OGRE 2.1
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 COgre::AtomicScalar< LoadingState >
 COgre::AtomicScalar< ResourceHandle >
 COgre::AtomicScalar< size_t >
 COgre::AtomicScalar< uint32 >
 COgre::AtomicScalar< unsigned >
 COgre::cbitsetN< _N, uint32, 5u, 0x1Fu >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Buffer >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ClassLinkage >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ComputeShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DepthStencilView >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DeviceContextN >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DeviceN >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11DomainShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11GeometryShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11HullShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11InfoQueue >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11PixelShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Query >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11RenderTargetView >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Resource >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11ShaderResourceView >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Texture1D >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Texture2D >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11Texture3D >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11UnorderedAccessView >
 COgre::ComPtr< ID3D11VertexShader >
 COgre::ComPtr< IDXGIAdapterN >
 COgre::ComPtr< IDXGIFactoryN >
 COgre::ComPtr< IDXGISwapChainN >
 COgre::deque< Chunk * >
 COgre::deque< Request * >
 COgre::deque< Response * >
 COgre::deque< SceneManager * >
 COgre::deque< unsignedlong >
 COgre::FactoryObj< Archive >
 COgre::FactoryObj< ParticleSystemRenderer >
 COgre::FastArray< BoneTransform >
 COgre::FastArray< bool >
 COgre::FastArray< BuildLightListRequest >
 COgre::FastArray< float >
 COgre::FastArray< Light * >
 COgre::FastArray< LightArray >
 COgre::FastArray< LightClosest >
 COgre::FastArray< LightCount >
 COgre::FastArray< Ogre::SkeletonInstance * >
 COgre::FastArray< Ogre::Texture * >
 COgre::FastArray< PbsBakedTexture >
 COgre::FastArray< PerThreadData * >
 COgre::FastArray< ProfileSample * >
 COgre::FastArray< QueuedRenderable >
 COgre::FastArray< Real >
 COgre::FastArray< Renderable * >
 COgre::FastArray< Resolution >
 COgre::FastArray< SharedPtr< Texture > >
 COgre::FastArray< size_t >
 COgre::FastArray< ThreadRenderQueue >
 COgre::FastArray< TrackedRenderable >
 COgre::FastArray< uint8_t * >
 COgre::FastArray< UnlitBakedTexture >
 COgre::FastArray< unsigned char >
 COgre::FastArray< unsigned short >
 COgre::FastArray< VertexArrayObject * >
 COgre::FastArray< VisibleObjectsPerRq >
 CHardwareIndexBuffer MANAGED_RESOURCE
 CHardwareOcclusionQuery MANAGED_RESOURCE
 CHardwareVertexBuffer MANAGED_RESOURCE
 COgre::HashedVector< LightClosest >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, T::mapped_type >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, T::value_type >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator, T::mapped_type >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::const_iterator, T::value_type >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator, T::mapped_type >
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, T::iterator, T::value_type >
 COgre::list< AbstractNodePtr >
 COgre::list< AnimationState * >
 COgre::list< AntiPortal * >
 COgre::list< Billboard * >
 COgre::list< BySkeletonDef >
 COgre::list< ChannelRoute >
 COgre::list< ConcreteNodePtr >
 COgre::list< ErrorPtr >
 COgre::list< GL3PlusContext * >
 COgre::list< GLES2Context * >
 COgre::list< HardwareOcclusionQuery * >
 COgre::list< HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::list< IndexRemap >
 COgre::list< Listener * >
 COgre::list< MovableObject * >
 COgre::list< OctreeNode * >
 COgre::list< Ogre::Particle * >
 COgre::list< Ogre::Plane >
 COgre::list< OptimisedSubMeshGeometry * >
 COgre::list< OverlayContainer * >
 COgre::list< OverlayElement * >
 COgre::list< Particle * >
 COgre::list< ParticleEmitter * >
 COgre::list< PCPlane * >
 COgre::list< PCZone * >
 COgre::list< Portal * >
 COgre::list< ResourceDeclaration >
 COgre::list< ResourceLocation * >
 COgre::list< ResourcePtr >
 COgre::list< SceneManagerFactory * >
 COgre::list< SceneQuery::WorldFragment * >
 COgre::list< SceneQueryMovableObjectPair >
 COgre::list< SceneQueryMovableObjectWorldFragmentPair >
 COgre::list< TagPoint * >
 COgre::list< VertexElement >
 COgre::list< VertexSplit >
 COgre::list< WireBoundingBox * >
 COgre::map< CGstate, CgGlobalStateListener * >
 COgre::map< CGstate, CgSamplerStateListener * >
 COgre::map< CodePoint, GlyphInfo >
 COgre::map< constMovableObject *, list< BspNode * >::type >
 COgre::map< constNode *, size_t >
 COgre::map< D3D9RenderWindow *, RenderWindowResources * >
 COgre::map< FunctionInvocation, String >
 COgre::map< GpuConstantType, constchar * >
 COgre::map< GpuResource *, ResourceAccess::ResourceAccess >
 COgre::map< GpuResource *, ResourceLayout::Layout >
 COgre::map< GpuSharedParametersPtr, v1::HardwareUniformBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::map< HardwareVertexBuffer *, VertexBufferLicense >
 COgre::map< Hash, GpuProgramPtr >
 COgre::map< Hash, Microcode >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, BufferResources * >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, IDirect3DPixelShader9 * >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, IDirect3DQuery9 * >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 * >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, IDirect3DVertexShader9 * >
 COgre::map< IDirect3DDevice9 *, TextureResources * >
 COgre::map< IdString, BatchSettings >
 COgre::map< IdString, Camera * >
 COgre::map< IdString, CompositorNodeDef * >
 COgre::map< IdString, CompositorShadowNodeDef * >
 COgre::map< IdString, CompositorWorkspaceDef * >
 COgre::map< IdString, IdString >
 COgre::map< IdString, InstanceBatchVec >
 COgre::map< IdString, MetadataCacheEntry >
 COgre::map< IdString, size_t >
 COgre::map< IdString, SkeletonDefPtr >
 COgre::map< IdString, String >
 COgre::map< IdString, uint32 >
 COgre::map< int, PatchSurface * >
 COgre::map< Lightconst *, LightClippingInfo >
 COgre::map< Material *, vector< StaticFaceGroup * >::type, materialLess >
 COgre::map< MatGroupPair, SGMaterial *, MatGroupPair_less >
 COgre::map< Node *, uint32 >
 COgre::map< Ogre::IdString, Ogre::ShaderParams >
 COgre::map< Ogre::IdString, size_t >
 COgre::map< Ogre::LwConstString, constHlmsBlendblock * >
 COgre::map< Ogre::LwConstString, constHlmsMacroblock * >
 COgre::map< Ogre::LwConstString, constHlmsSamplerblock * >
 COgre::map< Ogre::RTShader::Function *, String * >
 COgre::map< PageID, Page * >
 COgre::map< Parameter::Content, constchar * >
 COgre::map< Parameter::Semantic, constchar * >
 COgre::map< RBFormat, RBRef >
 COgre::map< Real, LoadUnloadResourceSet * >
 COgre::map< Resource *, MeshBuildParams >
 COgre::map< ResourceHandle, ResourcePtr >
 COgre::map< SGTechnique *, SGTechnique * >
 COgre::map< size_t, GpuLogicalIndexUse >
 COgre::map< size_t, Vector3 >
 COgre::map< size_t, Vector4 >
 COgre::map< SkeletonInstance *, BoneVec >
 COgre::map< String, AbstractNodeListPtr >
 COgre::map< String, Animation * >
 COgre::map< String, AnimationState * >
 COgre::map< String, Archive * >
 COgre::map< String, ArchiveFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, Capabilities >
 COgre::map< String, CapabilityKeywordType >
 COgre::map< String, ConfigOption >
 COgre::map< String, CreateGpuProgramCallback >
 COgre::map< String, D3D9RenderWindow * >
 COgre::map< String, DynLib * >
 COgre::map< String, EmittedEmitterList >
 COgre::map< String, ExternalTextureSource * >
 COgre::map< String, FreeEmittedEmitterList >
 COgre::map< String, GeometryBucket * >
 COgre::map< String, GLenum >
 COgre::map< String, GpuConstantDefinition >
 COgre::map< String, GpuProgramPtr >
 COgre::map< String, GpuSharedParametersPtr >
 COgre::map< String, HighLevelGpuProgramFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, int >
 COgre::map< String, ListenerList >
 COgre::map< String, LodStrategy * >
 COgre::map< String, Log * >
 COgre::map< String, MaterialBucket * >
 COgre::map< String, MovableObjectCollection * >
 COgre::map< String, MovableObjectFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, OgreStereoHandle >
 COgre::map< String, OldBone * >
 COgre::map< String, Overlay * >
 COgre::map< String, OverlayContainer * >
 COgre::map< String, OverlayElement * >
 COgre::map< String, OverlayElementFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PageContentCollectionFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PageContentFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PagedWorld * >
 COgre::map< String, PagedWorldSection * >
 COgre::map< String, PagedWorldSectionFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PageStrategy * >
 COgre::map< String, ParamCommand * >
 COgre::map< String, ParticleAffectorFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, ParticleEmitterFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, ParticleSystem * >
 COgre::map< String, ParticleSystemRendererFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PCZone * >
 COgre::map< String, PCZoneFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, ProfileInstance * >
 COgre::map< String, ProgramProcessor * >
 COgre::map< String, ProgramWriter * >
 COgre::map< String, ProgramWriterFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, PropertyBase * >
 COgre::map< String, Quake3Shader * >
 COgre::map< String, RenderSystemCapabilities * >
 COgre::map< String, RenderTarget * >
 COgre::map< String, ResourceGroup * >
 COgre::map< String, ResourceManager * >
 COgre::map< String, ResourcePool * >
 COgre::map< String, SceneManager * >
 COgre::map< String, ScriptTranslator * >
 COgre::map< String, SetBoolMethod >
 COgre::map< String, SetIntMethod >
 COgre::map< String, SetRealMethod >
 COgre::map< String, SetStringMethod >
 COgre::map< String, SettingsMultiMap * >
 COgre::map< String, SGScheme * >
 COgre::map< String, String >
 COgre::map< String, SubRenderStateFactory * >
 COgre::map< String, TextureAtlasTablePtr >
 COgre::map< String, uint16 >
 COgre::map< String, unsignedshort >
 COgre::map< String, v1::Animation * >
 COgre::map< String, v1::StaticGeometry * >
 COgre::map< String, VertexElementSemantic >
 COgre::map< String, ZoneData * >
 COgre::map< SubMesh *, SubMeshLodGeometryLinkList * >
 COgre::map< Texture *, Image >
 COgre::map< uint16, DepthBufferVec >
 COgre::map< uint16, RequestHandlerList >
 COgre::map< uint16, ResponseHandlerList >
 COgre::map< uint16, Vector4 >
 COgre::map< uint32, BufferPoolVec >
 COgre::map< uint32, GLSLMonolithicProgram * >
 COgre::map< uint32, GLSLSeparableProgram * >
 COgre::map< uint32, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::map< uint32, Region * >
 COgre::map< uint32, SceneNode * >
 COgre::map< uint32, TerrainSlot * >
 COgre::map< uint32, uint32 >
 COgre::map< uint64, GLSLESLinkProgram * >
 COgre::map< uint64, GLSLESProgramPipeline * >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, bool >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, LodTechniques * >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, NumericAnimationTrack * >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, OldNodeAnimationTrack * >
 COgre::map< unsignedshort, VertexAnimationTrack * >
 COgre::map< v1::RenderOperation, MeshData, OrderRenderOperation >
 COgre::map< Vector3, size_t, vectorLess >
 COgre::map< Vector3, Vector4 >
 COgre::map< Vertex, size_t >
 COgre::map< VertexArrayObject *, MeshData >
 COgre::map< VertexElement2Vec, Vbo >
 COgre::multimap< HardwareVertexBuffer *, HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::multimap< Real, ScriptLoader * >
 COgre::multimap< Real, Vertex * >
 COgre::multimap< size_t, VertexBoneAssignment >
 COgre::multimap< std::pair< size_t, size_t >, std::pair< size_t, size_t > >
 COgre::multimap< String, String >
 COgre::multimap< TextureEffectType, TextureEffect >
 COgre::_ConfigOptionPackages the details of a configuration option
 COgre::AabbAoS (array of structures) version of ArrayAabb
 COgre::AlignedMemoryClass to provide aligned memory allocate functionality
 COgre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >Superclass for all objects that wish to use custom memory allocators when their new / delete operators are called
 COgre::AngleWrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAngleUnit
 COgre::AnimableObjectDefines an interface to classes which have one or more AnimableValue instances to expose
 COgre::AnyVariant type that can hold Any other type
 COgre::ArrayAabbCache-friendly array of Aabb represented as a SoA array
 COgre::ArrayActorPlaneActors are defined by a plane and a rectangle that limits that plane
 COgre::ArrayMatrix4Cache-friendly container of 4x4 matrices represented as a SoA array
 COgre::ArrayMatrixAf4x3Cache-friendly container of AFFINE 4x4 matrices represented as a SoA array
 COgre::ArrayMemoryManagerAbstract memory manager for managing large chunks of contiguous memory, optimized for SoA (Structure of Arrays) implementations
 COgre::ArrayMemoryManager::RebaseListenerWhen mUsedMemory >= mMaxMemory (that is, we've exhausted all our preallocated memory) ArrayMemoryManager will proceed to reallocate all memory
 COgre::ArrayQuaternionCache-friendly array of Quaternion represented as a SoA array
 COgre::ArraySphereCache-friendly array of Sphere represented as a SoA array
 COgre::ArrayVector3Cache-friendly array of 3-dimensional represented as a SoA array
 COgre::AtomicObject< T >
 COgre::AtomicScalar< T >
 COgre::AxisAlignedBoxA 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes
 COgre::BackgroundProcessResultEncapsulates the result of a background queue request
 COgre::BarrierA barrier is a synchronization mechanism where multiple threads wait until all of them have reached the barrier sync point before continuing
 COgre::BitwiseClass for manipulating bit patterns
 COgre::BoneTransformRepresents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays)
 COgre::BoxStructure used to define a box in a 3-D integer space
 COgre::BufferInterfaceMost (if not all) buffers, can be treated with the same code
 COgre::Camera::ListenerListener interface so you can be notified of Camera events
 COgre::cbitsetN< _N, _internalDataType, _bits, _mask >
 COgre::ColourValueClass representing colour
 COgre::CommandBufferCommand Buffer implementation
 COgre::CompositorChannelA channel in the compositor transports textures between nodes
 COgre::ComPtr< T >
 COgre::ComPtr< T >::SafeBoolHelper
 COgre::ConstBufferPoolMaintains a pool of buffers grouped by hash ID
 COgre::ConvexBodyHolds a solid representation of a convex body
 COgre::CPreprocessorThis is a simplistic C/C++-like preprocessor
 COgre::CullFrustumRequestAll variables are read-only for the worker threads
 COgre::CustomCompositionPassInterface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad, scene and clear operations) in composition passes
 COgre::D3D11DeviceResourceRepresents a Direct3D rendering resource
 COgre::D3D11DeviceResourceManagerSingleton that is used to propagate device state changed notifications
 COgre::D3D11DynamicBufferD3D11 doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap
 COgre::D3D11HlmsPso@See HlmsPso
 COgre::D3D9ResourceRepresents a Direct3D rendering resource
 COgre::DegreeWrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees
 COgre::deque< T, A >
 COgre::DriverVersionDriverVersion is used by RenderSystemCapabilities and both GL and D3D9 to store the version of the current GPU driver
 COgre::DualQuaternionImplementation of a dual quaternion, i.e
 COgre::EntityMaterialLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a material LOD change event for entities
 COgre::EntityMeshLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a mesh LOD change event for entities
 COgre::ErrorDialogClass for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly
 COgre::ExceptionFactoryClass implementing dispatch methods in order to construct by-value exceptions of a derived type based just on an exception code
 COgre::FactoryObj< T >Abstract factory class
 COgre::FastArray< T >Lightweight implementation of std::vector
 COgre::FileInfoInformation about a file/directory within the archive will be returned using a FileInfo struct
 COgre::Font::GlyphInfoInformation about the position and size of a glyph in a texture
 COgre::FrameEventStruct containing information about a frame event
 COgre::FrameListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events
 COgre::FreeOnDestructorHelper class to that will free the pointer on the destructor
 COgre::GL3PlusContextClass that encapsulates an GL context
 COgre::GL3PlusDynamicBufferGL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap
 COgre::GL3PlusFBOManager::FormatProperties::ModeAllowed modes/properties for this pixel format
 COgre::GL3PlusFrameBufferObjectFrame Buffer Object abstraction
 COgre::GL3PlusHlmsPso@See HlmsPso
 COgre::GL3PlusOldVertexArrayObjectSpecialisation of VertexDeclaration for OpenGL Vertex Array Object usage
 COgre::GL3PlusPixelUtilClass to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE
 COgre::GL3PlusSurfaceDescGL surface descriptor
 COgre::GLAtomicCounterReferenceStructure used to keep track of named atomic counter uniforms in the linked program object
 COgre::GLES2ContextClass that encapsulates an GL context
 COgre::GLES2DynamicBufferGL3+ doesn't support mapping the same buffer twice even if the regions don't overlap
 COgre::GLES2FBOManager::FormatProperties::ModeAllowed modes/properties for this pixel format
 COgre::GLES2FrameBufferObjectFrame Buffer Object abstraction
 COgre::GLES2HlmsPso@See HlmsPso
 COgre::GLES2HlmsSamplerblockA sampler block contains settings that go hand in hand with a texture, and thus are common to many textures
 COgre::GLES2OldVertexArrayObjectSpecialisation of VertexDeclaration for OpenGL ES 2 Vertex Array Object usage
 COgre::GLES2PixelUtilClass to do pixel format mapping between GL and OGRE
 COgre::GLES2SurfaceDescGL surface descriptor
 COgre::GLSLESProgramCommonC++ encapsulation of GLSL ES Program Object
 COgre::GLSLESProgramManagerCommonOgre assumes that there are separate programs to deal with but GLSL ES has one program object that represents the active shader objects during a rendering state
 COgre::GLSLProgramC++ encapsulation of GLSL program object
 COgre::GLSLProgramManagerOgre assumes that there are separate programs to deal with but GLSL has one program object that represents the active shader objects during a rendering state
 COgre::GLUniformReferenceStructure used to keep track of named uniforms in the linked program object
 COgre::GpuConstantDefinitionInformation about predefined program constants
 COgre::GpuLogicalIndexUseStructure recording the use of a physical buffer by a logical parameter index
 COgre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantDefinitionStructure defining an auto constant that's available for use in a parameters object
 COgre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntryStructure recording the use of an automatic parameter
 COgre::HashedVector< T >A hashed vector
 COgre::HlmsBasePropThese are "default" or "Base" properties common to many implementations and thus defined here
 COgre::HlmsListenerListener that can be hooked to an Hlms implementation for extending it with custom code
 COgre::HlmsPassPsoIT'S MEMBERS MUST BE KEPT POD (Otherwise HlmsPso needs to be modified)
 COgre::HlmsPsoDefines a PipelineStateObject as required by Vulkan, Metal & DX12
 COgre::HlmsTextureManager::ThresholdTextures whose size are less or equal to minTextureSize (without considering mipmaps) will have their maxTexturesPerArray clamped to the value given in this threshold structure
 COgre::IdUsage: OGRE_NEW SceneNode( Id::generateNewId< Node >() )
 COgre::IdStringHashed string
 COgre::InstantRadiosity::AreaOfInterestAreas of Interest are defined by both AABB and distance (can be 0)
 COgre::IntersectionSceneQueryListenerAlternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery
 COgre::isPodLike< T >
 COgre::isPodLike< bool >
 COgre::isPodLike< char >
 COgre::isPodLike< double >
 COgre::isPodLike< float >
 COgre::isPodLike< int >
 COgre::isPodLike< long >
 COgre::isPodLike< short >
 COgre::isPodLike< signed char >
 COgre::isPodLike< std::pair< T, U > >
 COgre::isPodLike< T * >
 COgre::isPodLike< unsigned >
 COgre::isPodLike< unsigned char >
 COgre::isPodLike< unsigned long >
 COgre::isPodLike< unsigned short >
 COgre::iterator_range< T >Base for an iterator_range
 COgre::IteratorWrapper< T, IteratorType, ValType >Basefunctionality for IteratorWrappers
 COgre::KfTransformHolds the transform of a KeyFrame (which is part of an animation)
 COgre::LayerBlendModeExClass which manages blending of both colour and alpha components
 COgre::LightClosestUsed as the light list, sorted
 COgre::LightListInfoHolds all lights in SoA after being culled over all frustums
 COgre::LightweightMutexA lightweight mutex is a synchronization mechanism, very similar to a regular mutex
 COgre::LinearResampler_Byte< channels >
 COgre::list< T, A >
 COgre::LodIndexBufferThread-safe buffer for storing Hardware index buffer
 COgre::LodInputBufferData representing all required information from a Mesh. Used by LodInputProviderBuffer
 COgre::LodLevelStructure for automatic Lod configuration
 COgre::LodListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of LOD events
 COgre::LodOutputBufferData representing the output of the Mesh reduction. Used by LodOutputProviderBuffer
 COgre::LodOutsideMarkerThis class will mark vertices of a mesh, which are visible from far away (from outside)
 COgre::LodVertexBufferThread-safe buffer for storing Hardware vertex buffer
 COgre::Log::StreamStream object which targets a log
 COgre::Log::Stream::FlushSimple type to indicate a flush of the stream to the log
 COgre::ManualResourceLoaderInterface describing a manual resource loader
 COgre::map< K, V, P, A >
 COgre::MaterialManager::ListenerListener on any general material events
 COgre::MaterialScriptProgramDefinitionStruct for holding a program definition which is in progress
 COgre::MaterialSerializer::ListenerClass that allows listening in on the various stages of material serialization process
 COgre::MathClass to provide access to common mathematical functions
 COgre::Math::RandomValueProviderThis class is used to provide an external random value provider
 COgre::Matrix3A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes
 COgre::Matrix4Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogeneous matrix
 COgre::MetalDynamicBufferMetal doesn't "map"
 COgre::MetalHlmsPso@See HlmsPso
 COgre::MovableObject::ListenerListener which gets called back on MovableObject events
 COgre::MovableObjectLodChangedEventStruct containing information about a LOD change event for movable objects
 COgre::multimap< K, V, P, A >
 COgre::NameGeneratorUtility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names
 COgre::NearestResampler< elemsize >
 COgre::Node::ListenerListener which gets called back on Node events
 COgre::NumericSolverProvides numeric solvers for Ogre
 COgre::ObjectDataRepresents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays)
 COgre::OfflineProfilerSimple profiler that will produce a CSV file for offline analysis once dumpProfileResults is called
 COgre::OptimisedUtilUtility class for provides optimised functions
 COgre::PackedTextureUsed by JSON serialization, but can also be used outside of it
 COgre::PageProviderAbstract class that can be implemented by the user application to provide a way to retrieve or generate page data from a source of their choosing
 COgre::ParamCommandAbstract class which is command object which gets/sets parameters
 COgre::ParamDictionaryClass to hold a dictionary of parameters for a single class
 COgre::ParameterDefDefinition of a parameter supported by a StringInterface class, for introspection
 COgre::ParticleIteratorConvenience class to make it easy to step through all particles in a ParticleSystem
 COgre::PCZFrustumSpecialized frustum shaped culling volume that has culling planes created from portals
 COgre::PixelFormatDescriptionA record that describes a pixel format in detail
 COgre::PixelUtilSome utility functions for packing and unpacking pixel data
 COgre::PlanarReflectionsPlanar Reflections can be used with both Unlit and PBS, but they're setup differently
 COgre::PlaneDefines a plane in 3D space
 COgre::PlaneBoundedVolumeRepresents a convex volume bounded by planes
 COgre::PlatformInformationClass which provides the run-time platform information Ogre runs on
 COgre::PolygonThe class represents a polygon in 3D space
 COgre::Pool< T >Template class describing a simple pool of items
 COgre::ProfileFrameRepresents the total timing information of a profile since profiles can be called more than once each frame
 COgre::ProfileHistoryRepresents a history of each profile during the duration of the app
 COgre::ProfileSessionListenerProfileSessionListener should be used to visualize profile results
 COgre::PropertyValueA simple structure designed just as a holder of property values between the instances of objects they might target
 COgre::QuaternionImplementation of a Quaternion, i.e
 COgre::RadianWrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians
 COgre::RadixSort< TContainer, TContainerValueType, TCompValueType >Class for performing a radix sort (fast comparison-less sort based on byte value) on various standard STL containers
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< T, M_CATEGORY >Similar to std::unique_ptr, but: Uses a custom allocator (OGRE_MALLOC_SIMD) Pointers must be really unique (RESTRICT_ALIAS modifier is used!) To access the pointer, use get(); instead of using this container directly The purpose of this container is to enclose a raw pointer while avoiding breaking the rule of 3 when copying
 COgre::RayRepresentation of a ray in space, i.e
 COgre::RaySceneQueryListenerAlternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery
 COgre::RaySceneQueryResultEntryThis struct allows a single comparison of result data no matter what the type
 COgre::RenderableAbstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement
 COgre::RenderObjectListenerAbstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the scene manager when single object is about to be rendered
 COgre::RenderQueueListenerAbstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue
 COgre::RenderSystem::ListenerDefines a listener on the custom events that this render system can raise
 COgre::RenderTarget::ImplRenderSystem specific interface for a RenderTarget; this should be subclassed by RenderSystems
 COgre::RenderTargetEventStruct containing information about a RenderTarget event
 COgre::RenderTargetListenerA interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of RenderTarget events
 COgre::RenderTargetViewportEventStruct containing information about a RenderTarget Viewport-specific event
 COgre::RenderWindowDescriptionRender window creation parameters
 COgre::ResourceBackgroundQueue::ListenerThis abstract listener interface lets you get notifications of completed background processes instead of having to poll ticket statuses
 COgre::ResourceGroupListenerThis abstract class defines an interface which is called back during resource group loading to indicate the progress of the load
 COgre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceDeclarationNested struct defining a resource declaration
 COgre::ResourceGroupManager::ResourceLocationResource location entry
 COgre::RotationalSplineThis class interpolates orientations (rotations) along a spline using derivatives of quaternions
 COgre::RTShader::FunctionInvocation::FunctionInvocationCompareComparator function to be used for comparisons
 COgre::RTShader::FunctionInvocation::FunctionInvocationLessThanComparator function to be used for sorting
 COgre::RTShader::ParameterFactoryHelper utility class that creates common parameters
 COgre::RTShader::SubRenderStateAccessorThis class uses as accessor from a template SubRenderState to all of its instances that created based on it
 COgre::SceneManager::ListenerClass that allows listening in on the various stages of SceneManager processing, so that custom behaviour can be implemented from outside
 COgre::SceneManagerMetaDataStructure containing information about a scene manager
 COgre::SceneQuery::WorldFragmentRepresents part of the world geometry that is a result of a SceneQuery
 COgre::SceneQueryListenerThis optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of a single set of consolidated results
 COgre::ScriptCompilerEventThis struct is a base class for events which can be thrown by the compilers and caught by subscribers
 COgre::ScriptCompilerListenerThis is a listener for the compiler
 COgre::ScriptLoaderAbstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define instances of whatever they manage
 COgre::ScriptTokenThis struct represents a token, which is an ID'd lexeme from the parsing input stream
 COgre::set< T, P, A >
 COgre::SharedPtr< T >Reference-counted shared pointer, used for objects where implicit destruction is required
 COgre::SimpleMatrix4Simple wrap up to load an AoS matrix 4x4 using SSE
 COgre::SimpleMatrixAf4x3Simple wrap up to load an AoS matrix 4x3 using SSE
 COgre::SimpleSplineA very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines
 COgre::Singleton< T >Template class for creating single-instance global classes
 COgre::SkeletonAnimManagerThis is how the Skeleton system works in 2.0: There is one BoneMemoryManager per skeleton
 COgre::SmallVectorBaseSmallVectorBase - This is all the non-templated stuff common to all SmallVectors
 COgre::SphereA sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking
 COgre::StaticCache< cacheSize >Template version of cache based on static array
 COgre::StaticFaceGroupCollects a group of static i.e
 COgre::STLAllocator< T, AllocPolicy >::rebind< U >Standard rebind mechanism
 COgre::STLAllocatorBase< T >Wrapper class for operating as an STL container allocator
 COgre::STLAllocatorBase< const T >
 COgre::StringConverterClass for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings
 COgre::StringInterfaceClass defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers
 COgre::StringUtilUtility class for manipulating Strings
 COgre::Technique::GPUDeviceNameRuleRule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU device name
 COgre::Technique::GPUVendorRuleRule controlling whether technique is deemed supported based on GPU vendor
 COgre::Terrain::ImportDataStructure encapsulating import data that you may use to bootstrap the terrain without loading from a native data stream
 COgre::Terrain::LayerInstanceAn instance of a layer, with specific texture names
 COgre::TerrainGroup::RayResultResult from a terrain ray intersection with the terrain group
 COgre::TerrainGroup::TerrainSlotDefinitionDefinition of how to populate a 'slot' in the terrain group
 COgre::TerrainLayerDeclarationThe definition of the information each layer will contain in this terrain
 COgre::TerrainLayerSamplerDescription of a sampler that will be used with each layer
 COgre::TerrainLayerSamplerElementInformation about one element of a sampler / texture within a layer
 COgre::TextureUnitState::TextureEffectInternal structure defining a texture effect
 COgre::ThreadLocalPtr< T >
 COgre::TransformRepresents the transform of a single object, arranged in SoA (Structure of Arrays)
 COgre::TRect< T >
 COgre::UniformScalableTaskA uniform task is a highly parallelizable task that can be divided in many threads where all threads take near the same amount of time to perform
 COgre::unordered_map< K, V, H, E, A >
 COgre::unordered_multimap< K, V, H, E, A >
 COgre::unordered_multiset< K, H, E, A >
 COgre::unordered_set< K, H, E, A >
 COgre::v1::AnimationContainerAn animation container interface, which allows generic access to sibling animations
 COgre::v1::AnimationTrack::ListenerListener allowing you to override certain behaviour of a track, for example to drive animation procedurally
 COgre::v1::BillboardChain::ElementContains the data of an element of the BillboardChain
 COgre::v1::EdgeData::EdgeEdge data
 COgre::v1::EdgeData::EdgeGroupA group of edges sharing the same vertex data
 COgre::v1::EdgeData::TriangleBasic triangle structure
 COgre::v1::EdgeListBuilderGeneral utility class for building edge lists for geometry
 COgre::v1::HardwareBufferLicenseeAbstract interface representing a 'licensee' of a hardware buffer copy
 COgre::v1::HardwareBufferLockGuardLocking helper
 COgre::v1::LinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceLink to another skeleton to share animations
 COgre::v1::MeshLodUsageA way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh
 COgre::v1::MetalHardwareBufferCommonCommon buffer operations for most v1 buffer interfaces used in Metal This implementation treats: Ignores STATIC and DYNAMIC bit in buffers Lack of WRITE_ONLY and DISCARDABLE buffer puts it in slowest path
 COgre::v1::OldNode::ListenerListener which gets called back on OldNode events
 COgre::v1::PrefabFactoryA factory class that can create various mesh prefabs
 COgre::v1::RenderOperation'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers
 COgre::v1::StaticGeometry::SubMeshLodGeometryLinkSaved link between SubMesh at a LOD and vertex/index data May point to original or optimised geometry
 COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalcClass for calculating a tangent space basis
 COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalc::IndexRemapInformation about a remapped index
 COgre::v1::TangentSpaceCalc::ResultThe result of having built a tangent space basis
 COgre::v1::TimeIndexTime index object used to search keyframe at the given position
 COgre::v1::VertexBoneAssignment_sRecords the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight
 COgre::v1::VertexData::HardwareAnimationDataStruct used to hold hardware morph / pose vertex data information
 COgre::v1::VertexPoseKeyFrame::PoseRefReference to a pose at a given influence level
 COgre::vector< T, A >
 COgre::Vector2Standard 2-dimensional vector
 COgre::Vector3Standard 3-dimensional vector
 COgre::Vector44-dimensional homogeneous vector
 COgre::VertexBoneAssignmentRecords the assignment of a single vertex to a single bone with the corresponding weight.
 COgre::ViewPointStructure for holding a position & orientation pair
 COgre::Volume::ChunkParametersParameters for loading the volume
 COgre::Volume::ChunkRequestData being passed around while loading
 COgre::Volume::ChunkTreeSharedDataInternal shared values of the chunks which are equal in the whole tree
 COgre::Volume::DualCellTo store the generated dual cells in a vector
 COgre::Volume::MeshBuilderCallbackCallback class when the user needs information about the triangles of chunks of a LOD level
 COgre::Volume::OctreeNodeSplitPolicyThe class deciding on whether to split an octree node or not when building the octree
 COgre::Volume::SimplexNoiseSimplex Noise ported from public domain Java Implementation http://webstaff.itn.liu.se/~stegu/simplexnoise/SimplexNoise.java Thanks Stefan Gustavson!
 COgre::Volume::SourceAbstract class defining the density function
 COgre::Volume::VertexLightweight struct to represent a mesh vertex
 COgre::WorkQueue::RequestHandlerInterface definition for a handler of requests
 COgre::WorkQueue::ResponseHandlerInterface definition for a handler of responses
 COgre::Pool< ResourcePtr >
 COgre::RadixSort< ActiveBillboardList, Ogre::v1::Billboard *, float >
 COgre::RadixSort< ActiveParticleList, Ogre::Particle *, float >
 Crapidjson::GenericDocument< typename, typename, typename >
 Crapidjson::GenericValue< Encoding, typename >
 Crapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator< typename >
 Crapidjson::UTF8< typename >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< ArrayPlane, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< ArrayReal, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< FrustumRegion, MEMCATEGORY_SCENE_CONTROL >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::ArrayMatrixAf4x3, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::ArrayRay, MEMCATEGORY_GENERAL >
 COgre::RawSimdUniquePtr< Ogre::KfTransform, MEMCATEGORY_ANIMATION >
 COgre::set< BackgroundProcessTicket >
 COgre::set< constMesh * >
 COgre::set< constMovableObject * >
 COgre::set< constv1::Mesh * >
 COgre::set< Controller< Real > * >
 COgre::set< D3D9Resource * >
 COgre::set< HardwareCounterBuffer * >
 COgre::set< HardwareIndexBuffer * >
 COgre::set< HardwareUniformBuffer * >
 COgre::set< HardwareVertexBuffer * >
 COgre::set< int >
 COgre::set< Listener * >
 COgre::set< LodListener * >
 COgre::set< Ogre::FrameListener * >
 COgre::set< Ogre::MovableObject * >
 COgre::set< OldBone * >
 COgre::set< OldNode * >
 COgre::set< PCZSceneNode * >
 COgre::set< Program * >
 COgre::set< RenderTarget * >
 COgre::set< SparseCluster, SparseCluster >
 COgre::set< String >
 COgre::set< SubRenderState * >
 COgre::set< VertexBufferBinding * >
 COgre::set< VertexDeclaration * >
 COgre::set< WorldFragmentType >
 COgre::SharedPtr< AbstractNodeList >
 COgre::SharedPtr< AnimableValue >
 COgre::SharedPtr< AsyncTicket >
 COgre::SharedPtr< BspLevel >
 COgre::SharedPtr< ControllerFunction< Real > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< ControllerValue< Real > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< DataStream >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Font >
 COgre::SharedPtr< GpuLogicalBufferStruct >
 COgre::SharedPtr< GpuNamedConstants >
 COgre::SharedPtr< GpuProgram >
 COgre::SharedPtr< GpuProgramParameters >
 COgre::SharedPtr< GpuSharedParameters >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareCounterBuffer >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareIndexBuffer >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HardwarePixelBuffer >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareUniformBuffer >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HardwareVertexBuffer >
 COgre::SharedPtr< HighLevelGpuProgram >
 COgre::SharedPtr< LodCollapseCost >
 COgre::SharedPtr< LodCollapser >
 COgre::SharedPtr< LodData >
 COgre::SharedPtr< LodInputProvider >
 COgre::SharedPtr< LodOutputProvider >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Material >
 COgre::SharedPtr< MemoryDataStream >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Mesh >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerFunction< Real > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerFunction< T > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerValue< Real > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::ControllerValue< T > >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::D3D11VideoModeList >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::RTShader::DualQuaternionSkinning >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::RTShader::HardwareSkinningTechnique >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::RTShader::LinearSkinning >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Ogre::Vector3 >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Parameter >
 COgre::SharedPtr< PoseData >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Resource >
 COgre::SharedPtr< ShadowCameraSetup >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Skeleton >
 COgre::SharedPtr< SkeletonDef >
 COgre::SharedPtr< SubRenderStateAccessor >
 COgre::SharedPtr< TerrainMaterialGenerator >
 COgre::SharedPtr< Texture >
 COgre::SharedPtr< TextureAtlasTable >
 COgre::SharedPtr< UniformParameter >
 COgre::SharedPtr< unsigned char >
 COgre::SharedPtr< vector< Image >::type >
 COgre::SharedPtr< vector< MemoryDataStreamPtr >::type >
 COgre::Singleton< AbsolutePixelCountLodStrategy >
 COgre::Singleton< ArchiveManager >
 COgre::Singleton< BspResourceManager >
 COgre::Singleton< CgFxScriptLoader >
 COgre::Singleton< ControllerManager >
 COgre::Singleton< D3D11StereoDriverBridge >
 COgre::Singleton< D3D9StereoDriverBridge >
 COgre::Singleton< DistanceLodBoxStrategy >
 COgre::Singleton< DistanceLodSphereStrategy >
 COgre::Singleton< DynLibManager >
 COgre::Singleton< ExternalTextureSourceManager >
 COgre::Singleton< FFPRenderStateBuilder >
 COgre::Singleton< FontManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GL3PlusRTTManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GLES2RTTManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GLSLESLinkProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GLSLESProgramPipelineManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GLSLMonolithicProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GLSLSeparableProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GpuProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< GTKGLSupport >
 COgre::Singleton< HardwareBufferManager >
 COgre::Singleton< HardwareSkinningFactory >
 COgre::Singleton< HighLevelGpuProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< LodStrategyManager >
 COgre::Singleton< LodWorkQueueInjector >
 COgre::Singleton< LodWorkQueueWorker >
 COgre::Singleton< LogManager >
 COgre::Singleton< MaterialManager >
 COgre::Singleton< MeshLodGenerator >
 COgre::Singleton< MeshManager >
 COgre::Singleton< OldSkeletonManager >
 COgre::Singleton< OverlayManager >
 COgre::Singleton< ParticleSystemManager >
 COgre::Singleton< PCZoneFactoryManager >
 COgre::Singleton< Profiler >
 COgre::Singleton< ProgramManager >
 COgre::Singleton< ProgramWriterManager >
 COgre::Singleton< Quake3ShaderManager >
 COgre::Singleton< RenderSystemCapabilitiesManager >
 COgre::Singleton< ResourceBackgroundQueue >
 COgre::Singleton< ResourceGroupManager >
 COgre::Singleton< Root >
 COgre::Singleton< SceneManagerEnumerator >
 COgre::Singleton< ScreenRatioPixelCountLodStrategy >
 COgre::Singleton< ScriptCompilerManager >
 COgre::Singleton< ShaderGenerator >
 COgre::Singleton< SkeletonManager >
 COgre::Singleton< TerrainGlobalOptions >
 COgre::Singleton< TextureAtlasSamplerFactory >
 COgre::Singleton< TextureManager >
 COgre::StaticCache< 16 *OGRE_STREAM_TEMP_SIZE >
 COgre::StaticCache< 2 *OGRE_STREAM_TEMP_SIZE >
 COgre::TRect< float >
 COgre::TRect< long >
 COgre::TRect< Real >
 COgre::unordered_map< GLenum, GLuint >
 COgre::unordered_map< String, OldNode * >
 COgre::unordered_map< String, ResourceMap >
 COgre::unordered_map< String, ResourcePtr >
 COgre::unordered_map< String, uint32 >
 COgre::unordered_map< String, ushort >
 COgre::unordered_map< unsignedint, String >
 COgre::unordered_multimap< LodData::Vertex *, ProfiledEdge >
 COgre::unordered_set< BufferPacked * >
 COgre::unordered_set< Vertex *, VertexHash, VertexEqual >
 COgre::unordered_set< VertexArrayObject * >
 COgre::vector< ActiveActorData >
 COgre::vector< AreaOfInterest >
 COgre::vector< AutoConstantEntry >
 COgre::vector< AutoTrackingSceneNode >
 COgre::vector< Billboard * >
 COgre::vector< Block >
 COgre::vector< Bone * >
 COgre::vector< Bone >
 COgre::vector< BoneArrayMemoryManager >
 COgre::vector< BoneData >
 COgre::vector< bool >
 COgre::vector< Brush * >
 COgre::vector< BufferDefinition >
 COgre::vector< BufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< BufferSource >
 COgre::vector< byte >
 COgre::vector< CachedDepthStencilState >
 COgre::vector< CachedGrid >
 COgre::vector< CachedGridBuffer >
 COgre::vector< Camera * >
 COgre::vector< CgStateListener * >
 COgre::vector< ChainSegment >
 COgre::vector< char * >
 COgre::vector< char >
 COgre::vector< CHTriangle * >
 COgre::vector< CHTriangle >
 COgre::vector< CodePointRange >
 COgre::vector< CollapsedEdge >
 COgre::vector< ColourValue >
 COgre::vector< CommonVertex >
 COgre::vector< CompositorChannel >
 COgre::vector< CompositorNamedBuffer >
 COgre::vector< CompositorNode * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorPass * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorPassDef * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorShadowNode * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorShadowNodeDef * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorTargetDef >
 COgre::vector< CompositorTexture >
 COgre::vector< CompositorWorkspace * >
 COgre::vector< CompositorWorkspaceListener * >
 COgre::vector< ComputePsoCache >
 COgre::vector< ComputeTextureSource >
 COgre::vector< ConstBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< ConstBufferPoolUser * >
 COgre::vector< ConstBufferSlot >
 COgre::vector< constSceneManagerMetaData * >
 COgre::vector< constVertexData * >
 COgre::vector< CopyDataEntry >
 COgre::vector< CubemapProbe * >
 COgre::vector< D3D11_SHADER_BUFFER_DESC >
 COgre::vector< D3D11_SHADER_TYPE_DESC >
 COgre::vector< D3D11_SHADER_VARIABLE_DESC >
 COgre::vector< D3D11RenderWindowBase * >
 COgre::vector< D3D9Device * >
 COgre::vector< D3D9RenderWindow * >
 COgre::vector< DelayedBuffer >
 COgre::vector< DepthBuffer * >
 COgre::vector< DepthLevelInfo >
 COgre::vector< DEVMODE >
 COgre::vector< DisplayMonitorInfo >
 COgre::vector< double >
 COgre::vector< DualCell >
 COgre::vector< DynLib * >
 COgre::vector< Edge >
 COgre::vector< EdgeGroup >
 COgre::vector< Element >
 COgre::vector< Entity * >
 COgre::vector< EntityMaterialLodChangedEvent >
 COgre::vector< EntityMeshLodChangedEvent >
 COgre::vector< Fence >
 COgre::vector< FileInfo >
 COgre::vector< float >
 COgre::vector< Frustum * >
 COgre::vector< Function * >
 COgre::vector< FunctionAtom * >
 COgre::vector< Geometry >
 COgre::vector< GeometryBucket * >
 COgre::vector< GLAtomicCounterReference >
 COgre::vector< GLFence >
 COgre::vector< GLSLShader * >
 COgre::vector< GLsync >
 COgre::vector< GLuint >
 COgre::vector< GLUniformReference >
 COgre::vector< GpuConstantDefinitionWithName >
 COgre::vector< GPUDeviceNameRule >
 COgre::vector< GpuSharedParametersUsage >
 COgre::vector< GPUVendorRule >
 COgre::vector< HardwareAnimationData >
 COgre::vector< HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::vector< HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtrVec >
 COgre::vector< HlmsBlendblock >
 COgre::vector< HlmsCache * >
 COgre::vector< HlmsMacroblock >
 COgre::vector< HlmsProperty >
 COgre::vector< ID3D11Query * >
 COgre::vector< IdString >
 COgre::vector< Image >
 COgre::vector< IndexBufferInfo >
 COgre::vector< IndexData * >
 COgre::vector< IndirectBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< InputLayouts >
 COgre::vector< InstanceBatch * >
 COgre::vector< InstancedEntity * >
 COgre::vector< int >
 COgre::vector< int8 >
 COgre::vector< JobWithBarrier >
 COgre::vector< KeyFrame * >
 COgre::vector< KeyFrameRig >
 COgre::vector< KeyFrameRigVec::const_iterator >
 COgre::vector< LayerInstance >
 COgre::vector< Library >
 COgre::vector< LightParams >
 COgre::vector< LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource >
 COgre::vector< Listener * >
 COgre::vector< LODBucket * >
 COgre::vector< LodData::Vertex * >
 COgre::vector< LodLevel * >
 COgre::vector< LodLevel >
 COgre::vector< LogListener * >
 COgre::vector< ManualObjectSection * >
 COgre::vector< MappedRange >
 COgre::vector< MemberTypeName >
 COgre::vector< MemoryDataStreamPtr >
 COgre::vector< MergeCombination >
 COgre::vector< MeshLodUsage >
 COgre::vector< MeshVersionData * >
 COgre::vector< MetalDiscardBuffer * >
 COgre::vector< MetalFence >
 COgre::vector< MovableObject * >
 COgre::vector< MovableObjectLodChangedEvent >
 COgre::vector< NamePair >
 COgre::vector< Node * >
 COgre::vector< NodeAnimationTrack * >
 COgre::vector< NodeArrayMemoryManager >
 COgre::vector< NodeMemoryManager * >
 COgre::vector< ObjectDataArrayMemoryManager >
 COgre::vector< ObjectMemoryManager * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Aabb >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Camera * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::D3D11DeviceResource * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::D3D11VideoMode >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::D3D9Driver >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::D3D9VideoMode >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::FloatRect >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::GL3PlusFBOManager::FormatProperties::Mode >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::GLES2FBOManager::FormatProperties::Mode >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::GpuConstantDefinition >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Item * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::list< size_t >::type >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Lod0Stripifier::RemapInfo >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::LodIndexBuffer >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::LodInputBuffer::Submesh >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::LodOutputBuffer::Submesh >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Matrix4 >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ParticleAffector * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ParticleAffectorFactory * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ParticleEmitter * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ParticleEmitterFactory * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Plane >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Quaternion >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Renderable * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::RenderTarget * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::RTShader::LayeredBlending::TextureBlend >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::SceneQuery::WorldFragment * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ScriptTranslatorManager * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::SharedPtr< Ogre::D3D11Driver > >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::TexBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::Vector3 >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::ViewPoint >
 COgre::vector< Ogre::WireAabb * >
 COgre::vector< OldBone * >
 COgre::vector< Operand >
 COgre::vector< OperationType >
 COgre::vector< OutsideData >
 COgre::vector< PageContent * >
 COgre::vector< PageContentCollection * >
 COgre::vector< Param >
 COgre::vector< ParameterDef >
 COgre::vector< ParameterPtr >
 COgre::vector< Particle * >
 COgre::vector< ParticleAffector * >
 COgre::vector< ParticleEmitter * >
 COgre::vector< Pass * >
 COgre::vector< Pass >
 COgre::vector< PassCache >
 COgre::vector< PassCacheEntry >
 COgre::vector< PixelFormat >
 COgre::vector< PlanarReflectionActor * >
 COgre::vector< Plane >
 COgre::vector< PlaneBoundedVolume >
 COgre::vector< Plugin * >
 COgre::vector< Polygon * >
 COgre::vector< Pose * >
 COgre::vector< PoseRef >
 COgre::vector< Profile * >
 COgre::vector< ProfiledEdge >
 COgre::vector< ProfileInstance * >
 COgre::vector< ProfileSessionListener * >
 COgre::vector< ProgramProcessor * >
 COgre::vector< ProgramWriterFactory * >
 COgre::vector< Pso >
 COgre::vector< PsoCacheEntry >
 COgre::vector< QuadTextureSource >
 COgre::vector< QueuedGeometry * >
 COgre::vector< QueuedSubMesh * >
 COgre::vector< QueuedWorkspace >
 COgre::vector< RayHit >
 COgre::vector< RaySceneQueryResultEntry >
 COgre::vector< Real >
 COgre::vector< RenderableCache >
 COgre::vector< RenderableCacheEntry >
 COgre::vector< RenderObjectListener * >
 COgre::vector< RenderQueueListener * >
 COgre::vector< RenderState * >
 COgre::vector< RenderSystem * >
 COgre::vector< RenderTargetListener * >
 COgre::vector< RenderTexture * >
 COgre::vector< ResourceGroupListener * >
 COgre::vector< ResourceTransition >
 COgre::vector< SceneNode * >
 COgre::vector< SceneNodeBonePair >
 COgre::vector< SGPass * >
 COgre::vector< SGTechnique * >
 COgre::vector< ShaderCodeCache >
 COgre::vector< ShaderGenerator::SGPass * >
 COgre::vector< ShaderVarWithPosInBuf >
 COgre::vector< ShadowMapCamera >
 COgre::vector< ShadowTextureDefinition >
 COgre::vector< ShadowTextureParams >
 COgre::vector< SharedPtr< Texture > >
 COgre::vector< size_t >
 COgre::vector< SkeletonAnimation * >
 COgre::vector< SkeletonAnimation >
 COgre::vector< SkeletonAnimationDef >
 COgre::vector< SkeletonAnimManager * >
 COgre::vector< SkeletonTrack >
 COgre::vector< SourceCode >
 COgre::vector< StagingBuffer * >
 COgre::vector< std::pair< CHVertex *, CHVertex * > >
 COgre::vector< std::pair< String, String > >
 COgre::vector< StrideChanger >
 COgre::vector< String * >
 COgre::vector< String >
 COgre::vector< SubEntity >
 COgre::vector< SubItem >
 COgre::vector< SubMesh * >
 COgre::vector< SubRenderState * >
 COgre::vector< SubRenderStateFactory * >
 COgre::vector< TagPoint * >
 COgre::vector< Technique * >
 COgre::vector< TempRtt >
 COgre::vector< TerrainLayerBlendMap * >
 COgre::vector< TerrainLayerSampler >
 COgre::vector< TerrainLayerSamplerElement >
 COgre::vector< TexBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< TextureArray >
 COgre::vector< TextureDefinition >
 COgre::vector< TextureEntry >
 COgre::vector< TexturePtr >
 COgre::vector< TextureSlot >
 COgre::vector< TextureSource >
 COgre::vector< TextureUnitParams >
 COgre::vector< TextureUnitState * >
 COgre::vector< ThreadHandlePtr >
 COgre::vector< Threshold >
 COgre::vector< Triangle >
 COgre::vector< TriangleCache >
 COgre::vector< UavBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< UavDependency >
 COgre::vector< UINT >
 COgre::vector< uint >
 COgre::vector< uint16 >
 COgre::vector< uint32 >
 COgre::vector< uint8 * >
 COgre::vector< uint8 >
 COgre::vector< UniformParameterPtr >
 COgre::vector< UnsafeBlock >
 COgre::vector< unsigned >
 COgre::vector< ushort >
 COgre::vector< v1::HardwareCounterBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::vector< v1::HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::vector< v1::HardwareUniformBufferSharedPtr >
 COgre::vector< v1::InstanceManager * >
 COgre::vector< Vao >
 COgre::vector< Vbo >
 COgre::vector< Vector3 >
 COgre::vector< Vector4 >
 COgre::vector< Vertex >
 COgre::vector< VertexBinding >
 COgre::vector< VertexBoneAssignment >
 COgre::vector< VertexBufferPacked * >
 COgre::vector< VertexElement2 >
 COgre::vector< VertexElement2Vec >
 COgre::vector< VertexInfo >
 COgre::vector< Viewport * >
 COgre::vector< Vpl >
 COgre::vector< WireAabb * >