::HighLevelGpuProgramFactory | Interface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgramFactory | Factory class for D3D11 HLSL programs |
COgre::GLSLESShaderFactory | Factory class for GLSL ES programs |
COgre::GLSLShaderFactory | Factory class for GLSL shaders |
COgre::MetalProgramFactory | Factory class for Metal programs |
COgre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgramFactory | Factory class for Unified programs |
COgre::VulkanProgramFactory | Factory class for Vulkan programs |
COgre::HlmsComputeJob | |
►COgre::HlmsDatablock | An hlms datablock contains individual information about a specific material |
COgre::HlmsLowLevelDatablock | Contains information needed by the UI (2D) for OpenGL ES 2.0 |
COgre::OGRE_HLMS_TEXTURE_BASE_CLASS | This is not a regular header, therefore it has no include guards |
COgre::HlmsDiskCache | This class allows saving the current state of an Hlms to disk: both its compiled shaders with source and the generated PSOs |
COgre::HlmsJson | HLMS stands for "High Level Material System" |
COgre::HlmsJsonCompute | HLMS stands for "High Level Material System" |
COgre::HlmsManager | HLMS stands for "High Level Material System" |
COgre::IesLoader | |
COgre::Image2 | Class representing an image file |
COgre::IntersectionSceneQueryResult | Holds the results of an intersection scene query (pair values) |
COgre::IrradianceFieldRaster | Implements IrradianceField, but generating results via cubemap rasterization |
COgre::LightProfiles | |
►COgre::LodStrategy | Strategy for determining level of detail |
►COgre::DistanceLodStrategyBase | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera |
COgre::DistanceLodBoxStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding box |
COgre::DistanceLodSphereStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding sphere |
►COgre::PixelCountLodStrategyBase | Abstract base class for level of detail strategy based on pixel count approximations from bounding sphere projection |
COgre::AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy | The AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy class LOD strategy that works like ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy, but in range [-width * height;0] instead of [-1.0;0.0] |
COgre::ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy | The ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy class Implement a strategy which calculates LOD ratios based on coverage in screen ratios in the range [-1.0; 0.0] where -1.0 means the object is covering the whole screen and 0 covering almost nothing in the screen (very tiny) |
COgre::LodStrategyManager | Manager for LOD strategies |
COgre::Log | |
COgre::LogManager | The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application |
COgre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
COgre::MaterialSerializer | Class for serializing Materials to / from a .material script |
COgre::MetalDiscardBuffer | |
COgre::MetalDiscardBufferManager | Metal doesn't support "DISCARD" like D3D9/D3D11 (and OpenGL but often it's broken) where we requested to map a write-only buffer and the API would discard the previous contents (thus allowing us to avoid a stall until the GPU is done with the region) |
COgre::MovableObject | Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene |
►COgre::MovableObjectFactory | Interface definition for a factory class which produces a certain kind of MovableObject, and can be registered with Root in order to allow all clients to produce new instances of this object, integrated with the standard Ogre processing |
COgre::DecalFactory | |
COgre::InternalCubemapProbeFactory | |
COgre::ItemFactory | FItemy object for creating Item instances |
COgre::LightFactory | Factory object for creating Light instances |
COgre::ManualObjectFactory | Factory object for creating ManualObject instances |
COgre::ParticleSystem2Factory | Object for creating ParticleSystem2 instances |
COgre::ParticleSystemFactory | Factory object for creating ParticleSystem instances |
COgre::Rectangle2DFactory | Factory object for creating Entity instances |
COgre::WireAabbFactory | Factory object for creating WireAabb instances |
COgre::v1::BillboardChainFactory | Factory object for creating BillboardChain instances |
COgre::v1::BillboardSetFactory | Factory object for creating BillboardSet instances |
COgre::v1::EntityFactory | Factory object for creating Entity instances |
COgre::v1::ManualObjectFactory | Factory object for creating ManualObject instances |
COgre::v1::Rectangle2DFactory | Factory object for creating Entity instances |
COgre::v1::RibbonTrailFactory | Factory object for creating RibbonTrail instances |
COgre::Node | Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph |
COgre::ObjCmdBuffer | |
►COgre::Particle | Class representing a single particle instance |
►COgre::ParticleEmitter | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters |
►COgre::AreaEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an area (box, sphere, ellipsoid whatever subclasses choose to be) |
COgre::BoxEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a box |
COgre::CylinderEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a cylinder |
►COgre::EllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an ellipsoid |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a hollow ellipsoid |
COgre::RingEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a ring (e.g |
►COgre::EmitterDefData | EmitterDefData are per ParticleSystemDef |
►COgre::AreaEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an area (box, sphere, ellipsoid whatever subclasses choose to be) |
COgre::BoxEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a box |
COgre::CylinderEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a cylinder |
►COgre::EllipsoidEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside an ellipsoid |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a hollow ellipsoid |
COgre::RingEmitter2 | Particle emitter which emits particles randomly from points inside a ring (e.g |
COgre::PointEmitter2 | |
COgre::PointEmitter | Particle emitter which emits particles from a single point |
►COgre::ParticleAffector | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
COgre::ColourImageAffector | |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffector | |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which deflects particles |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies randomness to the movement of the particles |
COgre::LinearForceAffector | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies a linear force to particles in a system |
COgre::RotationAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the rotation of particles |
COgre::ScaleAffector | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the scale of particles |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffector | |
►COgre::ParticleAffectorFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses |
COgre::ColourFaderAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourFaderAffector |
COgre::ColourFaderAffectorFactory2 | Factory class for ColourFaderAffector |
COgre::ColourImageAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourImageAffector |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffectorFactory | Factory class for ColourInterpolatorAffector |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffectorFactory | Factory class for DeflectorPlaneAffector |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffectorFactory | Factory class for DirectionRandomiserAffector |
COgre::LinearForceAffectorFactory | Factory class for LinearForceAffector |
COgre::RotationAffectorFactory | Factory class for RotationAffector |
COgre::ScaleAffectorFactory | Factory class for ScaleAffector |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffectorFactory | Factory class for ScaleInterpolatorAffector |
►COgre::ParticleEmitterFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses |
COgre::BoxEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Box" |
COgre::CylinderEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Cylinder" |
COgre::EllipsoidEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Ellipsoid" |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "HollowEllipsoid" |
COgre::PointEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Point" |
COgre::RingEmitterFactory | Factory class for particle emitter of type "Ring" |
COgre::ParticleSystemManager | Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories |
►COgre::ParticleSystemRenderer | Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer | Specialisation of ParticleSystemRenderer to render particles using a BillboardSet |
COgre::ParticleSystemRendererFactory | Abstract class definition of a factory object for ParticleSystemRenderer |
COgre::ParticleVisualData | Abstract class containing any additional data required to be associated with a particle to perform the required rendering |
COgre::Pass | Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), i.e |
►COgre::Plugin | Class defining a generic OGRE plugin |
COgre::D3D11Plugin | Plugin instance for D3D11 Manager |
COgre::GL3PlusPlugin | Plugin instance for GL3Plus Manager |
COgre::GLES2Plugin | Plugin instance for GL ES 2 Manager |
COgre::MetalPlugin | Plugin instance for Metal Manager |
COgre::NULLPlugin | Plugin instance for NULL Manager |
COgre::ParticleFX2Plugin | Plugin instance for ParticleFX2 Manager |
COgre::ParticleFXPlugin | Plugin instance for ParticleFX Manager |
COgre::VulkanPlugin | Plugin instance for Vulkan Manager |
COgre::Profile | An individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler |
COgre::ProfileInstance | Represents an individual profile call |
COgre::Profiler | The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code |
COgre::PsoCacheHelper | Utility class to cache PSOs |
COgre::RadialDensityMask | |
►COgre::RenderPassDescriptor | |
COgre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor | D3D11 will share groups of ID3D11RenderTargetView all D3D11RenderPassDescriptor that share the same RTV setup |
COgre::GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor | GL3+ will share FBO handles between all GL3PlusRenderPassDescriptor that share the same FBO setup |
COgre::MetalRenderPassDescriptor | |
COgre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor | |
COgre::RenderQueue | Class to manage the scene object rendering queue |
►COgre::RenderSystem | Defines the functionality of a 3D API |
COgre::D3D11RenderSystem | Implementation of DirectX11 as a rendering system |
COgre::GL3PlusRenderSystem | Implementation of GL 3 as a rendering system |
COgre::GLES2RenderSystem | Implementation of GL ES 2.x as a rendering system |
COgre::MetalRenderSystem | Implementation of Metal as a rendering system |
COgre::NULLRenderSystem | Implementation of NULL as a rendering system |
COgre::VulkanRenderSystem | Implementation of Vulkan as a rendering system |
COgre::RenderSystemCapabilities | Singleton class for storing the capabilities of the graphics card |
COgre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesManager | Class for managing RenderSystemCapabilities database for Ogre |
COgre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesSerializer | Class for serializing RenderSystemCapabilities to / from a .rendercaps script |
►COgre::Resource | Abstract class representing a loadable resource (e.g |
COgre::Font | Class representing a font in the system |
►COgre::GpuProgram | Defines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program |
►COgre::HighLevelGpuProgram | Abstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program) |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram | Specialization of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for D3D11 High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) |
COgre::GLSLShader | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to encapsulate shader objects obtained from compiled shaders written in the OpenGL Shader Language (GLSL) |
COgre::MetalProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for Metal Shader Language |
COgre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram which just delegates its implementation to one other high level program, allowing a single program definition to represent one supported program from a number of options |
COgre::VulkanProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for Vulkan Shader Language |
COgre::Material | Class encapsulates rendering properties of an object |
COgre::Mesh | Resource holding data about 3D mesh |
►COgre::v1::Mesh | Resource holding data about 3D mesh |
COgre::v1::PatchMesh | Patch specialisation of Mesh |
►COgre::v1::Skeleton | A collection of OldBone objects used to animate a skinned mesh |
COgre::v1::OldSkeletonInstance | A OldSkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object |
COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
COgre::ResourceGroupManager | This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group |
►COgre::ResourceManager | Defines a generic resource handler |
COgre::FontManager | Manages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them |
►COgre::GpuProgramManager | |
COgre::D3D11GpuProgramManager | |
COgre::GLES2GpuProgramManager | |
COgre::GLSLShaderManager | |
COgre::MetalGpuProgramManager | |
COgre::VulkanGpuProgramManager | |
COgre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager | This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs |
COgre::MaterialManager | Class for managing Material settings for Ogre |
COgre::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
COgre::v1::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
COgre::v1::OldSkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
COgre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool | Definition of a pool of resources, which users can use to reuse similar resources many times without destroying and recreating them |
COgre::Root | The root class of the Ogre system |
COgre::SceneManagerEnumerator | Enumerates the SceneManager classes available to applications |
►COgre::SceneManagerFactory | Class which will create instances of a given SceneManager |
COgre::DefaultSceneManagerFactory | Factory for default scene manager |
►COgre::SceneQuery | A class for performing queries on a scene |
COgre::IntersectionSceneQuery | Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another |
►COgre::RaySceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray |
COgre::DefaultRaySceneQuery | Default implementation of RaySceneQuery |
►COgre::RegionSceneQuery | Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region |
►COgre::AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box |
COgre::DefaultAxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery | Default implementation of AxisAlignedBoxSceneQuery |
►COgre::PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a plane-bounded volume |
COgre::DefaultPlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery | Default implementation of PlaneBoundedVolumeListSceneQuery |
►COgre::SphereSceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere |
COgre::DefaultSphereSceneQuery | Default implementation of SphereSceneQuery |
COgre::SceneQueryResult | Holds the results of a scene query |
COgre::ScriptCompiler | This is the main class for the compiler |
COgre::ScriptCompiler::Error | |
COgre::ScriptCompilerManager | Manages threaded compilation of scripts |
COgre::ScriptLexer | |
COgre::ScriptParser | |
►COgre::ScriptTranslator | This class translates script AST (abstract syntax tree) into Ogre resources |
COgre::CompositorLoadActionTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorPassTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorRenderTargetViewTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorShadowMapRepeatTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorShadowMapTargetTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorShadowMapTargetTypeTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorStoreActionTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorTargetTranslator | |
►COgre::CompositorTextureBaseTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorNodeTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorShadowNodeTranslator | |
COgre::CompositorWorkspaceTranslator | |
COgre::GpuProgramTranslator | |
COgre::HlmsTranslator | |
COgre::MaterialTranslator | |
COgre::ParticleAffectorTranslator | |
COgre::ParticleAffectorTranslator2 | |
COgre::ParticleEmitterTranslator | |
COgre::ParticleEmitterTranslator2 | |
COgre::ParticleSystemTranslator | |
COgre::ParticleSystemTranslator2 | |
COgre::PassTranslator | |
COgre::SharedParamsTranslator | |
COgre::TechniqueTranslator | |
COgre::TextureSourceTranslator | |
COgre::TextureUnitTranslator | |
►COgre::ScriptTranslatorManager | The ScriptTranslatorManager manages the lifetime and access to script translators |
COgre::BuiltinScriptTranslatorManager | This class manages the builtin translators |
►COgre::Serializer | Generic class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files |
COgre::GpuNamedConstantsSerializer | Simple class for loading / saving GpuNamedConstants |
COgre::LodConfigSerializer | |
COgre::MeshSerializer | Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file |
►COgre::MeshSerializerImpl | Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format |
►COgre::MeshSerializerImpl_v2_1_R1 | |
COgre::MeshSerializerImpl_v2_1_R0 | |
COgre::v1::MeshSerializer | Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl | Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_10 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.10 of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_8 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.8 of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_41 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.41 of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_4 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.4 of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_3 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.3 of the .mesh format |
►COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.2 of the .mesh format |
COgre::v1::MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1 | Class for providing backwards-compatibility for loading version 1.1 of the .mesh format |
COgre::v1::SkeletonSerializer | Class for serialising skeleton data to/from an OGRE .skeleton file |
COgre::ShaderParams | The purpose of this class is to contain a set of both auto and manual parameters that may apply to multiple shaders; without having the shader to be created first (the drawback of GpuProgramParameters) |
►COgre::ShadowCameraSetup | This class allows you to plug in new ways to define the camera setup when rendering and projecting shadow textures |
►COgre::DefaultShadowCameraSetup | Implements default shadow camera setup |
COgre::ConcentricShadowCamera | Implements the concentric shadow mapping algorithm |
►COgre::FocusedShadowCameraSetup | Implements the uniform shadow mapping algorithm in focused mode |
COgre::PSSMShadowCameraSetup | Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) shadow camera setup |
COgre::PlaneOptimalShadowCameraSetup | Implements the plane optimal shadow camera algorithm |
COgre::ShadowTextureDefinition | Local texture definition |
COgre::SkeletonAnimation | Represents the instance of a Skeletal animation based on its definition |
COgre::SkeletonAnimationDef | |
COgre::SkeletonDef | |
COgre::SkeletonInstance | Instance of a Skeleton, main external interface for retrieving bone positions and applying animations |
COgre::SkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
COgre::SkeletonTrack | |
►COgre::StagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
COgre::D3D11StagingBuffer | NOTE FOR D3D12 PORTING: The GL3Plus implementation should be used as reference, since it is much lower level than this implementation for D3D11 |
COgre::GL3PlusStagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
COgre::GLES2StagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
COgre::MetalStagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
COgre::NULLStagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
COgre::VulkanStagingBuffer | A staging buffer is a buffer that resides on the GPU and be written to/from both CPU & GPU However the access in both cases is limited |
►COgre::StagingTexture | A StagingTexture is an intermediate texture that can be read and be written from both CPU & GPU |
COgre::D3D11StagingTexture | |
►COgre::StagingTextureBufferImpl | This implementation can be used by all RenderSystem APIs except D3D11, which is why this implementation is part of OgreMain |
COgre::GL3PlusStagingTexture | |
COgre::MetalStagingTexture | |
COgre::NULLStagingTexture | |
COgre::VulkanStagingTexture | |
COgre::StreamSerialiser | Utility class providing helper methods for reading / writing structured data held in a DataStream |
COgre::StreamSerialiser::Chunk | Definition of a chunk of data in a file |
COgre::SubItem | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Item |
COgre::SubMesh | Defines a part of a complete mesh |
COgre::Technique | Class representing an approach to rendering this particular Material |
►COgre::TextureDefinitionBase | Centralized class for dealing with declarations of textures in Node & Workspace definitions |
►COgre::CompositorNodeDef | Compositor nodes are the core subject of compositing |
COgre::CompositorShadowNodeDef | Shadow Nodes are special nodes (not to be confused with |
COgre::CompositorWorkspaceDef | |
COgre::TextureDefinitionBase::BufferDefinition | |
COgre::TextureDefinitionBase::TextureDefinition | Local texture definition |
►COgre::TextureFilter::FilterBase | |
COgre::TextureFilter::GenerateHwMipmaps | |
COgre::TextureFilter::GenerateSwMipmaps | |
COgre::TextureFilter::LeaveChannelR | |
COgre::TextureFilter::PremultiplyAlpha | |
COgre::TextureFilter::PrepareForNormalMapping | |
►COgre::TextureGpuManager | This class manages all textures (i.e |
COgre::D3D11TextureGpuManager | |
COgre::GL3PlusTextureGpuManager | |
COgre::MetalTextureGpuManager | |
COgre::NULLTextureGpuManager | |
COgre::VulkanTextureGpuManager | |
COgre::TextureUnitState | Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::Timer | Timer class |
COgre::UserObjectBindings | Class that provides convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objects and Ogre core classes |
►COgre::VaoManager | |
COgre::D3D11VaoManager | |
COgre::GL3PlusVaoManager | |
COgre::GLES2VaoManager | |
COgre::MetalVaoManager | |
COgre::NULLVaoManager | |
COgre::VulkanVaoManager | |
►COgre::VertexArrayObject | Vertex array objects (Vaos) are immutable objects that describe a combination of vertex buffers and index buffer with a given operation type |
COgre::D3D11VertexArrayObject | |
COgre::GL3PlusVertexArrayObject | |
COgre::GLES2VertexArrayObject | |
COgre::NULLVertexArrayObject | |
COgre::Viewport | An abstraction of a viewport, i.e |
COgre::Volume::DualGridGenerator | Class for the generation of the DualGrid |
►COgre::Volume::IsoSurface | Abstract IsoSurface |
COgre::Volume::IsoSurfaceMC | Marching Cubes implementation like at http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/polygonise/ |
COgre::Volume::MeshBuilder | Class to build up a mesh with vertices and indices |
COgre::Volume::OctreeNode | A node in the volume octree |
COgre::VulkanCache | |
COgre::VulkanDescriptorPool | The VulkanDescriptorPool class A VulkanDescriptorPool manages the pool of a single set (i.e |
COgre::VulkanDiscardBuffer | |
COgre::VulkanDiscardBufferManager | Vulkan doesn't support "DISCARD" like D3D9/D3D11 (and OpenGL but often it's broken) where we requested to map a write-only buffer and the API would discard the previous contents (thus allowing us to avoid a stall until the GPU is done with the region) |
COgre::VulkanRootLayout | |
►COgre::Window | |
COgre::CocoaWindow | |
COgre::D3D11Window | |
►COgre::EGLWindow | |
COgre::AndroidEGLWindow | |
COgre::EmscriptenEGLWindow | |
COgre::Win32EGLWindow | |
COgre::X11EGLWindow | |
COgre::EglPBufferWindow | PBuffer implementation of EGL When supported, PBuffer is a surface-less implementation of OpenGL |
COgre::GLXWindow | |
COgre::MetalWindow | |
COgre::NULLWindow | |
►COgre::VulkanWindow | |
COgre::VulkanWindowNull | |
►COgre::VulkanWindowSwapChainBased | |
COgre::VulkanAndroidWindow | |
COgre::VulkanWin32Window | |
COgre::VulkanXcbWindow | |
COgre::Win32Window | |
►COgre::WorkQueue | Interface to a general purpose request / response style background work queue |
►COgre::DefaultWorkQueueBase | Base for a general purpose request / response style background work queue |
COgre::DefaultWorkQueue | Implementation of a general purpose request / response style background work queue |
COgre::DefaultWorkQueue | Implementation of a general purpose request / response style background work queue |
COgre::WorkQueue::Request | General purpose request structure |
COgre::WorkQueue::Response | General purpose response structure |
COgre::v1::Animation | An animation sequence |
COgre::v1::AnimationState | Represents the state of an animation and the weight of its influence |
COgre::v1::AnimationStateSet | Class encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects |
►COgre::v1::AnimationTrack | A 'track' in an animation sequence, i.e |
COgre::v1::NodeAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms |
COgre::v1::NumericAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values |
COgre::v1::OldNodeAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms |
COgre::v1::VertexAnimationTrack | Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information |
COgre::v1::Billboard | A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame |
COgre::v1::BorderRenderable | Class for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement |
COgre::v1::EdgeData | This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vertices and indexes |
►COgre::v1::HardwareBuffer | Abstract class defining common features of hardware buffers |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareBuffer | Base implementation of a D3D11 buffer, dealing with all the common aspects |
►COgre::v1::HardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareIndexBuffer | |
COgre::v1::DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusDefaultHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusHardwareIndexBuffer | |
COgre::v1::GLES2DefaultHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::MetalHardwareIndexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareIndexBuffer for Metal |
COgre::v1::VulkanHardwareIndexBuffer | |
►COgre::v1::HardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for D3D11 |
COgre::v1::DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusDefaultHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for OpenGL |
COgre::v1::GLES2DefaultHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for emulation |
COgre::v1::MetalHardwareVertexBuffer | Specialisation of HardwareVertexBuffer for Metal |
COgre::v1::VulkanHardwareVertexBuffer | |
►COgre::v1::HardwareBufferManagerBase | Base definition of a hardware buffer manager |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareBufferManagerBase | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for D3D11 |
COgre::v1::DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManagerBase to emulate hardware buffers |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusHardwareBufferManagerBase | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL |
COgre::v1::GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase | Specialisation of HardwareBufferManager to emulate hardware buffers |
COgre::v1::GLES2HardwareBufferManagerBase | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for OpenGL ES |
►COgre::v1::HardwareBufferManager | Singleton wrapper for hardware buffer manager |
COgre::v1::D3D11HardwareBufferManager | D3D11HardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::DefaultHardwareBufferManager | DefaultHardwareBufferManager as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManager | GL3PlusDefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::GL3PlusHardwareBufferManager | GL3PlusHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManager | GLES2DefaultHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::GLES2HardwareBufferManager | GLES2HardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::MetalHardwareBufferManager | MetalHardwareBufferManagerBase as a Singleton |
COgre::v1::VulkanHardwareBufferManager | |
COgre::v1::MetalHardwareBufferManagerBase | Implementation of HardwareBufferManager for Metal |
COgre::v1::VulkanHardwareBufferManagerBase | |
COgre::v1::IndexData | Summary class collecting together index data source information |
►COgre::v1::KeyFrame | A key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack |
COgre::v1::NumericKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value |
COgre::v1::TransformKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform |
COgre::v1::VertexMorphKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track |
COgre::v1::VertexPoseKeyFrame | Specialised KeyFrame which references a Mesh::Pose at a certain influence level, which stores offsets for a subset of the vertices in a buffer to provide a blendable pose |
COgre::v1::ManualObject::ManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
►COgre::v1::OldNode | Class representing a general-purpose OldNode an articulated scene graph |
►COgre::v1::OldBone | A bone in a skeleton |
COgre::v1::TagPoint | A tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities |
►COgre::v1::OverlayElement | Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay |
►COgre::v1::OverlayContainer | A 2D element which contains other OverlayElement instances |
►COgre::v1::PanelOverlayElement | OverlayElement representing a flat, single-material (or transparent) panel which can contain other elements |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement | A specialisation of the PanelOverlayElement to provide a panel with a border |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement | This class implements an overlay element which contains simple unformatted text |
►COgre::v1::OverlayElementFactory | Defines the interface which all components wishing to supply OverlayElement subclasses must implement |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating BorderPanelOverlayElement instances |
COgre::v1::PanelOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating PanelOverlayElement instances |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElementFactory | Factory for creating TextAreaOverlayElement instances |
COgre::v1::OverlayManager | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
COgre::v1::OverlaySystem | This class simplify initialization / finalization of the overlay system |
COgre::v1::PatchSurface | A surface which is defined by curves of some kind to form a patch, e.g |
COgre::v1::Pose | A pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data |
COgre::v1::SubEntity | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity |
COgre::v1::SubMesh | Defines a part of a complete mesh |
COgre::v1::TempBlendedBufferInfo | Structure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers |
COgre::v1::VertexBufferBinding | Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the input data it needs for the vertex elements |
COgre::v1::VertexCacheProfiler | Vertex cache profiler |
COgre::v1::VertexData | Summary class collecting together vertex source information |
COgre::v1::VertexDeclaration | This class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API through a RenderOperation |
COgre::v1::VertexElement | This class declares the usage of a single vertex buffer as a component of a complete VertexDeclaration |
COgre::OptimisedUtil | Utility class for provides optimised functions |
COgre::PageContent | Interface definition for a unit of content within a page |
►COgre::PageContentCollection | Definition of the interface for a collection of PageContent instances |
COgre::SimplePageContentCollection | Specialisation of PageContentCollection which just provides a simple list of PageContent instances |
►COgre::PageContentCollectionFactory | Define the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContentCollection |
COgre::SimplePageContentCollectionFactory | Factory class for SimplePageContentCollection |
COgre::PageContentFactory | Define the interface to a factory class that will create subclasses of PageContent |
COgre::PagedWorld | This class represents a collection of pages which make up a world |
COgre::PagedWorldSection | Represents a section of the PagedWorld which uses a given PageStrategy, and which is made up of a generally localised set of Page instances |
COgre::PagedWorldSectionFactory | A factory class for creating types of world section |
COgre::PageManager | The PageManager is the entry point through which you load all PagedWorld instances, and the place where PageStrategy instances and factory classes are registered to customise the paging behaviour |
COgre::PageProvider | Abstract class that can be implemented by the user application to provide a way to retrieve or generate page data from a source of their choosing |
►COgre::PageStrategy | Defines the interface to a strategy class which is responsible for deciding when Page instances are requested for addition and removal from the paging system |
COgre::Grid2DPageStrategy | Page strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 2D grid |
COgre::Grid3DPageStrategy | Page strategy which loads new pages based on a regular 3D grid |
►COgre::PageStrategyData | Abstract marker class representing the data held against the PagedWorldSection which is specifically used by the PageStrategy |
COgre::Grid2DPageStrategyData | Specialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid2DPageStrategy |
COgre::Grid3DPageStrategyData | Specialisation of PageStrategyData for Grid3DPageStrategy |
►COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapAutoListener | |
COgre::PccPerPixelGridPlacement | Placing multiple PCC probes by hand can be difficult and even error prone |
COgre::ParallelHlmsCompileQueue | |
COgre::ParallelHlmsCompileQueue::Request | |
►COgre::ParamCommand | Abstract class which is command object which gets/sets parameters |
COgre::AreaEmitter::CmdDepth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::AreaEmitter::CmdHeight | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::AreaEmitter::CmdWidth | Command object for area emitter size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdAlphaAdjust1 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdAlphaAdjust2 | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdBlueAdjust1 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdBlueAdjust2 | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdGreenAdjust1 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdGreenAdjust2 | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdRedAdjust1 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdRedAdjust2 | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2::CmdStateChange | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdAlphaAdjust | Command object for alpha adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdBlueAdjust | Command object for blue adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdGreenAdjust | Command object for green adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector::CmdRedAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourImageAffector::CmdImageAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffector::CmdColourAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffector::CmdTimeAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram::CmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram::CmdEnableBackwardsCompatibility | Command object for setting backwards compatibility |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram::CmdEntryPoint | Command object for setting entry point |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram::CmdPreprocessorDefines | Command object for setting macro defines |
COgre::D3D11HLSLProgram::CmdTarget | Command object for setting target assembler |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdBounce | Command object for bounce (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdPlaneNormal | Command object for plane normal (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffector::CmdPlanePoint | Command object for plane point (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdKeepVelocity | Command object for keep_velocity (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdRandomness | Command object for randomness (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffector::CmdScope | Command object for scope (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdAngle | Command object for ParticleEmitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdColour | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdColourRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdDirPositionRef | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdDirection | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdEmissionRate | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdEmittedEmitter | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMaxVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinDuration | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdMinVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdName | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdPosition | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdRepeatDelay | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdTTL | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdUp | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::EmitterCommands::CmdVelocity | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdFPS | |
COgre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdInputFileName | |
COgre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdPlayMode | |
COgre::ExternalTextureSource::CmdTecPassState | |
COgre::GLSLESShader::CmdOptimisation | Command object for running the GLSL optimiser |
COgre::GLSLESShader::CmdPreprocessorDefines | Command object for setting macro defines |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdAttach | Command object for attaching another GLSL Program |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdColumnMajorMatrices | Command object for setting matrix packing in column-major order |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdInputOperationType | Command object for setting the input operation type (geometry shader only) |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdMaxOutputVertices | Command object for setting the maximum output vertices (geometry shader only) |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdOutputOperationType | Command object for setting the output operation type (geometry shader only) |
COgre::GLSLShader::CmdPreprocessorDefines | Command object for setting macro defines |
COgre::HighLevelGpuProgram::CmdEnableIncludeHeader | Command object for enabling include in shaders |
COgre::HighLevelGpuProgram::CmdUseHlmsParser | Command object for using Hlms parser |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitter::CmdInnerZ | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::LinearForceAffector::CmdForceApp | Command object for force application (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::LinearForceAffector::CmdForceVector | Command object for force vector (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::MetalProgram::CmdEntryPoint | Command object for setting entry point |
COgre::MetalProgram::CmdPreprocessorDefines | Command object for setting macro defines |
COgre::MetalProgram::CmdShaderReflectionPairHint | Command object for setting vertex shader pair |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdCull | Command object for cull_each (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdEmittedEmitterQuota | Command object for emittedEmitterQuota (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdHeight | Command object for particle_height (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdIterationInterval | Command object for iteration interval(see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdLocalSpace | Command object for local space (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdMaterial | Command object for material (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdNonvisibleTimeout | Command object for nonvisible timeout (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdQuota | Command object for quota (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdRenderer | Command object for renderer (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdSorted | Command object for sorting (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ParticleSystem::CmdWidth | Command object for particle_width (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::RingEmitter::CmdInnerX | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::RingEmitter::CmdInnerY | Command object for inner size (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationSpeedRangeEnd | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::RotationAffector::CmdRotationSpeedRangeStart | Command object for particle emitter - see ParamCommand |
COgre::ScaleAffector::CmdMultiplyMode | |
COgre::ScaleAffector::CmdScaleAdjust | Command object for scale adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffector::CmdScaleAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffector::CmdTimeAdjust | Command object for red adjust (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram::CmdDelegate | Command object for setting delegate (can set more than once) |
COgre::VulkanProgram::CmdPreprocessorDefines | Command object for setting macro defines |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdAccurateFacing | Command object for accurate facing(see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardOrigin | Command object for billboard origin (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardRotationType | Command object for billboard rotation type (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdBillboardType | Command object for billboard type (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonDirection | Command object for common direction (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdCommonUpVector | Command object for common up-vector (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdPointRendering | Command object for point rendering (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdTextureSlices | Command object for TextureSlices (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BillboardParticleRenderer::CmdTextureStacks | Command object for TextureStacks (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderBottomUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderMaterial | Command object for specifying the Material for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderSize | Command object for specifying border sizes (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopLeftUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopRightUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::BorderPanelOverlayElement::CmdBorderTopUV | Command object for specifying texture coordinates for the border (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdCaption | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHeight | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdHorizontalAlign | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdLeft | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMaterial | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdMetricsMode | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdTop | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVerticalAlign | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdVisible | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::OverlayElementCommands::CmdWidth | Command object for OverlayElement - see ParamCommand |
COgre::v1::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTiling | Command object for specifying tiling (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::PanelOverlayElement::CmdTransparent | Command object for specifying transparency (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::PanelOverlayElement::CmdUVCoords | Command object for specifying UV coordinates (see ParamCommand) |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdAlignment | Command object for setting the alignment |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCaption | Command object for setting the caption |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdCharHeight | Command object for setting the char height |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColour | Command object for setting the constant colour |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourBottom | Command object for setting the bottom colour |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdColourTop | Command object for setting the top colour |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdFontName | Command object for setting the caption |
COgre::v1::TextAreaOverlayElement::CmdSpaceWidth | Command object for setting the width of a space |
COgre::ParamDictionary | Class to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class |
COgre::ParameterDef | Definition of a parameter supported by a StringInterface class, for introspection |
►COgre::ParticleAffectorFactory2 | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector2 subclasses |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2FX2Factory | |
COgre::ColourFaderAffectorFX2Factory | |
COgre::ColourImageAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::LinearForceAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::RotationAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::ScaleAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffectorFactory2 | |
COgre::ParticleCpuData | |
►COgre::ParticleEmitterDefDataFactory | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of EmitterDefData subclasses |
COgre::BoxEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::CylinderEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::EllipsoidEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::HollowEllipsoidEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::PointEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::RingEmitterFactory2 | |
COgre::ParticleGpuData | |
COgre::ParticleIterator | Convenience class to make it easy to step through all particles in a ParticleSystem |
COgre::ParticleSystemManager2 | |
COgre::PbsProperty | |
COgre::PixelFormatGpuUtils | The pixel format used for images, textures, and render surfaces |
►COgre::PixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::D3D11PixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::GL3PlusPixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::GLES2PixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::MetalPixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::NULLPixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::VulkanPixelFormatToShaderType | |
COgre::PlanarReflectionActor | |
COgre::PlanarReflections | Planar Reflections can be used with both Unlit and PBS, but they're setup differently |
COgre::PlanarReflections::TrackedRenderable | |
►COgre::Plane | Defines a plane in 3D space |
COgre::MovablePlane | Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply |
COgre::PlaneBoundedVolume | Represents a convex volume bounded by planes |
COgre::PlatformInformation | Class which provides the run-time platform information Ogre runs on |
COgre::Polygon | The class represents a polygon in 3D space |
COgre::Pool< T > | Template class describing a simple pool of items |
COgre::ProfiledEdge | |
COgre::ProfileFrame | Represents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame |
COgre::ProfileHistory | Represents a history of each profile during the duration of the app |
►COgre::ProfileSessionListener | ProfileSessionListener should be used to visualize profile results |
COgre::v1::OverlayProfileSessionListener | Concrete impl |
►COgre::PropertyBase | Base interface for an instance of a property |
COgre::Property< T > | Property instance with passthrough calls to a given object |
COgre::PropertyDef | Definition of a property of an object |
COgre::PropertySet | Defines a complete set of properties for a single object instance |
COgre::PropertyValue | A simple structure designed just as a holder of property values between the instances of objects they might target |
COgre::Quaternion | Implementation of a Quaternion, i.e |
COgre::QueuedRenderable | |
COgre::Radian | Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians |
COgre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType > | Class for performing a radix sort (fast comparison-less sort based on byte value) on various standard STL containers |
COgre::RasterParams | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< T, M_CATEGORY > | Similar to std::unique_ptr, but: |
COgre::Ray | Representation of a ray in space, i.e |
►COgre::RaySceneQueryListener | Alternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery |
COgre::RaySceneQuery | Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray |
COgre::RaySceneQueryResultEntry | This struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type |
►COgre::Renderable | Abstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement |
COgre::Frustum | A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a visible area or a projection area |
COgre::IfdProbeVisualizer | |
COgre::ManualObject::ManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
COgre::ParticleSystemDef | A ParticleSystemDef does not form part of the scene |
COgre::Rectangle2D | |
►COgre::RenderableAnimated | |
COgre::SubItem | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Item |
COgre::VoxelVisualizer | |
COgre::WireAabb | Helper class to display the Aabb of a MovableObject as lines |
COgre::v1::BillboardChain | Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards |
COgre::v1::BillboardSet | A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default) dimensions, material and which are fairly close proximity to each other |
COgre::v1::BorderRenderable | Class for rendering the border of a BorderPanelOverlayElement |
COgre::v1::ManualObject::ManualObjectSection | Built, renderable section of geometry |
COgre::v1::OverlayElement | Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay |
COgre::v1::Rectangle2D | Allows the rendering of a simple 2D rectangle This class renders a simple 2D rectangle; this rectangle has no depth and therefore is best used with 'depth_write off' materials |
COgre::v1::SimpleRenderable | Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects |
COgre::v1::SubEntity | Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity |
COgre::RenderingMetrics | |
COgre::RenderObjectListener | Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the scene manager when single object is about to be rendered |
►COgre::RenderPassTargetBase | |
COgre::RenderPassColourTarget | |
COgre::RenderPassDepthTarget | |
COgre::RenderPassStencilTarget | |
►COgre::RenderQueueListener | Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue |
COgre::v1::OverlaySystem | This class simplify initialization / finalization of the overlay system |
►COgre::RenderSystem::Listener | Defines a listener on the custom events that this render system can raise |
COgre::AtmosphereNpr | Non-physically-based-render (NPR) Atmosphere solution |
COgre::D3D11RenderPassDescriptor | D3D11 will share groups of ID3D11RenderTargetView all D3D11RenderPassDescriptor that share the same RTV setup |
COgre::ParallaxCorrectedCubemapBase | |
COgre::v1::OverlaySystem | This class simplify initialization / finalization of the overlay system |
COgre::RenderSystem::PipelineCachePrefixHeader | When serializing pipeline cache data to the file, we use a header that is filled with enough information to be able to validate the data, with the pipeline cache data following immediately afterwards |
COgre::RenderSystem::RenderSystemContext | |
COgre::RenderTargetViewDef | |
COgre::RenderTargetViewEntry | |
COgre::RenderWindowDescription | Render window creation parameters |
►COgre::Resource::Listener | |
COgre::GpuProgramUsage | This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit |
COgre::Item | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
COgre::v1::Entity | Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh |
COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::Listener | This abstract listener interface lets you get notifications of completed background processes instead of having to poll ticket statuses |
COgre::ResourceGroupListener | This abstract class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load |
COgre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceDeclaration | Nested struct defining a resource declaration |
COgre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceLocation | Resource location entry |
COgre::ResourceLoadingListener | |
COgre::ResourceStatus | |
COgre::ResourceTransition | |
►COgre::RootLayout | The RootLayout class |
COgre::VulkanRootLayout | |
COgre::RootLayout::ArrayDesc | |
COgre::RotationalSpline | This class interpolates orientations (rotations) along a spline using derivatives of quaternions |
COgre::RqBits | |
COgre::SampleDescription | Opaque struct that holds effective FSAA (MSAA, CSAA, etc.) mode |
►COgre::SceneFormatBase | |
COgre::SceneFormatExporter | |
COgre::SceneFormatImporter | |
COgre::SceneManager::Listener | Class that allows listening in on the various stages of SceneManager processing, so that custom behaviour can be implemented from outside |
COgre::SceneManager::RenderContext | |
COgre::SceneManagerMetaData | Structure containing information about a scene manager |
COgre::SceneQuery::WorldFragment | Represents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery |
►COgre::SceneQueryListener | This optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results |
COgre::RegionSceneQuery | Abstract class defining a query which returns single results from a region |
COgre::ScopedLock | |
►COgre::ScriptCompilerEvent | This struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by subscribers |
COgre::CreateCompositorScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::CreateGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::CreateGpuSharedParametersScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::CreateHighLevelGpuProgramScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::CreateMaterialScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::CreateParticleSystemScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::PreApplyTextureAliasesScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::ProcessNameExclusionScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::ProcessResourceNameScriptCompilerEvent | |
COgre::ScriptCompilerListener | This is a listener for the compiler |
►COgre::ScriptLoader | Abstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage |
COgre::HlmsManager | HLMS stands for "High Level Material System" |
COgre::ParticleSystemManager | Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories |
COgre::ResourceManager | Defines a generic resource handler |
COgre::ScriptCompilerManager | Manages threaded compilation of scripts |
COgre::v1::OverlayManager | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
COgre::ScriptToken | This struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream |
COgre::Semaphore | Implements a semaphore |
COgre::ShaderParams::AutoParam | |
COgre::ShaderParams::ManualParam | |
COgre::ShaderParams::ManualParamEx | |
COgre::ShaderParams::Param | |
COgre::ShadowNodeHelper | |
COgre::ShadowNodeHelper::Resolution | |
COgre::ShadowNodeHelper::ShadowParam | |
COgre::SimpleMatrix4 | Simple wrap up to load an AoS matrix 4x4 using SSE |
COgre::SimpleMatrixAf4x3 | Simple wrap up to load an AoS matrix 4x3 using SSE |
COgre::SimpleSpline | A very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines |
COgre::Singleton< T > | Template class for creating single-instance global classes |
COgre::SkeletonAnimManager | This is how the Skeleton system works in 2.0: There is one BoneMemoryManager per skeleton |
COgre::SkeletonDef::BoneData | |
COgre::SkeletonDef::DepthLevelInfo | |
►COgre::SmallVectorBase | SmallVectorBase - This is all the non-templated stuff common to all SmallVectors |
COgre::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< Edge > | |
COgre::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< TriangleI > | |
►COgre::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T > | |
►COgre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike< T >::value > | |
►COgre::SmallVectorImpl< T > | SmallVectorImpl - This class consists of common code factored out of the SmallVector class to reduce code duplication based on the SmallVector 'N' template parameter |
►COgre::SmallVector< T, S > | |
COgre::VectorSet< T, S > | VectorSet is basically a helper to use a vector as a small set container |
COgre::SmallVector< Edge, S > | |
COgre::SmallVector< TriangleI, S > | |
►COgre::SmallVector< T, N > | SmallVector - This is a 'vector' (really, a variable-sized array), optimized for the case when the array is small |
COgre::VectorSet< Edge, 8 > | |
COgre::VectorSet< TriangleI, 7 > | |
COgre::SmallVector< T, 0 > | Specialize SmallVector at N=0 |
COgre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< Edge, isPodLike< Edge >::value > | |
COgre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< TriangleI, isPodLike< TriangleI >::value > | |
►COgre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike > | SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = false> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with non-POD-like T's |
COgre::SmallVectorImpl< Edge > | |
COgre::SmallVectorImpl< TriangleI > | |
COgre::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, true > | SmallVectorTemplateBase<isPodLike = true> - This is where we put method implementations that are designed to work with POD-like T's |
COgre::SPFMDeleteT | |
COgre::Sphere | A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking |
COgre::StackVector< T, Capacity > | Compact implementation similar to std::array |
COgre::StagingBuffer::Destination | |
COgre::StagingTextureManager | |
COgre::StaticCache< cacheSize > | Template version of cache based on static array |
COgre::StdList< T > | |
COgre::StdMap< K, V, P > | |
COgre::StdMultiMap< K, V, P > | |
COgre::StdUnorderedSet< K, H, E > | |
COgre::StdVector< T > | |
COgre::StencilParams | |
COgre::StencilStateOp | |
COgre::STLAllocator< T, AllocPolicy >::rebind< U > | Standard rebind mechanism |
►COgre::STLAllocatorBase< T > | Wrapper class for operating as an STL container allocator |
COgre::STLAllocator< T, AllocPolicy > | |
COgre::STLAllocatorBase< const T > | |
COgre::StringConverter | Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings |
►COgre::StringInterface | Class defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers |
COgre::ExternalTextureSource | IMPORTANT: Plugins must override default dictionary name! Base class that texture plugins derive from |
COgre::ParticleAffector | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors |
►COgre::ParticleAffector2 | Affectors are per ParticleSystemDef |
COgre::ColourFaderAffector2FX2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
COgre::ColourFaderAffectorFX2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the colour of particles |
COgre::ColourImageAffector2 | |
COgre::ColourInterpolatorAffector2 | |
COgre::DeflectorPlaneAffector2 | This class defines a ParticleAffector which deflects particles |
COgre::DirectionRandomiserAffector2 | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies randomness to the movement of the particles |
COgre::LinearForceAffector2 | This class defines a ParticleAffector which applies a linear force to particles in a system |
COgre::RotationAffector2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the rotation of particles |
COgre::ScaleAffector2 | This plugin subclass of ParticleAffector allows you to alter the scale of particles |
COgre::ScaleInterpolatorAffector2 | |
COgre::ParticleEmitter | Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters |
COgre::ParticleSystem | Class defining particle system based special effects |
COgre::ParticleSystemRenderer | Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering capability to ParticleSystem instances |
COgre::Resource | Abstract class representing a loadable resource (e.g |
COgre::v1::OverlayElement | Abstract definition of a 2D element to be displayed in an Overlay |
COgre::StringUtil | Utility class for manipulating Strings |
COgre::SubMesh::SourceData | |
COgre::SubStringRef | |
COgre::Technique::GPUDeviceNameRule | Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU device name |
COgre::Technique::GPUVendorRule | Rule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU vendor |
COgre::TextureBox | For cubemaps, the face is in sliceStart, (see CubemapSide::CubemapSide) For cubemap arrays, the cubemaps are addressed as sliceStart * 6 |
►COgre::TextureGpuListener | |
COgre::AsyncTextureTicket | In Ogre 2.2 reading data from GPU back to CPU is asynchronous |
COgre::CompositorPassUav | Implementation of CompositorPass This implementation will set UAVs |
COgre::Decal | Decals can have diffuse, normal map, and emissive on top of regular objects |
COgre::Font | Class representing a font in the system |
COgre::HlmsComputeJob | |
COgre::Light | Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene |
COgre::OGRE_HLMS_TEXTURE_BASE_CLASS | This is not a regular header, therefore it has no include guards |
COgre::TextureGpuManager | This class manages all textures (i.e |
►COgre::TextureGpuManagerListener | |
COgre::DefaultTextureGpuManagerListener | This is a Default implementation of TextureGpuManagerListener based on heuristics |
COgre::TextureUnitState | Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material |
COgre::VctLighting | |
COgre::TextureGpuManager::BudgetEntry | Specifies the minimum squared resolution & number of slices to keep around all the for time StagingTextures |
COgre::TextureGpuManager::MetadataCacheEntry | |
COgre::TextureGpuManager::ResourceEntry | |
COgre::TexturePool | |
COgre::TextureUnitState::TextureEffect | Internal structure defining a texture effect |
COgre::ThreadHandle | |
COgre::ThreadLocalPtr< T > | |
COgre::Threads | |
COgre::Transform | Represents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays) |
COgre::TRect< T > | |
COgre::type4< T > | |
►COgre::UniformScalableTask | A uniform task is a highly parallelizable task that can be divided in many threads where all threads take near the same amount of time to perform |
COgre::ForwardClustered | Implementation of Clustered Forward Shading |
COgre::UnlitProperty | |
COgre::UnlitProperty::DiffuseMapPtr | |
COgre::UpdateTransformRequest | |
►COgre::v1::AnimationContainer | An animation container interface, which allows generic access to sibling animations |
COgre::v1::Mesh | Resource holding data about 3D mesh |
COgre::v1::Skeleton | A collection of OldBone objects used to animate a skinned mesh |
COgre::v1::AnimationTrack::Listener | Listener allowing you to override certain behaviour of a track, for example to drive animation procedurally |
COgre::v1::BillboardChain::Element | Contains the data of an element of the BillboardChain |
COgre::v1::EdgeData::Edge | Edge data |
COgre::v1::EdgeData::EdgeGroup | A group of edges sharing the same vertex data |
COgre::v1::EdgeData::Triangle | Basic triangle structure |
COgre::v1::EdgeListBuilder | General utility class for building edge lists for geometry |
►COgre::v1::HardwareBufferLicensee | Abstract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy |
COgre::v1::TempBlendedBufferInfo | Structure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers |
COgre::v1::HardwareBufferLockGuard | Locking helper |
COgre::v1::LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource | Link to another skeleton to share animations |
COgre::v1::MeshLodUsage | A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh |
COgre::v1::MeshSerializerListener | |
COgre::v1::MetalHardwareBufferCommon | Common buffer operations for most v1 buffer interfaces used in Metal This implementation treats: Ignores STATIC and DYNAMIC bit in buffers Lack of WRITE_ONLY and DISCARDABLE buffer puts it in slowest path |
COgre::v1::OldNode::Listener | Listener which gets called back on OldNode events |
COgre::v1::PrefabFactory | A factory class that can create various mesh prefabs |
COgre::v1::RenderOperation | 'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers |
COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalc | Class for calculating a tangent space basis |
COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalc::IndexRemap | Information about a remapped index |
COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalc::Result | The result of having built a tangent space basis |
COgre::v1::TimeIndex | Time index object used to search keyframe at the given position |
COgre::v1::VertexBoneAssignment_s | Records the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight |
COgre::v1::VertexData::HardwareAnimationData | Struct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information |
COgre::v1::VertexData::ReadRequests | |
COgre::v1::VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRef | Reference to a pose at a given influence level |
COgre::v1::VertexShadowMapHelper | |
COgre::v1::VertexShadowMapHelper::Geometry | |
COgre::v1::VulkanHardwareBufferCommon | |
COgre::VaoManager::MemoryStatsEntry | |
COgre::VctCascadeSetting | Contains VctLighting settings about each cascade that cannot be set by setting them directly via VctCascadedVoxelizer::getVctLighting |
COgre::VctMaterial::DatablockConversionResult | |
COgre::Vector2 | Standard 2-dimensional vector |
COgre::Vector3 | Standard 3-dimensional vector |
COgre::Vector4 | 4-dimensional homogeneous vector |
COgre::VertexArrayObject::ReadRequests | |
COgre::VertexBoneAssignment | Records the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight. |
COgre::VertexBufferDownloadHelper | Ogre currently does not support deinterleaved vertex buffers |
COgre::VertexBufferDownloadHelper::DownloadData | |
COgre::VertexElement2 | |
COgre::VertexElementSemanticFull | |
COgre::VertexFormatWarmUpStorage | The purpose of this class is to trigger shader compilations on demand (e.g |
COgre::VertexFormatWarmUpStorage::VertexFormatEntry::MaterialRqId | |
COgre::VertexFormatWarmUpStorage::VertexFormatEntry::VFPair | |
COgre::VertexShadowMapHelper | |
COgre::VerticesRemapInfo | |
COgre::ViewPoint | Structure for holding a position & orientation pair |
COgre::Volume::ChunkParameters | Parameters for loading the volume |
COgre::Volume::ChunkRequest | Data being passed around while loading |
COgre::Volume::ChunkTreeSharedData | Internal shared values of the chunks which are equal in the whole tree |
COgre::Volume::DualCell | To store the generated dual cells in a vector |
COgre::Volume::MeshBuilderCallback | Callback class when the user needs information about the triangles of chunks of a LOD level |
COgre::Volume::OctreeNodeSplitPolicy | The class deciding on whether to split an octree node or not when building the octree |
COgre::Volume::SimplexNoise | Simplex Noise ported from public domain Java Implementation http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/SimplexNoise.java Thanks Stefan Gustavson! |
►COgre::Volume::Source | Abstract class defining the density function |
COgre::Volume::CSGCubeSource | A not rotated cube |
►COgre::Volume::CSGOperationSource | Abstract operation volume source holding two sources as operants |
COgre::Volume::CSGDifferenceSource | Builds the difference between two sources |
COgre::Volume::CSGIntersectionSource | Builds the intersection between two sources |
COgre::Volume::CSGUnionSource | Builds the union between two sources |
COgre::Volume::CSGPlaneSource | A plane |
COgre::Volume::CSGSphereSource | A sphere |
►COgre::Volume::CSGUnarySource | Source which does a unary operation to another one |
COgre::Volume::CSGNegateSource | Negates the given volume |
COgre::Volume::CSGNoiseSource | |
COgre::Volume::CSGScaleSource | Scales the given volume source |
COgre::Volume::CacheSource | A caching Source |
►COgre::Volume::GridSource | A volume source from a discrete 3d grid |
COgre::Volume::HalfFloatGridSource | A volume source from a 16 Bit float 3D grid capable of loading volume serializations |
COgre::Volume::TextureSource | A volume source from a 3D texture |
COgre::Volume::Vertex | Lightweight struct to represent a mesh vertex |
COgre::VoxelizedMeshCache::VoxelizedMesh | |
COgre::VoxelizerBucket | |
COgre::VrData | |
COgre::VulkanConstantDefinitionBindingParam | |
►COgre::VulkanDelayedFuncBase | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyBufferView | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyFramebuffer | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyImage | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyImageView | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyPipeline | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyRenderPass | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroySampler | |
COgre::VulkanDelayed_vkDestroyShaderModule | |
COgre::VulkanDescriptorSetSampler | |
COgre::VulkanDescriptorSetTexture | |
COgre::VulkanDescriptorSetTexture2 | |
COgre::VulkanDescriptorSetUav | |
COgre::VulkanDevice | |
COgre::VulkanDevice::ExtraVkFeatures | |
COgre::VulkanDevice::SelectedQueue | |
►COgre::VulkanDeviceResource | Represents a Vulkan device depended rendering resource |
COgre::VulkanCache | |
COgre::VulkanDiscardBufferManager | Vulkan doesn't support "DISCARD" like D3D9/D3D11 (and OpenGL but often it's broken) where we requested to map a write-only buffer and the API would discard the previous contents (thus allowing us to avoid a stall until the GPU is done with the region) |
COgre::VulkanGpuProgramManager | |
COgre::VulkanProgram | Specialisation of HighLevelGpuProgram to provide support for Vulkan Shader Language |
COgre::VulkanRenderPassDescriptor | |
COgre::VulkanRootLayout | |
COgre::VulkanTextureGpu | |
COgre::VulkanWindowSwapChainBased | |
►COgre::VulkanDeviceResourceManager | Singleton that is used to propagate device state changed notifications |
COgre::VulkanRenderSystem | Implementation of Vulkan as a rendering system |
COgre::VulkanDynamicBuffer | Vulkan maps per pool, thus mapping the same pool twice is a common occurrence |
COgre::VulkanExternalDevice | Use it to pass an external device |
COgre::VulkanExternalInstance | Use it to pass an external instance |
COgre::VulkanFlushOnlyDescValue | |
COgre::VulkanFrameBufferDescValue | |
COgre::VulkanGlobalBindingTable | This table holds an emulation of D3D11/Metal style of resource binding |
COgre::VulkanHlmsPso | |
COgre::VulkanInstance | We need the ability to re-enumerate devices to handle physical device removing, that requires fresh VkInstance instance, as otherwise Vulkan returns obsolete physical devices list |
COgre::VulkanMappings | |
COgre::VulkanPhysicalDevice | |
COgre::VulkanQueue | |
COgre::VulkanQueue::PerFrameData | |
COgre::VulkanRawBuffer | Provides a simple interface similar to that of MTLBuffer |
COgre::VulkanResourceTransition | |
►COgre::VulkanSupport | |
COgre::VulkanAndroidSupport | |
COgre::VulkanWin32Support | |
COgre::VulkanXcbSupport | |
►COgre::VulkanVaoManager::Block | |
COgre::VulkanDiscardBufferManager::UnsafeBlock | |
COgre::VulkanVaoManager::DirtyBlock | |
COgre::VulkanVaoManager::StrideChanger | |
COgre::VulkanVaoManager::Vao::VertexBinding | |
COgre::WaitableEvent | A WaitableEvent is useful in the scenario of a singler consumer, multiple producers The consumer will wait until any of the producers wake it up to consume the work |
COgre::WarmUpHelper | |
COgre::WindowEventListener | |
COgre::WindowEventUtilities | |
COgre::Workarounds | |
►COgre::WorkQueue::RequestHandler | Interface definition for a handler of requests |
COgre::LodWorkQueueWorker | Processes requests |
COgre::Page | Page class |
COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
COgre::Volume::ChunkHandler | Handles the WorkQueue management of the chunks |
►COgre::WorkQueue::ResponseHandler | Interface definition for a handler of responses |
COgre::LodWorkQueueInjector | Injects the output of a request to the mesh in a thread safe way |
COgre::Page | Page class |
COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
COgre::Volume::ChunkHandler | Handles the WorkQueue management of the chunks |
►COgreAllocatedObj | |
COgre::Controller< Real > | |
►COgre::ControllerFunction< Real > | |
COgre::AnimationControllerFunction | Predefined controller function for dealing with animation |
COgre::LinearControllerFunction | Predefined controller function based on linear function interpolation |
COgre::PassthroughControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which just passes through the original source directly to dest |
COgre::ScaleControllerFunction | Predefined controller function which simply scales an input to an output value |
COgre::WaveformControllerFunction | Predefined controller function based on a waveform |
►COgre::ControllerValue< Real > | |
COgre::FloatGpuParameterControllerValue | Predefined controller value for setting a single floating- point value in a constant parameter of a vertex or fragment program |
COgre::FrameTimeControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting the latest frame time |
COgre::TexCoordModifierControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates) |
COgre::TextureFrameControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting the frame number of a texture layer |
COgre::v1::AnimationStateControllerValue | ControllerValue wrapper class for AnimationState |
►COgre::ControllerValue< Ogre::Real > | |
COgre::TextureAnimationControllerValue | Predefined controller value for getting / setting a texture coordinate modifications (scales and translates) |
►COgre::AbstractNode | |
COgre::AtomAbstractNode | This is an abstract node which cannot be broken down further |
COgre::ImportAbstractNode | This abstract node represents an import statement |
COgre::ObjectAbstractNode | This specific abstract node represents a script object |
COgre::PropertyAbstractNode | This abstract node represents a script property |
COgre::VariableAccessAbstractNode | This abstract node represents a variable assignment |
►COgre::Pool< ResourcePtr > | |
COgre::ResourceManager::ResourcePool | Definition of a pool of resources, which users can use to reuse similar resources many times without destroying and recreating them |
CRadialDensityMaskVrGenerator | Manages a full screen stereo rectangle that masks rectangles in the periphery and then reconstruct these blocks |
COgre::RadixSort< ActiveBillboardList, Ogre::v1::Billboard *, float > | |
COgre::RadixSort< ActiveParticleList, Ogre::Particle *, float > | |
Crapidjson::GenericDocument< typename, typename, typename > | |
Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, typename > | |
Crapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< typename > | |
Crapidjson::UTF8< typename > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< ArrayPlane, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< ArrayReal, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< FrustumRegion, MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_CONTROL > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::ArrayMatrixAf4x3, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::ArrayRay, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL > | |
COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::KfTransform, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION > | |
►CRenderTexture | |
COgre::GLES2DepthTextureTarget | |
COgre::GLES2NullTextureTarget | |
COgre::GLES2RenderTexture | Base class for GL Render Textures |
►CRenderToVertexBuffer | |
COgre::v1::GLES2RenderToVertexBuffer | |
►CRenderWindow | |
COgre::EGLWindow | |
CRotation | |
►CSimpleRenderable | |
COgre::Volume::Chunk | A single volume chunk mesh |
►COgre::Singleton< AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy > | |
COgre::AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy | The AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy class LOD strategy that works like ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy, but in range [-width * height;0] instead of [-1.0;0.0] |
►COgre::Singleton< ArchiveManager > | |
COgre::ArchiveManager | This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins |
►COgre::Singleton< ControllerManager > | |
COgre::ControllerManager | Class for managing Controller instances |
►COgre::Singleton< D3D11StereoDriverBridge > | |
COgre::D3D11StereoDriverBridge | Bridge interface from the render system to the stereo driver |
►COgre::Singleton< DistanceLodBoxStrategy > | |
COgre::DistanceLodBoxStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding box |
►COgre::Singleton< DistanceLodSphereStrategy > | |
COgre::DistanceLodSphereStrategy | Level of detail strategy based on distance from camera to an object's bounding sphere |
►COgre::Singleton< DynLibManager > | |
COgre::DynLibManager | Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries |
►COgre::Singleton< ExternalTextureSourceManager > | |
COgre::ExternalTextureSourceManager | Singleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins |
►COgre::Singleton< FontManager > | |
COgre::FontManager | Manages Font resources, parsing .fontdef files and generally organising them |
►COgre::Singleton< GLES2RTTManager > | |
►COgre::GLES2RTTManager | Manager/factory for RenderTextures |
COgre::GLES2FBOManager | Factory for GL ES 2 Frame Buffer Objects, and related things |
►COgre::Singleton< GLSLESLinkProgramManager > | |
COgre::GLSLESLinkProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
►COgre::Singleton< GLSLESProgramPipelineManager > | |
COgre::GLSLESProgramPipelineManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program pipeline object that represents the active vertex and fragment program objects during a rendering state |
►COgre::Singleton< GLSLMonolithicProgramManager > | |
COgre::GLSLMonolithicProgramManager | Ogre assumes that there are separate vertex and fragment programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active vertex and fragment shader objects during a rendering state |
►COgre::Singleton< GpuProgramManager > | |
COgre::GpuProgramManager | |
►COgre::Singleton< HardwareBufferManager > | |
COgre::v1::HardwareBufferManager | Singleton wrapper for hardware buffer manager |
►COgre::Singleton< HighLevelGpuProgramManager > | |
COgre::HighLevelGpuProgramManager | This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs |
►COgre::Singleton< LodStrategyManager > | |
COgre::LodStrategyManager | Manager for LOD strategies |
►COgre::Singleton< LodWorkQueueInjector > | |
COgre::LodWorkQueueInjector | Injects the output of a request to the mesh in a thread safe way |
►COgre::Singleton< LodWorkQueueWorker > | |
COgre::LodWorkQueueWorker | Processes requests |
►COgre::Singleton< LogManager > | |
COgre::LogManager | The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application |
►COgre::Singleton< MaterialManager > | |
COgre::MaterialManager | Class for managing Material settings for Ogre |
►COgre::Singleton< MeshLodGenerator > | |
COgre::MeshLodGenerator | |
►COgre::Singleton< MeshManager > | |
COgre::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
COgre::v1::MeshManager | Handles the management of mesh resources |
►COgre::Singleton< OldSkeletonManager > | |
COgre::v1::OldSkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
►COgre::Singleton< OverlayManager > | |
COgre::v1::OverlayManager | Manages Overlay objects, parsing them from .overlay files and storing a lookup library of them |
►COgre::Singleton< ParticleSystemManager > | |
COgre::ParticleSystemManager | Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector factories |
►COgre::Singleton< Profiler > | |
COgre::Profiler | The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code |
►COgre::Singleton< RenderSystemCapabilitiesManager > | |
COgre::RenderSystemCapabilitiesManager | Class for managing RenderSystemCapabilities database for Ogre |
►COgre::Singleton< ResourceBackgroundQueue > | |
COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue | This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread |
►COgre::Singleton< ResourceGroupManager > | |
COgre::ResourceGroupManager | This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers of their obligations to load / unload resources in a group |
►COgre::Singleton< Root > | |
COgre::Root | The root class of the Ogre system |
►COgre::Singleton< SceneManagerEnumerator > | |
COgre::SceneManagerEnumerator | Enumerates the SceneManager classes available to applications |
►COgre::Singleton< ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy > | |
COgre::ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy | The ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy class Implement a strategy which calculates LOD ratios based on coverage in screen ratios in the range [-1.0; 0.0] where -1.0 means the object is covering the whole screen and 0 covering almost nothing in the screen (very tiny) |
►COgre::Singleton< ScriptCompilerManager > | |
COgre::ScriptCompilerManager | Manages threaded compilation of scripts |
►COgre::Singleton< SkeletonManager > | |
COgre::SkeletonManager | Handles the management of skeleton resources |
COgre::StaticCache< 16 *OGRE_STREAM_TEMP_SIZE > | |
COgre::StaticCache< 2 *OGRE_STREAM_TEMP_SIZE > | |
►Cstd::exception | |
►COgre::Exception | When thrown, provides information about an error that has occurred inside the engine |
COgre::FileNotFoundException | |
COgre::IOException | |
COgre::InternalErrorException | |
COgre::InvalidCallException | |
COgre::InvalidParametersException | |
COgre::InvalidStateException | |
COgre::ItemIdentityException | |
COgre::RenderingAPIException | |
COgre::RuntimeAssertionException | |
COgre::UnimplementedException | Template struct which creates a distinct type for each exception code |
Cstd::hash< Ogre::SharedPtr< T > > | |
►Cstd::shared_ptr | |
►COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareIndexBuffer > | |
COgre::v1::HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr | Shared pointer implementation used to share index buffers |
►COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareVertexBuffer > | |
COgre::v1::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr | Shared pointer implementation used to share vertex buffers |
COgre::SharedPtr< Material > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< ShadowCameraSetup > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerValue< T > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerFunction< T > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< ControllerValue< Real > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< ControllerFunction< Real > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::D3D11VideoModeList > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< DataStream > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< GpuProgramParameters > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< vector< Image >::type > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< GpuLogicalBufferStruct > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< GpuNamedConstants > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< GpuProgram > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< GpuSharedParameters > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Mesh > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< LodCollapseCost > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< unsigned char > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::Vector3 > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< LodData > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< LodInputProvider > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< LodOutputProvider > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< LodCollapser > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< SkeletonDef > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerValue< Real > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerFunction< Real > > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< PoseData > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Resource > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< AbstractNodeList > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< ThreadHandle > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< HighLevelGpuProgram > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< AsyncTicket > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Skeleton > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< AnimableValue > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< Font > | |
COgre::SharedPtr< T > | |
COgre::StdMap< GpuTrackedResource *, ResourceStatus > | |
COgre::StdMap< String, String > | |
COgre::StdUnorderedSet< BufferPacked * > | |
COgre::StdVector< BufferPacked * > | |
COgre::StdVector< IdString > | |
COgre::StdVector< Plane > | |
COgre::StdVector< ThreadHandlePtr > | |
►CStereoDriverAlloc | |
COgre::D3D11StereoDriverBridge | Bridge interface from the render system to the stereo driver |
CStrangeData | |
►CT | |
COgre::NoAddRefRelease< T > | |
►COgre::GLES2Texture | |
COgre::GLES2DepthTexture | |
COgre::GLES2NullTexture | |
►CTextureManager | |
COgre::GLES2TextureManager | GL ES-specific implementation of a TextureManager |
COgre::TRect< float > | |
COgre::TRect< Real > | |
►COgre::type4< float > | |
COgre::float4 | |
►COgre::type4< uint32 > | |
COgre::uint4 | |
►CUIView | |
COgreMetalView | |
COgreView | |
►CUIWindow | |
COgreWindow | |
CVisual | |
CXClientMessageEvent | |
CXClientMessageEventData | |
CXErrorEvent | |
CXEvent | |
CXRRScreenConfiguration | |
CXRRScreenSize | |
CXSetWindowAttributes | |
CXSizeHints | |
CXTextProperty | |
CXVisualInfo | |
CXWindowAttributes | |
CXWMHints | |